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// "Therefore those skilled at the unorthodox
// are infinite as heaven and earth,
// inexhaustible as the great rivers.
// When they come to an end,
// they begin again,
// like the days and months;
// they die and are reborn,
// like the four seasons."
// - Sun Tsu,
// "The Art of War"
package com.theartofdev.edmodo.cropper;
import android.graphics.Matrix;
import android.graphics.PointF;
import android.graphics.RectF;
* Handler to update crop window edges by the move type - Horizontal, Vertical, Corner or Center.
* <br>
final class CropWindowMoveHandler {
// region: Fields and Consts
* Matrix used for rectangle rotation handling
private static final Matrix MATRIX = new Matrix();
* Minimum width in pixels that the crop window can get.
private final float mMinCropWidth;
* Minimum width in pixels that the crop window can get.
private final float mMinCropHeight;
* Maximum height in pixels that the crop window can get.
private final float mMaxCropWidth;
* Maximum height in pixels that the crop window can get.
private final float mMaxCropHeight;
* The type of crop window move that is handled.
private final Type mType;
* Holds the x and y offset between the exact touch location and the exact handle location that is
* activated. There may be an offset because we allow for some leeway (specified by mHandleRadius)
* in activating a handle. However, we want to maintain these offset values while the handle is
* being dragged so that the handle doesn't jump.
private final PointF mTouchOffset = new PointF();
// endregion
* @param edgeMoveType the type of move this handler is executing
* @param horizontalEdge the primary edge associated with this handle; may be null
* @param verticalEdge the secondary edge associated with this handle; may be null
* @param cropWindowHandler main crop window handle to get and update the crop window edges
* @param touchX the location of the initial toch possition to measure move distance
* @param touchY the location of the initial toch possition to measure move distance
public CropWindowMoveHandler(
Type type, CropWindowHandler cropWindowHandler, float touchX, float touchY) {
mType = type;
mMinCropWidth = cropWindowHandler.getMinCropWidth();
mMinCropHeight = cropWindowHandler.getMinCropHeight();
mMaxCropWidth = cropWindowHandler.getMaxCropWidth();
mMaxCropHeight = cropWindowHandler.getMaxCropHeight();
calculateTouchOffset(cropWindowHandler.getRect(), touchX, touchY);
* Calculates the aspect ratio given a rectangle.
private static float calculateAspectRatio(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) {
return (right - left) / (bottom - top);
// region: Private methods
* Updates the crop window by change in the toch location.<br>
* Move type handled by this instance, as initialized in creation, affects how the change in toch
* location changes the crop window position and size.<br>
* After the crop window position/size is changed by toch move it may result in values that
* vialate contraints: outside the bounds of the shown bitmap, smaller/larger than min/max size or
* missmatch in aspect ratio. So a series of fixes is executed on "secondary" edges to adjust it
* by the "primary" edge movement.<br>
* Primary is the edge directly affected by move type, secondary is the other edge.<br>
* The crop window is changed by directly setting the Edge coordinates.
* @param x the new x-coordinate of this handle
* @param y the new y-coordinate of this handle
* @param bounds the bounding rectangle of the image
* @param viewWidth The bounding image view width used to know the crop overlay is at view edges.
* @param viewHeight The bounding image view height used to know the crop overlay is at view
* edges.
* @param parentView the parent View containing the image
* @param snapMargin the maximum distance (in pixels) at which the crop window should snap to the
* image
* @param fixedAspectRatio is the aspect ration fixed and 'targetAspectRatio' should be used
* @param aspectRatio the aspect ratio to maintain
public void move(
RectF rect,
float x,
float y,
RectF bounds,
int viewWidth,
int viewHeight,
float snapMargin,
boolean fixedAspectRatio,
float aspectRatio) {
// Adjust the coordinates for the finger position's offset (i.e. the
// distance from the initial touch to the precise handle location).
// We want to maintain the initial touch's distance to the pressed
// handle so that the crop window size does not "jump".
float adjX = x + mTouchOffset.x;
float adjY = y + mTouchOffset.y;
if (mType == Type.CENTER) {
moveCenter(rect, adjX, adjY, bounds, viewWidth, viewHeight, snapMargin);
} else {
if (fixedAspectRatio) {
rect, adjX, adjY, bounds, viewWidth, viewHeight, snapMargin, aspectRatio);
} else {
moveSizeWithFreeAspectRatio(rect, adjX, adjY, bounds, viewWidth, viewHeight, snapMargin);
* Calculates the offset of the touch point from the precise location of the specified handle.<br>
* Save these values in a member variable since we want to maintain this offset as we drag the
* handle.
private void calculateTouchOffset(RectF rect, float touchX, float touchY) {
float touchOffsetX = 0;
float touchOffsetY = 0;
// Calculate the offset from the appropriate handle.
switch (mType) {
case TOP_LEFT:
touchOffsetX = rect.left - touchX;
touchOffsetY = rect.top - touchY;
touchOffsetX = rect.right - touchX;
touchOffsetY = rect.top - touchY;
touchOffsetX = rect.left - touchX;
touchOffsetY = rect.bottom - touchY;
touchOffsetX = rect.right - touchX;
touchOffsetY = rect.bottom - touchY;
case LEFT:
touchOffsetX = rect.left - touchX;
touchOffsetY = 0;
case TOP:
touchOffsetX = 0;
touchOffsetY = rect.top - touchY;
case RIGHT:
touchOffsetX = rect.right - touchX;
touchOffsetY = 0;
case BOTTOM:
touchOffsetX = 0;
touchOffsetY = rect.bottom - touchY;
case CENTER:
touchOffsetX = rect.centerX() - touchX;
touchOffsetY = rect.centerY() - touchY;
mTouchOffset.x = touchOffsetX;
mTouchOffset.y = touchOffsetY;
* Center move only changes the position of the crop window without changing the size.
private void moveCenter(
RectF rect, float x, float y, RectF bounds, int viewWidth, int viewHeight, float snapRadius) {
float dx = x - rect.centerX();
float dy = y - rect.centerY();
if (rect.left + dx < 0
|| rect.right + dx > viewWidth
|| rect.left + dx < bounds.left
|| rect.right + dx > bounds.right) {
dx /= 1.05f;
mTouchOffset.x -= dx / 2;
if (rect.top + dy < 0
|| rect.bottom + dy > viewHeight
|| rect.top + dy < bounds.top
|| rect.bottom + dy > bounds.bottom) {
dy /= 1.05f;
mTouchOffset.y -= dy / 2;
rect.offset(dx, dy);
snapEdgesToBounds(rect, bounds, snapRadius);
* Change the size of the crop window on the required edge (or edges for corner size move) without
* affecting "secondary" edges.<br>
* Only the primary edge(s) are fixed to stay within limits.
private void moveSizeWithFreeAspectRatio(
RectF rect, float x, float y, RectF bounds, int viewWidth, int viewHeight, float snapMargin) {
switch (mType) {
case TOP_LEFT:
adjustTop(rect, y, bounds, snapMargin, 0, false, false);
adjustLeft(rect, x, bounds, snapMargin, 0, false, false);
adjustTop(rect, y, bounds, snapMargin, 0, false, false);
adjustRight(rect, x, bounds, viewWidth, snapMargin, 0, false, false);
adjustBottom(rect, y, bounds, viewHeight, snapMargin, 0, false, false);
adjustLeft(rect, x, bounds, snapMargin, 0, false, false);
adjustBottom(rect, y, bounds, viewHeight, snapMargin, 0, false, false);
adjustRight(rect, x, bounds, viewWidth, snapMargin, 0, false, false);
case LEFT:
adjustLeft(rect, x, bounds, snapMargin, 0, false, false);
case TOP:
adjustTop(rect, y, bounds, snapMargin, 0, false, false);
case RIGHT:
adjustRight(rect, x, bounds, viewWidth, snapMargin, 0, false, false);
case BOTTOM:
adjustBottom(rect, y, bounds, viewHeight, snapMargin, 0, false, false);
* Change the size of the crop window on the required "primary" edge WITH affect to relevant
* "secondary" edge via aspect ratio.<br>
* Example: change in the left edge (primary) will affect top and bottom edges (secondary) to
* preserve the given aspect ratio.
private void moveSizeWithFixedAspectRatio(
RectF rect,
float x,
float y,
RectF bounds,
int viewWidth,
int viewHeight,
float snapMargin,
float aspectRatio) {
switch (mType) {
case TOP_LEFT:
if (calculateAspectRatio(x, y, rect.right, rect.bottom) < aspectRatio) {
adjustTop(rect, y, bounds, snapMargin, aspectRatio, true, false);
adjustLeftByAspectRatio(rect, aspectRatio);
} else {
adjustLeft(rect, x, bounds, snapMargin, aspectRatio, true, false);
adjustTopByAspectRatio(rect, aspectRatio);
if (calculateAspectRatio(rect.left, y, x, rect.bottom) < aspectRatio) {
adjustTop(rect, y, bounds, snapMargin, aspectRatio, false, true);
adjustRightByAspectRatio(rect, aspectRatio);
} else {
adjustRight(rect, x, bounds, viewWidth, snapMargin, aspectRatio, true, false);
adjustTopByAspectRatio(rect, aspectRatio);
if (calculateAspectRatio(x, rect.top, rect.right, y) < aspectRatio) {
adjustBottom(rect, y, bounds, viewHeight, snapMargin, aspectRatio, true, false);
adjustLeftByAspectRatio(rect, aspectRatio);
} else {
adjustLeft(rect, x, bounds, snapMargin, aspectRatio, false, true);
adjustBottomByAspectRatio(rect, aspectRatio);
if (calculateAspectRatio(rect.left, rect.top, x, y) < aspectRatio) {
adjustBottom(rect, y, bounds, viewHeight, snapMargin, aspectRatio, false, true);
adjustRightByAspectRatio(rect, aspectRatio);
} else {
adjustRight(rect, x, bounds, viewWidth, snapMargin, aspectRatio, false, true);
adjustBottomByAspectRatio(rect, aspectRatio);
case LEFT:
adjustLeft(rect, x, bounds, snapMargin, aspectRatio, true, true);
adjustTopBottomByAspectRatio(rect, bounds, aspectRatio);
case TOP:
adjustTop(rect, y, bounds, snapMargin, aspectRatio, true, true);
adjustLeftRightByAspectRatio(rect, bounds, aspectRatio);
case RIGHT:
adjustRight(rect, x, bounds, viewWidth, snapMargin, aspectRatio, true, true);
adjustTopBottomByAspectRatio(rect, bounds, aspectRatio);
case BOTTOM:
adjustBottom(rect, y, bounds, viewHeight, snapMargin, aspectRatio, true, true);
adjustLeftRightByAspectRatio(rect, bounds, aspectRatio);
* Check if edges have gone out of bounds (including snap margin), and fix if needed.
private void snapEdgesToBounds(RectF edges, RectF bounds, float margin) {
if (edges.left < bounds.left + margin) {
edges.offset(bounds.left - edges.left, 0);
if (edges.top < bounds.top + margin) {
edges.offset(0, bounds.top - edges.top);
if (edges.right > bounds.right - margin) {
edges.offset(bounds.right - edges.right, 0);
if (edges.bottom > bounds.bottom - margin) {
edges.offset(0, bounds.bottom - edges.bottom);
* Get the resulting x-position of the left edge of the crop window given the handle's position
* and the image's bounding box and snap radius.
* @param left the position that the left edge is dragged to
* @param bounds the bounding box of the image that is being cropped
* @param snapMargin the snap distance to the image edge (in pixels)
private void adjustLeft(
RectF rect,
float left,
RectF bounds,
float snapMargin,
float aspectRatio,
boolean topMoves,
boolean bottomMoves) {
float newLeft = left;
if (newLeft < 0) {
newLeft /= 1.05f;
mTouchOffset.x -= newLeft / 1.1f;
if (newLeft < bounds.left) {
mTouchOffset.x -= (newLeft - bounds.left) / 2f;
if (newLeft - bounds.left < snapMargin) {
newLeft = bounds.left;
// Checks if the window is too small horizontally
if (rect.right - newLeft < mMinCropWidth) {
newLeft = rect.right - mMinCropWidth;
// Checks if the window is too large horizontally
if (rect.right - newLeft > mMaxCropWidth) {
newLeft = rect.right - mMaxCropWidth;
if (newLeft - bounds.left < snapMargin) {
newLeft = bounds.left;
// check vertical bounds if aspect ratio is in play
if (aspectRatio > 0) {
float newHeight = (rect.right - newLeft) / aspectRatio;
// Checks if the window is too small vertically
if (newHeight < mMinCropHeight) {
newLeft = Math.max(bounds.left, rect.right - mMinCropHeight * aspectRatio);
newHeight = (rect.right - newLeft) / aspectRatio;
// Checks if the window is too large vertically
if (newHeight > mMaxCropHeight) {
newLeft = Math.max(bounds.left, rect.right - mMaxCropHeight * aspectRatio);
newHeight = (rect.right - newLeft) / aspectRatio;
// if top AND bottom edge moves by aspect ratio check that it is within full height bounds
if (topMoves && bottomMoves) {
newLeft =
Math.max(newLeft, Math.max(bounds.left, rect.right - bounds.height() * aspectRatio));
} else {
// if top edge moves by aspect ratio check that it is within bounds
if (topMoves && rect.bottom - newHeight < bounds.top) {
newLeft = Math.max(bounds.left, rect.right - (rect.bottom - bounds.top) * aspectRatio);
newHeight = (rect.right - newLeft) / aspectRatio;
// if bottom edge moves by aspect ratio check that it is within bounds
if (bottomMoves && rect.top + newHeight > bounds.bottom) {
newLeft =
Math.max(bounds.left, rect.right - (bounds.bottom - rect.top) * aspectRatio));
rect.left = newLeft;
* Get the resulting x-position of the right edge of the crop window given the handle's position
* and the image's bounding box and snap radius.
* @param right the position that the right edge is dragged to
* @param bounds the bounding box of the image that is being cropped
* @param viewWidth
* @param snapMargin the snap distance to the image edge (in pixels)
private void adjustRight(
RectF rect,
float right,
RectF bounds,
int viewWidth,
float snapMargin,
float aspectRatio,
boolean topMoves,
boolean bottomMoves) {
float newRight = right;
if (newRight > viewWidth) {
newRight = viewWidth + (newRight - viewWidth) / 1.05f;
mTouchOffset.x -= (newRight - viewWidth) / 1.1f;
if (newRight > bounds.right) {
mTouchOffset.x -= (newRight - bounds.right) / 2f;
// If close to the edge
if (bounds.right - newRight < snapMargin) {
newRight = bounds.right;
// Checks if the window is too small horizontally
if (newRight - rect.left < mMinCropWidth) {
newRight = rect.left + mMinCropWidth;
// Checks if the window is too large horizontally
if (newRight - rect.left > mMaxCropWidth) {
newRight = rect.left + mMaxCropWidth;
// If close to the edge
if (bounds.right - newRight < snapMargin) {
newRight = bounds.right;
// check vertical bounds if aspect ratio is in play
if (aspectRatio > 0) {
float newHeight = (newRight - rect.left) / aspectRatio;
// Checks if the window is too small vertically
if (newHeight < mMinCropHeight) {
newRight = Math.min(bounds.right, rect.left + mMinCropHeight * aspectRatio);
newHeight = (newRight - rect.left) / aspectRatio;
// Checks if the window is too large vertically
if (newHeight > mMaxCropHeight) {
newRight = Math.min(bounds.right, rect.left + mMaxCropHeight * aspectRatio);
newHeight = (newRight - rect.left) / aspectRatio;
// if top AND bottom edge moves by aspect ratio check that it is within full height bounds
if (topMoves && bottomMoves) {
newRight =
Math.min(newRight, Math.min(bounds.right, rect.left + bounds.height() * aspectRatio));
} else {
// if top edge moves by aspect ratio check that it is within bounds
if (topMoves && rect.bottom - newHeight < bounds.top) {
newRight = Math.min(bounds.right, rect.left + (rect.bottom - bounds.top) * aspectRatio);
newHeight = (newRight - rect.left) / aspectRatio;
// if bottom edge moves by aspect ratio check that it is within bounds
if (bottomMoves && rect.top + newHeight > bounds.bottom) {
newRight =
Math.min(bounds.right, rect.left + (bounds.bottom - rect.top) * aspectRatio));
rect.right = newRight;
* Get the resulting y-position of the top edge of the crop window given the handle's position and
* the image's bounding box and snap radius.
* @param top the x-position that the top edge is dragged to
* @param bounds the bounding box of the image that is being cropped
* @param snapMargin the snap distance to the image edge (in pixels)
private void adjustTop(
RectF rect,
float top,
RectF bounds,
float snapMargin,
float aspectRatio,
boolean leftMoves,
boolean rightMoves) {
float newTop = top;
if (newTop < 0) {
newTop /= 1.05f;
mTouchOffset.y -= newTop / 1.1f;
if (newTop < bounds.top) {
mTouchOffset.y -= (newTop - bounds.top) / 2f;
if (newTop - bounds.top < snapMargin) {
newTop = bounds.top;
// Checks if the window is too small vertically
if (rect.bottom - newTop < mMinCropHeight) {
newTop = rect.bottom - mMinCropHeight;
// Checks if the window is too large vertically
if (rect.bottom - newTop > mMaxCropHeight) {
newTop = rect.bottom - mMaxCropHeight;
if (newTop - bounds.top < snapMargin) {
newTop = bounds.top;
// check horizontal bounds if aspect ratio is in play
if (aspectRatio > 0) {
float newWidth = (rect.bottom - newTop) * aspectRatio;
// Checks if the crop window is too small horizontally due to aspect ratio adjustment
if (newWidth < mMinCropWidth) {
newTop = Math.max(bounds.top, rect.bottom - (mMinCropWidth / aspectRatio));
newWidth = (rect.bottom - newTop) * aspectRatio;
// Checks if the crop window is too large horizontally due to aspect ratio adjustment
if (newWidth > mMaxCropWidth) {
newTop = Math.max(bounds.top, rect.bottom - (mMaxCropWidth / aspectRatio));
newWidth = (rect.bottom - newTop) * aspectRatio;
// if left AND right edge moves by aspect ratio check that it is within full width bounds
if (leftMoves && rightMoves) {
newTop = Math.max(newTop, Math.max(bounds.top, rect.bottom - bounds.width() / aspectRatio));
} else {
// if left edge moves by aspect ratio check that it is within bounds
if (leftMoves && rect.right - newWidth < bounds.left) {
newTop = Math.max(bounds.top, rect.bottom - (rect.right - bounds.left) / aspectRatio);
newWidth = (rect.bottom - newTop) * aspectRatio;
// if right edge moves by aspect ratio check that it is within bounds
if (rightMoves && rect.left + newWidth > bounds.right) {
newTop =
Math.max(bounds.top, rect.bottom - (bounds.right - rect.left) / aspectRatio));
rect.top = newTop;
* Get the resulting y-position of the bottom edge of the crop window given the handle's position
* and the image's bounding box and snap radius.
* @param bottom the position that the bottom edge is dragged to
* @param bounds the bounding box of the image that is being cropped
* @param viewHeight
* @param snapMargin the snap distance to the image edge (in pixels)
private void adjustBottom(
RectF rect,
float bottom,
RectF bounds,
int viewHeight,
float snapMargin,
float aspectRatio,
boolean leftMoves,
boolean rightMoves) {
float newBottom = bottom;
if (newBottom > viewHeight) {
newBottom = viewHeight + (newBottom - viewHeight) / 1.05f;
mTouchOffset.y -= (newBottom - viewHeight) / 1.1f;
if (newBottom > bounds.bottom) {
mTouchOffset.y -= (newBottom - bounds.bottom) / 2f;
if (bounds.bottom - newBottom < snapMargin) {
newBottom = bounds.bottom;
// Checks if the window is too small vertically
if (newBottom - rect.top < mMinCropHeight) {
newBottom = rect.top + mMinCropHeight;
// Checks if the window is too small vertically
if (newBottom - rect.top > mMaxCropHeight) {
newBottom = rect.top + mMaxCropHeight;
if (bounds.bottom - newBottom < snapMargin) {
newBottom = bounds.bottom;
// check horizontal bounds if aspect ratio is in play
if (aspectRatio > 0) {
float newWidth = (newBottom - rect.top) * aspectRatio;
// Checks if the window is too small horizontally
if (newWidth < mMinCropWidth) {
newBottom = Math.min(bounds.bottom, rect.top + mMinCropWidth / aspectRatio);
newWidth = (newBottom - rect.top) * aspectRatio;
// Checks if the window is too large horizontally
if (newWidth > mMaxCropWidth) {
newBottom = Math.min(bounds.bottom, rect.top + mMaxCropWidth / aspectRatio);
newWidth = (newBottom - rect.top) * aspectRatio;
// if left AND right edge moves by aspect ratio check that it is within full width bounds
if (leftMoves && rightMoves) {
newBottom =
Math.min(newBottom, Math.min(bounds.bottom, rect.top + bounds.width() / aspectRatio));
} else {
// if left edge moves by aspect ratio check that it is within bounds
if (leftMoves && rect.right - newWidth < bounds.left) {
newBottom = Math.min(bounds.bottom, rect.top + (rect.right - bounds.left) / aspectRatio);
newWidth = (newBottom - rect.top) * aspectRatio;
// if right edge moves by aspect ratio check that it is within bounds
if (rightMoves && rect.left + newWidth > bounds.right) {
newBottom =
Math.min(bounds.bottom, rect.top + (bounds.right - rect.left) / aspectRatio));
rect.bottom = newBottom;
* Adjust left edge by current crop window height and the given aspect ratio, the right edge
* remains in possition while the left adjusts to keep aspect ratio to the height.
private void adjustLeftByAspectRatio(RectF rect, float aspectRatio) {
rect.left = rect.right - rect.height() * aspectRatio;
* Adjust top edge by current crop window width and the given aspect ratio, the bottom edge
* remains in possition while the top adjusts to keep aspect ratio to the width.
private void adjustTopByAspectRatio(RectF rect, float aspectRatio) {
rect.top = rect.bottom - rect.width() / aspectRatio;
* Adjust right edge by current crop window height and the given aspect ratio, the left edge
* remains in possition while the left adjusts to keep aspect ratio to the height.
private void adjustRightByAspectRatio(RectF rect, float aspectRatio) {
rect.right = rect.left + rect.height() * aspectRatio;
* Adjust bottom edge by current crop window width and the given aspect ratio, the top edge
* remains in possition while the top adjusts to keep aspect ratio to the width.
private void adjustBottomByAspectRatio(RectF rect, float aspectRatio) {
rect.bottom = rect.top + rect.width() / aspectRatio;
* Adjust left and right edges by current crop window height and the given aspect ratio, both
* right and left edges adjusts equally relative to center to keep aspect ratio to the height.
private void adjustLeftRightByAspectRatio(RectF rect, RectF bounds, float aspectRatio) {
rect.inset((rect.width() - rect.height() * aspectRatio) / 2, 0);
if (rect.left < bounds.left) {
rect.offset(bounds.left - rect.left, 0);
if (rect.right > bounds.right) {
rect.offset(bounds.right - rect.right, 0);
* Adjust top and bottom edges by current crop window width and the given aspect ratio, both top
* and bottom edges adjusts equally relative to center to keep aspect ratio to the width.
private void adjustTopBottomByAspectRatio(RectF rect, RectF bounds, float aspectRatio) {
rect.inset(0, (rect.height() - rect.width() / aspectRatio) / 2);
if (rect.top < bounds.top) {
rect.offset(0, bounds.top - rect.top);
if (rect.bottom > bounds.bottom) {
rect.offset(0, bounds.bottom - rect.bottom);
// endregion
// region: Inner class: Type
* The type of crop window move that is handled.
public enum Type {
// endregion