package com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.timeline import android.content.SharedPreferences import android.util.Log import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.BlockEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.BookmarkEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.DomainMuteEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.Event import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.EventHub import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.FavoriteEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.MuteConversationEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.MuteEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.PinEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.PreferenceChangedEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.ReblogEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.StatusComposedEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.StatusDeletedEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.UnfollowEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.AccountManager import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Filter import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Poll import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Status import import import import com.keylesspalace.tusky.settings.PrefKeys import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.Either import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.HttpHeaderLink import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.LinkHelper import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.RxAwareViewModel import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.dec import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.firstIsInstanceOrNull import import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.isLessThan import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.toViewData import com.keylesspalace.tusky.viewdata.StatusViewData import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single import io.reactivex.rxjava3.subjects.PublishSubject import kotlinx.coroutines.Job import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.collect import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.rx3.asFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.rx3.await import retrofit2.HttpException import retrofit2.Response import import javax.inject.Inject class TimelineViewModel @Inject constructor( private val timelineRepo: TimelineRepository, private val timelineCases: TimelineCases, private val api: MastodonApi, private val eventHub: EventHub, private val accountManager: AccountManager, private val sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences, private val filterModel: FilterModel, ) : RxAwareViewModel() { enum class FailureReason { NETWORK, OTHER, } val viewUpdates: Observable get() = updateViewSubject var kind: Kind = Kind.HOME private set var isLoadingInitially = false private set var isRefreshing = false private set var bottomLoading = false private set var initialUpdateFailed = false private set var failure: FailureReason? = null private set var id: String? = null private set var tags: List = emptyList() private set private var alwaysShowSensitiveMedia = false private var alwaysOpenSpoilers = false private var filterRemoveReplies = false private var filterRemoveReblogs = false private var didLoadEverythingBottom = false private var updateViewSubject = PublishSubject.create() /** * For some timeline kinds we must use LINK headers and not just status ids. */ private var nextId: String? = null val statuses = mutableListOf() fun init( kind: Kind, id: String?, tags: List ) { this.kind = kind = id this.tags = tags if (kind == Kind.HOME) { filterRemoveReplies = !sharedPreferences.getBoolean(PrefKeys.TAB_FILTER_HOME_REPLIES, true) filterRemoveReblogs = !sharedPreferences.getBoolean(PrefKeys.TAB_FILTER_HOME_BOOSTS, true) } this.alwaysShowSensitiveMedia = accountManager.activeAccount!!.alwaysShowSensitiveMedia this.alwaysOpenSpoilers = accountManager.activeAccount!!.alwaysOpenSpoiler viewModelScope.launch { .asFlow() .collect { event -> handleEvent(event) } } reloadFilters() } private suspend fun updateCurrent() { val topId = statuses.firstIsInstanceOrNull()?.id ?: return // Request statuses including current top to refresh all of them val topIdMinusOne = val statuses = try { loadStatuses( maxId = topIdMinusOne, sinceId = null, sinceIdMinusOne = null, TimelineRequestMode.NETWORK, ) } catch (t: Exception) { initialUpdateFailed = true if (isExpectedRequestException(t)) { Log.d(TAG, "Failed updating timeline", t) triggerViewUpdate() return } else { throw t } } initialUpdateFailed = false // When cached timeline is too old, we would replace it with nothing if (statuses.isNotEmpty()) { val mutableStatuses = statuses.toMutableList() filterStatuses(mutableStatuses) this.statuses.removeAll { item -> val id = when (item) { is StatusViewData.Concrete -> is StatusViewData.Placeholder -> } id == topId || id.isLessThan(topId) } this.statuses.addAll(mutableStatuses.toViewData()) } triggerViewUpdate() } private fun isExpectedRequestException(t: Exception) = t is IOException || t is HttpException fun refresh(): Job { return viewModelScope.launch { isRefreshing = true failure = null triggerViewUpdate() try { if (initialUpdateFailed) updateCurrent() loadAbove() } catch (e: Exception) { if (isExpectedRequestException(e)) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to refresh", e) } else { throw e } } finally { isRefreshing = false triggerViewUpdate() } } } /** When reaching the end of list. WIll optionally show spinner in the end of list. */ fun loadMore(): Job { return viewModelScope.launch { if (didLoadEverythingBottom || bottomLoading) { return@launch } if (statuses.isEmpty()) { loadInitial().join() return@launch } setLoadingPlaceholderBelow() val bottomId: String? = if (kind == Kind.FAVOURITES || kind == Kind.BOOKMARKS) { nextId } else { statuses.lastOrNull { it is StatusViewData.Concrete } ?.let { (it as StatusViewData.Concrete).id } } try { loadBelow(bottomId) } catch (e: Exception) { if (isExpectedRequestException(e)) { if (statuses.lastOrNull() is StatusViewData.Placeholder) { statuses.removeAt(statuses.lastIndex) } } else { throw e } } finally { triggerViewUpdate() } } } /** Load and insert statuses below the [bottomId]. Does not indicate progress. */ private suspend fun loadBelow(bottomId: String?) { this.bottomLoading = true try { val statuses = loadStatuses( bottomId, null, null, TimelineRequestMode.ANY ) addStatusesBelow(statuses.toMutableList()) } finally { this.bottomLoading = false } } private fun setLoadingPlaceholderBelow() { val last = statuses.last() val placeholder: StatusViewData.Placeholder if (last is StatusViewData.Concrete) { val placeholderId = placeholder = StatusViewData.Placeholder(placeholderId, true) statuses.add(placeholder) } else { placeholder = last as StatusViewData.Placeholder } statuses[statuses.lastIndex] = placeholder triggerViewUpdate() } private fun addStatusesBelow(statuses: MutableList>) { val fullFetch = isFullFetch(statuses) // Remove placeholder in the bottom if it's there if (this.statuses.isNotEmpty() && this.statuses.last() !is StatusViewData.Concrete ) { this.statuses.removeAt(this.statuses.lastIndex) } // Removing placeholder if it's the last one from the cache if (statuses.isNotEmpty() && !statuses[statuses.size - 1].isRight()) { statuses.removeAt(statuses.size - 1) } val oldSize = this.statuses.size if (this.statuses.isNotEmpty()) { addItems(statuses) } else { updateStatuses(statuses, fullFetch) } if (this.statuses.size == oldSize) { // This may be a brittle check but seems like it works // Can we check it using headers somehow? Do all server support them? didLoadEverythingBottom = true } } fun loadGap(position: Int): Job { return viewModelScope.launch { // check bounds before accessing list, if (statuses.size < position || position <= 0) { Log.e(TAG, "Wrong gap position: $position") return@launch } val fromStatus = statuses[position - 1].asStatusOrNull() val toStatus = statuses[position + 1].asStatusOrNull() val toMinusOne = statuses.getOrNull(position + 2)?.asStatusOrNull()?.id if (fromStatus == null || toStatus == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to load more at $position, wrong placeholder position") return@launch } val placeholder = statuses[position].asPlaceholderOrNull() ?: run { Log.e(TAG, "Not a placeholder at $position") return@launch } val newViewData: StatusViewData = StatusViewData.Placeholder(, true) statuses[position] = newViewData triggerViewUpdate() try { val statuses = loadStatuses(,, toMinusOne, TimelineRequestMode.NETWORK ) replacePlaceholderWithStatuses( statuses.toMutableList(), isFullFetch(statuses), position ) } catch (t: Exception) { if (isExpectedRequestException(t)) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to load gap", t) if (statuses[position] is StatusViewData.Placeholder) { statuses[position] = StatusViewData.Placeholder(, false) } } else { throw t } } } } fun reblog(reblog: Boolean, position: Int): Job = viewModelScope.launch { val status = statuses[position].asStatusOrNull() ?: return@launch try { timelineCases.reblog(status.actionableId, reblog).await() } catch (t: Exception) { ifExpected(t) { Log.d(TAG, "Failed to reblog status " + status.actionableId, t) } } } fun favorite(favorite: Boolean, position: Int): Job = viewModelScope.launch { val status = statuses[position].asStatusOrNull() ?: return@launch try { timelineCases.favourite(status.actionableId, favorite).await() } catch (t: Exception) { ifExpected(t) { Log.d(TAG, "Failed to favourite status " + status.actionableId, t) } } } fun bookmark(bookmark: Boolean, position: Int): Job = viewModelScope.launch { val status = statuses[position].asStatusOrNull() ?: return@launch try { timelineCases.bookmark(status.actionableId, bookmark).await() } catch (t: Exception) { ifExpected(t) { Log.d(TAG, "Failed to favourite status " + status.actionableId, t) } } } fun voteInPoll(position: Int, choices: List): Job = viewModelScope.launch { val status = statuses[position].asStatusOrNull() ?: return@launch val poll = status.status.poll ?: run { Log.w(TAG, "No poll on status ${}") return@launch } val votedPoll = poll.votedCopy(choices) updatePoll(status, votedPoll) try { timelineCases.voteInPoll(status.actionableId,, choices).await() } catch (t: Exception) { ifExpected(t) { Log.d(TAG, "Failed to vote in poll: " + status.actionableId, t) } } } private fun updatePoll( status: StatusViewData.Concrete, newPoll: Poll ) { updateStatusById( { it.copy(status = it.status.copy(poll = newPoll)) } } fun changeExpanded(expanded: Boolean, position: Int) { updateStatusAt(position) { it.copy(isExpanded = expanded) } triggerViewUpdate() } fun changeContentHidden(isShowing: Boolean, position: Int) { updateStatusAt(position) { it.copy(isShowingContent = isShowing) } triggerViewUpdate() } fun changeContentCollapsed(isCollapsed: Boolean, position: Int) { updateStatusAt(position) { it.copy(isCollapsed = isCollapsed) } triggerViewUpdate() } private fun removeAllByAccountId(accountId: String) { statuses.removeAll { vm -> val status = vm.asStatusOrNull()?.status ?: return@removeAll false == accountId || == accountId } } private fun removeAllByInstance(instance: String) { statuses.removeAll { vd -> val status = vd.asStatusOrNull()?.status ?: return@removeAll false LinkHelper.getDomain(status.account.url) == instance } } private fun triggerViewUpdate() { this.updateViewSubject.onNext(Unit) } private suspend fun loadStatuses( maxId: String?, sinceId: String?, sinceIdMinusOne: String?, homeMode: TimelineRequestMode, ): List { val statuses = if (kind == Kind.HOME) { timelineRepo.getStatuses(maxId, sinceId, sinceIdMinusOne, LOAD_AT_ONCE, homeMode) .await() } else { val response = fetchStatusesForKind(maxId, sinceId, LOAD_AT_ONCE).await() if (response.isSuccessful) { val newNextId = extractNextId(response) if (newNextId != null) { // when we reach the bottom of the list, we won't have a new link. If // we blindly write `null` here we will start loading from the top // again. nextId = newNextId } response.body()?.map { Either.Right(it) } ?: listOf() } else { throw HttpException(response) } }.toMutableList() filterStatuses(statuses) return statuses } private fun updateStatuses( newStatuses: MutableList>, fullFetch: Boolean ) { if (statuses.isEmpty()) { statuses.addAll(newStatuses.toViewData()) } else { val lastOfNew = newStatuses.lastOrNull() val index = if (lastOfNew == null) -1 else statuses.indexOfLast { it.asStatusOrNull()?.id === lastOfNew.asRightOrNull()?.id } if (index >= 0) { statuses.subList(0, index).clear() } val newIndex = newStatuses.indexOfFirst { it.isRight() && it.asRight().id == (statuses[0] as? StatusViewData.Concrete)?.id } if (newIndex == -1) { if (index == -1 && fullFetch) { val placeholderId = newStatuses.last { status -> status.isRight() }.asRight() newStatuses.add(Either.Left(Placeholder(placeholderId))) } statuses.addAll(0, newStatuses.toViewData()) } else { statuses.addAll(0, newStatuses.subList(0, newIndex).toViewData()) } } // Remove all consecutive placeholders removeConsecutivePlaceholders() this.triggerViewUpdate() } private fun filterViewData(viewData: MutableList) { viewData.removeAll { vd -> vd.asStatusOrNull()?.status?.let { shouldFilterStatus(it) } ?: false } } private fun filterStatuses(statuses: MutableList>) { statuses.removeAll { status -> status.asRightOrNull()?.let { shouldFilterStatus(it) } ?: false } } private fun shouldFilterStatus(status: Status): Boolean { return status.inReplyToId != null && filterRemoveReplies || status.reblog != null && filterRemoveReblogs || filterModel.shouldFilterStatus(status.actionableStatus) } private fun extractNextId(response: Response<*>): String? { val linkHeader = response.headers()["Link"] ?: return null val links = HttpHeaderLink.parse(linkHeader) val nextHeader = HttpHeaderLink.findByRelationType(links, "next") ?: return null val nextLink = nextHeader.uri ?: return null return nextLink.getQueryParameter("max_id") } private suspend fun tryCache() { // Request timeline from disk to make it quick, then replace it with timeline from // the server to update it val statuses = timelineRepo.getStatuses(null, null, null, LOAD_AT_ONCE, TimelineRequestMode.DISK) .await() val mutableStatusResponse = statuses.toMutableList() filterStatuses(mutableStatusResponse) if (statuses.size > 1) { clearPlaceholdersForResponse(mutableStatusResponse) this.statuses.clear() this.statuses.addAll(mutableStatusResponse.toViewData()) } } fun loadInitial(): Job { return viewModelScope.launch { if (statuses.isNotEmpty() || initialUpdateFailed || isLoadingInitially) { return@launch } isLoadingInitially = true failure = null triggerViewUpdate() if (kind == Kind.HOME) { tryCache() isLoadingInitially = statuses.isEmpty() updateCurrent() try { loadAbove() } catch (e: Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "Loading above failed", e) if (!isExpectedRequestException(e)) { throw e } else if (statuses.isEmpty()) { failure = if (e is IOException) FailureReason.NETWORK else FailureReason.OTHER } } finally { isLoadingInitially = false triggerViewUpdate() } } else { try { loadBelow(null) } catch (e: IOException) { failure = FailureReason.NETWORK } catch (e: HttpException) { failure = FailureReason.OTHER } finally { isLoadingInitially = false triggerViewUpdate() } } } } private suspend fun loadAbove() { var firstOrNull: String? = null var secondOrNull: String? = null for (i in statuses.indices) { val status = statuses[i].asStatusOrNull() ?: continue firstOrNull = secondOrNull = statuses.getOrNull(i + 1)?.asStatusOrNull()?.id break } try { if (firstOrNull != null) { triggerViewUpdate() val statuses = loadStatuses( maxId = null, sinceId = firstOrNull, sinceIdMinusOne = secondOrNull, homeMode = TimelineRequestMode.NETWORK ) val fullFetch = isFullFetch(statuses) updateStatuses(statuses.toMutableList(), fullFetch) } else { loadBelow(null) } } finally { triggerViewUpdate() } } private fun isFullFetch(statuses: List) = statuses.size >= LOAD_AT_ONCE private fun fullyRefresh(): Job { this.statuses.clear() return loadInitial() } private fun fetchStatusesForKind( fromId: String?, uptoId: String?, limit: Int ): Single>> { return when (kind) { Kind.HOME -> api.homeTimeline(fromId, uptoId, limit) Kind.PUBLIC_FEDERATED -> api.publicTimeline(null, fromId, uptoId, limit) Kind.PUBLIC_LOCAL -> api.publicTimeline(true, fromId, uptoId, limit) Kind.TAG -> { val firstHashtag = tags[0] val additionalHashtags = tags.subList(1, tags.size) api.hashtagTimeline(firstHashtag, additionalHashtags, null, fromId, uptoId, limit) } Kind.USER -> api.accountStatuses( id!!, fromId, uptoId, limit, excludeReplies = true, onlyMedia = null, pinned = null ) Kind.USER_PINNED -> api.accountStatuses( id!!, fromId, uptoId, limit, excludeReplies = null, onlyMedia = null, pinned = true ) Kind.USER_WITH_REPLIES -> api.accountStatuses( id!!, fromId, uptoId, limit, excludeReplies = null, onlyMedia = null, pinned = null ) Kind.FAVOURITES -> api.favourites(fromId, uptoId, limit) Kind.BOOKMARKS -> api.bookmarks(fromId, uptoId, limit) Kind.LIST -> api.listTimeline(id!!, fromId, uptoId, limit) } } private fun replacePlaceholderWithStatuses( newStatuses: MutableList>, fullFetch: Boolean, pos: Int ) { val placeholder = statuses[pos] if (placeholder is StatusViewData.Placeholder) { statuses.removeAt(pos) } if (newStatuses.isEmpty()) { return } val newViewData = newStatuses .toViewData() .toMutableList() if (fullFetch) { newViewData.add(placeholder) } statuses.addAll(pos, newViewData) removeConsecutivePlaceholders() triggerViewUpdate() } private fun removeConsecutivePlaceholders() { for (i in 0 until statuses.size - 1) { if (statuses[i] is StatusViewData.Placeholder && statuses[i + 1] is StatusViewData.Placeholder ) { statuses.removeAt(i) } } } private fun addItems(newStatuses: List>) { if (newStatuses.isEmpty()) { return } statuses.addAll(newStatuses.toViewData()) removeConsecutivePlaceholders() } /** * For certain requests we don't want to see placeholders, they will be removed some other way */ private fun clearPlaceholdersForResponse(statuses: MutableList>) { statuses.removeAll { status -> status.isLeft() } } private fun handleReblogEvent(reblogEvent: ReblogEvent) { updateStatusById(reblogEvent.statusId) { it.copy(status = it.status.copy(reblogged = reblogEvent.reblog)) } } private fun handleFavEvent(favEvent: FavoriteEvent) { updateActionableStatusById(favEvent.statusId) { it.copy(favourited = favEvent.favourite) } } private fun handleBookmarkEvent(bookmarkEvent: BookmarkEvent) { updateActionableStatusById(bookmarkEvent.statusId) { it.copy(bookmarked = bookmarkEvent.bookmark) } } private fun handlePinEvent(pinEvent: PinEvent) { updateActionableStatusById(pinEvent.statusId) { it.copy(pinned = pinEvent.pinned) } } private fun handleStatusComposeEvent(status: Status) { when (kind) { Kind.HOME, Kind.PUBLIC_FEDERATED, Kind.PUBLIC_LOCAL -> refresh() Kind.USER, Kind.USER_WITH_REPLIES -> if ( == id) { refresh() } else { return } Kind.TAG, Kind.FAVOURITES, Kind.LIST, Kind.BOOKMARKS, Kind.USER_PINNED -> return } } private fun deleteStatusById(id: String) { for (i in statuses.indices) { val either = statuses[i] if (either.asStatusOrNull()?.id == id) { statuses.removeAt(i) break } } } private fun onPreferenceChanged(key: String) { when (key) { PrefKeys.TAB_FILTER_HOME_REPLIES -> { val filter = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(PrefKeys.TAB_FILTER_HOME_REPLIES, true) val oldRemoveReplies = filterRemoveReplies filterRemoveReplies = kind == Kind.HOME && !filter if (statuses.isNotEmpty() && oldRemoveReplies != filterRemoveReplies) { fullyRefresh() } } PrefKeys.TAB_FILTER_HOME_BOOSTS -> { val filter = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(PrefKeys.TAB_FILTER_HOME_BOOSTS, true) val oldRemoveReblogs = filterRemoveReblogs filterRemoveReblogs = kind == Kind.HOME && !filter if (statuses.isNotEmpty() && oldRemoveReblogs != filterRemoveReblogs) { fullyRefresh() } } Filter.HOME, Filter.NOTIFICATIONS, Filter.THREAD, Filter.PUBLIC, Filter.ACCOUNT -> { if (filterContextMatchesKind(kind, listOf(key))) { reloadFilters() } } PrefKeys.ALWAYS_SHOW_SENSITIVE_MEDIA -> { // it is ok if only newly loaded statuses are affected, no need to fully refresh alwaysShowSensitiveMedia = accountManager.activeAccount!!.alwaysShowSensitiveMedia } } } // public for now fun filterContextMatchesKind( kind: Kind, filterContext: List ): Boolean { // home, notifications, public, thread return when (kind) { Kind.HOME, Kind.LIST -> filterContext.contains( Filter.HOME ) Kind.PUBLIC_FEDERATED, Kind.PUBLIC_LOCAL, Kind.TAG -> filterContext.contains( Filter.PUBLIC ) Kind.FAVOURITES -> filterContext.contains(Filter.PUBLIC) || filterContext.contains( Filter.NOTIFICATIONS ) Kind.USER, Kind.USER_WITH_REPLIES, Kind.USER_PINNED -> filterContext.contains( Filter.ACCOUNT ) else -> false } } private fun handleEvent(event: Event) { when (event) { is FavoriteEvent -> handleFavEvent(event) is ReblogEvent -> handleReblogEvent(event) is BookmarkEvent -> handleBookmarkEvent(event) is PinEvent -> handlePinEvent(event) is MuteConversationEvent -> fullyRefresh() is UnfollowEvent -> { if (kind == Kind.HOME) { val id = event.accountId removeAllByAccountId(id) } } is BlockEvent -> { if (kind != Kind.USER && kind != Kind.USER_WITH_REPLIES && kind != Kind.USER_PINNED) { val id = event.accountId removeAllByAccountId(id) } } is MuteEvent -> { if (kind != Kind.USER && kind != Kind.USER_WITH_REPLIES && kind != Kind.USER_PINNED) { val id = event.accountId removeAllByAccountId(id) } } is DomainMuteEvent -> { if (kind != Kind.USER && kind != Kind.USER_WITH_REPLIES && kind != Kind.USER_PINNED) { val instance = event.instance removeAllByInstance(instance) } } is StatusDeletedEvent -> { if (kind != Kind.USER && kind != Kind.USER_WITH_REPLIES && kind != Kind.USER_PINNED) { val id = event.statusId deleteStatusById(id) } } is StatusComposedEvent -> { val status = event.status handleStatusComposeEvent(status) } is PreferenceChangedEvent -> { onPreferenceChanged(event.preferenceKey) } } } private inline fun updateActionableStatusById( id: String, updater: (Status) -> Status ) { val pos = statuses.indexOfFirst { it.asStatusOrNull()?.id == id } if (pos == -1) return updateStatusAt(pos) { if (it.status.reblog != null) { it.copy(status = it.status.copy(reblog = updater(it.status.reblog))) } else { it.copy(status = updater(it.status)) } } } private inline fun updateStatusById( id: String, updater: (StatusViewData.Concrete) -> StatusViewData.Concrete ) { val pos = statuses.indexOfFirst { it.asStatusOrNull()?.id == id } if (pos == -1) return updateStatusAt(pos, updater) } private inline fun updateStatusAt( position: Int, updater: (StatusViewData.Concrete) -> StatusViewData.Concrete ) { val status = statuses.getOrNull(position)?.asStatusOrNull() ?: return statuses[position] = updater(status) triggerViewUpdate() } private fun List.toViewData(): List = { when (it) { is Either.Right -> it.value.toViewData( alwaysShowSensitiveMedia, alwaysOpenSpoilers ) is Either.Left -> StatusViewData.Placeholder(, false) } } private fun reloadFilters() { viewModelScope.launch { val filters = try { api.getFilters().await() } catch (t: Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to fetch filters", t) return@launch } filterModel.initWithFilters( filters.filter { filterContextMatchesKind(kind, it.context) } ) filterViewData(this@TimelineViewModel.statuses) } } private inline fun ifExpected( t: Exception, cb: () -> Unit ) { if (isExpectedRequestException(t)) { cb() } else { throw t } } companion object { private const val TAG = "TimelineVM" internal const val LOAD_AT_ONCE = 30 } enum class Kind { HOME, PUBLIC_LOCAL, PUBLIC_FEDERATED, TAG, USER, USER_PINNED, USER_WITH_REPLIES, FAVOURITES, LIST, BOOKMARKS } }