
148 lines
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package app.fedilab.android.helper
import android.content.Context
import android.content.res.Resources
import android.graphics.Canvas
import android.graphics.DashPathEffect
import android.graphics.Paint
import android.graphics.Rect
import android.view.View
import androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat
import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.DividerItemDecoration
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView
import app.fedilab.android.R
import app.fedilab.android.helper.RecyclerViewThreadLines.LineInfo
import app.fedilab.android.client.entities.api.Context as StatusContext
class RecyclerViewThreadLines(context: Context, private val lineInfoList: List<LineInfo>) : DividerItemDecoration(context, VERTICAL) {
private val lineColors = threadLineColors.map { ResourcesCompat.getColor(context.resources, it, context.theme) }
private val dashPathEffect = DashPathEffect(floatArrayOf(3.dpToPx, 3.dpToPx), 0F)
private val borderColor = lineColors[0]
private val commonPaint = Paint().apply {
isDither = false
strokeWidth = 1.5F.dpToPx
strokeCap = Paint.Cap.BUTT
strokeJoin = Paint.Join.MITER
color = borderColor
private val maxLevel = lineColors.size
private val fontScale = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getFloat(context.getString(R.string.SET_FONT_SCALE), 1.1f).toInt()
private val baseMargin: Int = 6.dpToPx.toInt()
private val margin: Int = baseMargin * fontScale
override fun getItemOffsets(outRect: Rect, view: View, parent: RecyclerView, state: RecyclerView.State) {
val position = parent.getChildAdapterPosition(view)
val level = lineInfoList[position].level
val startMargin = margin * level + margin * fontScale
if (parent.layoutDirection == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR) outRect.left = startMargin else outRect.right = startMargin
override fun onDraw(c: Canvas, parent: RecyclerView, state: RecyclerView.State) {
val childCount = parent.childCount
for (i in 0 until childCount) {
val view = parent.getChildAt(i)
val position = parent.getChildAdapterPosition(view)
val lineInfo = lineInfoList[position]
val level = lineInfo.level
for (j in 1..level) {
val lineMargin = margin * j + 3.dpToPx
val lineStart = if (parent.layoutDirection == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR) lineMargin else c.width - lineMargin
var lineTop: Float = (view.top - baseMargin).toFloat()
if (j == 0) lineTop += view.height / 2
val paint = Paint(commonPaint)
paint.color = lineColors[j - 1]
// draw lines for below statuses
if (j != level && j >= lineInfo.fullLinesStart && j <= lineInfo.fullLinesEnd)
c.drawLine(lineStart, lineTop, lineStart, view.bottom.toFloat(), paint)
// draw vertical line for current statuses
if (j == level) {
// top the line starts at the middle of the above status
if (i > 0) lineTop -= parent.getChildAt(i - 1).height / 2 - 1 // '- 1' is to prevent overlapping with above horizontal line
// bottom of the line ends at the middle of the current status
var lineBottom = view.bottom.toFloat() - view.height / 2
// if below status has a full line for current level, extend the line to the bottom
if (i < childCount - 1) {
val nextLineInfo = lineInfoList[position + 1]
if (level >= nextLineInfo.fullLinesStart && level <= nextLineInfo.fullLinesEnd) {
lineBottom = view.bottom.toFloat()
// if level is max, use a dashed line
if (j == maxLevel) paint.pathEffect = dashPathEffect
c.drawLine(lineStart, lineTop, lineStart, lineBottom, paint)
// draw horizontal line for current statuses
if (j == level) {
lineTop = view.bottom.toFloat() - view.height / 2
val lineEnd = lineStart + margin * 2
c.drawLine(lineStart - 1, lineTop, lineEnd, lineTop, paint) // 'lineStart - 1' is to properly connect with the vertical line
data class LineInfo(var level: Int, var end: Boolean, var fullLinesStart: Int, var fullLinesEnd: Int)
private val Int.dpToPx: Float
get() = this * Resources.getSystem().displayMetrics.density
private val Float.dpToPx: Float
get() = this * Resources.getSystem().displayMetrics.density
companion object {
val threadLineColors = listOf(R.color.decoration_1, R.color.decoration_2, R.color.decoration_3, R.color.decoration_4, R.color.decoration_5)
fun getThreadDecorationInfo(fediContext: StatusContext, selectedStatusId: String): MutableList<LineInfo> {
val lineInfoList = mutableListOf<LineInfo>()
repeat(fediContext.ancestors.size) { lineInfoList.add(LineInfo(0, true, 0, 0)) }
lineInfoList.add(LineInfo(0, fediContext.descendants.isNotEmpty(), 0, 0))
val descendantsLineInfoList = List(fediContext.descendants.size) { LineInfo(0, false, 0, 0) }
for (i in fediContext.descendants.indices) {
fediContext.descendants[i].let { status ->
var level = 0
if (status.in_reply_to_id != null) {
if (status.in_reply_to_id == selectedStatusId)
level = 1
else {
var replyToId: String? = status.in_reply_to_id
while (replyToId != null && level < RecyclerViewThreadLines.threadLineColors.size) {
level += 1
replyToId = fediContext.descendants.firstOrNull { it.id == replyToId }?.in_reply_to_id
descendantsLineInfoList[i].level = level
val firstReply = fediContext.descendants.firstOrNull { it.in_reply_to_id == status.id }
if (firstReply == null) descendantsLineInfoList[i].end = true
for (i in descendantsLineInfoList.indices) {
var fullLinesStart = descendantsLineInfoList[i].level
var fullLinesEnd = descendantsLineInfoList[i].level
var fullLinesEndSet = false
for (j in i + 1 until descendantsLineInfoList.lastIndex) {
if (!fullLinesEndSet && descendantsLineInfoList[j].level < descendantsLineInfoList[i].level) {
fullLinesEnd = descendantsLineInfoList[j].level
fullLinesEndSet = true
fullLinesStart = descendantsLineInfoList[j].level.coerceAtMost(fullLinesStart)
descendantsLineInfoList[i].fullLinesStart = fullLinesStart
descendantsLineInfoList[i].fullLinesEnd = fullLinesEnd
return lineInfoList