package com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.account import android.util.Log import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope import at.connyduck.calladapter.networkresult.fold import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.BlockEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.DomainMuteEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.EventHub import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.MuteEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.ProfileEditedEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.UnfollowEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.AccountManager import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Account import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Relationship import import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.Error import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.Loading import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.Resource import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.Success import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.getDomain import kotlinx.coroutines.Job import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import javax.inject.Inject class AccountViewModel @Inject constructor( private val mastodonApi: MastodonApi, private val eventHub: EventHub, accountManager: AccountManager ) : ViewModel() { val accountData = MutableLiveData>() val relationshipData = MutableLiveData>() val noteSaved = MutableLiveData() val isRefreshing = MutableLiveData().apply { value = false } private var isDataLoading = false lateinit var accountId: String var isSelf = false /** the domain of the viewed account **/ var domain = "" /** True if the viewed account has the same domain as the active account */ var isFromOwnDomain = false private var noteUpdateJob: Job? = null private val activeAccount = accountManager.activeAccount!! init { viewModelScope.launch { { event -> if (event is ProfileEditedEvent && == accountData.value?.data?.id) { accountData.postValue(Success(event.newProfileData)) } } } } private fun obtainAccount(reload: Boolean = false) { if (accountData.value == null || reload) { isDataLoading = true accountData.postValue(Loading()) viewModelScope.launch { mastodonApi.account(accountId) .fold( { account -> domain = getDomain(account.url) isFromOwnDomain = domain == activeAccount.domain accountData.postValue(Success(account)) isDataLoading = false isRefreshing.postValue(false) }, { t -> Log.w(TAG, "failed obtaining account", t) accountData.postValue(Error(cause = t)) isDataLoading = false isRefreshing.postValue(false) } ) } } } private fun obtainRelationship(reload: Boolean = false) { if (relationshipData.value == null || reload) { relationshipData.postValue(Loading()) viewModelScope.launch { mastodonApi.relationships(listOf(accountId)) .fold( { relationships -> relationshipData.postValue(if (relationships.isNotEmpty()) Success(relationships[0]) else Error()) }, { t -> Log.w(TAG, "failed obtaining relationships", t) relationshipData.postValue(Error(cause = t)) } ) } } } fun changeFollowState() { val relationship = relationshipData.value?.data if (relationship?.following == true || relationship?.requested == true) { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.UNFOLLOW) } else { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.FOLLOW) } } fun changeBlockState() { if (relationshipData.value?.data?.blocking == true) { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.UNBLOCK) } else { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.BLOCK) } } fun muteAccount(notifications: Boolean, duration: Int?) { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.MUTE, notifications, duration) } fun unmuteAccount() { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.UNMUTE) } fun changeSubscribingState() { val relationship = relationshipData.value?.data if (relationship?.notifying == true || /* Mastodon 3.3.0rc1 */ relationship?.subscribing == true /* Pleroma */ ) { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.UNSUBSCRIBE) } else { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.SUBSCRIBE) } } fun blockDomain(instance: String) { viewModelScope.launch { mastodonApi.blockDomain(instance).fold({ eventHub.dispatch(DomainMuteEvent(instance)) val relation = relationshipData.value?.data if (relation != null) { relationshipData.postValue(Success(relation.copy(blockingDomain = true))) } }, { e -> Log.e(TAG, "Error muting $instance", e) }) } } fun unblockDomain(instance: String) { viewModelScope.launch { mastodonApi.unblockDomain(instance).fold({ val relation = relationshipData.value?.data if (relation != null) { relationshipData.postValue(Success(relation.copy(blockingDomain = false))) } }, { e -> Log.e(TAG, "Error unmuting $instance", e) }) } } fun changeShowReblogsState() { if (relationshipData.value?.data?.showingReblogs == true) { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.FOLLOW, false) } else { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.FOLLOW, true) } } /** * @param parameter showReblogs if RelationShipAction.FOLLOW, notifications if MUTE */ private fun changeRelationship( relationshipAction: RelationShipAction, parameter: Boolean? = null, duration: Int? = null ) = viewModelScope.launch { val relation = relationshipData.value?.data val account = accountData.value?.data val isMastodon = relationshipData.value?.data?.notifying != null if (relation != null && account != null) { // optimistically post new state for faster response val newRelation = when (relationshipAction) { RelationShipAction.FOLLOW -> { if (account.locked) { relation.copy(requested = true) } else { relation.copy(following = true) } } RelationShipAction.UNFOLLOW -> relation.copy(following = false) RelationShipAction.BLOCK -> relation.copy(blocking = true) RelationShipAction.UNBLOCK -> relation.copy(blocking = false) RelationShipAction.MUTE -> relation.copy(muting = true) RelationShipAction.UNMUTE -> relation.copy(muting = false) RelationShipAction.SUBSCRIBE -> { if (isMastodon) { relation.copy(notifying = true) } else { relation.copy(subscribing = true) } } RelationShipAction.UNSUBSCRIBE -> { if (isMastodon) { relation.copy(notifying = false) } else { relation.copy(subscribing = false) } } } relationshipData.postValue(Loading(newRelation)) } val relationshipCall = when (relationshipAction) { RelationShipAction.FOLLOW -> mastodonApi.followAccount( accountId, showReblogs = parameter ?: true ) RelationShipAction.UNFOLLOW -> mastodonApi.unfollowAccount(accountId) RelationShipAction.BLOCK -> mastodonApi.blockAccount(accountId) RelationShipAction.UNBLOCK -> mastodonApi.unblockAccount(accountId) RelationShipAction.MUTE -> mastodonApi.muteAccount( accountId, parameter ?: true, duration ) RelationShipAction.UNMUTE -> mastodonApi.unmuteAccount(accountId) RelationShipAction.SUBSCRIBE -> { if (isMastodon) { mastodonApi.followAccount(accountId, notify = true) } else { mastodonApi.subscribeAccount(accountId) } } RelationShipAction.UNSUBSCRIBE -> { if (isMastodon) { mastodonApi.followAccount(accountId, notify = false) } else { mastodonApi.unsubscribeAccount(accountId) } } } relationshipCall.fold( { relationship -> relationshipData.postValue(Success(relationship)) when (relationshipAction) { RelationShipAction.UNFOLLOW -> eventHub.dispatch(UnfollowEvent(accountId)) RelationShipAction.BLOCK -> eventHub.dispatch(BlockEvent(accountId)) RelationShipAction.MUTE -> eventHub.dispatch(MuteEvent(accountId)) else -> { } } }, { t -> Log.w(TAG, "failed loading relationship", t) relationshipData.postValue(Error(relation, cause = t)) } ) } fun noteChanged(newNote: String) { noteSaved.postValue(false) noteUpdateJob?.cancel() noteUpdateJob = viewModelScope.launch { delay(1500) mastodonApi.updateAccountNote(accountId, newNote) .fold( { noteSaved.postValue(true) delay(4000) noteSaved.postValue(false) }, { t -> Log.w(TAG, "Error updating note", t) } ) } } fun refresh() { reload(true) } private fun reload(isReload: Boolean = false) { if (isDataLoading) { return } accountId.let { obtainAccount(isReload) if (!isSelf) { obtainRelationship(isReload) } } } fun setAccountInfo(accountId: String) { this.accountId = accountId this.isSelf = activeAccount.accountId == accountId reload(false) } enum class RelationShipAction { FOLLOW, UNFOLLOW, BLOCK, UNBLOCK, MUTE, UNMUTE, SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE } companion object { const val TAG = "AccountViewModel" } }