Odpri meni Zapri meni Vizitka Podatki o tej instanci Zasebnost Predpomnilnik Odjavi me Prijava Zapri Da Ne Prekliči Prenesi Prenos %1$s Prenos je zaključen Shrani %1$s Vsebina je shranjena Datoteka: %1$s Geslo Naslov e-pošte Računi Objave Toots Oznake Žeton Shrani Obnovi Želite dvostopenjsko prijavljanje? Želite strežnik, ki ni \"mastodon.etalab.gouv.fr\"? Ni rezultatov. Instanca strežnika Instanca: mastodon.social Zdaj deluje na računu %1$s Dodajte račun Vsebina objave je bila kopirana v odložišče Spremeni Izberite sliko … Počisti Mikrofon Kamera Prosimo, povejte kar želite Oprostite. Glasovni vnos ni podprt na vaši napravi. Izbriši vse Prevedi to objavo. Nastavi čas objave Velikost besedila in ikon Spremeni trenutno velikost besedila: Spremeni trenutno velikost ikon: Naprej Nazaj Odpri s pomočjo Potrdi Vsebine Deli z Deljeno z Mastalab Odgovori Uporabniško ime Osnutki New data are available! Do you want to display them? Priljubljeni Novi spremljevalci Omembe Ojačitve Prikaži ojačanja Prikaži odgovore Odpri v brskalniku Prevedi Prosimo, počakajte nekaj sekund preden opravite to dejanje. Domov Lokalna časovnica Združena časovnica Možnosti Priljubljeni Sporočanje Utišani uporabniki Blokirani uporabniki Oddaljeno spremljanje Obvestila Zahteve za spremljanje Optimization Settings Profile What do you want to do? Delete an account Delete the account %1$s from the application? Send an email Please select a file No file explorer found! Click on the path to change it Failed! Načrtovane objave Information below may reflect the user\'s profile incompletely. Vstavi čustvenček The app did not collect custom emojis for the moment. Obvestila v živo No toot to display The toot was added to favourites The toot was removed from favourites! Objava je ojačana. Objava ni več ojačana. Ojačano za %1$s Naj dodam to objavo med priljubljene? Naj odstranim to objavo iz priljubljenih? Naj ojačam to objavo? Naj utišam to objavo? Naj pripnem to objavo? Naj odpnem to objavo? Utišaj Blokiraj Prijavi objavo Odstrani Kopiraj Deli Citiraj Začasno utišaj Zibriši in začni znova Naj utišam ta račun? Naj blokiram ta račun? Želite prijaviti sporne vsebine v tej objavi? Želite blokirati to domeno? Obvesti Tiho Želite odstraniti to objavo? Želite izbrisati to objavo in začeti znova? %d odgovor %d odgovora %d odgovorov %d odgovorov Prikaži gumb za zaznamke Zaznamki Dodaj med zaznamke Odstrani zaznamek Nimate nobenega zaznamka za prikaz Status je dodan med zaznamke. Status je odstranjen iz zaznamkov. %d s %d m %d ur %d dni Opozorilo O čem razmišljate? TOOT! cw Objavite nov Toot Odgovorite na Toot Dosegli ste 500 znakov, ki so vam na voljo. Izberite vsebino Prišlo je do napake ob izbiranju vsebine. Želite izbrisati to vsebino? Vaš Toot je prazen. Vidnost objave Toot Visibility of the toots by default: The toot has been sent! You are replying to this toot: Sensitive content? Post to public timelines Do not post to public timelines Objavi le spremljevalcem Post to mentioned users only No drafts! Choose a toot Choose an account Select some accounts Remove draft? Click on the button to display the original toot Describe for the visually impaired No description available! Release %1$s Razvijalec: Licenca: GNU GPL V3 Izvorna koda: Prevajanje objav: Iskanje instanc: instances.social Oblikovalec ikone: Oblikovalec plakata: Pogovor No account to display Ni zahtev za spremljanje Objave Toot \n %1$s Spremljate \n %1$s Spremljevalci \n %1$s Pripeto \n %d Avtorizacija Zavrni Nimate časovno načrtovanih objav Toot. Sestavite objavo Toot in nato izberite Nastavi čas objave iz menija. Želite izbrisati načrtovano objavo? Media: %d Čas objave Toot-a je na urniku. Planiran čas objave morate določiti kasneje od tega trenutka. Battery saver is enabled! It might not work as expected. The time for muting should be greater than one minute. %1$s has been muted until %2$s.\n You can unmute this account from his/her profile page. %1$s is muted until %2$s.\n Click here to unmute the account. Ni obvestil za prikaz mentioned you je ojačal tvoj status favourited your status spremlja vas New toot from %1$s in še eno obvestilo in še %d obvestili in še %d obvestil in še %d obvestil and another toot to discover and %d other toots to discover and %d other toots to discover and %d other toots to discover Naj izbrišem to obvestilo? Naj izbrišem vsa obvestila? Obvestilo je izbrisano. Vsa obvestila so izbrisana. Spremljanje Spremljevalci Pinned Unable to get client id! No Internet connection! The account was blocked! The account is no longer blocked! The account was muted! The account is no longer muted! Ta račun ima spremljevalce. Ta račun nima več spremljevalcev. Objava je bila ojačana. Objava ni več ojačana. The toot was added to your favourites! The toot was removed from your favourites! The toot was reported! The toot was deleted! The toot was pinned! The toot was unpinned! Oops ! An error occurred! An error occurred! The instance did not return an authorisation code! Domena strežniške instance ni videti veljavna. An error occurred while switching between accounts! An error occurred while searching! Can not log in! The profile data have been saved! No action can be taken The media has been saved! An error occurred while translating! Draft saved! Are you sure this instance allows this number of characters? Usually, this value is close to 500 characters. Visibility of the toots has been changed for the account %1$s Instance name and screen name cannot be blank! Optimisation of loading Number of toots per load Number of accounts per load Količina obvestil ob vsakem nalaganju Always WIFI Ask Load the media Load the pictures Show more… Show less… Sensitive content Display previous message in responses Display local timeline Display federated timeline Disable GIF avatars Path: Save drafts automatically Display counters Add URL of media in toots Upravljanje obvestil Obveščaj me o novih spremljevalcih Obveščaj me o novih zahtevah za spremljanje Obveščaj me, ko nekdo ojača moj status Obveščaj me, ko kdo moj status doda med priljubljene Obveščaj me, ko me kdo omeni Vprašaj me za potrditev preden ojačam Pred dodajanjem med priljubljene me vprašaj za potrditev Advanced settings Notify in WIFI only Notify? Tiha obvestila Night mode NSFW view timeout (seconds, 0 means off) Edit profile Bio… Lock account Save changes Choose a header picture Fit preview images Automatically split toots over 500 chars in replies You have reached the 160 characters allowed! You have reached the 30 characters allowed! Časovni okvir za obvestila: Between and The time must be greater than %1$s The time must be lower than %1$s Start time End time Use the built-in browser Custom tabs Enable Javascript Automatically expand cw Allow third-party cookies Layout for timelines: Normal battery drain Medium battery drain Low battery drain Tabs Menu Tabs and menu Yandex DeepL No Your API key, you can leave blank for Yandex Dark Light Black No 512 Kb 1 Mb 2 Mb Set LED colour: Blue Cyan Magenta Green Red Yellow White News Obveščaj me o novih objavah Toot na domači časovnici Spremljaj Ne spremljaj več Block Unblock Mute No action Unmute Request sent Vas spremlja Search First letter in capital for replies Resize pictures Potisna obvestila Prosimo, potrdite potisna obvestila, ki jih želite prejemati. Te nastavitve lahko kasneje omogočite ali onemogočite v nastavitvah (na zavihku Obvestila). For unread toots in home time-line? Za neprebrana obvestila? Clear cache There are %1$s of data in cache.\n\nWould you like to delete them? Mb Cache was cleared! %1$s were released Synchronize Filter Your toots Public Unlisted Private Direct Some keywords… Show media Show pinned No matching result found! Backup toots for %1$s %1$s new toots have been imported No Only Both No toots were found in database. Please, use the synchronize button from the menu to retrieve them. Recorded data Only basic information from accounts are stored on the device. These data are strictly confidential and can only be used by the application. Deleting the application immediately removes these data.\n ⚠ Login and passwords are never stored. They are only used during a secure authentication (SSL) with an instance. Permissions: - ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: Used to detect if the device is connected to a WIFI network.\n - INTERNET: Used for queries to an instance.\n - WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Used to store media or to move the app on a SD card.\n - READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Used to add media to toots.\n - BOOT_COMPLETED: Used to start the notification service.\n - WAKE_LOCK: Used during the notification service. API permissions: - Read: Read data.\n - Write: Post statuses and upload media for statuses.\n - Follow: Follow, unfollow, block, unblock.\n\n ⚠ These actions are carried out only when user requests them. Tracking and Libraries The application does not use tracking tools (audience measurement, error reporting, etc.) and does not contain any advertising.\n\n The use of libraries is minimized: \n - Glide: To manage media\n - Android-Job: To manage services\n - PhotoView: To manage images\n Translation of toots The application offers the ability to translate toots using the locale of the device and the Yandex API.\n Yandex has its proper privacy-policy which can be found here: https://yandex.ru/legal/confidential/?lang=en Thank you to Stéphane for the logo. Thank you to: Filter out by regular expressions Search Delete Fetch more toots… Lists Are you sure you want to permanently delete this list? There is nothing in this list yet. When members of this list post new statuses, they will appear here. Add to list Remove from list Add list Delete list Edit list New list title Išči med svojimi spremljevalci Your lists %1$s has moved to %2$s Prikazuj števec ojačanj in priljulbjenih Authentication does not work? Here are some checks that might help:\n\n - Check there is no spelling mistakes in the instance name\n\n - Check that your instance is not down\n\n - If you use the two-factor authentication (2FA), please use the link at the bottom (once the instance name is filled)\n\n - You can also use this link without using the 2FA\n\n - If it still does not work, please raise an issue on GitLab at https://gitlab.com/tom79/mastalab/issues Media has been loaded. Click here to display it. This action can be quite long. You will be notified when it will be finished. Still running, please wait… Export statuses Export statuses for %1$s %1$s toots out of %2$s have been exported. Something went wrong when exporting data for %1$s Proxy Type Enable proxy? Host Port Login Password Theme: Compact mode Add toot details when sharing Support the app on Liberapay There is an error in the regular expression! No account yet? No timelines was found on this instance! Delete this instance? You are going to delete %s from your followed instances. Translate in Mastalab has stopped :( You can send me by email the crash report. It will help to fix it :)\n\nYou can add additional content. Thank you! Ask for sending crash reports by email? Spremljanje instance To instanco že spremljate. Ta instanca je spremljana. Partnerships Information Skrij ojačanja pred %s Feature on profile Hide everything from %s Prikaži ojačanja uporabnika %s Don\'t feature on profile Show everything from %s The account is now featured on profile The account is no longer featured on profile Ojačanja so zdaj prikazana. Ojačanja so zdaj skrita. Direct message Filters No filters to display. You can create one by clicking on the \"+\" button. Keyword or phrase Home timeline Public timelines Obvestila Conversations Will be matched regardless of casing in text or content warning of a toot Drop instead of hide Filtered toots will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed When the keyword or phrase is alphanumeric only, it will only be applied if it matches the whole word Whole word Filter contexts One or multiple contexts where the filter should apply Expire after Add New Filter Delete filter? Update filter Create filter Koga naj spremlajm There is no accounts listed for the moment! Spremljaj Select all Unselect all %s je spremljan. Creating the list %s Adding accounts to the list Accounts were added to the list Adding accounts to the list You have not created a list yet. Click on the \"+\" button to add a new one. Ne spremljate nobenim oddaljenim instancam. Pritisnite gumb \"+\", da dodajte novo. Koga naj spremlajm Trunk API Tega računa ne morete spremljati Fetching remote account Automatically expand hidden media Prikaži gumb za spremljanje instance Novi spremljevalci Novo ojačanje New Favourite New Mention New Toot Toots Backup Media Download Spremeni zvok ob obvestilih Select Tone Enable time slot How To Videos Fetching remote thread! No blocked domains! Unblock domain Are you sure to unblock %s? Are you sure to block %s? Blocked domains Block domain The domain is blocked The domain is no longer blocked! Fetching remote status Comment Peertube instance Display private messages timeline Keep background process when app is closed Be the first to leave a comment on this video with the top right button! %s views Duration: %s Add an instance Comments are not enabled on this video! Pick up a resolution Peertube favourites The video has been added to bookmarks! The video has been removed from bookmarks! There is no Peertube videos in your favourites! Channel No Peertube channels No Peertube instances No Mastodon instances No lists Videos Channels Use Emoji One Information Display previews in all toots New UX/UI designer Use the direct timeline prior to Mastodon 2.6 Display video previews Gitlab Support Bug Report There are no email clients installed. Send a bug report The account id has been copied in the clipboard! Optimization of the battery Change the language Default language Truncate long toots Truncate toots over \'x\' lines. Zero means disabled. Display more Display less Manage tags The tag already exists! The tag has been stored! The tag has been changed! The tag has been deleted! Display Art timeline Doliči čas ojačanja Določili ste čas ojačanja. Nimate časovno načrtovanih ojačanj. Doliči čas ojačanja.]]> Art timeline Open menu Logo of the application Profile picture Profile banner Contact admin of the instance Add new MastoHost logo Emoji picker Refresh Expand the conversation Remove an account Delete the blocked domain Custom emoji picker Play video New toot Image of the card Hide media Favicon Media for adding a description Never 30 minutes 1 hour 6 hours 12 hours 1 day 1 week V to polje vpišite ime gostitelja vaše instance.\nNaprimer: Če ste ustarili račun na strežniku: https://mastodon.social\nVpišite le ime:mastodon.social (brez https://)\n Ob vpisu prvih nekaj črk vam bomo podali namige možnih imen gostiteljev.\n\n ⚠ Gumb Prijava deluje le, ko je instanca strežnika veljavna in delujoča! In this field, write the email that is attached to your Mastodon account. Last step is to enter your password and click on Login. More information If you use 2FA (Two-factor authentication), you need to use this link.\nYou can also use it if you do not want to enter your credentials here. Media only Show NSFW