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"Change visibility", "change_sensitive": "Change sensitive", "add_cw": "Add content warning", "pined_hashtag": "Agel ahacṭag" }, "poll": { "add_choice": "Rnu yan n ustay", "expires": { "5_minutes": "5 n tusdidin", "30_minutes": "30 n tusdidin", "1_hour": "1 tsragt", "6_hours": "6 tsragin", "1_day": "1 wass", "3_days": "3 wussan", "7_days": "7 wussan" } } }, "jump": { "jump_to": "Ddu ɣer..." }, "add_list_member": { "title": "Rnu agmam ɣer useddi", "account_name": "Isem n umiḍan" }, "list_membership": { "title": "Aseddi n igmamen" }, "mute_confirm": { "title": "Is nit trid ad tẓẓiẓend?", "body": "Ffer tineɣmisin seg unessmres-a?", "cancel": "Sser", "ok": "Ẓẓiẓen" }, "shortcut": { "title": "Keyboard shortcuts", "ctrl_number": "Switch accounts", "ctrl_k": "Ddu ɣer ifiliten n uzmez yaḍnin", "ctrl_n": "Open the new toot modal", "ctrl_enter": "Fser Ansaɣ", "ctrl_r": "Reload current timeline", "j": "Select the next toot", "k": "Sty Ansaɣ ameggaru", "h": "Switch focus to the left column", "l": "Switch focus to the right column", "r": "Rar i unsaɣ", "b": "Reblog the toot", "f": "Favourite the toot", "o": "Open details of the toot", "p": "Ṛẓem ifres n unsaɣ", "i": "Ṛẓem tiwlafin", "x": "Sken/ffer CW d NSFW", "?": "Smal tiwisi", "esc": "Rgel tasna tamirant" }, "report": { "title": "Amelli n unessmres-a", "comment": "Additional comments", "cancel": "Sser", "ok": "Mel" } }, "cards": { "toot": { "show_more": "Smal uggar", "hide": "Ffer", "sensitive": "Show sensitive content", "view_toot_detail": "View Toot Detail", "open_in_browser": "Ṛṛem g umessara", "copy_link_to_toot": "Senɣel asɣen n unsaɣ", "mute": "Ẓẓiẓen", "block": "Gdel", "report": "Mel", "delete": "Kkes", "via": "sɣur {{application}}", "reply": "Rar", "reblog": "Reblog", "fav": "Favourite", "detail": "Toot details", "bookmark": "Bookmark", "pinned": "Ansaɣ iɣnsen", "poll": { "vote": "Asettay", "votes_count": "isettayen", "until": "ar {{datetime}}", "left": "{{datetime}} ag qimen", "refresh": "Zzuzwu" } }, 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Mek tufid skcem isem n yiger n umekkay.", "proxy_info": "Mek txsed ad tssmrsed amakkay n upṛuksi, mek tufid msel apṛksi-nnek g", "proxy_here": " da", "search": "Rzu", "login": "Akcam" }, "authorize": { "manually_1": "Tettuṛẓem yat n tasna n usurg g umssara-nnek.", "manually_2": "Mek ur tṛẓim, mek tufid ddu ɣer URL-a.", "code_label": "Mek tufid sleɣ tangalt n usurg seg umssara-nnek:", "misskey_label": "Mek tufid azen-tt adday tssurged g umssara-nnek.", "submit": "Azen" }, "receive_drop": { "drop_message": "Ger i usali ɣer Mastodon" }, "message": { "account_load_error": "Azgel g usali n imiḍanen", "account_remove_error": "Azgel g usitey n imiḍanen", "preferences_load_error": "Failed to load preferences", "timeline_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch timeline", "notification_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch notification", "favourite_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch favorite", "follow_request_accept_error": "Azgel n udggi n tutrawin", "follow_request_reject_error": "Failed to reject the request", "start_streaming_error": "Failed to start streaming", "start_all_streamings_error": "Failed to start streaming of {{domain}}", "attach_error": "Could not attach the file", "authorize_duplicate_error": "Ur tzmmared ad kcemd s imiḍanen imsasan g igran imsasan", "authorize_error": "Azgel g usureg", "followers_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch followers", "follows_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch follows", "toot_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch the toot detail", "follow_error": "Azgel g uḍfaṛ n unessmres", "unfollow_error": "Azgel g tukksa n uḍfaṛ n unessmres", "subscribe_error": "Failed to subscribe the user", "unsubscribe_error": "Failed to unsubscribe the user", "lists_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch lists", "list_create_error": "Failed to create a list", "members_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch members", "remove_user_error": "Azgel g usitey n unessmres", "find_account_error": "Ur ittwafa umiḍam", "reblog_error": "Failed to reblog", "unreblog_error": "Failed to unreblog", "favourite_error": "Failed to favourite", "unfavourite_error": "Failed to unfavourite", "bookmark_error": "Failed to bookmark", "unbookmark_error": "Failed to remove bookmark", "delete_error": "Failed to delete the toot", "search_error": "Failed to search", "toot_error": "Failed to toot", "update_list_memberships_error": "Failed to update the list memberships", "add_user_error": "Azgel g urnnu n unessmres", "authorize_url_error": "Failed to get authorize url", "domain_confirmed": "{{domain}} is confirmed, please login", "domain_doesnt_exist": "Azgel g uzday ɣer {{domain}}, sɣzen URL n umkkay", "loading": "Azdam...", "language_not_support_spellchecker_error": "This language is not supported by Spellchecker", "update_filter_error": "Failed to update the filter", "create_filter_error": "Failed to create the filter" }, "validation": { "login": { "require_domain_name": "A domain name is required", "domain_format": "Please only enter the domain name" }, "new_toot": { "toot_length": "Ixeṣ ad tili tiɣzi seg {{min}} ar {{max}}", "attach_length": "You can only attach up to {{max}} image", "attach_length_plural": "You can only attach up to {{max}} images", "attach_image": "Tzmerd ɣas ad teqqned tiwlafin neɣ ividyuten", "poll_invalid": "Invalid poll choices" } }, "notification": { "favourite": { "title": "Favourite", "body": "{{username}} favourited your status" }, "follow": { "title": "Ḍfeṛ", "body": "la-k iḍffeṛ {{username}}" }, "follow_request": { "title": "Tuttra n uḍfaṛ", "body": "Tiwḍ-ak tutra n uḍfaṛ seg {{username}}" }, "reblog": { "title": "Reblog", "body": "{{username}} boosted your status" }, "quote": { "title": "Bder", "body": "Ibder {{username}} ɣef wadda-nnek" }, "reaction": { "title": "Amyagga", "body": "Imyagga {{username}} ɣef waddad-nnek" }, "status": { "title": "Addaden", "body": "{{username}} just posted" }, "poll_vote": { "title": "PollVote", "body": "{{username}} voted your poll" }, "poll_expired": { "title": "PollExpired", "body": "{{username}}'s poll is expired" } } }