import Theme from '~/src/constants/theme' import DisplayStyle from '~/src/constants/displayStyle' import TimeFormat from '~/src/constants/timeFormat' import { LightTheme } from '~/src/constants/themeColor' import DefaultFonts from '@/utils/fonts' import Appearance, { AppearanceState, MUTATION_TYPES } from '@/store/Preferences/Appearance' describe('Preferences/Appearance', () => { let state: AppearanceState beforeEach(() => { state = { appearance: { theme: Theme.Light.key, fontSize: 14, displayNameStyle: DisplayStyle.DisplayNameAndUsername.value, timeFormat: TimeFormat.Absolute.value, customThemeColor: LightTheme, font: DefaultFonts[0], tootPadding: 8 }, fonts: [] } }) describe('mutations', () => { describe('updateAppearance', () => { it('should be changed', () => { Appearance.mutations![MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_APPEARANCE](state, { theme: Theme.Dark.key }) expect(state.appearance.theme).toEqual(Theme.Dark.key) }) }) describe('updateFonts', () => { it('should be changed', () => { Appearance.mutations![MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_FONTS](state, ['font']) expect(state.fonts).toEqual(['font']) }) }) }) })