package com.keylesspalace.tusky import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4 import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Attachment import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Filter import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Poll import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.PollOption import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Status import import org.junit.Assert.assertFalse import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.mockito.kotlin.mock import org.robolectric.annotation.Config import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Date @Config(sdk = [28]) @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) class FilterTest { private lateinit var filterModel: FilterModel @Before fun setup() { filterModel = FilterModel() val filters = listOf( Filter( id = "123", phrase = "badWord", context = listOf(Filter.HOME), expiresAt = null, irreversible = false, wholeWord = false ), Filter( id = "123", phrase = "badWholeWord", context = listOf(Filter.HOME, Filter.PUBLIC), expiresAt = null, irreversible = false, wholeWord = true ), Filter( id = "123", phrase = "", context = listOf(Filter.HOME), expiresAt = null, irreversible = false, wholeWord = true ) ) filterModel.initWithFilters(filters) } @Test fun shouldNotFilter() { assertFalse( filterModel.shouldFilterStatus( mockStatus(content = "should not be filtered") ) ) } @Test fun shouldFilter_whenContentMatchesBadWord() { assertTrue( filterModel.shouldFilterStatus( mockStatus(content = "one two badWord three") ) ) } @Test fun shouldFilter_whenContentMatchesBadWordPart() { assertTrue( filterModel.shouldFilterStatus( mockStatus(content = "one two badWordPart three") ) ) } @Test fun shouldFilter_whenContentMatchesBadWholeWord() { assertTrue( filterModel.shouldFilterStatus( mockStatus(content = "one two badWholeWord three") ) ) } @Test fun shouldNotFilter_whenContentDoesNotMatchWholeWord() { assertFalse( filterModel.shouldFilterStatus( mockStatus(content = "one two badWholeWordTest three") ) ) } @Test fun shouldFilter_whenSpoilerTextDoesMatch() { assertTrue( filterModel.shouldFilterStatus( mockStatus( content = "should not be filtered", spoilerText = "badWord should be filtered" ) ) ) } @Test fun shouldFilter_whenPollTextDoesMatch() { assertTrue( filterModel.shouldFilterStatus( mockStatus( content = "should not be filtered", spoilerText = "should not be filtered", pollOptions = listOf("should not be filtered", "badWord") ) ) ) } @Test fun shouldFilter_whenMediaDescriptionDoesMatch() { assertTrue( filterModel.shouldFilterStatus( mockStatus( content = "should not be filtered", spoilerText = "should not be filtered", attachmentsDescriptions = listOf("should not be filtered", "badWord"), ) ) ) } @Test fun shouldFilterPartialWord_whenWholeWordFilterContainsNonAlphanumericCharacters() { assertTrue( filterModel.shouldFilterStatus( mockStatus(content = "one two three") ) ) } private fun mockStatus( content: String = "", spoilerText: String = "", pollOptions: List? = null, attachmentsDescriptions: List? = null ): Status { return Status( id = "123", url = "", account = mock(), inReplyToId = null, inReplyToAccountId = null, reblog = null, content = content, createdAt = Date(), emojis = emptyList(), reblogsCount = 0, favouritesCount = 0, reblogged = false, favourited = false, bookmarked = false, sensitive = false, spoilerText = spoilerText, visibility = Status.Visibility.PUBLIC, attachments = if (attachmentsDescriptions != null) { ArrayList( { Attachment( id = "1234", url = "", previewUrl = null, meta = null, type = Attachment.Type.IMAGE, description = it, blurhash = null ) } ) } else arrayListOf(), mentions = listOf(), tags = listOf(), application = null, pinned = false, muted = false, poll = if (pollOptions != null) { Poll( id = "1234", expiresAt = null, expired = false, multiple = false, votesCount = 0, votersCount = 0, options = { PollOption(it, 0) }, voted = false, ownVotes = null ) } else null, card = null, quote = null ) } }