
510 lines
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package com.github.vkay94.dtpv.youtube
import android.content.Context
import android.media.session.PlaybackState
import android.util.AttributeSet
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View
import android.widget.TextView
import androidx.annotation.*
import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout
import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintSet
import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat
import androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat
import androidx.media3.common.Player
import com.github.vkay94.dtpv.DoubleTapPlayerView
import com.github.vkay94.dtpv.PlayerDoubleTapListener
import com.github.vkay94.dtpv.R
import com.github.vkay94.dtpv.SeekListener
import com.github.vkay94.dtpv.youtube.views.CircleClipTapView
import com.github.vkay94.dtpv.youtube.views.SecondsView
* Overlay for [DoubleTapPlayerView] to create a similar UI/UX experience like the official
* YouTube Android app.
* The overlay has the typical YouTube scaling circle animation and provides some configurations
* which can't be accomplished with the regular Android Ripple (I didn't find any options in the
* documentation ...).
class YouTubeOverlay(context: Context, private val attrs: AttributeSet?) :
ConstraintLayout(context, attrs), PlayerDoubleTapListener {
private var rootLayout: ConstraintLayout
private var secondsView: SecondsView
private var circleClipTapView: CircleClipTapView
constructor(context: Context) : this(context, null) {
// Hide overlay initially when added programmatically
this.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
private var playerViewRef: Int = -1
// Player behaviors
private var playerView: DoubleTapPlayerView? = null
private var player: Player? = null
init {
LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.yt_overlay, this, true)
rootLayout = findViewById(R.id.root_constraint_layout)
secondsView = findViewById(R.id.seconds_view)
circleClipTapView = findViewById(R.id.circle_clip_tap_view)
// Initialize UI components
secondsView.isForward = true
// This code snippet is executed when the circle scale animation is finished
circleClipTapView.performAtEnd = {
secondsView.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
secondsView.seconds = 0
* Sets all optional XML attributes and defaults
private fun initializeAttributes() {
if (attrs != null) {
val a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,
R.styleable.YouTubeOverlay, 0, 0)
// PlayerView => see onAttachToWindow
playerViewRef = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.YouTubeOverlay_yt_playerView, -1)
// Durations
animationDuration = a.getInt(
R.styleable.YouTubeOverlay_yt_animationDuration, 650).toLong()
seekSeconds = a.getInt(
R.styleable.YouTubeOverlay_yt_seekSeconds, 10)
iconAnimationDuration = a.getInt(
R.styleable.YouTubeOverlay_yt_iconAnimationDuration, 750).toLong()
// Arc size
arcSize = a.getDimensionPixelSize(
// Colors
tapCircleColor = a.getColor(
ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.dtpv_yt_tap_circle_color)
circleBackgroundColor = a.getColor(
ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.dtpv_yt_background_circle_color)
// Seconds TextAppearance
textAppearance = a.getResourceId(
// Seconds icon
icon = a.getResourceId(
} else {
// Set defaults
arcSize = context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dtpv_yt_arc_size).toFloat()
tapCircleColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.dtpv_yt_tap_circle_color)
circleBackgroundColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.dtpv_yt_background_circle_color)
animationDuration = 650
iconAnimationDuration = 750
seekSeconds = 10
textAppearance = R.style.YTOSecondsTextAppearance
override fun onAttachedToWindow() {
// If the PlayerView is set by XML then call the corresponding setter method
if (playerViewRef != -1)
playerView((this.parent as View).findViewById(playerViewRef) as DoubleTapPlayerView)
* Obligatory call if playerView is not set via XML!
* Links the DoubleTapPlayerView to this view for recognizing the tapped position.
* @param playerView PlayerView which triggers the event
fun playerView(playerView: DoubleTapPlayerView) = apply {
this.playerView = playerView
* Obligatory call! Needs to be called whenever the Player changes.
* Performs seekTo-calls on the ExoPlayer's Player instance.
* @param player PlayerView which triggers the event
fun player(player: Player) = apply {
this.player = player
private var seekListener: SeekListener? = null
* Optional: Sets a listener to observe whether double tap reached the start / end of the video
fun seekListener(listener: SeekListener) = apply {
seekListener = listener
private var performListener: PerformListener? = null
* Sets a listener to execute some code before and after the animation
* (for example UI changes (hide and show views etc.))
fun performListener(listener: PerformListener) = apply {
performListener = listener
* Forward / rewind duration on a tap in seconds.
var seekSeconds: Int = 0
private set
fun seekSeconds(seconds: Int) = apply {
seekSeconds = seconds
* Color of the scaling circle on touch feedback.
var tapCircleColor: Int
get() = circleClipTapView.circleColor
private set(value) {
circleClipTapView.circleColor = value
fun tapCircleColorRes(@ColorRes resId: Int) = apply {
tapCircleColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, resId)
fun tapCircleColorInt(@ColorInt color: Int) = apply {
tapCircleColor = color
* Color of the clipped background circle
var circleBackgroundColor: Int
get() = circleClipTapView.circleBackgroundColor
private set(value) {
circleClipTapView.circleBackgroundColor = value
fun circleBackgroundColorRes(@ColorRes resId: Int) = apply {
circleBackgroundColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, resId)
fun circleBackgroundColorInt(@ColorInt color: Int) = apply {
circleBackgroundColor = color
* Duration of the circle scaling animation / speed in milliseconds.
* The overlay keeps visible until the animation finishes.
var animationDuration: Long
get() = circleClipTapView.animationDuration
private set(value) {
circleClipTapView.animationDuration = value
fun animationDuration(duration: Long) = apply {
animationDuration = duration
* Size of the arc which will be clipped from the background circle.
* The greater the value the more roundish the shape becomes
var arcSize: Float
get() = circleClipTapView.arcSize
internal set(value) {
circleClipTapView.arcSize = value
fun arcSize(@DimenRes resId: Int) = apply {
arcSize = context.resources.getDimension(resId)
fun arcSize(px: Float) = apply {
arcSize = px
* Duration the icon animation (fade in + fade out) for a full cycle in milliseconds.
var iconAnimationDuration: Long = 750
get() = secondsView.cycleDuration
private set(value) {
secondsView.cycleDuration = value
field = value
fun iconAnimationDuration(duration: Long) = apply {
iconAnimationDuration = duration
* One of the three forward icons which will be animated above the seconds indicator.
* The rewind icon will be the 180° mirrored version.
* Keep in mind that padding on the left and right of the drawable will be rendered which
* could result in additional space between the three icons.
var icon: Int = 0
get() = secondsView.icon
private set(value) {
secondsView.icon = value
field = value
fun icon(@DrawableRes resId: Int) = apply {
icon = resId
* Text appearance of the *xx seconds* text.
var textAppearance: Int = 0
private set(value) {
TextViewCompat.setTextAppearance(secondsView.textView, value)
field = value
fun textAppearance(@StyleRes resId: Int) = apply {
textAppearance = resId
* TextView view for *xx seconds*.
* In case of you'd like to change some specific attributes of the TextView in runtime.
val secondsTextView: TextView
get() = secondsView.textView
override fun onDoubleTapStarted(posX: Float, posY: Float) {
if (player == null || playerView == null)
if (performListener?.shouldForward(player!!, playerView!!, posX) == null)
override fun onDoubleTapProgressUp(posX: Float, posY: Float) {
// Check first whether forwarding/rewinding is "valid"
if (player == null || playerView == null) return
val shouldForward = performListener?.shouldForward(player!!, playerView!!, posX)
// YouTube behavior: show overlay on MOTION_UP
// But check whether the first double tap is in invalid area
if (this.visibility != View.VISIBLE) {
if (shouldForward != null) {
secondsView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
} else
when (shouldForward) {
false -> {
// First time tap or switched
if (secondsView.isForward) {
secondsView.apply {
isForward = false
seconds = 0
// Cancel ripple and start new without triggering overlay disappearance
// (resetting instead of ending)
circleClipTapView.resetAnimation {
circleClipTapView.updatePosition(posX, posY)
true -> {
// First time tap or switched
if (!secondsView.isForward) {
secondsView.apply {
isForward = true
seconds = 0
// Cancel ripple and start new without triggering overlay disappearance
// (resetting instead of ending)
circleClipTapView.resetAnimation {
circleClipTapView.updatePosition(posX, posY)
else -> {
// Middle area tapped: do nothing
// playerView?.cancelInDoubleTapMode()
// circle_clip_tap_view.endAnimation()
// triangle_seconds_view.stop()
* Seeks the video to desired position.
* Calls interface functions when start reached ([SeekListener.onVideoStartReached])
* or when end reached ([SeekListener.onVideoEndReached])
* @param newPosition desired position
private fun seekToPosition(newPosition: Long?) {
if (newPosition == null) return
// Start of the video reached
if (newPosition <= 0) {
// End of the video reached
player?.duration?.let { total ->
if (newPosition >= total) {
// Otherwise
private fun forwarding() {
secondsView.seconds += seekSeconds
seekToPosition(player?.currentPosition?.plus(seekSeconds * 1000))
private fun rewinding() {
secondsView.seconds += seekSeconds
seekToPosition(player?.currentPosition?.minus(seekSeconds * 1000))
private fun changeConstraints(forward: Boolean) {
val constraintSet = ConstraintSet()
with(constraintSet) {
if (forward) {
clear(secondsView.id, ConstraintSet.START)
connect(secondsView.id, ConstraintSet.END,
ConstraintSet.PARENT_ID, ConstraintSet.END)
} else {
clear(secondsView.id, ConstraintSet.END)
connect(secondsView.id, ConstraintSet.START,
ConstraintSet.PARENT_ID, ConstraintSet.START)
interface PerformListener {
* Called when the overlay is not visible and onDoubleTapProgressUp event occurred.
* Visibility of the overlay should be set to VISIBLE within this interface method.
fun onAnimationStart()
* Called when the circle animation is finished.
* Visibility of the overlay should be set to GONE within this interface method.
fun onAnimationEnd()
* Determines whether the player should forward, rewind or skip this tap by doing
* nothing / ignoring. Is called for each tap.
* By overriding this method you can check for self-defined conditions whether showing the
* overlay and rewinding/forwarding (e.g. if the media source valid) or skip it.
* In the following you see the default conditions for each action (if there is no media
* to play ([PlaybackState.STATE_NONE]), an error occurred ([PlaybackState.STATE_ERROR])
* or the media is stopped ([PlaybackState.STATE_STOPPED]) the tap will be ignored in any
* case):
* | Action | Current position | Screen width portion |
* |---------|---------------------------|----------------------|
* | rewind | greater than 500 ms | 0% to 35% |
* | forward | less than total duration | 65% to 100% |
* | ignore | ------------ | between 35% and 65% |
* @param player Current [Player]
* @param playerView [PlayerView] which accepts the taps
* @param posX Position of the tap on the x-axis
* @return `true` to forward, `false` to rewind or `null` to ignore.
fun shouldForward(player: Player, playerView: DoubleTapPlayerView, posX: Float): Boolean? {
if (player.playbackState == PlaybackState.STATE_ERROR ||
player.playbackState == PlaybackState.STATE_NONE ||
player.playbackState == PlaybackState.STATE_STOPPED) {
return null
if (player.currentPosition > 500 && posX < playerView.width * 0.35)
return false
if (player.currentPosition < player.duration && posX > playerView.width * 0.65)
return true
return null