import { createStore, Store } from 'vuex' import { ipcMain, ipcRenderer } from '~/spec/mock/electron' import General, { GeneralState } from '@/store/Preferences/General' import { MyWindow } from '~/src/types/global' import { IpcMainInvokeEvent } from 'electron' import { RootState } from '@/store' ;(window as any as MyWindow).ipcRenderer = ipcRenderer const state = (): GeneralState => { return { general: { sound: { fav_rb: true, toot: true }, timeline: { cw: false, nsfw: false, hideAllAttachments: false }, other: { launch: false } }, loading: false } } const initStore = () => { return { namespaced: true, state: state(), actions: General.actions, mutations: General.mutations } } const preferencesStore = () => ({ namespaced: true, modules: { General: initStore() } }) const app = { namespaced: true, actions: { loadPreferences(_) { return true } } } describe('Preferences/General', () => { let store: Store beforeEach(() => { store = createStore({ modules: { Preferences: preferencesStore(), App: app } }) }) describe('loadGeneral', () => { beforeEach(() => { ipcMain.handle('get-preferences', () => { return { general: { sound: { fav_rb: false, toot: false } } } }) }) afterEach(() => { ipcMain.removeHandler('get-preferences') }) it('should be updated', async () => { await store.dispatch('Preferences/General/loadGeneral') expect(store.state.Preferences.General.general.sound.fav_rb).toEqual(false) expect(store.state.Preferences.General.general.sound.toot).toEqual(false) expect(store.state.Preferences.General.loading).toEqual(false) }) }) describe('updateSound', () => { beforeEach(() => { ipcMain.handle('update-preferences', (_: IpcMainInvokeEvent, config: any) => { return config }) }) afterEach(() => { ipcMain.removeHandler('update-preferences') }) it('should be updated', async () => { await store.dispatch('Preferences/General/updateSound', { fav_rb: false, toot: false }) expect(store.state.Preferences.General.general.sound.fav_rb).toEqual(false) expect(store.state.Preferences.General.general.sound.toot).toEqual(false) expect(store.state.Preferences.General.loading).toEqual(false) }) }) describe('updateTimeline', () => { beforeEach(() => { ipcMain.handle('update-preferences', (_: IpcMainInvokeEvent, config: any) => { return config }) }) afterEach(() => { ipcMain.removeHandler('update-preferences') }) it('should be updated', async () => { await store.dispatch('Preferences/General/updateTimeline', { cw: true, nsfw: true, hideAllAttachments: true }) expect( expect(store.state.Preferences.General.general.timeline.nsfw).toEqual(true) expect(store.state.Preferences.General.general.timeline.hideAllAttachments).toEqual(true) expect(store.state.Preferences.General.loading).toEqual(false) }) }) })