package; /* Copyright 2021 Thomas Schneider * * This file is a part of Fedilab * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Fedilab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Fedilab; if not, * see . */ import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import okhttp3.MultipartBody; import retrofit2.Call; import retrofit2.http.Body; import retrofit2.http.DELETE; import retrofit2.http.Field; import retrofit2.http.FormUrlEncoded; import retrofit2.http.GET; import retrofit2.http.Header; import retrofit2.http.Headers; import retrofit2.http.Multipart; import retrofit2.http.PATCH; import retrofit2.http.POST; import retrofit2.http.Part; import retrofit2.http.Path; import retrofit2.http.Query; public interface MastodonAccountsService { /* * Accounts */ //Register account @FormUrlEncoded @POST("accounts") Call registerAccount( @Header("Authorization") String app_token, @Field("username") String username, @Field("email") String email, @Field("password") String password, @Field("agreement") boolean agreement, @Field("locale") String locale, @Field("reason") String reason); //Info about the connected account @GET("accounts/verify_credentials") Call verify_credentials( @Header("Authorization") String token); @Multipart @PATCH("accounts/update_credentials") Call update_media( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Part MultipartBody.Part avatar, @Part MultipartBody.Part header ); @Headers({"Accept: application/json"}) @PATCH("accounts/update_credentials") Call update_credentials( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Body Account.AccountParams accountParams ); @FormUrlEncoded @PATCH("accounts/update_credentials") Call update_credentials( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Field("discoverable") Boolean discoverable, @Field("bot") Boolean bot, @Field("display_name") String display_name, @Field("note") String note, @Field("locked") Boolean locked, @Field("source[privacy]") String privacy, @Field("source[sensitive]") Boolean sensitive, @Field("source[language]") String language, @Field("fields_attributes") List fields ); //Get Account @GET("accounts/{id}") Call getAccount( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Path("id") String id ); //Get Account @GET("accounts/lookup") Call lookUpAccount( @Query("acct") String acct ); //Get Account statuses @GET("accounts/{id}/statuses") Call> getAccountStatuses( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Path("id") String id, @Query("max_id") String max_id, @Query("since_id") String since_id, @Query("min_id") String min_id, @Query("exclude_replies") Boolean exclude_replies, @Query("exclude_reblogs") Boolean exclude_reblogs, @Query("only_media") Boolean only_media, @Query("pinned") Boolean pinned, @Query("limit") int limit ); //Get Account followers @GET("accounts/{id}/followers") Call> getAccountFollowers( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Path("id") String id, @Query("max_id") String max_id, @Query("since_id") String since_id ); //Get Account following @GET("accounts/{id}/following") Call> getAccountFollowing( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Path("id") String id, @Query("max_id") String max_id, @Query("since_id") String since_id ); //Get Account featured tags @GET("accounts/{id}/featured_tags") Call> getAccountFeaturedTags( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Path("id") String id ); //Lists containing this account @GET("accounts/{id}/lists") Call> getListContainingAccount( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Path("id") String id ); //Get Identity proofs @GET("accounts/{id}/identity_proofs") Call> getIdentityProofs( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Path("id") String id ); //Follow account @FormUrlEncoded @POST("accounts/{id}/follow") Call follow( @Header("Authorization") String app_token, @Path("id") String id, @Field("reblogs") boolean reblogs, @Field("notify") boolean notify ); //Follow account @FormUrlEncoded @POST("accounts/{id}/note") Call note( @Header("Authorization") String app_token, @Path("id") String id, @Field("comment") boolean comment ); //Unfollow account @POST("accounts/{id}/unfollow") Call unfollow( @Header("Authorization") String app_token, @Path("id") String id ); //Block account @POST("accounts/{id}/block") Call block( @Header("Authorization") String app_token, @Path("id") String id ); //Unblock account @POST("accounts/{id}/unblock") Call unblock( @Header("Authorization") String app_token, @Path("id") String id ); //Mute account @FormUrlEncoded @POST("accounts/{id}/mute") Call mute( @Header("Authorization") String app_token, @Path("id") String id, @Field("notifications") Boolean notifications, @Field("duration") Integer duration ); //Unmute account @POST("accounts/{id}/unmute") Call unmute( @Header("Authorization") String app_token, @Path("id") String id ); //Feature on profile @POST("accounts/{id}/pin") Call endorse( @Header("Authorization") String app_token, @Path("id") String id ); //Unfeature account @POST("accounts/{id}/unpin") Call unendorse( @Header("Authorization") String app_token, @Path("id") String id ); //User note @FormUrlEncoded @POST("accounts/{id}/note") Call note( @Header("Authorization") String app_token, @Path("id") String id, @Field("comment") String comment ); //Get relationships @GET("accounts/relationships") Call> getRelationships( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Query("id[]") List ids ); //Get familiar followers @GET("accounts/familiar_followers ") Call> getFamiliarFollowers( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Query("id[]") List ids ); //Get search @GET("accounts/search") Call> searchAccounts( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Query("q") String q, @Query("limit") int limit, @Query("resolve") boolean resolve, @Query("following") boolean following ); //Bookmarks @GET("bookmarks") Call> getBookmarks( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Query("limit") String limit, @Query("max_id") String max_id, @Query("since_id") String since_id, @Query("min_id") String min_id ); //favourites @GET("favourites") Call> getFavourites( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Query("limit") String limit, @Query("min_id") String min_id, @Query("max_id") String max_id ); //muted users @GET("mutes") Call> getMutes( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Query("limit") String limit, @Query("max_id") String max_id, @Query("since_id") String since_id ); //Blocked users @GET("blocks") Call> getBlocks( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Query("limit") String limit, @Query("max_id") String max_id, @Query("since_id") String since_id ); //Get blocked domains @GET("domain_blocks") Call> getDomainBlocks( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Query("limit") String limit, @Query("max_id") String max_id, @Query("since_id") String since_id ); //Add a blocked domains @FormUrlEncoded @POST("domain_blocks") Call addDomainBlock( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Field("domain") String domain ); //Remove a blocked domains @DELETE("domain_blocks") Call removeDomainBlocks( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Query("domain") String domain ); //Post a report @Headers({"Accept: application/json"}) @POST("reports") Call report( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Body Report.ReportParams params ); //Get follow request @GET("follow_requests") Call> getFollowRequests( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Query("max_id") String max_id, @Query("limit") int limit); //Accept follow request @POST("follow_requests/{id}/authorize") Call acceptFollow( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Path("id") String id ); //Reject follow request @POST("follow_requests/{id}/reject") Call rejectFollow( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Path("id") String id ); //Accounts that the user is currently featuring on their profile. @GET("endorsements") Call> getEndorsements( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Query("limit") String limit, @Query("max_id") String max_id, @Query("since_id") String since_id ); //Feature tags @GET("featured_tags") Call> getFeaturedTags( @Header("Authorization") String token ); //Add a feature tags @FormUrlEncoded @POST("featured_tags") Call addFeaturedTag( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Field("name") String name ); //Remove a feature tags @DELETE("featured_tags/{id}") Call removeFeaturedTag( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Path("id") String id ); //Feature tags suggestions @GET("featured_tags/suggestions") Call> getFeaturedTagsSuggestions( @Header("Authorization") String token ); //Get user preferences @GET("preferences") Call getPreferences( @Header("Authorization") String token ); //Get user suggestions @GET("suggestions") Call> getSuggestions( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Query("limit") String limit ); //Remove a user suggestion @DELETE("suggestions/{account_id}") Call removeSuggestion( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Path("account_id") String account_id ); //Get user suggestions @GET("directory") Call> getDirectory( @Header("Authorization") String token, @Query("offset") Integer offset, @Query("limit") Integer limit, @Query("order") String order, @Query("local") Boolean local ); }