import generator, { detector, Entity } from 'megalodon' import SideMenu, { SideMenuState } from './TimelineSpace/SideMenu' import HeaderMenu, { HeaderMenuState } from './TimelineSpace/HeaderMenu' import Modals, { ModalsModuleState } from './TimelineSpace/Modals' import Contents, { ContentsModuleState } from './TimelineSpace/Contents' import { Module, MutationTree, ActionTree } from 'vuex' import { LocalAccount } from '~/src/types/localAccount' import { RootState } from '@/store' import { AccountLoadError } from '@/errors/load' import { TimelineFetchError } from '@/errors/fetch' import { MyWindow } from '~/src/types/global' import { Timeline, Setting } from '~src/types/setting' import { DefaultSetting } from '~/src/constants/initializer/setting' const win = window as any as MyWindow export type TimelineSpaceState = { account: LocalAccount bindingAccount: LocalAccount | null loading: boolean emojis: Array tootMax: number timelineSetting: Timeline sns: 'mastodon' | 'pleroma' | 'misskey' filters: Array } export const blankAccount: LocalAccount = { _id: '', baseURL: '', domain: '', username: '', clientId: '', clientSecret: '', accessToken: null, refreshToken: null, accountId: null, avatar: null, order: 0 } const state = (): TimelineSpaceState => ({ account: blankAccount, bindingAccount: null, loading: false, emojis: [], tootMax: 500, timelineSetting: DefaultSetting.timeline, sns: 'mastodon', filters: [] }) export const MUTATION_TYPES = { UPDATE_ACCOUNT: 'updateAccount', UPDATE_BINDING_ACCOUNT: 'updateBindingAccount', CHANGE_LOADING: 'changeLoading', UPDATE_EMOJIS: 'updateEmojis', UPDATE_TOOT_MAX: 'updateTootMax', UPDATE_TIMELINE_SETTING: 'updateTimelineSetting', CHANGE_SNS: 'changeSNS', UPDATE_FILTERS: 'updateFilters' } const mutations: MutationTree = { [MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_ACCOUNT]: (state, account: LocalAccount) => { state.account = account }, [MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_BINDING_ACCOUNT]: (state, account: LocalAccount) => { state.bindingAccount = account }, [MUTATION_TYPES.CHANGE_LOADING]: (state, value: boolean) => { state.loading = value }, [MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_EMOJIS]: (state, emojis: Array) => { state.emojis = emojis }, [MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_TOOT_MAX]: (state, value: number | null) => { if (value) { state.tootMax = value } else { state.tootMax = 500 } }, [MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_TIMELINE_SETTING]: (state, setting: Timeline) => { state.timelineSetting = setting }, [MUTATION_TYPES.CHANGE_SNS]: (state, sns: 'mastodon' | 'pleroma' | 'misskey') => { state.sns = sns }, [MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_FILTERS]: (state, filters: Array) => { state.filters = filters } } const actions: ActionTree = { initLoad: async ({ dispatch, commit }, accountId: string): Promise => { commit(MUTATION_TYPES.CHANGE_LOADING, true) dispatch('watchShortcutEvents') const account: LocalAccount = await dispatch('localAccount', accountId).catch(_ => { commit(MUTATION_TYPES.CHANGE_LOADING, false) throw new AccountLoadError() }) await dispatch('detectSNS') dispatch('TimelineSpace/SideMenu/fetchLists', account, { root: true }) dispatch('TimelineSpace/SideMenu/fetchFollowRequests', account, { root: true }) dispatch('TimelineSpace/SideMenu/confirmTimelines', account, { root: true }) await dispatch('loadTimelineSetting', accountId) await dispatch('fetchFilters') commit(MUTATION_TYPES.CHANGE_LOADING, false) await dispatch('fetchContentsTimelines').catch(_ => { throw new TimelineFetchError() }) return account }, prepareSpace: async ({ state, dispatch }) => { await dispatch('bindStreamings') dispatch('startStreamings') await dispatch('fetchEmojis', state.account) await dispatch('fetchInstance', state.account) // // Backup current account information. // commit(MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_PREVIOUS_ACCOUNT, state.account) }, // ------------------------------------------------- // Accounts // ------------------------------------------------- localAccount: async ({ dispatch, commit }, id: string): Promise => { const account: LocalAccount = await win.ipcRenderer.invoke('get-local-account', id) if (account.username === undefined || account.username === null || account.username === '') { const acct: LocalAccount = await dispatch('fetchAccount', account) commit(MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_ACCOUNT, acct) return acct } else { commit(MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_ACCOUNT, account) return account } }, fetchAccount: async (_, account: LocalAccount): Promise => { const acct: LocalAccount = await win.ipcRenderer.invoke('update-account', account) return acct }, clearAccount: async ({ commit }) => { commit(MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_ACCOUNT, blankAccount) return true }, detectSNS: async ({ commit, state }) => { const sns = await detector(state.account.baseURL) commit(MUTATION_TYPES.CHANGE_SNS, sns) }, // ----------------------------------------------- // Shortcuts // ----------------------------------------------- watchShortcutEvents: ({ commit, dispatch }) => { win.ipcRenderer.on('CmdOrCtrl+N', () => { dispatch('TimelineSpace/Modals/NewToot/openModal', {}, { root: true }) }) win.ipcRenderer.on('CmdOrCtrl+K', () => { commit('TimelineSpace/Modals/Jump/changeModal', true, { root: true }) }) win.ipcRenderer.on('open-shortcuts-list', () => { commit('TimelineSpace/Modals/Shortcut/changeModal', true, { root: true }) }) }, removeShortcutEvents: async () => { win.ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners('CmdOrCtrl+N') win.ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners('CmdOrCtrl+K') return true }, /** * clearUnread */ clearUnread: async ({ dispatch }) => { dispatch('TimelineSpace/SideMenu/clearUnread', {}, { root: true }) }, /** * fetchEmojis */ fetchEmojis: async ({ commit, state }, account: LocalAccount): Promise> => { const client = generator(state.sns, account.baseURL, null, 'Whalebird') const res = await client.getInstanceCustomEmojis() commit(MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_EMOJIS, return }, /** * fetchFilters */ fetchFilters: async ({ commit, state, rootState }): Promise> => { try { const client = generator(state.sns, state.account.baseURL, state.account.accessToken, rootState.App.userAgent) const res = await client.getFilters() commit(MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_FILTERS, return } catch { return [] } }, /** * fetchInstance */ fetchInstance: async ({ commit, state }, account: LocalAccount) => { const client = generator(state.sns, account.baseURL, null, 'Whalebird') const res = await client.getInstance() commit(MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_TOOT_MAX, return true }, loadTimelineSetting: async ({ commit }, accountID: string) => { const setting: Setting = await win.ipcRenderer.invoke('get-account-setting', accountID) commit(MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_TIMELINE_SETTING, setting.timeline) }, fetchContentsTimelines: async ({ dispatch, state }) => { dispatch('TimelineSpace/Contents/changeLoading', true, { root: true }) await dispatch('TimelineSpace/Contents/Home/fetchTimeline', {}, { root: true }).finally(() => { dispatch('TimelineSpace/Contents/changeLoading', false, { root: true }) }) await dispatch('TimelineSpace/Contents/Notifications/fetchNotifications', {}, { root: true }) await dispatch('TimelineSpace/Contents/Mentions/fetchMentions', {}, { root: true }) if ( { await dispatch('TimelineSpace/Contents/DirectMessages/fetchTimeline', {}, { root: true }) } if (state.timelineSetting.unreadNotification.local) { await dispatch('TimelineSpace/Contents/Local/fetchLocalTimeline', {}, { root: true }) } if (state.timelineSetting.unreadNotification.public) { await dispatch('TimelineSpace/Contents/Public/fetchPublicTimeline', {}, { root: true }) } }, clearContentsTimelines: ({ commit }) => { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Home/clearTimeline', {}, { root: true }) commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Local/clearTimeline', {}, { root: true }) commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/DirectMessages/clearTimeline', {}, { root: true }) commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Notifications/clearNotifications', {}, { root: true }) commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Public/clearTimeline', {}, { root: true }) commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Mentions/clearMentions', {}, { root: true }) }, bindStreamings: ({ dispatch, state }) => { dispatch('bindUserStreaming') if ( { dispatch('bindDirectMessagesStreaming') } if (state.timelineSetting.unreadNotification.local) { dispatch('bindLocalStreaming') } if (state.timelineSetting.unreadNotification.public) { dispatch('bindPublicStreaming') } }, startStreamings: ({ dispatch, state }) => { if ( { dispatch('startDirectMessagesStreaming') } if (state.timelineSetting.unreadNotification.local) { dispatch('startLocalStreaming') } if (state.timelineSetting.unreadNotification.public) { dispatch('startPublicStreaming') } }, stopStreamings: ({ dispatch }) => { dispatch('stopDirectMessagesStreaming') dispatch('stopLocalStreaming') dispatch('stopPublicStreaming') }, unbindStreamings: ({ dispatch }) => { dispatch('unbindUserStreaming') dispatch('unbindDirectMessagesStreaming') dispatch('unbindLocalStreaming') dispatch('unbindPublicStreaming') }, // ------------------------------------------------ // Each streaming methods // ------------------------------------------------ bindUserStreaming: async ({ commit, state, rootState, dispatch }) => { if (!state.account._id) { throw new Error('Account is not set') } // We have to wait to unbind previous streaming. await dispatch('waitToUnbindUserStreaming') commit(MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_BINDING_ACCOUNT, state.account) win.ipcRenderer.on(`update-start-all-user-streamings-${state.account._id!}`, (_, update: Entity.Status) => { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Home/appendTimeline', update, { root: true }) // Sometimes archive old statuses if (rootState.TimelineSpace.Contents.Home.heading && Math.random() > 0.8) { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Home/archiveTimeline', null, { root: true }) } commit('TimelineSpace/SideMenu/changeUnreadHomeTimeline', true, { root: true }) }) win.ipcRenderer.on(`notification-start-all-user-streamings-${state.account._id!}`, (_, notification: Entity.Notification) => { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Notifications/appendNotifications', notification, { root: true }) if (rootState.TimelineSpace.Contents.Notifications.heading && Math.random() > 0.8) { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Notifications/archiveNotifications', null, { root: true }) } commit('TimelineSpace/SideMenu/changeUnreadNotifications', true, { root: true }) }) win.ipcRenderer.on(`mention-start-all-user-streamings-${state.account._id!}`, (_, mention: Entity.Notification) => { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Mentions/appendMentions', mention, { root: true }) if (rootState.TimelineSpace.Contents.Mentions.heading && Math.random() > 0.8) { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Mentions/archiveMentions', null, { root: true }) } commit('TimelineSpace/SideMenu/changeUnreadMentions', true, { root: true }) }) win.ipcRenderer.on(`delete-start-all-user-streamings-${state.account._id!}`, (_, id: string) => { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Home/deleteToot', id, { root: true }) commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Notifications/deleteToot', id, { root: true }) commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Mentions/deleteToot', id, { root: true }) }) }, bindLocalStreaming: ({ commit, rootState }) => { win.ipcRenderer.on('update-start-local-streaming', (_, update: Entity.Status) => { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Local/appendTimeline', update, { root: true }) if (rootState.TimelineSpace.Contents.Local.heading && Math.random() > 0.8) { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Local/archiveTimeline', {}, { root: true }) } commit('TimelineSpace/SideMenu/changeUnreadLocalTimeline', true, { root: true }) }) win.ipcRenderer.on('delete-start-local-streaming', (_, id: string) => { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Local/deleteToot', id, { root: true }) }) }, startLocalStreaming: ({ state }) => { // @ts-ignore return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars win.ipcRenderer.send('start-local-streaming', state.account._id) win.ipcRenderer.once('error-start-local-streaming', (_, err: Error) => { reject(err) }) }) }, bindPublicStreaming: ({ commit, rootState }) => { win.ipcRenderer.on('update-start-public-streaming', (_, update: Entity.Status) => { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Public/appendTimeline', update, { root: true }) if (rootState.TimelineSpace.Contents.Public.heading && Math.random() > 0.8) { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Public/archiveTimeline', {}, { root: true }) } commit('TimelineSpace/SideMenu/changeUnreadPublicTimeline', true, { root: true }) }) win.ipcRenderer.on('delete-start-public-streaming', (_, id: string) => { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Public/deleteToot', id, { root: true }) }) }, startPublicStreaming: ({ state }) => { // @ts-ignore return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars win.ipcRenderer.send('start-public-streaming', state.account._id) win.ipcRenderer.once('error-start-public-streaming', (_, err: Error) => { reject(err) }) }) }, bindDirectMessagesStreaming: ({ commit, rootState }) => { win.ipcRenderer.on('update-start-directmessages-streaming', (_, update: Entity.Status) => { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/DirectMessages/appendTimeline', update, { root: true }) if (rootState.TimelineSpace.Contents.DirectMessages.heading && Math.random() > 0.8) { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/DirectMessages/archiveTimeline', {}, { root: true }) } commit('TimelineSpace/SideMenu/changeUnreadDirectMessagesTimeline', true, { root: true }) }) win.ipcRenderer.on('delete-start-directmessages-streaming', (_, id: string) => { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/DirectMessages/deleteToot', id, { root: true }) }) }, startDirectMessagesStreaming: ({ state }) => { // @ts-ignore return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars win.ipcRenderer.send('start-directmessages-streaming', state.account._id) win.ipcRenderer.once('error-start-directmessages-streaming', (_, err: Error) => { reject(err) }) }) }, unbindUserStreaming: ({ state, commit }) => { // When unbind is called, sometimes account is already cleared and account does not have _id. // So we have to get previous account to unbind streamings. if (state.bindingAccount) { win.ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners(`update-start-all-user-streamings-${state.bindingAccount._id!}`) win.ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners(`mention-start-all-user-streamings-${state.bindingAccount._id!}`) win.ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners(`notification-start-all-user-streamings-${state.bindingAccount._id!}`) win.ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners(`delete-start-all-user-streamings-${state.bindingAccount._id!}`) // And we have to clear binding account after unbind. commit(MUTATION_TYPES.UPDATE_BINDING_ACCOUNT, null) } else {'binding account does not exist') } }, unbindLocalStreaming: () => { win.ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners('error-start-local-streaming') win.ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners('update-start-local-streaming') win.ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners('delete-start-local-streaming') }, stopLocalStreaming: () => { win.ipcRenderer.send('stop-local-streaming') }, unbindPublicStreaming: () => { win.ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners('error-start-public-streaming') win.ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners('update-start-public-streaming') win.ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners('delete-start-public-streaming') }, stopPublicStreaming: () => { win.ipcRenderer.send('stop-public-streaming') }, unbindDirectMessagesStreaming: () => { win.ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners('error-start-directmessages-streaming') win.ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners('update-start-directmessages-streaming') win.ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners('delete-start-directmessages-streaming') }, stopDirectMessagesStreaming: () => { win.ipcRenderer.send('stop-directmessages-streaming') }, updateTootForAllTimelines: ({ commit, state }, status: Entity.Status): boolean => { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Home/updateToot', status, { root: true }) commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Notifications/updateToot', status, { root: true }) commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Mentions/updateToot', status, { root: true }) if ( { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/DirectMessages/updateToot', status, { root: true }) } if (state.timelineSetting.unreadNotification.local) { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Local/updateToot', status, { root: true }) } if (state.timelineSetting.unreadNotification.public) { commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Public/updateToot', status, { root: true }) } return true }, waitToUnbindUserStreaming: async ({ state, dispatch }): Promise => { if (!state.bindingAccount) { return true } dispatch('unbindUserStreaming') await sleep(500) const res: boolean = await dispatch('waitToUnbindUserStreaming') return res } } type TimelineSpaceModule = { SideMenu: SideMenuState HeaderMenu: HeaderMenuState Modals: ModalsModuleState Contents: ContentsModuleState } export type TimelineSpaceModuleState = TimelineSpaceModule & TimelineSpaceState const TimelineSpace: Module = { namespaced: true, modules: { SideMenu, HeaderMenu, Modals, Contents }, state: state, mutations: mutations, actions: actions } export default TimelineSpace const sleep = (msec: number) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, msec))