import { MastodonEmoji } from "../types/Emojis"; import Mastodon from "megalodon"; /** * Takes a given string and replaces emoji codes with their respective image tags. * @param contents The string to replace with emojis * @param emojis The set of emojis to replace the content with * @param className The associated class for the string * @returns String with image tags for emojis */ export function emojifyString( contents: string, emojis: [MastodonEmoji], className?: any ): string { let newContents: string = contents; emojis.forEach((emoji: MastodonEmoji) => { let filter = new RegExp(`:${emoji.shortcode}:`, "g"); newContents = newContents.replace( filter, `` ); }); return newContents; } export function collectEmojisFromServer() { let client = new Mastodon( localStorage.getItem("access_token") as string, localStorage.getItem("baseurl") + "/api/v1" ); let emojisPath = localStorage.getItem("emojis"); let emojis: any[] = []; if (emojisPath === null) { client .get("/custom_emojis") .then((resp: any) => { MastodonEmoji) => { let customEmoji = { name: emoji.shortcode, emoticons: [""], short_names: [emoji.shortcode], imageUrl: emoji.static_url, keywords: ["mastodon", "custom"] }; emojis.push(customEmoji); localStorage.setItem("emojis", JSON.stringify(emojis)); }); }) .catch((err: Error) => { console.error(err.message); }); } }