import { createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils' import Vuex from 'vuex' import i18n from '~/src/config/i18n' import router from '@/router' import Jump from '~/src/renderer/store/TimelineSpace/Modals/Jump' const state = { modalOpen: true, channel: '', defaultChannelList: [ { name: i18n.t('side_menu.home'), path: 'home' }, { name: i18n.t('side_menu.notification'), path: 'notifications' }, { name: i18n.t('side_menu.favourite'), path: 'favourites' }, { name: i18n.t('side_menu.local'), path: 'local' }, { name: i18n.t('side_menu.public'), path: 'public' }, { name: i18n.t('side_menu.hashtag'), path: 'hashtag' }, { name: i18n.t(''), path: 'search' }, { name: i18n.t(''), path: 'direct-messages' } ], listChannelList: [], tagChannelList: [], selectedChannel: { name: i18n.t('side_menu.home'), path: 'home' } } const initState = { namespaced: true, state: state, actions: Jump.actions, mutations: Jump.mutations } const timelineState = { namespaced: true, state: { account: { _id: '0' } } } describe('Jump', () => { let store let localVue beforeEach(() => { localVue = createLocalVue() localVue.use(Vuex) store = new Vuex.Store({ modules: { Jump: initState, TimelineSpace: timelineState } }) }) describe('jumpCurrentSelected', () => { it('should be changed', () => { store.dispatch('Jump/jumpCurrentSelected') expect(store.state.Jump.modalOpen).toEqual(false) expect(router.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ path: '/0/home' }) }) }) describe('jump', () => { it('should be changed', () => { store.dispatch('Jump/jump', { name: 'public', path: 'public' }) expect(store.state.Jump.modalOpen).toEqual(false) expect(router.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ path: '/0/public' }) }) }) })