import generator, { Entity, FilterContext, NotificationType } from 'megalodon' import { Module, MutationTree, ActionTree, GetterTree } from 'vuex' import { RootState } from '@/store' import { LocalMarker } from '~/src/types/localMarker' import { MyWindow } from '~/src/types/global' import { LoadingCard } from '@/types/loading-card' const win = (window as any) as MyWindow export type NotificationsState = { lazyLoading: boolean heading: boolean notifications: Array scrolling: boolean } const state = (): NotificationsState => ({ lazyLoading: false, heading: true, notifications: [], scrolling: false }) export const MUTATION_TYPES = { CHANGE_LAZY_LOADING: 'changeLazyLoading', CHANGE_HEADING: 'changeHeading', APPEND_NOTIFICATIONS: 'appendNotifications', UPDATE_NOTIFICATIONS: 'updateNotifications', INSERT_NOTIFICATIONS: 'insertNotifications', UPDATE_TOOT: 'updateToot', DELETE_TOOT: 'deleteToot', CLEAR_NOTIFICATIONS: 'clearNotifications', ARCHIVE_NOTIFICATIONS: 'archiveNotifications', CHANGE_SCROLLING: 'changeScrolling', APPEND_NOTIFICATIONS_AFTER_LOADING_CARD: 'appendNotificationsAfterLoadingCard' } const mutations: MutationTree = { [MUTATION_TYPES.CHANGE_LAZY_LOADING]: (state, value: boolean) => { state.lazyLoading = value }, [MUTATION_TYPES.CHANGE_HEADING]: (state, value: boolean) => { state.heading = value }, [MUTATION_TYPES.APPEND_NOTIFICATIONS]: (state, notification: Entity.Notification) => { // Reject duplicated status in timeline if (!state.notifications.find(item => === { state.notifications = ([notification] as Array).concat(state.notifications) } }, [MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_NOTIFICATIONS]: (state, notifications: Array) => { state.notifications = notifications }, [MUTATION_TYPES.INSERT_NOTIFICATIONS]: (state, notifications: Array) => { state.notifications = state.notifications.concat(notifications) }, [MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_TOOT]: (state, message: Entity.Status) => { state.notifications = => { // I want to update toot only mention. // Because Toot component don't use status information when other patterns. if (notification.type === 'mention' && notification.status && === { const status = { status: message } return Object.assign(notification, status) } else { return notification } }) }, [MUTATION_TYPES.DELETE_TOOT]: (state, id: string) => { state.notifications = state.notifications.filter(notify => { if ( === 'loading-card') { return true } const notification = notify as Entity.Notification if (notification.status) { if (notification.status.reblog && === id) { return false } else { return !== id } } else { return true } }) }, [MUTATION_TYPES.CLEAR_NOTIFICATIONS]: state => { state.notifications = [] }, [MUTATION_TYPES.ARCHIVE_NOTIFICATIONS]: state => { state.notifications = state.notifications.slice(0, 30) }, [MUTATION_TYPES.CHANGE_SCROLLING]: (state, value: boolean) => { state.scrolling = value }, [MUTATION_TYPES.APPEND_NOTIFICATIONS_AFTER_LOADING_CARD]: (state, notifications: Array) => { const n = state.notifications.flatMap(notify => { if ( !== 'loading-card') { return notify } else { return notifications } }) // Reject duplicated status in timeline state.notifications = Array.from(new Set(n)) } } const actions: ActionTree = { fetchNotifications: async ({ dispatch, commit, rootState }): Promise> => { const client = generator( rootState.TimelineSpace.sns, rootState.TimelineSpace.account.baseURL, rootState.TimelineSpace.account.accessToken, rootState.App.userAgent ) const localMarker: LocalMarker | null = await dispatch('getMarker').catch(err => { console.error(err) }) if (rootState.App.useMarker && localMarker !== null) { // The result does not contain max_id's notification, when we specify max_id parameter in get notifications. // So we need to get max_id's notification. const last = await client.getNotification(localMarker.last_read_id) const lastReadNotification = let notifications: Array = [lastReadNotification] const card: LoadingCard = { type: 'middle-load', since_id:, // We don't need to fill this field in the first fetcing. // Because in most cases there is no new statuses at the first fetching. // After new statuses are received, if the number of unread statuses is more than 30, max_id is not necessary. // We can fill max_id when calling fetchTimelineSince. // If the number of unread statuses is less than 30, max_id is necessary, but it is enough to reject duplicated statuses. // So we do it in mutation. max_id: null, id: 'loading-card' } const res = await client.getNotifications({ limit: 30, max_id: localMarker.last_read_id }) // Make sure whether new notifications exist or not const nextResponse = await client.getNotifications({ limit: 1, min_id: }) if ( > 0) { notifications = ([card] as Array).concat(notifications).concat( } else { notifications = notifications.concat( } commit(MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_NOTIFICATIONS, notifications) return } else { const res = await client.getNotifications({ limit: 30 }) commit(MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_NOTIFICATIONS, return } }, lazyFetchNotifications: ( { state, commit, rootState }, lastNotification: Entity.Notification ): Promise | null> => { if (state.lazyLoading) { return Promise.resolve(null) } commit(MUTATION_TYPES.CHANGE_LAZY_LOADING, true) const client = generator( rootState.TimelineSpace.sns, rootState.TimelineSpace.account.baseURL, rootState.TimelineSpace.account.accessToken, rootState.App.userAgent ) return client .getNotifications({ max_id:, limit: 30 }) .then(res => { commit(MUTATION_TYPES.INSERT_NOTIFICATIONS, return }) .finally(() => { commit(MUTATION_TYPES.CHANGE_LAZY_LOADING, false) }) }, fetchNotificationsSince: async ({ state, rootState, commit }, since_id: string): Promise | null> => { const client = generator( rootState.TimelineSpace.sns, rootState.TimelineSpace.account.baseURL, rootState.TimelineSpace.account.accessToken, rootState.App.userAgent ) const cardIndex = state.notifications.findIndex(s => { if ( === 'loading-card') { return true } return false }) let maxID: string | null = null if (cardIndex > 0) { maxID = state.notifications[cardIndex - 1].id } const res = await client.getNotifications({ min_id: since_id, limit: 30 }) if ( >= 30) { const card: LoadingCard = { type: 'middle-load', since_id:[0].id, max_id: maxID, id: 'loading-card' } let notifications: Array = [card] notifications = notifications.concat( commit(MUTATION_TYPES.APPEND_NOTIFICATIONS_AFTER_LOADING_CARD, notifications) } else { commit(MUTATION_TYPES.APPEND_NOTIFICATIONS_AFTER_LOADING_CARD, } return }, resetBadge: () => { win.ipcRenderer.send('reset-badge') }, getMarker: async ({ rootState }): Promise => { if (!rootState.App.useMarker) { return null } const client = generator( rootState.TimelineSpace.sns, rootState.TimelineSpace.account.baseURL, rootState.TimelineSpace.account.accessToken, rootState.App.userAgent ) let serverMarker: Entity.Marker | {} = {} try { const res = await client.getMarkers(['notifications']) serverMarker = } catch (err) { console.warn(err) } if ((serverMarker as Entity.Marker).notifications !== undefined) { return { timeline: 'notifications', last_read_id: (serverMarker as Entity.Marker).notifications.last_read_id } as LocalMarker } const localMarker: LocalMarker | null = await win.ipcRenderer.invoke('get-notifications-marker', rootState.TimelineSpace.account._id) return localMarker }, saveMarker: async ({ state, rootState }) => { const notifications = state.notifications if (notifications.length === 0 || notifications[0].id === 'loading-card') { return } win.ipcRenderer.send('save-marker', { owner_id: rootState.TimelineSpace.account._id, timeline: 'notifications', last_read_id: notifications[0].id } as LocalMarker) if (rootState.TimelineSpace.sns === 'misskey') { return } const client = generator( rootState.TimelineSpace.sns, rootState.TimelineSpace.account.baseURL, rootState.TimelineSpace.account.accessToken, rootState.App.userAgent ) const res = await client.saveMarkers({ notifications: { last_read_id: notifications[0].id } }) return } } const getters: GetterTree = { handledNotifications: state => { return state.notifications.filter(n => { switch (n.type) { case 'middle-load': case NotificationType.Follow: case NotificationType.Favourite: case NotificationType.Reblog: case NotificationType.Mention: case NotificationType.EmojiReaction: case NotificationType.FollowRequest: case NotificationType.Status: case NotificationType.PollVote: case NotificationType.PollExpired: return true default: return false } }) }, filters: (_state, _getters, rootState) => { return rootState.TimelineSpace.filters.filter(f => f.context.includes(FilterContext.Notifications) && !f.irreversible) } } const Notifications: Module = { namespaced: true, state: state, mutations: mutations, actions: actions, getters: getters } export default Notifications