package com.keylesspalace.tusky.util import android.content.Context import com.keylesspalace.tusky.R import org.json.JSONException import org.json.JSONObject import retrofit2.HttpException import /** * checks if this throwable indicates an error causes by a 4xx/5xx server response and * tries to retrieve the error message the server sent * @return the error message, or null if this is no server error or it had no error message */ fun Throwable.getServerErrorMessage(): String? { if (this is HttpException) { val errorResponse = response()?.errorBody()?.string() return if (!errorResponse.isNullOrBlank()) { try { JSONObject(errorResponse).getString("error") } catch (e: JSONException) { null } } else { null } } return null } /** @return A drawable resource to accompany the error message for this throwable */ fun Throwable.getDrawableRes(): Int = when (this) { is IOException -> R.drawable.elephant_offline is HttpException -> R.drawable.elephant_offline else -> R.drawable.elephant_error } /** @return A string error message for this throwable */ fun Throwable.getErrorString(context: Context): String = getServerErrorMessage() ?: when (this) { is IOException -> context.getString(R.string.error_network) else -> context.getString(R.string.error_generic) }