2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
// NotificationView+ViewModel.swift
2022-11-21 08:46:49 -05:00
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
// Created by MainasuK on 2022-1-21.
2022-11-21 08:46:49 -05:00
import os.log
import UIKit
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
import Combine
2022-11-21 08:46:49 -05:00
import Meta
import MastodonSDK
2022-11-21 08:39:08 -05:00
import MastodonAsset
import MastodonLocalization
2022-11-21 08:46:49 -05:00
import MastodonExtension
import MastodonCore
import CoreData
import CoreDataStack
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
2022-11-21 08:46:49 -05:00
extension NotificationView {
public final class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
public var disposeBag = Set<AnyCancellable>()
2022-06-30 15:02:24 +08:00
public var objects = Set<NSManagedObject>()
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
2022-05-16 19:42:03 +08:00
let logger = Logger(subsystem: "NotificationView", category: "ViewModel")
2022-12-12 16:41:13 +01:00
@Published public var context: AppContext?
2022-10-09 20:07:57 +08:00
@Published public var authContext: AuthContext?
2022-11-09 16:33:54 -05:00
@Published public var type: MastodonNotificationType?
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
@Published public var notificationIndicatorText: MetaContent?
@Published public var authorAvatarImage: UIImage?
@Published public var authorAvatarImageURL: URL?
@Published public var authorName: MetaContent?
@Published public var authorUsername: String?
2022-11-21 08:46:49 -05:00
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
@Published public var isMyself = false
@Published public var isMuting = false
@Published public var isBlocking = false
2022-11-30 16:38:31 +01:00
@Published public var isTranslated = false
2022-11-21 08:46:49 -05:00
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
@Published public var timestamp: Date?
2022-11-21 08:46:49 -05:00
2022-06-30 15:02:24 +08:00
@Published public var followRequestState = MastodonFollowRequestState(state: .none)
@Published public var transientFollowRequestState = MastodonFollowRequestState(state: .none)
2022-11-21 08:46:49 -05:00
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
let timestampUpdatePublisher = Timer.publish(every: 1.0, on: .main, in: .common)
extension NotificationView.ViewModel {
func bind(notificationView: NotificationView) {
bindAuthor(notificationView: notificationView)
bindAuthorMenu(notificationView: notificationView)
2022-06-30 15:02:24 +08:00
bindFollowRequest(notificationView: notificationView)
2022-11-09 15:50:36 -05:00
2022-12-12 16:41:13 +01:00
.assign(to: \.context, on: notificationView.statusView.viewModel)
.store(in: &disposeBag)
2022-10-09 20:07:57 +08:00
.assign(to: \.authContext, on: notificationView.statusView.viewModel)
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
.store(in: &disposeBag)
2022-10-09 20:07:57 +08:00
.assign(to: \.authContext, on: notificationView.quoteStatusView.viewModel)
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
.store(in: &disposeBag)
2022-11-21 08:46:49 -05:00
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
private func bindAuthor(notificationView: NotificationView) {
// avatar
.sink { image, url in
let configuration: AvatarImageView.Configuration = {
if let image = image {
return AvatarImageView.Configuration(image: image)
} else {
return AvatarImageView.Configuration(url: url)
notificationView.avatarButton.avatarImageView.configure(configuration: configuration)
notificationView.avatarButton.avatarImageView.configure(cornerConfiguration: .init(corner: .fixed(radius: 12)))
.store(in: &disposeBag)
// name
.sink { metaContent in
let metaContent = metaContent ?? PlaintextMetaContent(string: " ")
notificationView.authorNameLabel.configure(content: metaContent)
.store(in: &disposeBag)
// username
.map { text -> String in
guard let text = text else { return "" }
return "@\(text)"
.sink { username in
let metaContent = PlaintextMetaContent(string: username)
notificationView.authorUsernameLabel.configure(content: metaContent)
.store(in: &disposeBag)
// timestamp
2022-11-09 15:50:36 -05:00
let formattedTimestamp = Publishers.CombineLatest(
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
2022-11-09 15:50:36 -05:00
.map { timestamp, _ in
timestamp?.localizedTimeAgoSinceNow ?? ""
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
2022-11-21 08:40:04 -05:00
2022-11-09 15:50:36 -05:00
.sink { timestamp in
notificationView.dateLabel.configure(content: PlaintextMetaContent(string: timestamp))
.store(in: &disposeBag)
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
// notification type indicator
.sink { text in
if let text = text {
notificationView.notificationTypeIndicatorLabel.configure(content: text)
} else {
.store(in: &disposeBag)
2022-11-09 15:50:36 -05:00
.sink { name, username, type, timestamp in
notificationView.accessibilityLabel = [
"\(name?.string ?? "") \(type?.string ?? "")",
username.map { "@\($0)" } ?? "",
2022-11-21 08:46:49 -05:00
2022-11-09 15:50:36 -05:00
].joined(separator: ", ")
if !notificationView.statusView.isHidden {
notificationView.accessibilityLabel! += ", " + (notificationView.statusView.accessibilityLabel ?? "")
if !notificationView.quoteStatusViewContainerView.isHidden {
notificationView.accessibilityLabel! += ", " + (notificationView.quoteStatusView.accessibilityLabel ?? "")
.store(in: &disposeBag)
2022-11-09 16:33:54 -05:00
.sink { avatarImage, type in
var actions = [UIAccessibilityCustomAction]()
// these notifications can be directly actioned to view the profile
if type != .follow, type != .followRequest {
name: L10n.Common.Controls.Status.showUserProfile,
image: avatarImage
) { [weak notificationView] _ in
guard let notificationView = notificationView, let delegate = notificationView.delegate else { return false }
delegate.notificationView(notificationView, authorAvatarButtonDidPressed: notificationView.avatarButton)
return true
if type == .followRequest {
name: L10n.Common.Controls.Actions.confirm,
image: Asset.Editing.checkmark20.image
) { [weak notificationView] _ in
guard let notificationView = notificationView, let delegate = notificationView.delegate else { return false }
delegate.notificationView(notificationView, acceptFollowRequestButtonDidPressed: notificationView.acceptFollowRequestButton)
return true
name: L10n.Common.Controls.Actions.delete,
image: Asset.Circles.forbidden20.image
) { [weak notificationView] _ in
guard let notificationView = notificationView, let delegate = notificationView.delegate else { return false }
delegate.notificationView(notificationView, rejectFollowRequestButtonDidPressed: notificationView.rejectFollowRequestButton)
return true
notificationView.notificationActions = actions
.store(in: &disposeBag)
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
2022-11-21 08:46:49 -05:00
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
private func bindAuthorMenu(notificationView: NotificationView) {
2022-11-30 16:38:31 +01:00
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
2022-12-12 16:41:13 +01:00
.sink { [weak self] authorName, isMuting, isBlocking, isMyselfIsTranslated in
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
guard let name = authorName?.string else {
notificationView.menuButton.menu = nil
2022-11-21 08:46:49 -05:00
2022-12-07 16:03:52 +01:00
let (isMyself, isTranslated) = isMyselfIsTranslated
2022-11-30 16:38:31 +01:00
2022-12-12 16:41:13 +01:00
lazy var instanceConfigurationV2: Mastodon.Entity.V2.Instance.Configuration? = {
let self = self,
let context = self.context,
let authContext = self.authContext
else { return nil }
var configuration: Mastodon.Entity.V2.Instance.Configuration? = nil
context.managedObjectContext.performAndWait {
guard let authentication = authContext.mastodonAuthenticationBox.authenticationRecord.object(in: context.managedObjectContext)
else { return }
configuration = authentication.instance?.configurationV2
return configuration
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
let menuContext = NotificationView.AuthorMenuContext(
name: name,
isMuting: isMuting,
isBlocking: isBlocking,
2022-09-15 21:28:40 +08:00
isMyself: isMyself,
2022-11-30 16:38:31 +01:00
isBookmarking: false, // no bookmark action display for notification item
2022-12-12 16:41:13 +01:00
isTranslationEnabled: instanceConfigurationV2?.translation?.enabled == true,
2022-11-30 16:38:31 +01:00
isTranslated: isTranslated,
statusLanguage: ""
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
2022-11-09 16:33:54 -05:00
let (menu, actions) = notificationView.setupAuthorMenu(menuContext: menuContext)
notificationView.menuButton.menu = menu
notificationView.authorActions = actions
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
notificationView.menuButton.showsMenuAsPrimaryAction = true
2022-11-21 08:46:49 -05:00
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00
notificationView.menuButton.isHidden = menuContext.isMyself
.store(in: &disposeBag)
2022-11-21 08:46:49 -05:00
2022-06-30 15:02:24 +08:00
private func bindFollowRequest(notificationView: NotificationView) {
.sink { followRequestState, transientFollowRequestState in
switch followRequestState.state {
case .isAccept:
notificationView.rejectFollowRequestButtonShadowBackgroundContainer.isHidden = true
notificationView.acceptFollowRequestButton.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
notificationView.acceptFollowRequestButton.setImage(nil, for: .normal)
2022-06-30 15:58:09 +08:00
notificationView.acceptFollowRequestButton.setTitle(L10n.Scene.Notification.FollowRequest.accepted, for: .normal)
2022-06-30 15:02:24 +08:00
case .isReject:
notificationView.acceptFollowRequestButtonShadowBackgroundContainer.isHidden = true
notificationView.rejectFollowRequestButton.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
notificationView.rejectFollowRequestButton.setImage(nil, for: .normal)
2022-06-30 15:58:09 +08:00
notificationView.rejectFollowRequestButton.setTitle(L10n.Scene.Notification.FollowRequest.rejected, for: .normal)
2022-06-30 15:02:24 +08:00
2022-11-21 08:46:49 -05:00
2022-06-30 15:02:24 +08:00
let state = transientFollowRequestState.state
if state == .isAccepting {
notificationView.acceptFollowRequestButton.tintColor = .clear
2022-07-13 17:44:47 +08:00
notificationView.acceptFollowRequestButton.setTitleColor(.clear, for: .normal)
2022-06-30 15:02:24 +08:00
} else {
notificationView.acceptFollowRequestButton.tintColor = .white
2022-07-13 17:44:47 +08:00
notificationView.acceptFollowRequestButton.setTitleColor(.white, for: .normal)
2022-06-30 15:02:24 +08:00
if state == .isRejecting {
notificationView.rejectFollowRequestButton.tintColor = .clear
2022-07-13 17:44:47 +08:00
notificationView.rejectFollowRequestButton.setTitleColor(.clear, for: .normal)
2022-06-30 15:02:24 +08:00
} else {
2022-07-13 17:44:47 +08:00
notificationView.rejectFollowRequestButton.tintColor = .black
notificationView.rejectFollowRequestButton.setTitleColor(.black, for: .normal)
2022-06-30 15:02:24 +08:00
2022-11-21 08:46:49 -05:00
2022-06-30 15:02:24 +08:00
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3) {
if state == .isAccept {
notificationView.rejectFollowRequestButtonShadowBackgroundContainer.isHidden = true
if state == .isReject {
notificationView.acceptFollowRequestButtonShadowBackgroundContainer.isHidden = true
.store(in: &disposeBag)
2022-11-21 08:46:49 -05:00
2022-01-27 21:23:39 +08:00