import suggestText from '@/utils/suggestText' describe('account', () => { describe('Only account name', () => { const str = '@h3pote' it('should match', () => { const [start, word] = suggestText(str, 7) expect(str).toEqual(word) expect(start).toEqual(1) }) }) describe('Beginning of the sentence', () => { const str = '@h3pote toot body' it('should match', () => { const [start, word] = suggestText(str, 7) expect(word).toEqual('@h3pote') expect(start).toEqual(1) }) }) describe('Halfway of the sentence', () => { const str = 'toot body @h3pote toot' it('should match', () => { const [start, word] = suggestText(str, 17) expect(word).toEqual('@h3pote') expect(start).toEqual(11) }) }) describe('End of the sentence', () => { const str = 'toot body @h3pote' it('should match', () => { const [start, word] = suggestText(str, 17) expect(word).toEqual('@h3pote') expect(start).toEqual(11) }) }) describe('No space', () => { const str = 'tootbody@h3pote' it('should not match', () => { const [start, word] = suggestText(str, 15) expect(word).toEqual(null) expect(start).toEqual(null) }) }) })