/* Copyright 2017 Andrew Dawson * * This file is a part of Tusky. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Tusky is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Tusky; if not, * see . */ package com.keylesspalace.tusky.fragment import android.animation.Animator import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.content.Context import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Handler import android.os.Looper import android.text.method.ScrollingMovementMethod import android.view.GestureDetector import android.view.Gravity import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.MotionEvent import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.FrameLayout import android.widget.LinearLayout import androidx.annotation.OptIn import androidx.core.view.GestureDetectorCompat import androidx.media3.common.MediaItem import androidx.media3.common.PlaybackException import androidx.media3.common.Player import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi import androidx.media3.datasource.DefaultDataSource import androidx.media3.datasource.okhttp.OkHttpDataSource import androidx.media3.exoplayer.ExoPlayer import androidx.media3.exoplayer.source.DefaultMediaSourceFactory import androidx.media3.exoplayer.util.EventLogger import androidx.media3.ui.AspectRatioFrameLayout import com.bumptech.glide.Glide import com.bumptech.glide.request.target.CustomTarget import com.bumptech.glide.request.transition.Transition import com.google.android.material.snackbar.Snackbar import com.keylesspalace.tusky.BuildConfig import com.keylesspalace.tusky.R import com.keylesspalace.tusky.ViewMediaActivity import com.keylesspalace.tusky.databinding.FragmentViewVideoBinding import com.keylesspalace.tusky.di.Injectable import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Attachment import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.hide import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.viewBinding import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.visible import okhttp3.OkHttpClient import javax.inject.Inject import kotlin.math.abs @UnstableApi class ViewVideoFragment : ViewMediaFragment(), Injectable { interface VideoActionsListener { fun onDismiss() } @Inject lateinit var okHttpClient: OkHttpClient private val binding by viewBinding(FragmentViewVideoBinding::bind) private lateinit var videoActionsListener: VideoActionsListener private lateinit var toolbar: View private val handler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) private val hideToolbar = Runnable { // Hoist toolbar hiding to activity so it can track state across different fragments // This is explicitly stored as runnable so that we pass it to the handler later for cancellation mediaActivity.onPhotoTap() } private lateinit var mediaActivity: ViewMediaActivity private lateinit var mediaPlayerListener: Player.Listener private var isAudio = false private lateinit var mediaAttachment: Attachment private var player: ExoPlayer? = null /** The saved seek position, if the fragment is being resumed */ private var savedSeekPosition: Long = 0 private lateinit var mediaSourceFactory: DefaultMediaSourceFactory /** Have we received at least one "READY" event? */ private var haveStarted = false /** Is there a pending autohide? (We can't rely on Android's tracking because that clears on suspend.) */ private var pendingHideToolbar = false /** Prevent the next play start from queueing a toolbar hide. */ private var suppressNextHideToolbar = false override fun onAttach(context: Context) { super.onAttach(context) mediaSourceFactory = DefaultMediaSourceFactory(context) .setDataSourceFactory(DefaultDataSource.Factory(context, OkHttpDataSource.Factory(okHttpClient))) videoActionsListener = context as VideoActionsListener } @SuppressLint("PrivateResource", "MissingInflatedId") override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View { mediaActivity = activity as ViewMediaActivity toolbar = mediaActivity.toolbar val rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_view_video, container, false) // Move the controls to the bottom of the screen, with enough bottom margin to clear the seekbar val controls = rootView.findViewById(androidx.media3.ui.R.id.exo_center_controls) val layoutParams = controls.layoutParams as FrameLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams.gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL or Gravity.BOTTOM layoutParams.bottomMargin = rootView.context.resources.getDimension(androidx.media3.ui.R.dimen.exo_styled_bottom_bar_height) .toInt() controls.layoutParams = layoutParams return rootView } @SuppressLint("ClickableViewAccessibility") override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) val attachment = arguments?.getParcelable(ARG_ATTACHMENT) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("attachment has to be set") val url = attachment.url isAudio = attachment.type == Attachment.Type.AUDIO /** * Handle single taps, flings, and dragging */ val touchListener = object : View.OnTouchListener { var lastY = 0f /** The view that contains the playing content */ // binding.videoView is fullscreen, and includes the controls, so don't use that // when scaling in response to the user dragging on the screen val contentFrame = binding.videoView.findViewById(androidx.media3.ui.R.id.exo_content_frame) /** Handle taps and flings */ val simpleGestureDetector = GestureDetectorCompat( requireContext(), object : GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener() { override fun onDown(e: MotionEvent) = true /** A single tap should show/hide the media description */ override fun onSingleTapUp(e: MotionEvent): Boolean { mediaActivity.onPhotoTap() return true // Do not pass gestures through to media3 } /** A fling up/down should dismiss the fragment */ override fun onFling( e1: MotionEvent, e2: MotionEvent, velocityX: Float, velocityY: Float ): Boolean { if (abs(velocityY) > abs(velocityX)) { videoActionsListener.onDismiss() return true } return true // Do not pass gestures through to media3 } } ) @SuppressLint("ClickableViewAccessibility") override fun onTouch(v: View?, event: MotionEvent): Boolean { // Track movement, and scale / translate the video display accordingly if (event.action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { lastY = event.rawY } else if (event.pointerCount == 1 && event.action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) { val diff = event.rawY - lastY if (contentFrame.translationY != 0f || abs(diff) > 40) { contentFrame.translationY += diff val scale = (-abs(contentFrame.translationY) / 720 + 1).coerceAtLeast(0.5f) contentFrame.scaleY = scale contentFrame.scaleX = scale lastY = event.rawY } } else if (event.action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || event.action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) { if (abs(contentFrame.translationY) > 180) { videoActionsListener.onDismiss() } else { contentFrame.animate().translationY(0f).scaleX(1f).scaleY(1f).start() } } simpleGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event) // Do not pass gestures through to media3 // We have to do this because otherwise taps to hide will be double-handled and media3 will re-show itself // media3 has a property to disable "hide on tap" but "show on tap" is unconditional return true } } mediaPlayerListener = object : Player.Listener { @SuppressLint("ClickableViewAccessibility", "SyntheticAccessor") @OptIn(UnstableApi::class) override fun onPlaybackStateChanged(playbackState: Int) { when (playbackState) { Player.STATE_READY -> { if (!haveStarted) { // Wait until the media is loaded before accepting taps as we don't want toolbar to // be hidden until then. binding.videoView.setOnTouchListener(touchListener) binding.progressBar.hide() binding.videoView.useController = true binding.videoView.showController() haveStarted = true } else { // This isn't a real "done loading"; this is a resume event after backgrounding. if (mediaActivity.isToolbarVisible) { // Before suspend, the toolbar/description were visible, so description is visible already. // But media3 will have automatically hidden the video controls on suspend, so we need to match the description state. binding.videoView.showController() if (!pendingHideToolbar) { suppressNextHideToolbar = true // The user most recently asked us to show the toolbar, so don't hide it when play starts. } } else { mediaActivity.onPhotoTap() } } } else -> { /* do nothing */ } } } override fun onIsPlayingChanged(isPlaying: Boolean) { if (isAudio) return if (isPlaying) { if (suppressNextHideToolbar) { suppressNextHideToolbar = false } else { hideToolbarAfterDelay(TOOLBAR_HIDE_DELAY_MS) } } else { handler.removeCallbacks(hideToolbar) } } @SuppressLint("SyntheticAccessor") override fun onPlayerError(error: PlaybackException) { binding.progressBar.hide() val message = getString( R.string.error_media_playback, error.cause?.message ?: error.message ) Snackbar.make(binding.root, message, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE) .setTextMaxLines(10) .setAction(R.string.action_retry) { player?.prepare() } .show() } } savedSeekPosition = savedInstanceState?.getLong(SEEK_POSITION) ?: 0 mediaAttachment = attachment finalizeViewSetup(url, attachment.previewUrl, attachment.description) } override fun onStart() { super.onStart() if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 23) { initializePlayer() binding.videoView.onResume() } } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 23 || player == null) { initializePlayer() binding.videoView.onResume() } } private fun releasePlayer() { player?.let { savedSeekPosition = it.currentPosition it.release() player = null binding.videoView.player = null } } override fun onPause() { super.onPause() // If <= API 23 then multi-window mode is not available, so this is a good time to // pause everything if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 23) { binding.videoView.onPause() releasePlayer() handler.removeCallbacks(hideToolbar) } } override fun onStop() { super.onStop() // If > API 23 then this might be multi-window, and definitely wasn't paused in onPause, // so pause everything now. if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 23) { binding.videoView.onPause() releasePlayer() handler.removeCallbacks(hideToolbar) } } override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState) outState.putLong(SEEK_POSITION, savedSeekPosition) } private fun initializePlayer() { ExoPlayer.Builder(requireContext()) .setMediaSourceFactory(mediaSourceFactory) .build().apply { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) addAnalyticsListener(EventLogger("$TAG:ExoPlayer")) setMediaItem(MediaItem.fromUri(mediaAttachment.url)) addListener(mediaPlayerListener) repeatMode = Player.REPEAT_MODE_ONE playWhenReady = true seekTo(savedSeekPosition) prepare() player = this } binding.videoView.player = player // Audio-only files might have a preview image. If they do, set it as the artwork if (isAudio) { mediaAttachment.previewUrl?.let { url -> Glide.with(this).load(url).into(object : CustomTarget() { @SuppressLint("SyntheticAccessor") override fun onResourceReady( resource: Drawable, transition: Transition? ) { view ?: return binding.videoView.defaultArtwork = resource } @SuppressLint("SyntheticAccessor") override fun onLoadCleared(placeholder: Drawable?) { view ?: return binding.videoView.defaultArtwork = null } }) } } } @SuppressLint("ClickableViewAccessibility") override fun setupMediaView( url: String, previewUrl: String?, description: String?, showingDescription: Boolean ) { binding.mediaDescription.text = description binding.mediaDescription.visible(showingDescription) binding.mediaDescription.movementMethod = ScrollingMovementMethod() // Ensure the description is visible over the video binding.mediaDescription.elevation = binding.videoView.elevation + 1 binding.videoView.transitionName = url binding.videoView.requestFocus() if (requireArguments().getBoolean(ARG_START_POSTPONED_TRANSITION)) { mediaActivity.onBringUp() } } private fun hideToolbarAfterDelay(delayMilliseconds: Int) { pendingHideToolbar = true handler.postDelayed(hideToolbar, delayMilliseconds.toLong()) } override fun onToolbarVisibilityChange(visible: Boolean) { if (!userVisibleHint) { return } isDescriptionVisible = showingDescription && visible val alpha = if (isDescriptionVisible) 1.0f else 0.0f if (isDescriptionVisible) { // If to be visible, need to make visible immediately and animate alpha binding.mediaDescription.alpha = 0.0f binding.mediaDescription.visible(isDescriptionVisible) } binding.mediaDescription.animate().alpha(alpha) .setListener(object : AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @SuppressLint("SyntheticAccessor") override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator) { view ?: return binding.mediaDescription.visible(isDescriptionVisible) animation.removeListener(this) } }) .start() // media3 controls bar if (visible) { binding.videoView.showController() } else { binding.videoView.hideController() } // Either the user just requested toolbar display, or we just hid it. // Either way, any pending hides are no longer appropriate. pendingHideToolbar = false handler.removeCallbacks(hideToolbar) } override fun onTransitionEnd() { } companion object { private const val TAG = "ViewVideoFragment" private const val TOOLBAR_HIDE_DELAY_MS = 4_000 private const val SEEK_POSITION = "seekPosition" } }