const SLOTS = 5; import {known_load, known_save} from './known_instances.js'; (function instance_buttons(){ const container = document.querySelector('#mastodon_instance_buttons'); const button_template = Function('first', 'instance', 'return `' + document.querySelector('#instance_button_template').innerHTML + '`;'); const another_button_template = Function( 'return `' + document.querySelector('#another_instance_button_template').innerHTML + '`;'); const top_instances = Function('return JSON.parse(`' + document.querySelector('#top_instances').innerHTML + '`);')(); async function get_known(){ let known = known_load(); if(!known){ let resp = await fetch('/api/known_instances'); if(resp.ok && resp.headers.get('content-type') == 'application/json'){ known = await resp.json(); } else { known = [{ "instance": "", "hits": 0 }]; } known_save(known) fetch('/api/known_instances', {method: 'DELETE'}) } return known; } function normalize(known){ /* move instances with the most hits to the top SLOTS slots, making sure not to reorder anything that is already there */ let head = known.slice(0, SLOTS); let tail = known.slice(SLOTS); if(tail.length == 0){ return known; } for(let i = 0; i < SLOTS; i++){ let head_min = head.reduce((acc, cur) => acc.hits < cur.hits ? acc : cur); let tail_max = tail.reduce((acc, cur) => acc.hits > cur.hits ? acc : cur); if(head_min.hits < tail_max.hits){ // swappy let i = head.indexOf(head_min); let j = tail.indexOf(tail_max); let buf = head[i]; head[i] = tail[j]; tail[j] = buf; } } return head.concat(tail) } async function replace_buttons(){ let known = await get_known(); known = normalize(known); known_save(known); let filtered_top_instances = [] for(let instance of top_instances){ let found = false; for(let k of known){ if(k['instance'] == instance){ found = true; break; } } if(!found){ filtered_top_instances.push(instance) } } let instances = known.concat(filtered_top_instances).slice(0, SLOTS); let html = ''; let first = true; for(let instance of instances){ html += button_template(first, instance['instance']) first = false; } html += another_button_template(); container.innerHTML = html; } replace_buttons(); })();