from celery import Celery, Task from app import app as flaskapp from app import db from model import Session, Account, TwitterArchive, Post, OAuthToken,\ MastodonInstance import libforget.twitter import libforget.mastodon from datetime import timedelta, datetime, timezone from zipfile import ZipFile from io import BytesIO, TextIOWrapper import json from kombu import Queue import version from libforget.exceptions import PermanentError, TemporaryError import redis from functools import wraps import pickle app = Celery( 'tasks', broker=flaskapp.config['CELERY_BROKER'], task_serializer='pickle', task_soft_time_limit=600, task_time_limit=1200, ) app.conf.task_queues = ( Queue('default', routing_key='celery'), Queue('high_prio', routing_key='high'), Queue('higher_prio', routing_key='higher'), ) app.conf.task_default_queue = 'default' app.conf.task_default_exchange = 'celery' app.conf.task_default_exchange_type = 'direct' sentry = None if 'SENTRY_DSN' in flaskapp.config: from raven import Client from raven.contrib.celery import register_signal, register_logger_signal sentry = Client( flaskapp.config['SENTRY_DSN'], release=version.get_versions()['version']) register_logger_signal(sentry) register_signal(sentry) class DBTask(Task): def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): try: super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) finally: db.session.close() app.Task = DBTask r = None def unique(fun): global r if not r: r = redis.StrictRedis.from_url(flaskapp.config['REDIS_URI']) @wraps(fun) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): key = 'celery_unique_lock:{}'.format( pickle.dumps((fun.__name__, args, kwargs))) has_lock = False result = None try: if r.set(key, 1, nx=True, ex=60 * 5): has_lock = True result = fun(*args, **kwargs) finally: if has_lock: r.delete(key) return result return wrapper def noop(*args, **kwargs): pass def make_dormant(acc): acc.reason = ''' Your account was temporarily disabled because your {service} account was suspended or otherwise inaccessible. By logging into it, you have reactivated your account, but be aware that some posts may be missing from Forget's database, and it may take some time to get back in sync. '''.format(service=acc.service) acc.dormant = True @app.task(autoretry_for=(TemporaryError, )) @unique def fetch_acc(id_): account = Account.query.get(id_) print("Fetching {}".format(account)) try: if not account.fetch_history_complete: oldest = (db.session.query(Post) .with_parent(account, 'posts') .order_by(db.asc(Post.created_at)) .first()) # ^ None if this is our first fetch ever, otherwise the oldest post if oldest: max_id = oldest.remote_id else: max_id = None since_id = None elif account.fetch_current_batch_end: oldest = (db.session.query(Post) .with_parent(account, 'posts') .filter(Post.created_at > account.fetch_current_batch_end.created_at) .order_by(db.asc(Post.created_at)) .first()) # ^ None if this is our first fetch of this batch, otherwise oldest of this batch if oldest: max_id = oldest.remote_id else: max_id = None since_id = account.fetch_current_batch_end.remote_id else: # we shouldn't get here unless the user had no posts on the service last time we fetched max_id = None latest = (db.session.query(Post) .with_parent(account, 'posts') .order_by(db.desc(Post.created_at)) .limit(1) .scalar()) # ^ should be None considering the user has no posts # will be the latest post in the off chance that something goes weird if latest: since_id = latest.remote_id else: since_id = None fetch_posts = noop if (account.service == 'twitter'): fetch_posts = libforget.twitter.fetch_posts elif (account.service == 'mastodon'): fetch_posts = libforget.mastodon.fetch_posts posts = fetch_posts(account, max_id, since_id) if posts is None: # ??? raise TemporaryError("Fetching posts went horribly wrong") if len(posts) == 0: # we either finished the historic fetch # or we finished the current batch account.fetch_history_complete = True batch_end = (Post.query.with_parent(account, 'posts').order_by( db.desc(Post.created_at)).first()) if batch_end: account.fetch_current_batch_end_id = else: account.fetch_current_batch_end_id = None db.session.commit() else: for post in posts: db.session.merge(post) db.session.commit() if not account.fetch_history_complete: # reschedule immediately if we're still doing the historic fetch fetch_acc.apply_async((id_,)) except TemporaryError: db.session.rollback() account.backoff() except PermanentError: db.session.rollback() make_dormant(account) if sentry: sentry.captureException() finally: db.session.rollback() account.touch_fetch() db.session.commit() @app.task() def import_twitter_archive_month(archive_id, month_path): ta = TwitterArchive.query.get(archive_id) try: with ZipFile(BytesIO(ta.body), 'r') as zipfile: with TextIOWrapper(, 'r')) as f: # seek past header f.readline() tweets = json.load(f) for tweet in tweets: post = libforget.twitter.post_from_api_tweet_object(tweet) existing_post = db.session.query(Post).get( if post.author_id != ta.account_id or\ existing_post and existing_post.author_id != ta.account_id: raise Exception("Shenanigans!") post = db.session.merge(post) ta.chunks_successful = TwitterArchive.chunks_successful + 1 db.session.commit() except Exception as e: db.session.rollback() ta.chunks_failed = TwitterArchive.chunks_failed + 1 db.session.commit() raise e @app.task() @unique def delete_from_account(account_id): account = Account.query.get(account_id) if account.next_delete > return latest_n_posts = (Post.query.with_parent(account, 'posts').order_by( db.desc(Post.created_at)).limit(account.policy_keep_latest) .cte(name='latest')) posts = ( Post.query.with_parent(account, 'posts') .filter(Post.created_at + account.policy_keep_younger <= .filter(, )))).order_by( db.func.random()).limit(100).all()) to_delete = None def is_eligible(post): return (post.is_reblog or ( (account.policy_keep_favourites == 'none' or (account.policy_keep_favourites == 'keeponly' and not post.favourite) or (account.policy_keep_favourites == 'deleteonly' and post.favourite)) and (account.policy_keep_media == 'none' or (account.policy_keep_media == 'keeponly' and not post.has_media) or (account.policy_keep_media == 'deleteonly' and post.has_media)) and (not account.policy_keep_direct or not try: action = noop if account.service == 'twitter': action = libforget.twitter.delete posts = refresh_posts(posts) to_delete = next(filter(is_eligible, posts), None) elif account.service == 'mastodon': action = libforget.mastodon.delete for post in posts: refreshed = refresh_posts((post, )) if refreshed and is_eligible(refreshed[0]): to_delete = refreshed[0] break if to_delete: print("Deleting {}".format(to_delete)) account.touch_delete() action(to_delete) account.reset_backoff() else: account.next_delete = + timedelta(minutes=3) except TemporaryError: db.session.rollback() account.backoff() finally: db.session.commit() def refresh_posts(posts): posts = list(posts) if len(posts) == 0: return [] if posts[0].service == 'twitter': return libforget.twitter.refresh_posts(posts) elif posts[0].service == 'mastodon': return libforget.mastodon.refresh_posts(posts) @app.task() @unique def refresh_account(account_id): account = Account.query.get(account_id) print("Refreshing account {}".format(account)) try: limit = 100 if account.service == 'mastodon': limit = 3 posts = (Post.query.with_parent(account, 'posts').order_by( db.asc(Post.updated_at)).limit(limit).all()) posts = refresh_posts(posts) account.touch_refresh() account.reset_backoff() except TemporaryError: db.session.rollback() account.backoff() except PermanentError: db.session.rollback() make_dormant(account) if sentry: sentry.captureException() except Exception as e: db.session.rollback() account.backoff() db.session.commit() raise e finally: db.session.commit() @app.task @unique def periodic_cleanup(): # delete sessions after 48 hours (Session.query.filter( Session.updated_at < ( - timedelta(hours=48))) .delete(synchronize_session=False)) # delete twitter archives after 3 days (TwitterArchive.query.filter( TwitterArchive.updated_at < ( - timedelta(days=3))) .delete(synchronize_session=False)) # delete anonymous oauth tokens after 1 day (OAuthToken.query.filter( OAuthToken.updated_at < ( - timedelta(days=1))).filter( OAuthToken.account_id == None) # noqa: E711 .delete(synchronize_session=False)) # disable and log out users with no tokens unreachable = ( Account.query.outerjoin(Account.tokens) .group_by(Account).having(db.func.count(OAuthToken.token) == 0) .filter(Account.policy_enabled == True)) # noqa: E712 for account in unreachable: account.force_log_out() account.policy_enabled = False account.reason = """ Your account was disabled because Forget no longer had access to your {service} account. Perhaps you had revoked it? By logging in, you have restored access and you can now re-enable Forget if you wish. """.format(service=account.service.capitalize()) db.session.commit() @app.task @unique def queue_fetch_for_most_stale_accounts( min_staleness=timedelta(minutes=2), limit=20): accs = (Account.query.join(Account.tokens).group_by(Account) .filter(Account.last_fetch < - min_staleness) .filter(Account.backoff_until < .filter(~Account.dormant).order_by(db.asc( Account.last_fetch)).limit(limit)) for acc in accs: fetch_acc.s( db.session.commit() @app.task @unique def queue_deletes(): eligible_accounts = ( Account.query.filter(Account.policy_enabled == True) # noqa: E712 .filter(Account.next_delete < .filter(Account.backoff_until < .filter(~Account.dormant)) for account in eligible_accounts: delete_from_account.s( @app.task @unique def refresh_account_with_oldest_post(): post = (Post.query.outerjoin( .filter(Account.backoff_until < .filter(~Account.dormant).group_by(Post).order_by( db.asc(Post.updated_at)).first()) if post: refresh_account(post.author_id) @app.task @unique def refresh_account_with_longest_time_since_refresh(): acc = (Account.query.join(Account.tokens).group_by(Account) .filter(Account.backoff_until < .filter(~Account.dormant).order_by(db.asc( Account.last_refresh)).first()) if acc: refresh_account( @app.task def update_mastodon_instances_popularity(): # bump score for each active account for acct in (Account.query.options(db.joinedload(Account.sessions)) .filter(~Account.dormant).filter('mastodon:%'))): instance = MastodonInstance.query.get(acct.mastodon_instance) if not instance: instance = MastodonInstance( instance=acct.mastodon_instance, popularity=10) db.session.add(instance) amount = 0.01 if acct.policy_enabled: amount = 0.5 for _ in acct.sessions: amount += 0.1 instance.bump(amount / max(1, instance.popularity)) # normalise scores so the top is 20 top_pop = (db.session.query(db.func.max(MastodonInstance.popularity)) .scalar()) MastodonInstance.query.update({ MastodonInstance.popularity: MastodonInstance.popularity * 20 / top_pop }) db.session.commit() app.add_periodic_task(40, queue_fetch_for_most_stale_accounts) app.add_periodic_task(9, queue_deletes) app.add_periodic_task(25, refresh_account_with_oldest_post) app.add_periodic_task(50, refresh_account_with_longest_time_since_refresh) app.add_periodic_task(300, periodic_cleanup) app.add_periodic_task(300, update_mastodon_instances_popularity) if __name__ == '__main__': app.worker_main()