Hyperspace is the fluffiest client for Mastodon and other fediverse networks written in TypeScript and React. Hyperspace offers a fun, clean, fast, and responsive design that scales beautifully across devices and enhances the fediverse experience.
To run a development version of Hyperspace, either run the `start` task from VS Code or run the following in the terminal:
npm start
The site will be hosted at `https://localhost:3000`, where you can sign in and test Hyperspace using your Mastodon account. If you have signed in before, you will be automatically logged in.
Alternatively, if you are testing the desktop version of Hyperspace, run `npm run electrify` (or `npm run electrify`, if you don't want to make another production build). Hyperspace will open in a window where you can sign in and test Hyperspace with your Mastodon account. You'll be logged in automatically if you've signed in before.
You can run any of the following commands to build a release for the desktop:
-`build-desktop`: Builds the desktop apps for all platforms (eg. Windows, macOS, Linux). Will run `npm run build` before building.
-`build-desktop-win`: Builds the desktop app for Windows without running `npm run build`.
-`build-desktop-darwin`: Builds the desktop apps for macOS (eg. disk image, Mac App Store) without running `npm run build`.
-`build-desktop-linux`: Builds the desktop apps for Linux (eg. Debian package, AppImage, and Snap) without running `npm run build`.
-`build-desktop-linux-select`: Builds the desktop app for Linux without running `npm run build`. _Target is required as a parameter._
> Note: If you are building the macOS version of Hyperspace, add your provisioning profiles and entitlements files in the `desktop` folder and ensure you have installed your developer certificates on your machine before running `build-desktop` or `build-desktop-darwin`.
> While the command will run without needing the signature, it is recommended that you make a signed copy to protect users.
The built files will be available under `dist` that can be uploaded to your app distributor or website.
Contrubition guidelines are available in the [contributing file](.github/contributing.md) and when you make an issue/pull request. Additionally, you can access our [Code of Conduct](.github/code_of_conduct.md).
If you want to aid the project in other ways, consider supporting the project on [Patreon](https://patreon.com/marquiskurt). You can also [view all of our contributors](patreon.md) that help make Hyperspace possible.