
134 lines
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<div class='banner {policy_enabled?'enabled':'disabled'}'>
<div class='btn-group right'>
<button class='btn {policy_enabled?"secondary":"primary"}' on:click={toggle}>{policy_enabled?'Disable':'Enable'}</button>
Forget is currently
{#if policy_enabled }
on your account.
<div class='timers'>
<span class='last-delete' class:hidden={!last_delete} title={last_delete}>
{#if last_delete }
Last delete {rel_past(now - last_delete)}.
{/if }
<span class='next-delete'
class:hidden={!policy_enabled || !next_delete || !eligible_for_delete_estimate} title={next_delete}>
Next delete {rel_future(next_delete - now)}.
.timers {
font-size: 0.8em;
.timers > * {
transition-property: opacity, transform;
transition-duration: 0.4s;
display: inline-block;
.timers > .hidden {
opacity: 0;
transform: translateY(-0.3em);
pointer-events: none;
.banner {
transition: background-color 0.6s;
function absmod(n, x){
// it's like modulo but never negative
n = n % x;
if(n < 0){
n += x
return n
function s(n){
// utility for plurals
if(n > 1){
return 's';
return '';
function rel(millis){
// returns human-readable duration from duration in millis
let secs = Math.round(millis/1000)
if(secs <= 120){
return `${secs} seconds`;
let mins = Math.round(secs/60);
if(mins <= 60){
return `${mins} minute${s(mins)}`;
let hours = Math.floor(mins/60);
mins = mins % 60;
if(hours < 6){
return `${hours}h ${mins}m`;
if(hours <= 48){
return `${hours} hour${s(hours)}`;
let days = Math.round(hours/24);
return `${days} days`;
function rel_future(millis){
// returns relative time from timestamp, assuming time is in the future
if(millis < 2000){
let secs = Math.floor(millis/1000)
let ndots = absmod(-secs, 3);
let out = 'anytime now';
for(; ndots > 0; ndots--){
out += '.';
return out;
return `in ${rel(millis)}`;
function rel_past(millis){
// returns relative time from timestamp, assuming time is in the past
if(millis < 2000){
return 'just now';
return `${rel(millis)} ago`;
import { onDestroy, createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
function toggle(){
policy_enabled = !policy_enabled;
next_delete = null;
dispatch('toggle', policy_enabled);
export let next_delete, last_delete, eligible_for_delete_estimate;
export let policy_enabled = false;
let now = +(new Date());
let interval = setInterval(() =>
now = +(new Date())
, 1000 );
onDestroy(()=> clearInterval(interval));