import Mastodon from 'megalodon' import { createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils' import Vuex from 'vuex' import { ipcMain } from '~/spec/mock/electron' import TimelineSpace from '~/src/renderer/store/TimelineSpace' import unreadSettings from '~/src/constants/unreadNotification' jest.genMockFromModule('megalodon') jest.mock('megalodon') const state = () => { return { account: { domain: '', _id: '', username: '' }, loading: false, emojis: [], tootMax: 500, unreadNotification: { direct: true, local: true, public: true }, useWebsocket: false, pleroma: false } } const homeStore = { namespaced: true, actions: { fetchTimeline: jest.fn() } } const notificationStore = { namespaced: true, actions: { fetchNotifications: jest.fn() } } const DMStore = { namespaced: true, actions: { fetchTimeline: jest.fn() } } const LocalStore = { namespaced: true, actions: { fetchLocalTimeline: jest.fn() } } const PublicStore = { namespaced: true, actions: { fetchPublicTimeline: jest.fn() } } const contentsStore = { namespaced: true, modules: { Home: homeStore, Notifications: notificationStore, DirectMessages: DMStore, Local: LocalStore, Public: PublicStore } } const initStore = () => { return { namespaced: true, modules: { Contents: contentsStore }, state: state(), actions: TimelineSpace.actions, mutations: TimelineSpace.mutations } } describe('TimelineSpace', () => { let store let localVue beforeEach(() => { localVue = createLocalVue() localVue.use(Vuex) store = new Vuex.Store({ modules: { TimelineSpace: initStore() } }) }) describe('localAccount', () => { describe('account already exists', () => { beforeEach(() => { ipcMain.once('get-local-account', (event, _id) => { event.sender.send('response-get-local-account', { username: 'test' }) }) }) it('should be updated', async () => { await store.dispatch('TimelineSpace/localAccount', 1) expect(store.state.TimelineSpace.account.username).toEqual('test') }) }) describe('account does not exist', () => { beforeEach(() => { ipcMain.once('get-local-account', (event, _id) => { event.sender.send('response-get-local-account', {}) }) ipcMain.once('update-account', (event, _account) => { event.sender.send('response-update-account', { username: 'fetched' }) }) }) it('should be fetched', async () => { await store.dispatch('TimelineSpace/localAccount', 1) expect(store.state.TimelineSpace.account.username).toEqual('fetched') }) }) }) describe('detectPleroma', () => { describe('API is pleroma', () => { it('should be detected', async () => { const mockResponse = { version: 'Pleroma v0.9.9' } Mastodon.get.mockResolvedValue(mockResponse) await store.dispatch('TimelineSpace/detectPleroma') expect(store.state.TimelineSpace.pleroma).toEqual(true) expect(store.state.TimelineSpace.useWebsocket).toEqual(true) }) }) describe('API is not pleroma', () => { it('should be detected', async () => { const mockResponse = { version: '2.7.0' } Mastodon.get.mockResolvedValue(mockResponse) await store.dispatch('TimelineSpace/detectPleroma') expect(store.state.TimelineSpace.pleroma).toEqual(false) expect(store.state.TimelineSpace.useWebsocket).toEqual(false) }) }) }) describe('fetchEmojis', () => { it('should be updated', async () => { const mockResponse = [ { shortcode: 'emacs', url: '' }, { shortcode: 'ruby', url: '' } ] Mastodon.get.mockResolvedValue(mockResponse) await store.dispatch('TimelineSpace/fetchEmojis', {}) expect(store.state.TimelineSpace.emojis).toEqual([ { name: ':emacs:', image: '' }, { name: ':ruby:', image: '' } ]) }) }) describe('fetchInstance', () => { it('should be updated', async () => { const mockResponse = { max_toot_chars: 5000 } Mastodon.get.mockResolvedValue(mockResponse) await store.dispatch('TimelineSpace/fetchInstance', {}) expect(store.state.TimelineSpace.tootMax).toEqual(5000) }) }) describe('loadUnreadNotification', () => { describe('success', () => { it('should be updated', async () => { ipcMain.once('get-unread-notification', (event, _) => { event.sender.send('response-get-unread-notification', { direct: false, local: false, public: false }) }) await store.dispatch('TimelineSpace/loadUnreadNotification') expect(store.state.TimelineSpace.unreadNotification).toEqual({ direct: false, local: false, public: false }) }) }) describe('error', () => { it('should be set default', async () => { ipcMain.once('get-unread-notification', (event, _) => { event.sender.send('error-get-unread-notification', new Error()) }) await store.dispatch('TimelineSpace/loadUnreadNotification') expect(store.state.TimelineSpace.unreadNotification).toEqual({ direct: unreadSettings.Direct.default, local: unreadSettings.Local.default, public: unreadSettings.Public.default }) }) }) }) describe('fetchContentsTimelines', () => { it('should be called', async () => { await store.dispatch('TimelineSpace/fetchContentsTimelines', {}) expect(homeStore.actions.fetchTimeline).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(notificationStore.actions.fetchNotifications).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(DMStore.actions.fetchTimeline).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(LocalStore.actions.fetchLocalTimeline).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(PublicStore.actions.fetchPublicTimeline).toHaveBeenCalled() }) }) })