# Running the script For a short description of all available options, run `ephemetoot --help` from the command line. It is **strongly recommended** that you do a test run before using `ephemetoot` live. There is no "undo"! ## Running in test mode (--test) To do a test-run without actually deleting anything, run the script with the `--test` flag: ```shell ephemetoot --test ``` ## Running in "live" mode To call the script call ephemetoot with no arguments: ```shell ephemetoot ``` Depending on how many toots you have and how long you want to keep them, it may take a minute or two before you see any results. ## Specifying the config location (--config) By default ephemetoot expects there to be a config file called `config.yaml` in the directory from where you run the `ephemetoot` command. If you want to call it from elsewhere (e.g. with `cron`), you need to specify where your config file is: ```shell ephemetoot --config '~/directory/subdirectory/config.yaml' ``` ## Slow down deletes to match API limit (--pace) With the `--pace` flag, delete actions are slowed so that the API limit is never reached, using [`Mastodon.py`'s 'pace' method](https://mastodonpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html?highlight=pace#mastodon.Mastodon.__init__). This is recommended for your first run, as unless you have tooted fewer than 30 times you are guaranteed to hit the API limit for deletions the first time you run `ephemetoot`. If you do not toot very often on most days, it is probably more efficient to use the default behaviour for daily runs after the first time, but you can use `--pace` every time if you prefer. ## Increase the time between retry attempts when encountering errors (--retry-mins) Use `--retry-mins` to increase the period between attempts to retry deletion after an error. The default value is one (1) minute, but you can make it anything you like. This is useful if your mastodon server is unreliable or frequently in "maintenance mode". ## Do more ### Include datestamp with every action (--datestamp) If you want to know exactly when each delete action occured, you can use the `--datestamp` flag to add a datestamp to the log output. This is useful when using `--pace` so you can see the rate you have been slowed down to. ## Do less ### Hide skipped items (--hide-skipped) If you skip a lot of items (e.g. you skip direct messages) it may clutter your log file to list these every time you run the script. You can suppress them from the output by using the `--hide-skipped` flag. ### Hide everything (--quiet) Use the `--quiet` flag to suppress all logging except for the account name being checked and the number of toots deleted. Exception messages will not be suppressed. ### Only archive deleted toots (--archive-deleted) If you provide a value for `archive` in your config file, the default is that all toots will be archived in that location, regardless of whether or not it is being deleted. i.e. it will create a local archive of your entire toot history. If you run ephemetoot with the `--test` flag, this allows you to use create an archive without even deleting anything. You can use the `--archive-deleted` flag to only archive deleted toots instead. ## Combining flag options You can use several flags together: ```shell ephemetoot --config 'directory/config.yaml' --test --hide-skipped ``` Use them in any order: ```shell ephemetoot --pace --datestamp --config 'directory/config.yaml' ``` Instead of coming back to this page when you forget the flags, you can just use the help option: ```shell ephemetoot --help ``` ## Scheduling Deleting old toots daily is the best approach to keeping your timeline clean and avoiding problems with the API rate limit. ### Linux and FreeBSD/Unix To run automatically every day on a n*x server you could try using crontab: 1. `crontab -e` 2. enter a new line: `@daily /path/to/ephemetoot --config /path/to/ephemetoot/config.yaml` 3. exit with `:qw` (Vi/Vim) or `Ctrl + x` (nano) ### MacOS On **MacOS** you can use the `--schedule` flag to schedule a daily job with [launchd](https://www.launchd.info/). Note that this feature has not been widely tested so **please log an issue if you notice anything go wrong**. Run from within your `ephemetoot` directory: ```shell ephemetoot --schedule ``` or from anywhere else run: ```shell ephemetoot --schedule directory ``` where `directory` is where you installed `ephemetoot`. For example if `ephemetoot` is saved to `/User/hugh/python/ephemetoot`: ```shell ephemetoot --schedule /User/hugh/python/ephemetoot ``` By default, `ephemetoot` will run at 9am every day (as long as your machine is logged in and connected to the internet). You can change the time it is scheduled to run, using the `--time` flag with `--schedule`: ```shell ephemetoot --schedule [directory] --time hour minute ``` For example to run at 2.25pm every day: ```shell ephemetoot --schedule --time 14 25 ``` --- * [Installation](./install.md) * [Upgrading and uninstalling](./upgrade.md)