
497 lines
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import datetime
from datetime import timezone
from dateutil.tz import tzutc
import json
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import pytest
import requests
from ephemetoot import ephemetoot
toot_dict = {
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
"id": 104136090490756999,
"created_at": datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 9, 2, 17, 18, 598000, tzinfo=tzutc()),
"in_reply_to_id": None,
"in_reply_to_account_id": None,
"sensitive": False,
"spoiler_text": "",
"visibility": "public",
"language": "en",
"uri": "https://example.social/users/testbot/statuses/104136090490756503",
"url": "https://example.social/@testbot/104136090490756503",
"replies_count": 0,
"reblogs_count": 0,
"favourites_count": 0,
"favourited": False,
"reblogged": False,
"muted": False,
"bookmarked": False,
"pinned": True,
"content": "<p>hello I am testing</p>",
"reblog": None,
"application": None,
"account": {
"id": 16186,
"username": "testbot",
"acct": "testbot",
"display_name": "ephemtoot Testing Bot",
"locked": True,
"bot": True,
"discoverable": False,
"group": False,
"created_at": datetime.datetime(
2018, 11, 16, 23, 15, 15, 718000, tzinfo=tzutc()
"note": "<p>Liable to explode at any time, handle with care.</p>",
"url": "https://example.social/@testbot",
"avatar": "https://example.social/system/accounts/avatars/000/016/186/original/66d11c4191332e7a.png?1542410869",
"avatar_static": "https://example.social/system/accounts/avatars/000/016/186/original/66d11c4191332e7a.png?1542410869",
"header": "https://example.social/headers/original/header.png",
"header_static": "https://example.social/headers/original/header.png",
"followers_count": 100,
"following_count": 10,
"statuses_count": 99,
"last_status_at": datetime.datetime(2020, 8, 17, 0, 0),
"emojis": [],
"fields": [
{"name": "Fully", "value": "Automated", "verified_at": None},
{"name": "Luxury", "value": "Communism", "verified_at": None},
"media_attachments": [],
"mentions": [],
"tags": [],
"emojis": [],
"card": None,
"poll": None,
# Turn dict into object needed by mastodon.py
# Use this in tests after making any changes
# you need to your dict object
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
# NOTE: ensure values in the dict object are what you need:
# it can be mutated by any test before your test runs
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
def dict2obj(d):
# checking whether object d is a
# instance of class list
if isinstance(d, list):
d = [dict2obj(x) for x in d]
# if d is not a instance of dict then
# directly object is returned
if not isinstance(d, dict):
return d
# declaring a class
class C:
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
# constructor of the class passed to obj
obj = C()
for k in d:
obj.__dict__[k] = dict2obj(d[k])
return obj
# here is our toot object - use this in tests
toot = dict2obj(toot_dict)
# config file after being parsed by yaml.safe_load
config_file = {
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
"access_token": "abcd_1234",
"username": "alice",
"base_url": "test.social",
"hashtags_to_keep": ["ephemetoot"],
"days_to_keep": 14,
"keep_pinned": True,
"toots_to_keep": [103996285277439262, 103976473612749097, 103877521458738491],
"visibility_to_keep": [None],
"archive": "archive",
# mock GitHub API call for the version number
class MockGitHub:
def json():
return {"tag_name": "vLATEST_VERSION"}
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
# mock Mastodon
class Mocktodon:
def __init__(self):
return None
def status_delete(self, t=toot):
return None
def status_unreblog(self, t=toot):
return None
def ratelimit_remaining(self):
return 100
def account_statuses(self, user_id=None, limit=None, max_id=None):
# create 10 statuses
# the first 2 will be checked in the first batch (in production it would be 40)
user_toots = []
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
def make_toot(i=1):
if i < 11:
keys = ("id", "created_at", "reblog", "tags", "visibility")
vals = (
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
datetime.datetime(2018, 11, i, 23, 15, 15, 718000, tzinfo=tzutc()),
user_toot = dict(zip(keys, vals))
total = i + 1
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
make_toot(1) # make the batch of toots
# ignore user_id
# filter for toots with id smaller than max_id
this_batch = []
# use dict_to_obj to make a toot for each toot in the obj then a list from that
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
this_batch = [dict2obj(t) for t in user_toots if t["id"] > max_id][:limit]
return this_batch
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
# mock argparse objects (options)
class Namespace:
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
def __init__(
self.archive_deleted = archive_deleted
self.datestamp = datestamp
self.schedule = schedule
self.time = time
self.test = test
self.hide_skipped = hide_skipped
self.quiet = quiet
self.retry_mins = retry_mins
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
def mock_github_response(monkeypatch):
def mock_get(*args, **kwargs):
return MockGitHub()
monkeypatch.setattr(requests, "get", mock_get)
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
# Tests should be listed in alphabetical order
# Remember that a previous test may have mutated
# one of the values above: set all values you are using
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
def test_archive_toot(tmpdir):
p = tmpdir.mkdir("archive")
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
config_file["archive"] = str(p) # make archive directory a temp test dir
ephemetoot.archive_toot(config_file, toot)
file_exists = os.path.exists(p + "/104136090490756999.json")
assert file_exists
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
def test_check_batch(capfd, monkeypatch):
config = config_file
options = Namespace(archive_deleted=False)
mastodon = Mocktodon()
user_id = "test_user_id"
# limit to 2 so check_batch calls itself for the last 8 toots
timeline = mastodon.account_statuses(user_id=user_id, limit=2, max_id=0)
# monkeypatch process_toot to add 1 to deleted_count and return
# this simulates what would happen if the toot was being deleted
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
lambda config, options, mastodon, deleted_count, toot: deleted_count + 1,
# run check_batch
ephemetoot.check_batch(config, options, mastodon, user_id, timeline, 0)
# deleted_count should be 10
output = capfd.readouterr().out.split("\n")
assert output[0] == "Removed 10 toots for alice@test.social."
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
def test_console_print(capfd):
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
"test123", Namespace(test=False, hide_skipped=False, quiet=False), False
assert capfd.readouterr().out == "test123\n"
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
def test_console_print_quiet():
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
result = ephemetoot.console_print(
"test123", Namespace(test=False, hide_skipped=False, quiet=True), False
assert result == None
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
def test_console_print_skip():
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
result = ephemetoot.console_print(
"test123", Namespace(test=False, hide_skipped=True, quiet=False), True
assert result == None
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
def test_datestamp_now():
datestamp = ephemetoot.datestamp_now()
date_object = datetime.datetime.strptime(datestamp, "%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
# use timetuple() to exclude differences in milliseconds
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
assert datetime.datetime.now(timezone.utc).timetuple() == date_object.timetuple()
def test_init(monkeypatch, tmpdir):
# monkeypatch current directory
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
current_dir = tmpdir.mkdir("current_dir") # temporary directory for testing
# monkeypatch input ...outputs
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
"ephemetoot.ephemetoot.compulsory_input", lambda a, b, c: "compulsory"
monkeypatch.setattr("ephemetoot.ephemetoot.digit_input", lambda a, b, c: "14")
monkeypatch.setattr("ephemetoot.ephemetoot.yes_no_input", lambda a, b: "false")
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
"ephemetoot.ephemetoot.optional_input", lambda a, b, c: "optional"
# run init
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(current_dir, "config.yaml"))
def test_jsondefault():
d = ephemetoot.jsondefault(toot.created_at)
assert d == "2020-05-09T02:17:18.598000+00:00"
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
def test_process_toot(capfd, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
# config uses config_listed at top of this tests file
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
p = tmpdir.mkdir("archive") # use temporary test directory
config_file["archive"] = str(p)
config_file["keep_pinned"] = False
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
config_file["toots_to_keep"] = []
config_file["visibility_to_keep"] = []
options = Namespace(archive_deleted=False)
mastodon = Mocktodon()
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
toot_dict["pinned"] = False
toot_dict["visibility"] = "public"
toot_dict["reblog"] = False
toot = dict2obj(toot_dict)
ephemetoot.process_toot(config_file, options, mastodon, 0, toot)
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
assert (
== "❌ deleting toot 104136090490756999 tooted 09 May 2020\n"
def test_process_toot_pinned(capfd, tmpdir):
# config uses config_listed at top of this tests file
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
p = tmpdir.mkdir("archive") # use temporary test directory
config_file["archive"] = str(p)
config_file["keep_pinned"] = True
options = Namespace(archive_deleted=False)
mastodon = Mocktodon()
toot_dict["pinned"] = True
toot = dict2obj(toot_dict)
ephemetoot.process_toot(config_file, options, mastodon, 0, toot)
assert capfd.readouterr().out == "📌 skipping pinned toot - 104136090490756999\n"
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
def test_process_toot_saved(capfd, tmpdir):
# config uses config_listed at top of this tests file
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
p = tmpdir.mkdir("archive") # use temporary test directory
config_file["archive"] = str(p)
config_file["keep_pinned"] = False
options = Namespace(archive_deleted=False)
mastodon = Mocktodon()
toot_dict["pinned"] = False
toot = dict2obj(toot_dict)
ephemetoot.process_toot(config_file, options, mastodon, 0, toot)
assert capfd.readouterr().out == "💾 skipping saved toot - 104136090490756999\n"
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
def test_process_toot_visibility(capfd, tmpdir):
# config uses config_listed at top of this tests file
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
p = tmpdir.mkdir("archive") # use temporary test directory
config_file["archive"] = str(p)
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
config_file["keep_pinned"] = False # is true above so make false
config_file["toots_to_keep"].remove(104136090490756999) # don't keep this toot
options = Namespace(archive_deleted=False)
mastodon = Mocktodon()
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
toot_dict["pinned"] = False # is true above so make false
toot_dict["visibility"] = "testing"
toot = dict2obj(toot_dict)
ephemetoot.process_toot(config_file, options, mastodon, 0, toot)
assert capfd.readouterr().out == "👀 skipping testing toot - 104136090490756999\n"
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
def test_process_toot_hashtag(capfd, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
# config uses config_listed at top of this tests file
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
p = tmpdir.mkdir("archive") # use temporary test directory
config_file["archive"] = str(p)
config_file["keep_pinned"] = False
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
config_file["toots_to_keep"] = []
config_file["visibility_to_keep"] = []
options = Namespace(archive_deleted=False)
mastodon = Mocktodon()
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
toot_dict["pinned"] = False
toot_dict["visibility"] = "public"
toot_dict["reblog"] = True
toot = dict2obj(toot_dict)
ephemetoot.process_toot(config_file, options, mastodon, 0, toot)
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
assert (
== "👎 unboosting toot 104136090490756999 boosted 09 May 2020\n"
def test_retry_on_error():
# Namespace object constructed from top of tests (representing options)
# toot comes from variable at top of test
mastodon = Mocktodon()
toot = dict2obj(toot_dict)
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
retry = ephemetoot.retry_on_error(Namespace(retry_mins=True), mastodon, toot, 5)
assert retry == None # should not return an error
def test_retry_on_error_max_tries():
# Namespace object constructed from top of tests (representing options)
# toot and mastodon come from objects at top of test
with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
mastodon = Mocktodon()
toot = dict2obj(toot_dict)
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
retry = ephemetoot.retry_on_error(Namespace(retry_mins=True), mastodon, toot, 7)
def test_schedule(monkeypatch, tmpdir):
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
home = tmpdir.mkdir("current_dir") # temporary directory for testing
launch = tmpdir.mkdir("TestAgents") # temporary directory for testing
# monkeypatch directories and suppress the plist loading process
# NOTE: it may be possible to test the plist loading process
# but I can't work out how to do it universally / consistently
def mock_current_dir():
return str(home)
def mock_home_dir_expansion(arg):
return str(launch)
def suppress_subprocess(args, stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=None):
return None
monkeypatch.setattr(os, "getcwd", mock_current_dir)
monkeypatch.setattr(os.path, "expanduser", mock_home_dir_expansion)
monkeypatch.setattr(subprocess, "run", suppress_subprocess)
# now we run the function we're testing
ephemetoot.schedule(Namespace(schedule=".", time=None))
# assert the plist file was created
plist_file = os.path.join(launch, "ephemetoot.scheduler.plist")
assert os.path.lexists(plist_file)
# check that correct values were modified in the file
f = open(plist_file, "r")
plist = f.readlines()
assert plist[7] == " <string>" + str(home) + "</string>\n"
assert plist[7] == " <string>" + str(home) + "</string>\n"
assert plist[10] == " <string>" + sys.argv[0] + "</string>\n"
assert plist[12] == " <string>" + str(home) + "/config.yaml</string>\n"
assert plist[15] == " <string>" + str(home) + "/ephemetoot.log</string>\n"
assert plist[17] == " <string>" + str(home) + "/ephemetoot.error.log</string>\n"
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
def test_schedule_with_time(monkeypatch, tmpdir):
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
home = tmpdir.mkdir("current_dir") # temporary directory for testing
launch = tmpdir.mkdir("TestAgents") # temporary directory for testing
# monkeypatch directories and suppress the plist loading process
# NOTE: it may be possible to test the plist loading process
# but I can't work out how to do it universally / consistently
def mock_current_dir():
return str(home)
def mock_home_dir_expansion(arg):
return str(launch)
def suppress_subprocess(args, stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=None):
return None
monkeypatch.setattr(os, "getcwd", mock_current_dir)
monkeypatch.setattr(os.path, "expanduser", mock_home_dir_expansion)
monkeypatch.setattr(subprocess, "run", suppress_subprocess)
# now we run the function we're testing
ephemetoot.schedule(Namespace(schedule=".", time=["10", "30"]))
# assert the plist file was created
plist_file = os.path.join(launch, "ephemetoot.scheduler.plist")
assert os.path.lexists(plist_file)
# assert that correct values were modified in the file
f = open(plist_file, "r")
plist = f.readlines()
assert plist[21] == " <integer>10</integer>\n"
assert plist[23] == " <integer>30</integer>\n"
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
def test_tooted_date():
string = ephemetoot.tooted_date(toot)
created = datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 9, 2, 17, 18, 598000, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
test_string = created.strftime("%d %b %Y")
assert string == test_string
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
def test_version(mock_github_response, capfd):
output = capfd.readouterr().out
msg = """
ephemetoot ==> 🥳 ==> 🧼 ==> 😇
You are using release: \033[92mvTEST_VERSION\033[0m
The latest release is: \033[92mvLATEST_VERSION\033[0m
To upgrade to the most recent version run \033[92mpip3 install --update ephemetoot\033[0m\n"""
2020-09-08 12:05:10 +02:00
assert output == msg