Thomas 790e53096b Add status notification for followed account 2021-01-22 15:03:06 +01:00
activity_about.xml update about page and readme 2020-02-11 01:06:11 +05:30
activity_admin.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
activity_admin_report.xml Move assets 2020-07-24 19:52:36 +02:00
activity_bookmark.xml Fix some colors 2020-03-07 15:11:17 +01:00
activity_custom_sharing.xml Move assets 2020-07-24 19:52:36 +02:00
activity_edit_profile.xml Move assets 2020-07-24 19:52:36 +02:00
activity_group.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
activity_hashtag.xml Some fixes 2020-06-08 17:59:12 +02:00
activity_instance.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
activity_instance_profile.xml change instance info layout 2019-11-16 19:06:08 +05:30
activity_instance_social.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
activity_list.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
activity_livenotifications_all_accounts.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
activity_login.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
activity_main.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
activity_manage_accounts_list.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
activity_media_pager.xml Clean + hide menu item in the lite version 2020-07-15 15:29:20 +02:00
activity_muted_instances.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
activity_ower_charts.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
activity_ower_notifications.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
activity_ower_status.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
activity_partnership.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
activity_peertube.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
activity_peertube_edit.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
activity_peertube_upload.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
activity_pixelfed_compose.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
activity_playlists.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
activity_privacy.xml Some fixes 2020-03-12 18:09:41 +01:00
activity_proxy.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
activity_register.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
activity_register_peertube.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
activity_reorder_tabs.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
activity_search_result.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
activity_search_result_tabs.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
activity_show_account.xml Add status notification for followed account 2021-01-22 15:03:06 +01:00
activity_show_conversation.xml Some fixes 2019-11-15 19:36:39 +01:00
activity_tag_cache.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
activity_toot.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
activity_toot_info.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
activity_webview.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
activity_webview_connect.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
activity_who_to_follow.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
add_blocked_instance.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
add_filter.xml Move assets 2020-07-24 19:52:36 +02:00
add_list.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
add_playlist.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
add_text_dialog.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
bookmark_layout.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
color_picker_item_list.xml Add tools for editing photo 2019-05-30 15:19:02 +02:00
conversation_action_bar.xml Some fixes 2019-11-15 19:36:39 +01:00
custom_fedilab_features.xml use a separate file for fedilab features panel 2019-07-25 07:37:25 +05:30
custom_tab_instance.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
datetime_picker.xml fix alignment in schedule screen 2019-06-14 09:31:06 +05:30
dialog_create_folder.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
dialog_icon_selector.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
dialog_profile.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
domains_blocked.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
drawer_account.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
drawer_account_admin.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
drawer_account_follow_request.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
drawer_account_list.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
drawer_account_main_search.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
drawer_account_notification_settings.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
drawer_account_reply.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
drawer_account_search.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
drawer_account_search_dev.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
drawer_art.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
drawer_domain.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
drawer_draft.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
drawer_emoji_picker.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
drawer_emoji_search.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
drawer_empty.xml Reformat code 2019-09-06 17:55:14 +02:00
drawer_filters.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
drawer_how_to_videos.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
drawer_identity_proofs.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
drawer_instance_reg.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
drawer_instance_reg_peertube.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
drawer_media.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
drawer_notification.xml Clean + hide menu item in the lite version 2020-07-15 15:29:20 +02:00
drawer_peertube.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
drawer_peertube_notification.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
drawer_pixelfed.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
drawer_pixelfed_story.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
drawer_reaction.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
drawer_reorder.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
drawer_report.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
drawer_scheduled_toot.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
drawer_search.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
drawer_status.xml Release 2.37.0-beta-2 2021-01-18 19:00:43 +01:00
drawer_status_compact.xml Release 2.37.0-beta-2 2021-01-18 19:00:43 +01:00
drawer_status_console.xml Release 2.37.0-beta-2 2021-01-18 19:00:43 +01:00
drawer_status_focused.xml Release 2.37.0-beta-2 2021-01-18 19:00:43 +01:00
drawer_status_main_search.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
drawer_status_report.xml Reformat code 2019-09-06 17:55:14 +02:00
drawer_suggestions.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
drawer_tag.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
drawer_tag_edit.xml comment #411 - Reactions in drawer 2020-03-10 07:34:24 +01:00
drawer_tag_search.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
drawer_tag_search_tab.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
drawer_tag_trends.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
drawer_who_to_follow_account.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
editor_toolbar_linearlayout_horizontal.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
exo_playback_control_view.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
exo_simple_player_view.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
filter_owner_notifications.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
filter_owner_toots.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
filter_regex.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
fragment_accounts.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
fragment_admin_accounts.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
fragment_admin_reports.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
fragment_announcements.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
fragment_bookmarks.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
fragment_bottom_properties_dialog.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
fragment_bottom_sticker_emoji_dialog.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
fragment_drafts.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
fragment_filters.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
fragment_how_to.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
fragment_list.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
fragment_muted_instances.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
fragment_notifications.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
fragment_peertube_favourites.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
fragment_peertube_settings.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
fragment_playlists.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
fragment_scheduled_toots.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
fragment_search.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
fragment_search_tag.xml Add trends in search 2019-12-06 18:53:39 +01:00
fragment_settings_admin.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
fragment_settings_compose.xml Allow custom values for auto split 2020-12-30 20:31:16 +05:30
fragment_settings_interface.xml Move assets 2020-07-24 19:52:36 +02:00
fragment_settings_language.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
fragment_settings_menu.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
fragment_settings_notifications.xml Add status notification for followed account 2021-01-22 15:03:06 +01:00
fragment_settings_privacy.xml Move assets 2020-07-24 19:52:36 +02:00
fragment_settings_timeline.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
fragment_slide_media.xml Clean + hide menu item in the lite version 2020-07-15 15:29:20 +02:00
fragment_status.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
fragment_status_media.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
fragment_stories.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
fragment_who_to_follow.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
image_slider_layout_item.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
include_reactions.xml Move assets 2020-07-24 19:52:36 +02:00
item_file_lister.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
item_file_lister_light.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
item_menu_news.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
layout_poll.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
layout_poll_item.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
layout_quick_reply.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
markerview.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
media_action_bar.xml Improve media activity 2020-05-16 17:06:13 +02:00
muted_instance_popup.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
nav_header_main.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
popup_cache.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
popup_contact.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
popup_identity_proof.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
popup_media_description.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
popup_message_preview.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
popup_poll.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
popup_quick_settings.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
popup_release_notes.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
popup_text_size.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
popup_translate.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
row_editing_tools.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
row_emoji.xml Add tools for editing photo 2019-05-30 15:19:02 +02:00
row_filter_view.xml Move to AndroidX 2019-06-11 19:38:26 +02:00
row_sticker.xml Move to AndroidX 2019-06-11 19:38:26 +02:00
search_instance.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
search_toot.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
simple_action_bar.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
simple_bar.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
simple_bar_add.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
simple_bar_muted_instance.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
simple_bar_search.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
stats_owner_notifications.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
stats_owner_toots.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
tab_badge.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
tablayout_notifications.xml Improve activity for bookmarks 2019-11-15 16:32:25 +01:00
tablayout_toots.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
tags_all.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
tags_any.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
tags_instance.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
tags_name.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00
toot_action_bar.xml Settings more faster 2020-05-16 20:00:45 +02:00
webview_actionbar.xml video cache 2020-05-16 11:32:09 +02:00