""" this is an example config file for Forget copy this file to config.py before editing lines starting with # demonstrate default or example values the # should be removed before editing """ """ DATABASE URI determines where to connect to the database see for syntax only postgresql with psycopg2 driver is officially supported """ SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI='postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:postgres@forget-db/forget' """ REDIS URI see for syntax reference """ REDIS_URI='redis://forget-redis' """ SERVER ADDRESS This is the address at which forget will be reached. External services will redirect to this address when logging in. """ # SERVER_NAME="" # HTTPS=True """ TWITTER CREDENTIALS Apply for api keys on the developer portal When prompted for it, your callback URL is {SERVER_NAME}/login/twitter/callback """ # TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY='yN3DUNVO0Me63IAQdhTfCA' # TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET='c768oTKdzAjIYCmpSNIdZbGaG0t6rOhSFQP0S5uC79g' """ SENTRY If you want to send exceptions to sentry, enter your sentry DSN here """ # SENTRY_DSN='' """ HIDDEN INSTANCES The front page shows one-click login buttons for the mastodon and misskey instances that see the most heavy use. Instances configured in this list will be prevented from appearing in these buttons. They will still appear if a user has previously logged into them and their browser remembers it. A user will still be able to log into them by manually typing the address into the log in form. This is a space-delimited list. Example syntax: HIDDEN_INSTANCES='social.example.com pleroma.example.net mk.example.org' """ # HIDDEN_INSTANCES='' """ ADVANCED FLASK CONFIG you can also use any config variable that flask expects here A list of these config variables is available here: """ # SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE=True # DEBUG=True