メニューを開く メニューを閉じる インスタンスについて プライバシー キャッシュ ログアウト ログイン 閉じる はい いいえ キャンセル ダウンロード ダウンロード: %1$s ダウンロード完了 %1 $ sを保存 メディアを保存しました ファイル:%1 $ s パスワード Eメール アカウント トゥーツ タグ トークン セーブ リストア 2段階認証ですか? Mastodon.etalab.gouv.fr以外のインスタンス? 結果がありません! インスタンス Instance: mastodon.social Now works with the account %1$s Add an account The content of the toot has been copied to the clipboard Change Select a picture… Clean Microphone Please, say something Sorry! Your device does not support the voice input! Delete all Translate this toot. Schedule Text and icon sizes Change the current text size: Change the current icon size: Next Previous Open with Validate Media Share with Shared via Mastalab Replies User name Drafts New data are available! Do you want to display them? Favourites New followers Mentions Boosts Show boosts Show replies Open in browser Translate Please, wait few seconds before making this action. Home Local timeline Federated timeline Options Favourites Communication Muted users Blocked users Remote follow Notifications Follow requests Optimization Settings Profile What do you want to do? Delete an account Delete the account %1$s from the application? Send an email Please select a file No file explorer found! Click on the path to change it Failed! Scheduled toots Information below may reflect the user\'s profile incompletely. Insert emoji The app did not collect custom emojis for the moment. Live notifications No toot to display The toot was added to favourites The toot was removed from favourites! The toot was boosted! The toot is no longer boosted! Boosted by %1$s Add this toot to your favourites? Remove this toot from your favourites? Boost this toot? Unboost this toot? Pin this toot? Unpin this toot? Mute Block Report Remove Copy Share Mention Mute this account? Block this account? Report this toot? Remove this toot? %d replies %d seconds ago %d minutes ago %d hours ago Yesterday Before yesterday %d days ago %d months ago %d years ago Warning What is on your mind? TOOT! cw Write a toot Reply to a toot You have reached the 500 characters allowed! Select a media An error occurred while selecting the media! Delete this media? Your toot is empty! Visibility of the toot Visibility of the toots by default: The toot has been sent! You are replying to this toot: Sensitive content? Post to public timelines Do not post to public timelines Post to followers only Post to mentioned users only No draft! Choose a toot Choose an account Select some accounts Remove draft? Click on the button to display the original toot Describe for the visually impaired No description available! Release %1$s Developer: License: GNU GPL V3 Source code: Translation of toots: Search instances: instances.social Icon designer: Conversation No account to display No follow request Toots \n %1$s Following \n %1$s Followers \n %1$s Pinned \n %d Authorize Reject No scheduled toot to display! Write a toot and then choose Schedule from the top menu. Delete scheduled toot? Media: %d The toot has been scheduled! The scheduled date must be greater than the current hour! Battery saver is enabled! It might not work as expected. No notification to display mentioned you boosted your status favourited your status followed you New toot from %1$s and %d other notifications and %d other toots to discover Delete a notification? Delete all notifications? The notification has been deleted! All notifications have been deleted! Following Followers Pinned Unable to get client id! No Internet connection! The account was blocked! The account is no longer blocked! The account was muted! The account is no longer muted! The account was followed! The account is no longer followed! The toot was boosted! The toot is no longer boosted! The toot was added to your favourites! The toot was removed from your favourites! The toot was reported! The toot was deleted! The toot was pinned! The toot was unpinned! Oops ! An error occurred! An error occurred! The instance did not return an authorisation code! The instance domain does not seem to be valide! An error occurred while switching between accounts! An error occurred while searching! Can not log in! The profile data have been saved! No action can be taken The media has been saved! An error occurred while translating! Draft saved! Are you sure this instance allows this number of characters? Usually, this value is close to 500 characters. Visibility of the toots has been changed for the account %1$s Instance name and screen name cannot be blank! Optimisation of loading Number of toots per load Number of accounts per load Number of notifications per load Always WIFI Ask Load the media Load the pictures Show more… Sensitive content Display previous message in responses Display local timeline Display federated timeline Disable GIF avatars Path: Save drafts automatically Display counters Add URL of media in toots Manage notifications Notify when someone follows you Notify when someone requests to follow you Notify when someone boosts your status Notify when someone favourites your status Notify when someone mentions you Show confirmation dialog before boosting Show confirmation dialog before adding to favourites Advanced settings Notify in WIFI only Notify? Silent Notifications Night mode NSFW view timeout (seconds, 0 means off) Edit profile Bio… Save changes Choose a header picture Display the number of replies in home timeline Display profile pictures? Allow interactions between accounts? You have reached the 160 characters allowed! You have reached the 30 characters allowed! Time slot for notifications: Between and The time must be greater than %1$s The time must be lower than %1$s Start time End time Use the built-in browser Enable Javascript Allow third-party cookies Layout for timelines: Tabs Menu Tabs and menu Yandex No Set LED colour: Blue Cyan Magenta Green Red Yellow White News Notify for new toots on the home timeline Display error messages Follow Unfollow Block Unblock Mute No action Unmute Request sent Follows you Search Push notifications Please, confirm push notifications that you want to receive. You can enable or disable these notifications later in settings (Notifications tab). For unread toots in home time-line? For unread notifications? Clear cache There are %1$s of data in cache.\n\nWould you like to delete them? Mb Cache was cleared! %1$s were released Recorded data Only basic information from accounts are stored on the device. These data are strictly confidential and can only be used by the application. Deleting the application immediately removes these data.\n ⚠ Login and passwords are never stored. They are only used during a secure authentication (SSL) with an instance. Permissions: - ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: Used to detect if the device is connected to a WIFI network.\n - INTERNET: Used for queries to an instance.\n - WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Used to store media or to move the app on a SD card.\n - READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Used to add media to toots.\n - BOOT_COMPLETED: Used to start the notification service.\n - WAKE_LOCK: Used during the notification service. API permissions: - Read: Read data.\n - Write: Post statuses and upload media for statuses.\n - Follow: Follow, unfollow, block, unblock.\n\n ⚠ These actions are carried out only when user requests them. Tracking and Libraries The application does not use tracking tools (audience measurement, error reporting, etc.) and does not contain any advertising.\n\n The use of libraries is minimized: \n - Glide: To manage media\n - Android-Job: To manage services\n - PhotoView: To manage images\n Translation of toots The application offers the ability to translate toots using the locale of the device and the Yandex API.\n Yandex has its proper privacy-policy which can be found here: https://yandex.ru/legal/confidential/?lang=en Thank you to Stéphane for the logo. Thank you to: Filter out by regular expressions Search Delete Fetch more toots… Lists Are you sure you want to permanently delete this list? There is nothing in this list yet. When members of this list post new statuses, they will appear here. Add to list Remove from list Add list Delete list Edit list New list title Search among people you follow Your lists