import React, { Component } from "react"; import { List, ListItem, ListItemText, ListSubheader, ListItemSecondaryAction, ListItemAvatar, Paper, IconButton, withStyles, Typography, CircularProgress, Button, Dialog, DialogTitle, DialogContent, DialogContentText, DialogActions, Tooltip } from "@material-ui/core"; import AssignmentIndIcon from "@material-ui/icons/AssignmentInd"; import PersonIcon from "@material-ui/icons/Person"; import PersonAddIcon from "@material-ui/icons/PersonAdd"; import DeleteIcon from "@material-ui/icons/Delete"; import { styles } from "./PageLayout.styles"; import { LinkableIconButton, LinkableAvatar } from "../interfaces/overrides"; import ForumIcon from "@material-ui/icons/Forum"; import ReplyIcon from "@material-ui/icons/Reply"; import NotificationsIcon from "@material-ui/icons/Notifications"; import Mastodon from "megalodon"; import { Notification } from "../types/Notification"; import { Account } from "../types/Account"; import { Relationship } from "../types/Relationship"; import { withSnackbar } from "notistack"; /** * The state interface for the notifications page. */ interface INotificationsPageState { /** * The list of notifications, if it exists. */ notifications?: [Notification]; /** * Whether the view is still loading. */ viewIsLoading: boolean; /** * Whether the view has loaded. */ viewDidLoad?: boolean; /** * Whether the view has loaded but in error. */ viewDidError?: boolean; /** * The error code for an errored state, if possible. */ viewDidErrorCode?: string; /** * Whether the delete confirmation dialog should be open. */ deleteDialogOpen: boolean; } /** * The notifications page. */ class NotificationsPage extends Component { /** * The Mastodon object to perform notification operations on. */ client: Mastodon; /** * The stream listener for tuning in to notifications. */ streamListener: any; /** * Construct the notifications page. * @param props The properties to pass in */ constructor(props: any) { super(props); // Create the Mastodon object. this.client = new Mastodon( localStorage.getItem("access_token") as string, localStorage.getItem("baseurl") + "/api/v1" ); // Initialize the state. this.state = { viewIsLoading: true, deleteDialogOpen: false }; } /** * Perform pre-mount tasks. */ componentWillMount() { // Get the list of notifications and update the state. this.client .get("/notifications") .then((resp: any) => { let notifications: [Notification] =; this.setState({ notifications, viewIsLoading: false, viewDidLoad: true }); }) .catch((err: Error) => { this.setState({ viewDidLoad: true, viewIsLoading: false, viewDidError: true, viewDidErrorCode: err.message }); }); } /** * Perform post-mount tasks. */ componentDidMount() { // Start listening for new notifications after fetching. this.streamNotifications(); } /** * Set up a stream listener and keep updating notifications. */ streamNotifications() { this.streamListener ="/streaming/user"); this.streamListener.on("notification", (notif: Notification) => { let notifications = this.state.notifications; if (notifications) { notifications.unshift(notif); this.setState({ notifications }); } }); } /** * Toggle the state of the delete dialog. */ toggleDeleteDialog() { this.setState({ deleteDialogOpen: !this.state.deleteDialogOpen }); } /** * Strip HTML content from a string containing HTML content. * * @param text The sanitized HTML to strip * @returns A string containing the contents of the sanitized HTML */ removeHTMLContent(text: string) { const div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = text; let innerContent = div.textContent || div.innerText || ""; if (innerContent.length > 65) innerContent = innerContent.slice(0, 65) + "..."; return innerContent; } /** * Remove a notification from the server. * @param id The notification's ID */ removeNotification(id: string) { this.client .post(`/notifications/${id}/dismiss`) .then((resp: any) => { let notifications = this.state.notifications; if (notifications !== undefined && notifications.length > 0) { notifications.forEach((notification: Notification) => { if ( notifications !== undefined && === id ) { notifications.splice( notifications.indexOf(notification), 1 ); } }); } this.setState({ notifications }); this.props.enqueueSnackbar("Notification deleted."); }) .catch((err: Error) => { this.props.enqueueSnackbar( "Couldn't delete notification: " +, { variant: "error" } ); }); } /** * Purge all notifications from the server. */ removeAllNotifications() { this.client .post("/notifications/clear") .then((resp: any) => { this.setState({ notifications: undefined }); this.props.enqueueSnackbar("All notifications deleted."); }) .catch((err: Error) => { this.props.enqueueSnackbar( "Couldn't delete notifications: " +, { variant: "error" } ); }); } /** * Render a single notification unit to be used in a list * @param notif The notification to work with. */ createNotification(notif: Notification) { const { classes } = this.props; let primary = ""; let secondary = ""; switch (notif.type) { case "follow": primary = `${notif.account.display_name || notif.account.username} is now following you!`; break; case "mention": primary = `${notif.account.display_name || notif.account.username} mentioned you in a post.`; secondary = this.removeHTMLContent( notif.status ? notif.status.content : "" ); break; case "reblog": primary = `${notif.account.display_name || notif.account.username} reblogged your post.`; secondary = this.removeHTMLContent( notif.status ? notif.status.content : "" ); break; case "favourite": primary = `${notif.account.display_name || notif.account.username} favorited your post.`; secondary = this.removeHTMLContent( notif.status ? notif.status.content : "" ); break; default: if (notif.status && notif.status.poll) { primary = "A poll you voted in or created has ended."; secondary = this.removeHTMLContent( notif.status ? notif.status.content : "" ); } else { primary = "A magical thing happened!"; } break; } return ( {secondary.slice(0, 35) + "..."} {secondary} } /> {notif.type === "follow" ? ( this.followMember(notif.account) } > ) : notif.status ? ( {notif.type === "mention" ? ( ) : null} ) : null} this.removeNotification(} > ); } /** * Follow an account from a notification if already not followed. * @param acct The account to follow, if possible */ followMember(acct: Account) { // Get the relationships for this account. this.client .get(`/accounts/relationships`, { id: }) .then((resp: any) => { // Returns a list, so grab only the first item. let relationship: Relationship =[0]; // Follow if not following already. if (relationship.following == false) { this.client .post(`/accounts/${}/follow`) .then((resp: any) => { this.props.enqueueSnackbar( "You are now following this account." ); }) .catch((err: Error) => { this.props.enqueueSnackbar( "Couldn't follow account: " +, { variant: "error" } ); console.error(err.message); }); } // Otherwise notify the user. else { this.props.enqueueSnackbar( "You already follow this account." ); } }) .catch((err: Error) => { this.props.enqueueSnackbar("Couldn't find relationship.", { variant: "error" }); }); } /** * Render the notification page. */ render() { const { classes } = this.props; return (
{this.state.viewDidLoad ? ( this.state.notifications && this.state.notifications.length > 0 ? (
Recent notifications { (notification: Notification) => { return this.createNotification( notification ); } )}
) : (
All clear! It looks like you have no notifications. Why not get the conversation going with a new post?
) ) : null} {this.state.viewDidError ? ( Bummer. Something went wrong when loading this timeline. {this.state.viewDidErrorCode ? this.state.viewDidErrorCode : ""} ) : ( )} {this.state.viewIsLoading ? (
) : ( )} this.toggleDeleteDialog()} > Delete all notifications? Are you sure you want to delete all notifications? This action cannot be undone.
); } } export default withStyles(styles)(withSnackbar(NotificationsPage));