# Forget ![User count](https://forget.codl.fr/api/badge/users) ![Maintenance status](https://img.shields.io/maintenance/yes/2017.svg) [![Build status](https://img.shields.io/travis/codl/forget.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/codl/forget/) [![Test coverage](https://img.shields.io/coveralls/codl/forget.svg)](https://coveralls.io/github/codl/forget) [![Code quality](https://img.shields.io/codacy/grade/1780ac6071c04cbd9ccf75de0891e798.svg)](https://www.codacy.com/app/codl/forget?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=codl/forget&utm_campaign=badger) [![Dependencies status](https://img.shields.io/librariesio/github/codl/forget.svg)](https://libraries.io/github/codl/forget) Forget is a post deleting service for Twitter and Mastodon. It lives at . [![](assets/screenshot.png)](https://forget.codl.fr) ## Running your own ### Requirements * Postgresql * Redis * Python 3.6+ * Yarn or NPM ### Set up venv Setting up a venv will isolate Forget from your system's libraries and allow you to install dependencies locally as a normal user. It's not necessary but it is recommended! ``` $ python -m venv venv $ source venv/bin/activate ``` If you're using `zsh` or `fish` as a shell, substitute `venv/bin/activate` with `venv/bin/activate.zsh` or `venv/bin/activate.fish`, respectively. You will need to "activate" the venv in every new terminal before you can use pip or any python tools included in dependencies (honcho, flask...) ### Download and install dependencies ``` $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ yarn || npm install ``` Wow!! Exciting ### Create and complete config file Gotta set up those, paths, and stuff. ``` $ cp config.example.py config.py $ $EDITOR config.py ``` ### Set up database schema If you haven't started postgresql yet now would be a great time to do that. ``` $ createdb forget # if you havent created the DB yet $ env FLASK_APP=forget.py flask db upgrade ``` ### Build static assets Gonna do it...! ``` $ doit ``` Done did it. ### Running The included `Procfile` will run the app server and the background worker. `honcho`, a `Procfile` runner, is included as a dependency: ``` $ honcho start ``` The application server will listen on ``. You'll want to use your favourite web server to proxy traffic to it. This author suggests Caddy. ### Development For development, you may want to use `Procfile.dev`, which starts flask in debug mode and rebuilds the static assets automatically when they change ``` $ honcho -f Procfile.dev start ``` Or you could just look at `Procfile.dev` and run those things manually. It's up to you. You can run the (currently very incomplete) test suite by running `pytest`. You'll need redis installed on your development machine, a temporary redis server will be started and shut down automatically by the test suite. --- Sponsor --- If you're having trouble with Forget, or if you're not having trouble but you just want to tell me you like it, you can drop me a note at [@codl](https://twitter.com/codl) or [codl@codl.fr](mailto:codl@codl.fr). Thanks for reading this readme.