New translations strings.xml (Danish)

This commit is contained in:
Thomas 2019-06-19 16:34:51 +02:00
parent 255acf49d1
commit 0e6edea986
1 changed files with 30 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -782,7 +782,7 @@
<string name="copy_link">Kopiér link</string>
<string name="connect_instance">Forbind</string>
<string name="set_normal">Almindelig</string>
<string name="set_compact">Compact</string>
<string name="set_compact">t</string>
<string name="set_console">Console</string>
<string name="set_mode">Set display mode</string>
<string name="set_security_provider">Patch the Security Provider</string>
@ -898,42 +898,42 @@
<string name="category_furry">Furry</string>
<string name="category_food">Mad</string>
<string name="instance_logo">Logo for instansen</string>
<string name="toast_error_instance_reg">Something went wrong when checking available instances!</string>
<string name="join_mastodon">Join Mastodon</string>
<string name="pickup_instance_category">Choose an instance by picking up a category, then click on a check button.</string>
<string name="users">%1$s users</string>
<string name="password_confirm">Confirm password</string>
<string name="agreement_check">I agree to %1$s and %2$s</string>
<string name="server_rules">server rules</string>
<string name="tos">terms of service</string>
<string name="sign_up">Sign up</string>
<string name="validation_needed">This instance works with invitations. Your account will need to be manually approved by an administrator before being usable.</string>
<string name="all_field_filled">Please, fill all the fields!</string>
<string name="password_error">Passwords don\'t match!</string>
<string name="email_error">The email doesn\'t seem to be valid!</string>
<string name="username_indicator">Your username will be unique on %1$s</string>
<string name="email_indicator">You will be sent a confirmation e-mail</string>
<string name="password_indicator">Use at least 8 characters</string>
<string name="password_too_short">Password should contain at least 8 characters</string>
<string name="username_error">Username should only contain letters, numbers and underscores</string>
<string name="account_created">Account created!</string>
<string name="account_created_message"> Your account has been created!\n\n
Think to validate your email within the 48 next hours.\n\n
You can now connect your account by writing <b>%1$s</b> in the first field and click on <b>Connect</b>.\n\n
<b>Important</b>: If your instance required validation, you will receive an email once it is validated!
<string name="toast_error_instance_reg">Noget gik galt ved søgning efter tilgængelige instanser!</string>
<string name="join_mastodon">Tilmeld dig Mastodon</string>
<string name="pickup_instance_category">Vælg en instans fra en af kategorierne ved at klikke på dens afkrydsningsfelt.</string>
<string name="users">%1$s brugere</string>
<string name="password_confirm">Bekræft adgangskode</string>
<string name="agreement_check">Jeg accepterer %1$s og %2$s</string>
<string name="server_rules">serverregler</string>
<string name="tos">tjenestevilkår</string>
<string name="sign_up">Tilmeld</string>
<string name="validation_needed">Denne instans fungerer med invitationer. Din konto skal først manuelt godkendes af en administrator før den kan tages i brug.</string>
<string name="all_field_filled">Udfyld venligst alle felter!</string>
<string name="password_error">Adgangskoderne er ikke ens!</string>
<string name="email_error">E-mail ser ikke ud til at være gyldig!</string>
<string name="username_indicator">Dit brugernavn er unikt på %1$s</string>
<string name="email_indicator">Du vil blive sendt en bekræftelses-e-mail</string>
<string name="password_indicator">Brug mindst 8 tegn</string>
<string name="password_too_short">Adgangskoden skal være på mindst 8 tegn</string>
<string name="username_error">Brugernavn må kun indeholde bogstaver, tal og understregninger</string>
<string name="account_created">Konto oprettet!</string>
<string name="account_created_message"> Din konto er blevet oprettet!\n\n
Sørg for at validere din email indenfor de næste 48 timer.\n\n
Du kan nu forbinde til din konto ved at skrive <b>%1$s</b> i det første felt og klikke på <b>Forbind</b>.\n\n
<b>Vigtigt</b>: Hvis din instans kræver validering, vil du modtage en email så snart den er valideret!
<string name="save_draft">Save the message in drafts?</string>
<string name="save_draft">Gemm beskeden i kladder?</string>
<plurals name="number_of_vote">
<item quantity="one">%d vote</item>
<item quantity="other">%d votes</item>
<item quantity="other">%d stemmer</item>
<string-array name="poll_choice_type">
<item>Single choice</item>
<item>Multiple choices</item>
<item>Enkelt valg</item>
<string-array name="poll_duration">
<item>5 minutes</item>
<item>30 minutes</item>
<item>5 minutter</item>
<item>30 minutter</item>
<item>1 hour</item>
<item>6 hours</item>
<item>1 day</item>