import { Response, Entity } from 'megalodon' import { createStore, Store } from 'vuex' import AddListMember, { AddListMemberState } from '@/store/TimelineSpace/Modals/AddListMember' import { RootState } from '@/store' const mockClient = { searchAccount: () => { return new Promise>(resolve => { const res: Response = { data: [account], status: 200, statusText: 'OK', headers: {} } resolve(res) }) }, addAccountsToList: () => { return new Promise(resolve => { const res: Response = { data: {}, status: 200, statusText: 'OK', headers: {} } resolve(res) }) } } jest.mock('megalodon', () => ({ ...jest.requireActual('megalodon'), default: jest.fn(() => mockClient), __esModule: true })) const account: Entity.Account = { id: '1', username: 'h3poteto', acct: '', display_name: 'h3poteto', locked: false, created_at: '2019-03-26T21:30:32', followers_count: 10, following_count: 10, statuses_count: 100, note: 'engineer', url: '', avatar: '', avatar_static: '', header: '', header_static: '', emojis: [], moved: null, fields: null, bot: false } const state = (): AddListMemberState => { return { modalOpen: false, accounts: [], targetListId: null } } const initStore = () => { return { namespaced: true, state: state(), actions: AddListMember.actions, mutations: AddListMember.mutations } } const modalsStore = () => ({ namespaced: true, modules: { AddListMember: initStore() } }) const timelineStore = () => ({ namespaced: true, state: { account: { id: 0, accessToken: 'token' }, server: { sns: 'mastodon' } }, modules: { Modals: modalsStore() } }) const appState = { namespaced: true, state: { proxyConfiguration: false } } describe('AddListMember', () => { let store: Store beforeEach(() => { store = createStore({ modules: { AddListMember: initStore(), TimelineSpace: timelineStore(), App: appState } }) }) describe('changeModal', () => { it('should change modal', () => { store.dispatch('TimelineSpace/Modals/AddListMember/changeModal', true) expect(store.state.TimelineSpace.Modals.AddListMember.modalOpen).toEqual(true) }) }) describe('search', () => { it('should be searched', async () => { await store.dispatch('TimelineSpace/Modals/AddListMember/search', 'akira') expect(store.state.TimelineSpace.Modals.AddListMember.accounts).toEqual([account]) }) }) describe('add', () => { it('should be added a member to the list', async () => { const result = await store.dispatch('TimelineSpace/Modals/AddListMember/add', 'akira') expect(result).toEqual({}) }) }) })