{% from 'lib/interval.html' import interval_input -%}
{% extends 'lib/layout.html' %}
{% block scripts %}
{% endblock %}
{% block body -%}
Currently keeping track of {{ post_count }} of your posts, roughly {{ g.viewer.account.estimate_eligible_for_delete() }} of which currently match your expiration rules.
{% if g.viewer.account.service == 'twitter' and g.viewer.account.reported_post_count and post_count < g.viewer.account.reported_post_count * 3/4 and g.viewer.account.reported_post_count > 3200 -%} {% endif %}Twitter's API only lets us access up to 3200 of your most recent tweets. If you have more tweets than that, you can request a zip archive of your tweets from Twitter's settings page, and upload it here.
{% if tweet_archive_failed %} {% endif %} {% if g.viewer.account.twitter_archives %}