/* Copyright 2019 Tusky Contributors * * This file is a part of Tusky. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Tusky is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Tusky; if not, * see . */ package com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.compose import android.net.Uri import android.util.Log import androidx.core.net.toUri import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope import at.connyduck.calladapter.networkresult.fold import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.compose.ComposeActivity.ComposeKind import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.compose.ComposeActivity.QueuedMedia import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.compose.ComposeAutoCompleteAdapter.AutocompleteResult import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.drafts.DraftHelper import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.instanceinfo.InstanceInfo import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.instanceinfo.InstanceInfoRepository import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.search.SearchType import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.AccountManager import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Attachment import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Emoji import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.NewPoll import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Status import com.keylesspalace.tusky.network.MastodonApi import com.keylesspalace.tusky.service.MediaToSend import com.keylesspalace.tusky.service.ServiceClient import com.keylesspalace.tusky.service.StatusToSend import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.randomAlphanumericString import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.BufferOverflow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableSharedFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharedFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharingStarted import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.asFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.first import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.shareIn import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.update import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import javax.inject.Inject class ComposeViewModel @Inject constructor( private val api: MastodonApi, private val accountManager: AccountManager, private val mediaUploader: MediaUploader, private val serviceClient: ServiceClient, private val draftHelper: DraftHelper, instanceInfoRepo: InstanceInfoRepository ) : ViewModel() { private var replyingStatusAuthor: String? = null private var replyingStatusContent: String? = null internal var startingText: String? = null internal var postLanguage: String? = null private var draftId: Int = 0 private var scheduledTootId: String? = null private var startingContentWarning: String = "" private var inReplyToId: String? = null private var originalStatusId: String? = null private var startingVisibility: Status.Visibility = Status.Visibility.UNKNOWN private var contentWarningStateChanged: Boolean = false private var modifiedInitialState: Boolean = false private var hasScheduledTimeChanged: Boolean = false val instanceInfo: SharedFlow = instanceInfoRepo::getInstanceInfo.asFlow() .shareIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.Eagerly, replay = 1) val emoji: SharedFlow> = instanceInfoRepo::getEmojis.asFlow() .shareIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.Eagerly, replay = 1) val markMediaAsSensitive: MutableStateFlow = MutableStateFlow(accountManager.activeAccount?.defaultMediaSensitivity ?: false) val statusVisibility: MutableStateFlow = MutableStateFlow(Status.Visibility.UNKNOWN) val showContentWarning: MutableStateFlow = MutableStateFlow(false) val poll: MutableStateFlow = MutableStateFlow(null) val scheduledAt: MutableStateFlow = MutableStateFlow(null) val media: MutableStateFlow> = MutableStateFlow(emptyList()) val uploadError = MutableSharedFlow(replay = 0, extraBufferCapacity = 1, onBufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.DROP_OLDEST) private lateinit var composeKind: ComposeKind // Used in ComposeActivity to pass state to result function when cropImage contract inflight var cropImageItemOld: QueuedMedia? = null private var setupComplete = false suspend fun pickMedia(mediaUri: Uri, description: String? = null, focus: Attachment.Focus? = null): Result = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { try { val (type, uri, size) = mediaUploader.prepareMedia(mediaUri, instanceInfo.first()) val mediaItems = media.value if (type != QueuedMedia.Type.IMAGE && mediaItems.isNotEmpty() && mediaItems[0].type == QueuedMedia.Type.IMAGE ) { Result.failure(VideoOrImageException()) } else { val queuedMedia = addMediaToQueue(type, uri, size, description, focus) Result.success(queuedMedia) } } catch (e: Exception) { Result.failure(e) } } suspend fun addMediaToQueue( type: QueuedMedia.Type, uri: Uri, mediaSize: Long, description: String? = null, focus: Attachment.Focus? = null, replaceItem: QueuedMedia? = null ): QueuedMedia { var stashMediaItem: QueuedMedia? = null media.update { mediaList -> val mediaItem = QueuedMedia( localId = mediaUploader.getNewLocalMediaId(), uri = uri, type = type, mediaSize = mediaSize, description = description, focus = focus, state = QueuedMedia.State.UPLOADING ) stashMediaItem = mediaItem if (replaceItem != null) { mediaUploader.cancelUploadScope(replaceItem.localId) mediaList.map { if (it.localId == replaceItem.localId) mediaItem else it } } else { // Append mediaList + mediaItem } } val mediaItem = stashMediaItem!! // stashMediaItem is always non-null and uncaptured at this point, but Kotlin doesn't know that viewModelScope.launch { mediaUploader .uploadMedia(mediaItem, instanceInfo.first()) .collect { event -> val item = media.value.find { it.localId == mediaItem.localId } ?: return@collect val newMediaItem = when (event) { is UploadEvent.ProgressEvent -> item.copy(uploadPercent = event.percentage) is UploadEvent.FinishedEvent -> item.copy( id = event.mediaId, uploadPercent = -1, state = if (event.processed) { QueuedMedia.State.PROCESSED } else { QueuedMedia.State.UNPROCESSED } ) is UploadEvent.ErrorEvent -> { media.update { mediaList -> mediaList.filter { it.localId != mediaItem.localId } } uploadError.emit(event.error) return@collect } } media.update { mediaList -> mediaList.map { mediaItem -> if (mediaItem.localId == newMediaItem.localId) { newMediaItem } else { mediaItem } } } } } return mediaItem } private fun addUploadedMedia(id: String, type: QueuedMedia.Type, uri: Uri, description: String?, focus: Attachment.Focus?) { media.update { mediaList -> val mediaItem = QueuedMedia( localId = mediaUploader.getNewLocalMediaId(), uri = uri, type = type, mediaSize = 0, uploadPercent = -1, id = id, description = description, focus = focus, state = QueuedMedia.State.PUBLISHED ) mediaList + mediaItem } } fun removeMediaFromQueue(item: QueuedMedia) { mediaUploader.cancelUploadScope(item.localId) media.update { mediaList -> mediaList.filter { it.localId != item.localId } } } fun toggleMarkSensitive() { this.markMediaAsSensitive.value = this.markMediaAsSensitive.value != true } fun handleCloseButton(contentText: String?, contentWarning: String?): ConfirmationKind { return if (didChange(contentText, contentWarning)) { when (composeKind) { ComposeKind.NEW -> if (isEmpty(contentText, contentWarning)) { ConfirmationKind.NONE } else { ConfirmationKind.SAVE_OR_DISCARD } ComposeKind.EDIT_DRAFT -> if (isEmpty(contentText, contentWarning)) { ConfirmationKind.CONTINUE_EDITING_OR_DISCARD_DRAFT } else { ConfirmationKind.UPDATE_OR_DISCARD } ComposeKind.EDIT_POSTED -> ConfirmationKind.CONTINUE_EDITING_OR_DISCARD_CHANGES ComposeKind.EDIT_SCHEDULED -> ConfirmationKind.CONTINUE_EDITING_OR_DISCARD_CHANGES } } else { ConfirmationKind.NONE } } private fun didChange(content: String?, contentWarning: String?): Boolean { val textChanged = content.orEmpty() != startingText.orEmpty() val contentWarningChanged = contentWarning.orEmpty() != startingContentWarning val mediaChanged = media.value.isNotEmpty() val pollChanged = poll.value != null val didScheduledTimeChange = hasScheduledTimeChanged return modifiedInitialState || textChanged || contentWarningChanged || mediaChanged || pollChanged || didScheduledTimeChange } private fun isEmpty(content: String?, contentWarning: String?): Boolean { return !modifiedInitialState && (content.isNullOrBlank() && contentWarning.isNullOrBlank() && media.value.isEmpty() && poll.value == null) } fun contentWarningChanged(value: Boolean) { showContentWarning.value = value contentWarningStateChanged = true } fun deleteDraft() { viewModelScope.launch { if (draftId != 0) { draftHelper.deleteDraftAndAttachments(draftId) } } } fun stopUploads() { mediaUploader.cancelUploadScope(*media.value.map { it.localId }.toIntArray()) } fun shouldShowSaveDraftDialog(): Boolean { // if any of the media files need to be downloaded first it could take a while, so show a loading dialog return media.value.any { mediaValue -> mediaValue.uri.scheme == "https" } } suspend fun saveDraft(content: String, contentWarning: String) { val mediaUris: MutableList = mutableListOf() val mediaDescriptions: MutableList = mutableListOf() val mediaFocus: MutableList = mutableListOf() media.value.forEach { item -> mediaUris.add(item.uri.toString()) mediaDescriptions.add(item.description) mediaFocus.add(item.focus) } draftHelper.saveDraft( draftId = draftId, accountId = accountManager.activeAccount?.id!!, inReplyToId = inReplyToId, content = content, contentWarning = contentWarning, sensitive = markMediaAsSensitive.value, visibility = statusVisibility.value, mediaUris = mediaUris, mediaDescriptions = mediaDescriptions, mediaFocus = mediaFocus, poll = poll.value, failedToSend = false, failedToSendAlert = false, scheduledAt = scheduledAt.value, language = postLanguage, statusId = originalStatusId ) } /** * Send status to the server. * Uses current state plus provided arguments. */ suspend fun sendStatus( content: String, spoilerText: String, accountId: Long ) { if (!scheduledTootId.isNullOrEmpty()) { api.deleteScheduledStatus(scheduledTootId!!) } val attachedMedia = media.value.map { item -> MediaToSend( localId = item.localId, id = item.id, uri = item.uri.toString(), description = item.description, focus = item.focus, processed = item.state == QueuedMedia.State.PROCESSED || item.state == QueuedMedia.State.PUBLISHED ) } val tootToSend = StatusToSend( text = content, warningText = spoilerText, visibility = statusVisibility.value.serverString(), sensitive = attachedMedia.isNotEmpty() && (markMediaAsSensitive.value || showContentWarning.value), media = attachedMedia, scheduledAt = scheduledAt.value, inReplyToId = inReplyToId, poll = poll.value, replyingStatusContent = null, replyingStatusAuthorUsername = null, accountId = accountId, draftId = draftId, idempotencyKey = randomAlphanumericString(16), retries = 0, language = postLanguage, statusId = originalStatusId ) serviceClient.sendToot(tootToSend) } private fun updateMediaItem(localId: Int, mutator: (QueuedMedia) -> QueuedMedia) { media.update { mediaList -> mediaList.map { mediaItem -> if (mediaItem.localId == localId) { mutator(mediaItem) } else { mediaItem } } } } fun updateDescription(localId: Int, description: String) { updateMediaItem(localId) { mediaItem -> mediaItem.copy(description = description) } } fun updateFocus(localId: Int, focus: Attachment.Focus) { updateMediaItem(localId) { mediaItem -> mediaItem.copy(focus = focus) } } fun searchAutocompleteSuggestions(token: String): List { when (token[0]) { '@' -> { return api.searchAccountsSync(query = token.substring(1), limit = 10) .fold({ accounts -> accounts.map { AutocompleteResult.AccountResult(it) } }, { e -> Log.e(TAG, "Autocomplete search for $token failed.", e) emptyList() }) } '#' -> { return api.searchSync(query = token, type = SearchType.Hashtag.apiParameter, limit = 10) .fold({ searchResult -> searchResult.hashtags.map { AutocompleteResult.HashtagResult(it.name) } }, { e -> Log.e(TAG, "Autocomplete search for $token failed.", e) emptyList() }) } ':' -> { val emojiList = emoji.replayCache.firstOrNull() ?: return emptyList() val incomplete = token.substring(1) return emojiList.filter { emoji -> emoji.shortcode.contains(incomplete, ignoreCase = true) }.sortedBy { emoji -> emoji.shortcode.indexOf(incomplete, ignoreCase = true) }.map { emoji -> AutocompleteResult.EmojiResult(emoji) } } else -> { Log.w(TAG, "Unexpected autocompletion token: $token") return emptyList() } } } fun setup(composeOptions: ComposeActivity.ComposeOptions?) { if (setupComplete) { return } composeKind = composeOptions?.kind ?: ComposeKind.NEW val preferredVisibility = accountManager.activeAccount!!.defaultPostPrivacy val replyVisibility = composeOptions?.replyVisibility ?: Status.Visibility.UNKNOWN startingVisibility = Status.Visibility.byNum( preferredVisibility.num.coerceAtLeast(replyVisibility.num) ) inReplyToId = composeOptions?.inReplyToId modifiedInitialState = composeOptions?.modifiedInitialState == true val contentWarning = composeOptions?.contentWarning if (contentWarning != null) { startingContentWarning = contentWarning } if (!contentWarningStateChanged) { showContentWarning.value = !contentWarning.isNullOrBlank() } // recreate media list val draftAttachments = composeOptions?.draftAttachments if (draftAttachments != null) { // when coming from DraftActivity viewModelScope.launch { draftAttachments.forEach { attachment -> pickMedia(attachment.uri, attachment.description, attachment.focus) } } } else { composeOptions?.mediaAttachments?.forEach { a -> // when coming from redraft or ScheduledTootActivity val mediaType = when (a.type) { Attachment.Type.VIDEO, Attachment.Type.GIFV -> QueuedMedia.Type.VIDEO Attachment.Type.UNKNOWN, Attachment.Type.IMAGE -> QueuedMedia.Type.IMAGE Attachment.Type.AUDIO -> QueuedMedia.Type.AUDIO } addUploadedMedia(a.id, mediaType, a.url.toUri(), a.description, a.meta?.focus) } } draftId = composeOptions?.draftId ?: 0 scheduledTootId = composeOptions?.scheduledTootId originalStatusId = composeOptions?.statusId startingText = composeOptions?.content postLanguage = composeOptions?.language val tootVisibility = composeOptions?.visibility ?: Status.Visibility.UNKNOWN if (tootVisibility.num != Status.Visibility.UNKNOWN.num) { startingVisibility = tootVisibility } statusVisibility.value = startingVisibility val mentionedUsernames = composeOptions?.mentionedUsernames if (mentionedUsernames != null) { val builder = StringBuilder() for (name in mentionedUsernames) { builder.append('@') builder.append(name) builder.append(' ') } startingText = builder.toString() } scheduledAt.value = composeOptions?.scheduledAt composeOptions?.sensitive?.let { markMediaAsSensitive.value = it } val poll = composeOptions?.poll if (poll != null && composeOptions.mediaAttachments.isNullOrEmpty()) { this.poll.value = poll } replyingStatusContent = composeOptions?.replyingStatusContent replyingStatusAuthor = composeOptions?.replyingStatusAuthor setupComplete = true } fun updatePoll(newPoll: NewPoll) { poll.value = newPoll } fun updateScheduledAt(newScheduledAt: String?) { if (newScheduledAt != scheduledAt.value) { hasScheduledTimeChanged = true } scheduledAt.value = newScheduledAt } val editing: Boolean get() = !originalStatusId.isNullOrEmpty() private companion object { const val TAG = "ComposeViewModel" } enum class ConfirmationKind { NONE, // just close SAVE_OR_DISCARD, UPDATE_OR_DISCARD, CONTINUE_EDITING_OR_DISCARD_CHANGES, // editing post CONTINUE_EDITING_OR_DISCARD_DRAFT // edit draft } } /** * Thrown when trying to add an image when video is already present or the other way around */ class VideoOrImageException : Exception()