/* * Copyright 2023 Tusky Contributors * * This file is a part of Tusky. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Tusky is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Tusky; if not, * see . */ package com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.notifications import app.cash.turbine.test import com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Relationship import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runTest import org.junit.Test import org.mockito.kotlin.any import org.mockito.kotlin.argumentCaptor import org.mockito.kotlin.doReturn import org.mockito.kotlin.doThrow import org.mockito.kotlin.stub import org.mockito.kotlin.verify /** * Verify that [NotificationAction] are handled correctly on receipt: * * - Is the correct [UiSuccess] or [UiError] value emitted? * - Is the correct [TimelineCases] function called, with the correct arguments? * This is only tested in the success case; if it passed there it must also * have passed in the error case. */ class NotificationsViewModelTestNotificationAction : NotificationsViewModelTestBase() { /** Dummy relationship */ private val relationship = Relationship( // Nothing special about these values, it's just to have something to return "1234", following = true, followedBy = true, blocking = false, muting = false, mutingNotifications = false, requested = false, showingReblogs = false, subscribing = null, blockingDomain = false, note = null, notifying = null ) /** Action to accept a follow request */ private val acceptAction = NotificationAction.AcceptFollowRequest("1234") /** Action to reject a follow request */ private val rejectAction = NotificationAction.RejectFollowRequest("1234") @Test fun `accepting follow request succeeds && emits UiSuccess`() = runTest { // Given timelineCases.stub { onBlocking { acceptFollowRequest(any()) } doReturn Single.just(relationship) } viewModel.uiSuccess.test { // When viewModel.accept(acceptAction) // Then val item = awaitItem() assertThat(item).isInstanceOf(NotificationActionSuccess::class.java) assertThat((item as NotificationActionSuccess).action).isEqualTo(acceptAction) } // Then argumentCaptor().apply { verify(timelineCases).acceptFollowRequest(capture()) assertThat(this.lastValue).isEqualTo("1234") } } @Test fun `accepting follow request fails && emits UiError`() = runTest { // Given timelineCases.stub { onBlocking { acceptFollowRequest(any()) } doThrow httpException } viewModel.uiError.test { // When viewModel.accept(acceptAction) // Then val item = awaitItem() assertThat(item).isInstanceOf(UiError.AcceptFollowRequest::class.java) assertThat(item.action).isEqualTo(acceptAction) } } @Test fun `rejecting follow request succeeds && emits UiSuccess`() = runTest { // Given timelineCases.stub { onBlocking { rejectFollowRequest(any()) } doReturn Single.just(relationship) } viewModel.uiSuccess.test { // When viewModel.accept(rejectAction) // Then val item = awaitItem() assertThat(item).isInstanceOf(NotificationActionSuccess::class.java) assertThat((item as NotificationActionSuccess).action).isEqualTo(rejectAction) } // Then argumentCaptor().apply { verify(timelineCases).rejectFollowRequest(capture()) assertThat(this.lastValue).isEqualTo("1234") } } @Test fun `rejecting follow request fails && emits UiError`() = runTest { // Given timelineCases.stub { onBlocking { rejectFollowRequest(any()) } doThrow httpException } viewModel.uiError.test { // When viewModel.accept(rejectAction) // Then val item = awaitItem() assertThat(item).isInstanceOf(UiError.RejectFollowRequest::class.java) assertThat(item.action).isEqualTo(rejectAction) } } }