from app import db, sentry from model import MisskeyApp, MisskeyInstance, Account, OAuthToken from uuid import uuid4 from hashlib import sha256 from libforget.exceptions import TemporaryError, PermanentError from libforget.session import make_session def get_or_create_app(instance_url, callback, website, session): instance_url = instance_url app = MisskeyApp.query.get(instance_url) if not app: # check if the instance uses https while getting instance infos try: r ='https://{}/api/meta'.format(instance_url)) r.raise_for_status() proto = 'https' except Exception: r ='http://{}/api/meta'.format(instance_url)) r.raise_for_status() proto = 'http' # check if miauth is available or we have to use legacy auth miauth = 'miauth' in r.json()['features'] app = MisskeyApp() app.instance = instance_url app.protocol = proto app.miauth = miauth if miauth: # apps do not have to be registered for miauth app.client_secret = None else: # register the app r ='{}://{}/api/app/create'.format(app.protocol, app.instance), json = { 'name': 'forget', 'description': website, 'permission': ['read:favorites', 'write:notes'], 'callbackUrl': callback }) r.raise_for_status() app.client_secret = r.json()['secret'] return app def login_url(app, callback, session): if app.miauth: return "{}://{}/miauth/{}?name=forget&callback={}&permission=read:favorites,write:notes".format(app.protocol, app.instance, uuid4(), callback) else: # will use the callback we gave the server in `get_or_create_app` r ='{}://{}/api/auth/session/generate'.format(app.protocol, app.instance), json = { 'appSecret': app.client_secret }) r.raise_for_status() # we already get the retrieval token here, but we get it again later so # we do not have to store it return r.json()['url'] def receive_token(token, app): session = make_session() if app.miauth: r = session.get('{}://{}/api/miauth/{}/check'.format(app.protocol, app.instance, token)) r.raise_for_status() token = r.json()['token'] acc = account_from_user(r.json()['user']) acc = db.session.merge(acc) token = OAuthToken(token = r.json()['token']) token = db.session.merge(token) token.account = acc else: r ='{}://{}/api/auth/session/userkey'.format(app.protocol, app.instance), json = { 'appSecret': app.client_secret, 'token': token }) r.raise_for_status() token = sha256(r.json()['accessToken'].encode('utf-8') + app.client_secret.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() acc = account_from_user(r.json()['user']) acc = db.session.merge(acc) token = OAuthToken(token = token) token = db.session.merge(token) token.account = acc return token def check_auth(account, app, session): if app.miauth: r = session.get('{}://{}/api/miauth/{}/check'.format(app.protocol, app.instance, account.token)) if r.status_code != 200: raise TemporaryError("{} {}".format(r.status_code, r.body)) if not r.json()['ok']: if sentry: sentry.captureMessage( 'Misskey auth revoked or incorrect', extra=locals()) db.session.delete(token) db.session.commit() raise PermanentError("Misskey auth revoked") else: # there is no such check for legacy auth, instead we check if we can # get the user info r ='{}://{}/api/i'.format(app.protocol, app.instance), json = {'i': account.token}) if r.status_code != 200: raise TemporaryError("{} {}".format(r.status_code, r.body)) if r.json()['isSuspended']: # this is technically a temporary error, but like for twitter # its handled as permanent to not make useless API calls raise PermanentError("Misskey account suspended") def account_from_user(user): return Account( misskey_instance=user['host'], misskey_id=user['id'], screen_name='{}@{}'.format(user['username'], user['host']), display_name=obj['name'], avatar_url=obj['avatarUrl'], reported_post_count=obj['notesCount'], ) def post_from_api_object(obj): return Post( misskey_instance=user['host'], misskey_id=user['id'], favourite=obj['myReaction'] is not None, has_media=('fileIds' in obj and bool(obj['fileIds'])), created_at=obj['createdAt'], author_id=account_from_user(obj['user']).id, direct=obj['visibility'] == 'specified', is_reblog=obj['renoteId'] is not None, ) def fetch_posts(acc, max_id, since_id): app = MisskeyApp.query.get(acc.misskey_instance) session = make_session() check_auth(acc, app, session) if not verify_credentials(acc, app): raise PermanentError() try: kwargs = dict(limit=40) if max_id: kwargs['untilId'] = max_id if since_id: kwargs['sinceId'] = since_id notes ='{}://{}/api/users/notes'.format(app.protocol, app.misskey_instance), json=kwargs) notes.raise_for_status() return [post_from_api_object(status) for note in notes.json()] except Exception as e: raise TemporaryError(e) def refresh_posts(posts): acc = posts[0].author app = MisskeyApp.query.get(acc.misskey_instance) session = make_session() check_auth(acc, app, session) new_posts = list() with db.session.no_autoflush: for post in posts: print('Refreshing {}'.format(post)) r ='{}://{}/api/notes/show'.format(app.protocol, app.misskey_instance), json={ 'noteId': post.misskey_id }) if r.status_code != 200: try: if r.json()['error']['code'] == 'NO_SUCH_NOTE': db.session.delete(post) continue except Exception as e: raise TemporaryError(e) raise TemporaryError('{} {}'.format(r.status_code, r.body)) new_post = db.session.merge(post_from_api_object(r.json())) new_post.touch() new_posts.append(new_post) return new_posts def delete(post): app = MisskeyApp.query.get(post.misskey_instance) session = make_session() if not app: # how? if this happens, it doesnt make sense to repeat it, # so use a permanent error raise PermanentError("instance not registered for delete") r ='{}://{}/api/notes/delete'.format(app.protocol, app.misskey_instance), json = { 'noteId': post.misskey_id }) if r.status_code != 204: raise TemporaryError("{} {}".format(r.status_code, r.body)) db.session.delete(post) def suggested_instances(limit=5, min_popularity=5, blocklist=tuple()): return tuple((ins.instance for ins in ( MisskeyInstance.query .filter(MisskeyInstance.popularity > min_popularity) .filter(~MisskeyInstance.instance.in_(blocklist)) .order_by(db.desc(MisskeyInstance.popularity), MisskeyInstance.instance) .limit(limit).all())))