package; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.text.Html; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class Instance extends BaseModel{ /** * The domain name of the instance. */ @RequiredField public String uri; /** * The title of the website. */ @RequiredField public String title; /** * Admin-defined description of the Mastodon site. */ @RequiredField public String description; /** * A shorter description defined by the admin. */ @RequiredField public String shortDescription; /** * An email that may be contacted for any inquiries. */ @RequiredField public String email; /** * The version of Mastodon installed on the instance. */ @RequiredField public String version; /** * Primary langauges of the website and its staff. */ // @RequiredField public List languages; /** * Whether registrations are enabled. */ public boolean registrations; /** * Whether registrations require moderator approval. */ public boolean approvalRequired; /** * Whether invites are enabled. */ public boolean invitesEnabled; /** * URLs of interest for clients apps. */ public Map urls; /** * Banner image for the website. */ public String thumbnail; /** * A user that can be contacted, as an alternative to email. */ public Account contactAccount; public Stats stats; public int maxTootChars; public List rules; @Override public void postprocess() throws ObjectValidationException{ super.postprocess(); if(contactAccount!=null) contactAccount.postprocess(); } @Override public String toString(){ return "Instance{"+ "uri='"+uri+'\''+ ", title='"+title+'\''+ ", description='"+description+'\''+ ", shortDescription='"+shortDescription+'\''+ ", email='"+email+'\''+ ", version='"+version+'\''+ ", languages="+languages+ ", registrations="+registrations+ ", approvalRequired="+approvalRequired+ ", invitesEnabled="+invitesEnabled+ ", urls="+urls+ ", thumbnail='"+thumbnail+'\''+ ", contactAccount="+contactAccount+ '}'; } public CatalogInstance toCatalogInstance(){ CatalogInstance ci=new CatalogInstance(); ci.domain=uri; ci.normalizedDomain=IDN.toUnicode(uri); ci.description=Html.fromHtml(shortDescription).toString().trim(); if(languages!=null){ ci.language=languages.get(0); ci.languages=languages; }else{ ci.languages=Collections.emptyList(); ci.language="unknown"; } ci.proxiedThumbnail=thumbnail; if(stats!=null) ci.totalUsers=stats.userCount; return ci; } public static class Rule implements Parcelable{ public String id; public String text; @Override public int describeContents(){ return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags){ dest.writeString(; dest.writeString(this.text); } public void readFromParcel(Parcel source){; this.text=source.readString(); } public Rule(){ } protected Rule(Parcel in){; this.text=in.readString(); } public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR=new Parcelable.Creator(){ @Override public Rule createFromParcel(Parcel source){ return new Rule(source); } @Override public Rule[] newArray(int size){ return new Rule[size]; } }; } public static class Stats implements Parcelable{ public int userCount; public int statusCount; public int domainCount; @Override public int describeContents(){ return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags){ dest.writeInt(this.userCount); dest.writeInt(this.statusCount); dest.writeInt(this.domainCount); } public void readFromParcel(Parcel source){ this.userCount=source.readInt(); this.statusCount=source.readInt(); this.domainCount=source.readInt(); } public Stats(){ } protected Stats(Parcel in){ this.userCount=in.readInt(); this.statusCount=in.readInt(); this.domainCount=in.readInt(); } public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR=new Parcelable.Creator(){ @Override public Stats createFromParcel(Parcel source){ return new Stats(source); } @Override public Stats[] newArray(int size){ return new Stats[size]; } }; } }