""" this is an example config file for Forget copy this file to config.py before editing """ """ DATABASE URI determines where to connect to the database see http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/engines.html#database-urls for syntax only postgresql with psycopg2 driver is officially supported """ SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI='postgresql+psycopg2:///forget' """ TWITTER CREDENTIALS get these at apps.twitter.com blah """ TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY='vdsvdsvds' TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET='hjklhjklhjkl' """ this will be necessary so we can tell twitter where to redirect """ SERVER_NAME="localhost:5000" CELERY_BROKER='amqp://' HTTPS=True # SENTRY_DSN='https://foo:bar@sentry.io/69420' """ you can also use any config variable that flask expects here, such as """ # SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE=True # DEBUG=True