""" this is an example config file for Forget copy this file to config.py before editing """ """ DATABASE URI determines where to connect to the database see http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/engines.html#database-urls for syntax only postgresql with psycopg2 driver is officially supported """ SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI='postgresql+psycopg2:///forget' """ TWITTER CREDENTIALS get these at apps.twitter.com blah """ TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY='vdsvdsvds' TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET='hjklhjklhjkl' """ this will be necessary so we can tell twitter where to redirect """ SERVER_NAME="localhost:5000" CELERY_BROKER='amqp://' HTTPS=True # SENTRY_DSN='https://foo:bar@sentry.io/69420' ''' you can set this to memory:// if you only have one web process or if you don't care about people exhausting your twitter api key and your celery workers by making hundreds of login requests and uploading hundreds of bogus tweet archives docs here ''' RATELIMIT_STORAGE_URL='redis://' """ you can also use any config variable that flask expects here, such as """ # SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE=True # DEBUG=True