import { isEmpty } from 'lodash' import generator, { detector, Entity, ProxyConfig } from 'megalodon' import Datastore from 'nedb' import log from 'electron-log' import { LocalAccount } from '~/src/types/localAccount' export default class Account { private db: Datastore constructor(db: Datastore) { this.db = db } async initialize() { await this.cleanup() await this.reorder() await this.updateUnique() } updateUnique(): Promise<{}> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // At first, remove old index. this.db.removeIndex('order', err => { if (err) reject(err) // Add unique index. this.db.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'order', unique: true, sparse: true }, err => { if (err) reject(err) resolve({}) }) }) }) } /** * Reorder accounts, because sometimes the order of accounts is duplicated. */ async reorder() { const accounts = await this.listAllAccounts() await Promise.all( (account, index) => { const update = await this.updateAccount(account._id!, Object.assign(account, { order: index + 1 })) return update }) ) const ordered = await this.listAllAccounts() return ordered } /** * Check order of all accounts, and fix if order is negative value or over the length. */ async cleanup() { const accounts = await this.listAccounts() if (accounts.length < 1) { return accounts.length } if (accounts[0].order < 1 || accounts[accounts.length - 1].order > accounts.length) { await Promise.all( (element, index) => { const update = await this.updateAccount(element._id!, Object.assign(element, { order: index + 1 })) return update }) ) } return null } insertAccount(localAccount: LocalAccount): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.db.insert(localAccount, (err, doc) => { if (err) return reject(err) if (isEmpty(doc)) return reject(new EmptyRecordError('empty')) resolve(doc) }) }) } /** * List up all accounts either authenticated or not authenticated. */ listAllAccounts(order = 1): Promise> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.db .find({}) .sort({ order: order }) .exec((err, docs) => { if (err) return reject(err) if (isEmpty(docs)) return reject(new EmptyRecordError('empty')) resolve(docs) }) }) } /** * List up authenticated accounts. */ listAccounts(): Promise> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.db .find({ $and: [{ accessToken: { $ne: '' } }, { accessToken: { $ne: null } }] }) .sort({ order: 1 }) .exec((err, docs) => { if (err) return reject(err) if (isEmpty(docs)) return reject(new EmptyRecordError('empty')) resolve(docs) }) }) } // Get the last account. async lastAccount(): Promise { const accounts = await this.listAllAccounts(-1) return accounts[0] } getAccount(id: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.db.findOne( { _id: id }, (err, doc) => { if (err) return reject(err) if (isEmpty(doc)) return reject(new EmptyRecordError('empty')) resolve(doc) } ) }) } searchAccount(obj: any): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.db.findOne(obj, (err, doc) => { if (err) return reject(err) if (isEmpty(doc)) return reject(new EmptyRecordError('empty')) resolve(doc) }) }) } searchAccounts(obj: any, order = 1): Promise> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.db .find(obj) .sort({ order: order }) .exec((err, docs) => { if (err) return reject(err) resolve(docs) }) }) } updateAccount(id: string, obj: any): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.db.update( { _id: id }, { $set: Object.assign(obj, { _id: id }) }, { multi: true }, (err, _numReplaced) => { if (err) return reject(err) this.db.findOne( { _id: id }, (err, doc) => { if (err) return reject(err) if (isEmpty(doc)) return reject(new EmptyRecordError('empty')) resolve(doc) } ) } ) }) } removeAccount(id: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.db.remove( { _id: id }, { multi: true }, (err, _numRemoved) => { if (err) return reject(err) resolve(id) } ) }) } removeAll(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.db.remove({}, { multi: true }, (err, numRemoved) => { if (err) return reject(err) resolve(numRemoved) }) }) } async forwardAccount(ac: LocalAccount): Promise { // Find account which is the previous of the target account. const accounts = await this.searchAccounts({ order: { $lt: ac.order } }, -1).catch(err => { console.log(err) return [] }) if (accounts.length < 1) { return Promise.resolve({}) } const previousAccount = accounts[0] const targetOrder = ac.order const previousOrder = previousAccount.order // At first, we need to update the previous account with dummy order. // Because this column is uniqued, so can not update with same order. await this.updateAccount( previousAccount._id!, Object.assign(previousAccount, { order: -1 }) ) // Change order of the target account. const updated = await this.updateAccount( ac._id!, Object.assign(ac, { order: previousOrder }) ) // Update the previous account with right order. await this.updateAccount( previousAccount._id!, Object.assign(previousAccount, { order: targetOrder }) ) return updated } async backwardAccount(ac: LocalAccount): Promise { // Find account which is the next of the target account. const accounts = await this.searchAccounts({ order: { $gt: ac.order } }, 1).catch(err => { console.log(err) return [] }) if (accounts.length < 1) { return Promise.resolve({}) } const nextAccount = accounts[0] const targetOrder = ac.order const nextOrder = nextAccount.order // At first, we need to update the next account with dummy order. // Because this colum is uniqued, so can not update with same order. await this.updateAccount( nextAccount._id!, Object.assign(nextAccount, { order: -1 }) ) // Change order of the target account/ const updated = await this.updateAccount( ac._id!, Object.assign(ac, { order: nextOrder }) ) // Update the next account with right order. await this.updateAccount( nextAccount._id!, Object.assign(nextAccount, { order: targetOrder }) ) return updated } async refreshAccounts(proxy: ProxyConfig | false): Promise> { const accounts = await this.listAccounts() if (accounts.length < 1) { return accounts } const results = await Promise.all( account => { const refresh = await this.refresh(account, proxy) return refresh }) ) return results } /** * refresh: Refresh an account which is already saved at local * @param {LocalAccount} account is an local account * @return {LocalAccount} updated account */ async refresh(account: LocalAccount, proxy: ProxyConfig | false): Promise { const sns = await detector(account.baseURL, proxy) let client = generator(sns, account.baseURL, account.accessToken, 'Whalebird', proxy) let json = {} try { const res = await client.verifyAccountCredentials() json = { username:, accountId:, avatar: } } catch (err) { log.error(err)'Get new access token using refresh token...') // If failed to fetch account, get new access token usign refresh token. if (!account.refreshToken) { throw new RefreshTokenDoesNotExist() } const token = await client.refreshToken(account.clientId, account.clientSecret, account.refreshToken) client = generator(sns, account.baseURL, token.access_token, 'Whalebird', proxy) const res = await client.verifyAccountCredentials() json = { username:, accountId:, avatar:, accessToken: token.accessToken, refreshToken: token.refreshToken } } return this.updateAccount(account._id!, json) } // Confirm the access token, and check duplicate async fetchAccount( sns: 'mastodon' | 'pleroma' | 'misskey', account: LocalAccount, accessToken: string, proxy: ProxyConfig | false ): Promise { const client = generator(sns, account.baseURL, accessToken, 'Whalebird', proxy) const res = await client.verifyAccountCredentials() const query = { baseURL: account.baseURL, username: } const duplicates = await this.searchAccounts(query) if (duplicates.length > 0) { throw new DuplicateRecordError(`${}@${account.baseURL} is duplicated`) } return } } class EmptyRecordError extends Error {} class DuplicateRecordError extends Error {} class RefreshTokenDoesNotExist extends Error {}