# standard library from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta, timezone import json import os import subprocess import sys import time # third party from mastodon import ( Mastodon, MastodonError, MastodonAPIError, MastodonNetworkError, MastodonRatelimitError, ) import requests # local from ephemetoot import plist def compulsory_input(tags, name, example): value = "" while len(value) < 1: if example: value = input(tags[0] + name + tags[1] + example + tags[2]) else: value = input(tags[0] + name + tags[2]) return value def digit_input(tags, name, example): value = "" while value.isdigit() == False: if example: value = input(tags[0] + name + tags[1] + example + tags[2]) else: value = input(tags[0] + name + tags[2]) return value def yes_no_input(tags, name): value = "" while value not in ["y", "n"]: value = input(tags[0] + name + tags[1] + "(y or n):" + tags[2]) return_val = "true" if value == "y" else "false" return return_val def optional_input(tags, name, example): value = input(tags[0] + name + tags[1] + example + tags[2]) return value def init(): """ Creates a config.yaml file in the current directory, based on user input. """ try: # text colour markers (beginning, example, end) tags = ("\033[96m", "\033[2m", "\033[0m") print("\nCreate your config.yaml file.\n") print( "For help check out the docs at ", tags[0], "ephemetoot.hugh.run", tags[2], "\n", sep="", ) conf_token = compulsory_input(tags, "Access token: ", None) conf_user = compulsory_input( tags, "Username", "(without the '@' - e.g. alice):" ) conf_url = compulsory_input(tags, "Base URL", "(e.g. example.social):") conf_days = digit_input(tags, "Days to keep", "(default 365):") conf_pinned = yes_no_input(tags, "Keep pinned toots?") conf_keep_toots = optional_input( tags, "Toots to keep", "(optional list of IDs separated by commas):" ) conf_keep_hashtags = optional_input( tags, "Hashtags to keep", "(optional list without '#' e.g. mastodon, gardening, cats):", ) conf_keep_visibility = optional_input( tags, "Visibility to keep", "(optional list e.g. 'direct'):" ) conf_archive = optional_input( tags, "Archive path", "(optional filepath for archive):" ) # write out the config file with open("config.yaml", "w") as configfile: configfile.write("-") configfile.write("\n access_token: " + conf_token) configfile.write("\n username: " + conf_user) configfile.write("\n base_url: " + conf_url) configfile.write("\n days_to_keep: " + conf_days) configfile.write("\n keep_pinned: " + conf_pinned) if len(conf_keep_toots) > 0: keep_list = conf_keep_toots.split(",") configfile.write("\n toots_to_keep:") for toot in keep_list: configfile.write("\n - " + toot.strip()) if len(conf_keep_hashtags) > 0: tag_list = conf_keep_hashtags.split(",") configfile.write("\n hashtags_to_keep:") for tag in tag_list: configfile.write("\n - " + tag.strip()) if len(conf_keep_visibility) > 0: viz_list = conf_keep_visibility.split(",") configfile.write("\n visibility_to_keep:") for mode in viz_list: configfile.write("\n - " + mode.strip()) if len(conf_archive) > 0: configfile.write("\n archive: " + conf_archive) configfile.close() except Exception as e: print(e) def version(vnum): """ Prints current and latest version numbers to console. """ try: latest = requests.get( "https://api.github.com/repos/hughrun/ephemetoot/releases/latest" ) res = latest.json() latest_version = res["tag_name"] print("\nephemetoot ==> ๐Ÿฅณ ==> ๐Ÿงผ ==> ๐Ÿ˜‡") print("-------------------------------") print("You are using release: \033[92mv", vnum, "\033[0m", sep="") print("The latest release is: \033[92m" + latest_version + "\033[0m") print( "To upgrade to the most recent version run \033[92mpip3 install --update ephemetoot\033[0m" ) except Exception as e: print("Something went wrong:", e) def schedule(options): """ Creates and loads a plist file for scheduled running with launchd. If --time flag is used, the scheduled time is set accordingly. Note that this is designed for use on MacOS. """ try: if options.schedule == ".": working_dir = os.getcwd() else: working_dir = options.schedule lines = plist.default_file.splitlines() lines[7] = " " + working_dir + "" lines[10] = " " + sys.argv[0] + "" lines[12] = " " + working_dir + "/config.yaml" lines[15] = " " + working_dir + "/ephemetoot.log" lines[17] = " " + working_dir + "/ephemetoot.error.log" if options.time: lines[21] = " " + options.time[0] + "" lines[23] = " " + options.time[1] + "" # write out file directly to ~/Library/LaunchAgents f = open( os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~/Library/LaunchAgents"), "ephemetoot.scheduler.plist", ), mode="w", ) for line in lines: if line == lines[-1]: f.write(line) else: f.write(line + "\n") f.close() sys.tracebacklimit = 0 # suppress Tracebacks # unload any existing file (i.e. if this is an update to the file) and suppress any errors subprocess.run( ["launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ephemetoot.scheduler.plist"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, shell=True, ) # load the new file subprocess.run( ["launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ephemetoot.scheduler.plist"], shell=True, ) print("โฐ Scheduled!") except Exception as e: print("๐Ÿ™ Scheduling failed.", e) if options.verbose: print(e) def archive_toot(config, toot): # define archive path if config["archive"][0] == "~": archive_path = os.path.expanduser(config["archive"]) elif config["archive"][0] == "/": archive_path = config["archive"] else: archive_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), config["archive"]) if archive_path[-1] != "/": archive_path += "/" filename = os.path.join(archive_path, str(toot.id) + ".json") # write to file with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(toot, indent=4, default=jsondefault)) f.close() def jsondefault(obj): if isinstance(obj, (date, datetime)): return obj.isoformat() def tooted_date(toot): return toot.created_at.strftime("%d %b %Y") def datestamp_now(): return str(datetime.now(timezone.utc).strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")) def console_print(msg, options, skip): skip_announcement = True if (options.hide_skipped and skip) else False if not (skip_announcement or options.quiet): if options.datestamp: msg = datestamp_now() + " : " + msg print(msg) def print_rate_limit_message(mastodon): now = time.time() diff = mastodon.ratelimit_reset - now print( "\nRate limit reached at", datestamp_now(), "- next reset due in", str(format(diff / 60, ".0f")), "minutes.\n", ) def retry_on_error(options, mastodon, toot, attempts): if attempts < 6: try: console_print( "Attempt " + str(attempts) + " at " + datestamp_now(), options, False ) mastodon.status_delete(toot) except: attempts += 1 time.sleep(60 * options.retry_mins) retry_on_error(options, mastodon, toot, attempts) else: raise TimeoutError("Gave up after 5 attempts") def process_toot(config, options, mastodon, deleted_count, toot): keep_pinned = "keep_pinned" in config and config["keep_pinned"] toots_to_keep = config["toots_to_keep"] if "toots_to_keep" in config else [] visibility_to_keep = ( config["visibility_to_keep"] if "visibility_to_keep" in config else [] ) hashtags_to_keep = ( set(config["hashtags_to_keep"]) if "hashtags_to_keep" in config else set() ) days_to_keep = config["days_to_keep"] if "days_to_keep" in config else 365 cutoff_date = datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(days=days_to_keep) if toot.id and "archive" in config: if not options.archive_deleted: # write toot to archive archive_toot(config, toot) toot_tags = set() for tag in toot.tags: toot_tags.add(tag.name) try: if keep_pinned and hasattr(toot, "pinned") and toot.pinned: console_print("๐Ÿ“Œ skipping pinned toot - " + str(toot.id), options, True) elif toot.id in toots_to_keep: console_print("๐Ÿ’พ skipping saved toot - " + str(toot.id), options, True) elif toot.visibility in visibility_to_keep: console_print( "๐Ÿ‘€ skipping " + toot.visibility + " toot - " + str(toot.id), options, True, ) elif len(hashtags_to_keep.intersection(toot_tags)) > 0: console_print( "#๏ธโƒฃ skipping toot with hashtag - " + str(toot.id), options, True ) elif cutoff_date > toot.created_at: if hasattr(toot, "reblog") and toot.reblog: console_print( "๐Ÿ‘Ž unboosting toot " + str(toot.id) + " boosted " + tooted_date(toot), options, False, ) deleted_count += 1 # unreblog the original toot (their toot), not the toot created by boosting (your toot) if not options.test: if mastodon.ratelimit_remaining == 0: console_print( "Rate limit reached. Waiting for a rate limit reset", options, False, ) # check for --archive-deleted if options.archive_deleted and "id" in toot and "archive" in config: # write toot to archive archive_toot(config, toot) mastodon.status_unreblog(toot.reblog) else: console_print( "โŒ deleting toot " + str(toot.id) + " tooted " + tooted_date(toot), options, False, ) deleted_count += 1 time.sleep( 2 ) # wait 2 secs between deletes to be a bit nicer to the server if not options.test: # deal with rate limits if mastodon.ratelimit_remaining == 0 and not options.quiet: print_rate_limit_message(mastodon) # check for --archive-deleted if options.archive_deleted and "id" in toot and "archive" in config: archive_toot(config, toot) # finally we actually delete the toot mastodon.status_delete(toot) # return the deleted_count back so that it can be tallied within check_batch() return deleted_count except MastodonRatelimitError: print_rate_limit_message(mastodon) time.sleep(diff + 1) # wait for rate limit to reset # If a server goes offline for maintenance etc halfway through a run, we don't necessarily # want to just error out. Handling it here allows us to give it time to sort itself out. except MastodonError as e: if options.verbose: print("๐Ÿ›‘ ERROR deleting toot -", str(toot.id), "\n", e) else: print( "๐Ÿ›‘ ERROR deleting toot -", str(toot.id), "-", str(e.args[0]), "-", str(e.args[3]), ) console_print( "Waiting " + str(options.retry_mins) + " minutes before re-trying", options, False, ) time.sleep(60 * options.retry_mins) retry_on_error(options, mastodon, toot, attempts=2) def check_batch(config, options, mastodon, user_id, timeline, deleted_count=0): """ Check a batch of up to 40 toots. This is usually triggered by check_toots, and then recursively calls itself until all toots within the time period specified have been checked. """ try: for toot in timeline: # process_toot returns the value of the deleted_count so we can keep track here deleted_count = process_toot(config, options, mastodon, deleted_count, toot) # the account_statuses call is paginated with a 40-toot limit # get the id of the last toot to include as 'max_id' in the next API call. # then keep triggering new rounds of check_toots() until there are no more toots to check max_id = timeline[-1:][0].id next_batch = mastodon.account_statuses(user_id, limit=40, max_id=max_id) if len(next_batch) > 0: check_batch(config, options, mastodon, user_id, next_batch, deleted_count) else: if not options.test: if options.datestamp: print("\n", datestamp_now(), end=" : ") print("Removed " + str(deleted_count) + " toots.\n") if not options.quiet: print("---------------------------------------") print("๐Ÿฅณ ==> ๐Ÿงผ ==> ๐Ÿ˜‡ User cleanup complete!") print("---------------------------------------\n") else: if options.quiet: if options.datestamp: print("\n", datestamp_now(), sep="", end=" : ") print( "Test run completed. This would have removed", str(deleted_count), "toots.\n", ) else: print("---------------------------------------") print("๐Ÿฅณ ==> ๐Ÿงช ==> ๐Ÿ“‹ Test run complete!") print("This would have removed", str(deleted_count), "toots.") print("---------------------------------------\n") except IndexError: print("No toots found!\n") def check_toots(config, options, retry_count=0): """ The main function, uses the Mastodon API to check all toots in the user timeline, and delete any that do not meet any of the exclusion criteria from the config file. """ try: print( "Fetching account details for @", config["username"], "@", config["base_url"], sep="", ) if options.pace: mastodon = Mastodon( access_token=config["access_token"], api_base_url="https://" + config["base_url"], ratelimit_method="pace", ) else: mastodon = Mastodon( access_token=config["access_token"], api_base_url="https://" + config["base_url"], ratelimit_method="wait", ) user_id = mastodon.account_verify_credentials().id # verify user and get ID account = mastodon.account(user_id) # get the account timeline = mastodon.account_statuses(user_id, limit=40) # initial batch if not options.quiet: print("Checking", str(account.statuses_count), "toots") # check first batch # check_batch() then recursively keeps looping until all toots have been checked check_batch(config, options, mastodon, user_id, timeline) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Operation aborted.") except KeyError as val: print("\nโš ๏ธ error with in your config.yaml file!") print("Please ensure there is a value for " + str(val) + "\n") except MastodonAPIError as e: if e.args[1] == 401: print( "\n๐Ÿ™… User and/or access token does not exist or has been deleted (401)\n" ) elif e.args[1] == 404: print("\n๐Ÿ”ญ Can't find that server (404)\n") else: print("\n๐Ÿ˜• Server has returned an error (5xx)\n") if options.verbose: print(e, "\n") except MastodonNetworkError as e: if retry_count == 0: print("\n๐Ÿ“ก ephemetoot cannot connect to the server - are you online?") if options.verbose: print(e) if retry_count < 4: print("Waiting " + str(options.retry_mins) + " minutes before trying again") time.sleep(60 * options.retry_mins) retry_count += 1 print("Attempt " + str(retry_count + 1)) check_toots(config, options, retry_count) else: print("Gave up waiting for network\n") except Exception as e: if options.verbose: print("ERROR:", e) else: print("ERROR:", str(e.args[0]), "\n")