#!/usr/bin/env python3 # vim:ts=4:sw=4:ft=python:fileencoding=utf-8 # Copyright © 2015-2017 Carl Chenet # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see """Checks an RSS feed and posts new entries to Mastodon.""" # standard libraires imports import codecs import importlib import logging import logging.handlers import sys # app libraries imports from feed2toot.addtags import AddTags from feed2toot.cliparse import CliParse from feed2toot.confparse import ConfParse from feed2toot.filterentry import FilterEntry from feed2toot.removeduplicates import RemoveDuplicates from feed2toot.tootpost import TootPost from feed2toot.feedcache import FeedCache class Main: '''Main class of Feed2toot''' def __init__(self): self.main() def setup_logging(self, options): if options.syslog: sl = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address='/dev/log') sl.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('feed2toot[%(process)d]: %(message)s')) # convert syslog argument to a numeric value loglevel = getattr(logging, options.syslog.upper(), None) if not isinstance(loglevel, int): raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % loglevel) sl.setLevel(loglevel) logging.getLogger('').addHandler(sl) logging.debug('configured syslog level %s' % loglevel) logging.getLogger('').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) sh = logging.StreamHandler() sh.setLevel(options.log_level.upper()) logging.getLogger('').addHandler(sh) logging.debug('configured stdout level %s' % sh.level) def main(self): """The main function.""" clip = CliParse() clioptions = clip.options self.setup_logging(clioptions) # iterating over the different configuration files cfgp = ConfParse(clioptions) confs = cfgp.confvalues for conf in confs: options = conf[0] config = conf[1] tweetformat = conf[2] feeds = conf[3] plugins = conf[4] # create link to the persistent list cache = FeedCache(options) if 'hashtaglist' in options and options['hashtaglist']: severalwordshashtags = codecs.open(options['hashtaglist'], encoding='utf-8').readlines() severalwordshashtags = [i.rstrip('\n') for i in severalwordshashtags] else: severalwordshashtags = [] # reverse feed entries because most recent one should be sent as the last one in Mastodon for feed in feeds: # store the patterns by rss if 'patterns' in feed: patterns = feed['patterns'] entries = feed['feed']['entries'][0:clioptions.limit] entries.reverse() # --rss-sections option: print rss sections and exit if clioptions.rsssections: if entries: print('The following sections are available in this RSS feed: {}'.format([j for j in entries[0]])) sys.exit(0) else: sys.exit('Could not parse the section of the rss feed') totweet = [] # cache the ids of last rss feeds if not clioptions.all: for i in entries: if 'id' in i: if i['id'] not in cache.getdeque(): totweet.append(i) elif 'guid' in i: if i['guid'] not in cache.getdeque(): totweet.append(i) else: # if id or guid not in the entry, use link if i['link'] not in cache.getdeque(): totweet.append(i) else: totweet = entries for entry in totweet: if 'id' in entry: logging.debug('found feed entry {entryid}'.format(entryid=entry['id'])) rss = { 'id': entry['id'], } elif 'guid' in entry: logging.debug('found feed entry {entryid}'.format(entryid=entry['guid'])) rss = { 'id': entry['guid'], } else: logging.debug('found feed entry {entryid}'.format(entryid=entry['link'])) rss = { 'id': entry['link'], } severalwordsinhashtag = False # lets see if the rss feed has hashtag if 'tags' in entry: hastags = True else: hastags = False if hastags: rss['hashtags'] = [] for i, _ in enumerate(entry['tags']): if 'hashtaglist' in options: prehashtags = entry['tags'][i]['term'] tmphashtags = entry['tags'][i]['term'] for element in severalwordshashtags: if element in prehashtags: severalwordsinhashtag = True tmphashtags = prehashtags.replace(element, ''.join(element.split())) # replace characters stopping a word from being a hashtag if severalwordsinhashtag: # remove ' from hashtag tmphashtags = tmphashtags.replace("'", "") # remove - from hashtag tmphashtags = tmphashtags.replace("-", "") # remove . from hashtag tmphashtags = tmphashtags.replace(".", "") # remove space from hashtag finalhashtags = tmphashtags.replace(" ", "") rss['hashtags'].append('#{}'.format(finalhashtags)) else: nospace = ''.join(entry['tags'][i]['term']) # remove space from hashtag nospace = nospace.replace(" ", "") rss['hashtags'].append('#{}'.format(nospace)) elements = [] for i in tweetformat.split(' '): tmpelement = '' # if i is not an empty string if i: if i.startswith('{') and i.endswith('}'): tmpelement = i.strip('{}') elements.append(tmpelement) # match elements of the tweet format string with available element in the RSS feed fe = FilterEntry(elements, entry, options, feed['patterns'], feed['rssobject'], feed['feedname']) entrytosend = fe.finalentry if entrytosend: tweetwithnotag = tweetformat.format(**entrytosend) # remove duplicates from the final tweet dedup = RemoveDuplicates(tweetwithnotag) # only append hashtags if they exist # remove last tags if tweet too long if 'hashtags' in rss: addtag = AddTags(dedup.finaltweet, rss['hashtags']) finaltweet = addtag.finaltweet else: finaltweet = dedup.finaltweet if clioptions.dryrun: if entrytosend: logging.warning('Would toot with visibility "{visibility}": {toot}'.format( toot=finaltweet, visibility=config.get( 'mastodon', 'toot_visibility', fallback='public'))) else: logging.debug('This rss entry did not meet pattern criteria. Should have not been sent') else: storeit = True if entrytosend and not clioptions.populate: logging.debug('Tooting with visibility "{visibility}": {toot}'.format( toot=finaltweet, visibility=config.get( 'mastodon', 'toot_visibility', fallback='public'))) twp = TootPost(config, finaltweet) storeit = twp.storeit() else: logging.debug('populating RSS entry {}'.format(rss['id'])) # in both cas we store the id of the sent tweet if storeit: cache.append(rss['id']) # plugins if plugins and entrytosend: for plugin in plugins: capitalizedplugin = plugin.title() pluginclassname = '{plugin}Plugin'.format(plugin=capitalizedplugin) pluginmodulename = 'feed2toot.plugins.{pluginmodule}'.format(pluginmodule=pluginclassname.lower()) try: pluginmodule = importlib.import_module(pluginmodulename) pluginclass = getattr(pluginmodule, pluginclassname) pluginclass(plugins[plugin], finaltweet) except ImportError as err: print(err) # do not forget to close cache (shelf object) cache.close()