package com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.timeline import android.text.SpannedString import androidx.core.text.parseAsHtml import androidx.core.text.toHtml import import import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.timeline.TimelineRequestMode.DISK import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.timeline.TimelineRequestMode.NETWORK import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.AccountManager import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.TimelineAccountEntity import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.TimelineDao import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.TimelineStatusEntity import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.TimelineStatusWithAccount import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Account import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Attachment import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Emoji import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Poll import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Status import import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.Either import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.dec import import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.trimTrailingWhitespace import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single import io.reactivex.rxjava3.schedulers.Schedulers import import java.util.Date import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit data class Placeholder(val id: String) typealias TimelineStatus = Either enum class TimelineRequestMode { DISK, NETWORK, ANY } interface TimelineRepository { fun getStatuses( maxId: String?, sinceId: String?, sincedIdMinusOne: String?, limit: Int, requestMode: TimelineRequestMode ): Single> fun addStatuses( statuses: List, ) companion object { val CLEANUP_INTERVAL = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(14) } } class TimelineRepositoryImpl( private val timelineDao: TimelineDao, private val mastodonApi: MastodonApi, private val accountManager: AccountManager, private val gson: Gson ) : TimelineRepository { init { this.cleanup() } override fun getStatuses( maxId: String?, sinceId: String?, sincedIdMinusOne: String?, limit: Int, requestMode: TimelineRequestMode ): Single> { val acc = accountManager.activeAccount ?: throw IllegalStateException() val accountId = return if (requestMode == DISK) { this.getStatusesFromDb(accountId, maxId, sinceId, limit) } else { getStatusesFromNetwork(maxId, sinceId, sincedIdMinusOne, limit, accountId, requestMode) } } override fun addStatuses(statuses: List) { val acc = accountManager.activeAccount ?: throw IllegalStateException() val accountId = statuses.forEach { either -> when { either.isRight() -> { val status = either.asRight() timelineDao.insertInTransaction( status.toEntity(accountId, gson), status.account.toEntity(accountId, gson), status.reblog?.account?.toEntity(accountId, gson), ) } either.isLeft() -> { val placeholder = either.asLeft() timelineDao.insertStatusIfNotThere(placeholder.toEntity(accountId)) } } } } private fun getStatusesFromNetwork( maxId: String?, sinceId: String?, sinceIdMinusOne: String?, limit: Int, accountId: Long, requestMode: TimelineRequestMode ): Single> { return mastodonApi.homeTimeline(maxId, sinceIdMinusOne, limit + 1) .map { response -> this.saveStatusesToDb(accountId, response.body().orEmpty(), maxId, sinceId) } .flatMap { statuses -> this.addFromDbIfNeeded(accountId, statuses, maxId, sinceId, limit, requestMode) } .onErrorResumeNext { error -> if (error is IOException && requestMode != NETWORK) { this.getStatusesFromDb(accountId, maxId, sinceId, limit) } else { Single.error(error) } } } private fun addFromDbIfNeeded( accountId: Long, statuses: List>, maxId: String?, sinceId: String?, limit: Int, requestMode: TimelineRequestMode ): Single> { return if (requestMode != NETWORK && statuses.size < 2) { val newMaxID = if (statuses.isEmpty()) { maxId } else { statuses.last { it.isRight() }.asRight().id } this.getStatusesFromDb(accountId, newMaxID, sinceId, limit) .map { fromDb -> // If it's just placeholders and less than limit (so we exhausted both // db and server at this point) if (fromDb.size < limit && fromDb.all { !it.isRight() }) { statuses } else { statuses + fromDb } } } else { Single.just(statuses) } } private fun getStatusesFromDb( accountId: Long, maxId: String?, sinceId: String?, limit: Int ): Single> { return timelineDao.getStatusesForAccount(accountId, maxId, sinceId, limit) .subscribeOn( .map { statuses -> { it.toStatus() } } } private fun saveStatusesToDb( accountId: Long, statuses: List, maxId: String?, sinceId: String? ): List> { var placeholderToInsert: Placeholder? = null // Look for overlap val resultStatuses = if (statuses.isNotEmpty() && sinceId != null) { val indexOfSince = statuses.indexOfLast { == sinceId } if (indexOfSince == -1) { // We didn't find the status which must be there. Add a placeholder placeholderToInsert = Placeholder( statuses.mapTo(mutableListOf(), Status::lift) .apply { add(Either.Left(placeholderToInsert)) } } else { // There was an overlap. Remove all overlapped statuses. No need for a placeholder. statuses.mapTo(mutableListOf(), Status::lift) .apply { subList(indexOfSince, size).clear() } } } else { // Just a normal case. } Single.fromCallable { if (statuses.isNotEmpty()) { timelineDao.deleteRange(accountId, statuses.last().id, statuses.first().id) } for (status in statuses) { timelineDao.insertInTransaction( status.toEntity(accountId, gson), status.account.toEntity(accountId, gson), status.reblog?.account?.toEntity(accountId, gson) ) } placeholderToInsert?.let { timelineDao.insertStatusIfNotThere(placeholderToInsert.toEntity(accountId)) } // If we're loading in the bottom insert placeholder after every load // (for requests on next launches) but not return it. if (sinceId == null && statuses.isNotEmpty()) { timelineDao.insertStatusIfNotThere( Placeholder(statuses.last().id.dec()).toEntity(accountId) ) } // There may be placeholders which we thought could be from our TL but they are not if (statuses.size > 2) { timelineDao.removeAllPlaceholdersBetween( accountId, statuses.first().id, statuses.last().id ) } else if (placeholderToInsert == null && maxId != null && sinceId != null) { timelineDao.removeAllPlaceholdersBetween(accountId, maxId, sinceId) } } .subscribeOn( .subscribe() return resultStatuses } private fun cleanup() { { val olderThan = System.currentTimeMillis() - TimelineRepository.CLEANUP_INTERVAL timelineDao.cleanup(olderThan) } } private fun TimelineStatusWithAccount.toStatus(): TimelineStatus { if (this.status.authorServerId == null) { return Either.Left(Placeholder(this.status.serverId)) } val attachments: ArrayList = gson.fromJson( status.attachments, object : TypeToken>() {}.type ) ?: ArrayList() val mentions: List = gson.fromJson( status.mentions, object : TypeToken>() {}.type ) ?: listOf() val application = gson.fromJson(status.application, val emojis: List = gson.fromJson( status.emojis, object : TypeToken>() {}.type ) ?: listOf() val poll: Poll? = gson.fromJson(status.poll, val reblog = status.reblogServerId?.let { id -> Status( id = id, url = status.url, account = account.toAccount(gson), inReplyToId = status.inReplyToId, inReplyToAccountId = status.inReplyToAccountId, reblog = null, content = status.content?.parseAsHtml()?.trimTrailingWhitespace() ?: SpannedString(""), createdAt = Date(status.createdAt), emojis = emojis, reblogsCount = status.reblogsCount, favouritesCount = status.favouritesCount, reblogged = status.reblogged, favourited = status.favourited, bookmarked = status.bookmarked, sensitive = status.sensitive, spoilerText = status.spoilerText!!, visibility = status.visibility!!, attachments = attachments, mentions = mentions, application = application, pinned = false, muted = status.muted, poll = poll, card = null, quote = null ) } val status = if (reblog != null) { Status( id = status.serverId, url = null, // no url for reblogs account = this.reblogAccount!!.toAccount(gson), inReplyToId = null, inReplyToAccountId = null, reblog = reblog, content = SpannedString(""), createdAt = Date(status.createdAt), // lie but whatever? emojis = listOf(), reblogsCount = 0, favouritesCount = 0, reblogged = false, favourited = false, bookmarked = false, sensitive = false, spoilerText = "", visibility = status.visibility!!, attachments = ArrayList(), mentions = listOf(), application = null, pinned = false, muted = status.muted, poll = null, card = null, quote = null ) } else { Status( id = status.serverId, url = status.url, account = account.toAccount(gson), inReplyToId = status.inReplyToId, inReplyToAccountId = status.inReplyToAccountId, reblog = null, content = status.content?.parseAsHtml()?.trimTrailingWhitespace() ?: SpannedString(""), createdAt = Date(status.createdAt), emojis = emojis, reblogsCount = status.reblogsCount, favouritesCount = status.favouritesCount, reblogged = status.reblogged, favourited = status.favourited, bookmarked = status.bookmarked, sensitive = status.sensitive, spoilerText = status.spoilerText!!, visibility = status.visibility!!, attachments = attachments, mentions = mentions, application = application, pinned = false, muted = status.muted, poll = poll, card = null, quote = null ) } return Either.Right(status) } } private val emojisListTypeToken = object : TypeToken>() {} fun Account.toEntity(accountId: Long, gson: Gson): TimelineAccountEntity { return TimelineAccountEntity( serverId = id, timelineUserId = accountId, localUsername = localUsername, username = username, displayName = name, url = url, avatar = avatar, emojis = gson.toJson(emojis), bot = bot ) } fun TimelineAccountEntity.toAccount(gson: Gson): Account { return Account( id = serverId, localUsername = localUsername, username = username, displayName = displayName, note = SpannedString(""), url = url, avatar = avatar, header = "", locked = false, followingCount = 0, followersCount = 0, statusesCount = 0, source = null, bot = bot, emojis = gson.fromJson(this.emojis, emojisListTypeToken.type), fields = null, moved = null ) } fun Placeholder.toEntity(timelineUserId: Long): TimelineStatusEntity { return TimelineStatusEntity( serverId =, url = null, timelineUserId = timelineUserId, authorServerId = null, inReplyToId = null, inReplyToAccountId = null, content = null, createdAt = 0L, emojis = null, reblogsCount = 0, favouritesCount = 0, reblogged = false, favourited = false, bookmarked = false, sensitive = false, spoilerText = null, visibility = null, attachments = null, mentions = null, application = null, reblogServerId = null, reblogAccountId = null, poll = null, muted = false ) } fun Status.toEntity( timelineUserId: Long, gson: Gson ): TimelineStatusEntity { val actionable = actionableStatus return TimelineStatusEntity( serverId =, url = actionable.url!!, timelineUserId = timelineUserId, authorServerId =, inReplyToId = actionable.inReplyToId, inReplyToAccountId = actionable.inReplyToAccountId, content = actionable.content.toHtml(), createdAt = actionable.createdAt.time, emojis = actionable.emojis.let(gson::toJson), reblogsCount = actionable.reblogsCount, favouritesCount = actionable.favouritesCount, reblogged = actionable.reblogged, favourited = actionable.favourited, bookmarked = actionable.bookmarked, sensitive = actionable.sensitive, spoilerText = actionable.spoilerText, visibility = actionable.visibility, attachments = actionable.attachments.let(gson::toJson), mentions = actionable.mentions.let(gson::toJson), application = actionable.application.let(gson::toJson), reblogServerId = reblog?.id, reblogAccountId = reblog?.let { }, poll = actionable.poll.let(gson::toJson), muted = actionable.muted ) } fun Status.lift(): Either = Either.Right(this)