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"close_confirm_ok": "Schließen", - "close_confirm_cancel": "Abbrechen", + "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to discard this toot?", + "close_confirm_ok": "Discard", + "close_confirm_cancel": "Continue Editing", "description": "Für Menschen mit Sehbehinderung beschreiben", "footer": { "add_image": "Bild hinzufügen", diff --git a/src/config/locales/es_es/translation.json b/src/config/locales/es_es/translation.json index 38877df1..9f5c4bb3 100644 --- a/src/config/locales/es_es/translation.json +++ b/src/config/locales/es_es/translation.json @@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ "status": "¿En qué estás pensando?", "cancel": "Cancelar", "toot": "Toot", - "close_confirm": "¿Está seguro que desea cancelar el nuevo toot?", - "close_confirm_ok": "Aceptar", - "close_confirm_cancel": "Cancelar", + "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to discard this toot?", + "close_confirm_ok": "Discard", + "close_confirm_cancel": "Continue Editing", "description": "Describir para los discapacitados visuales", "footer": { "add_image": "Añadir imágenes", diff --git a/src/config/locales/fr/translation.json b/src/config/locales/fr/translation.json index 1510127a..86730867 100644 --- a/src/config/locales/fr/translation.json +++ b/src/config/locales/fr/translation.json @@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ "status": "Qu’avez-vous en tête ?", "cancel": "Annuler", "toot": "Pouet!", - "close_confirm": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir annuler ce nouveau pouet ?", - "close_confirm_ok": "Oui", - "close_confirm_cancel": "Annuler", + "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to discard this toot?", + "close_confirm_ok": "Discard", + "close_confirm_cancel": "Continue Editing", "description": "Décrire pour les malvoyant·e·s", "footer": { "add_image": "Ajouter une image", diff --git a/src/config/locales/id/translation.json b/src/config/locales/id/translation.json index 961845e8..9d2c2b67 100644 --- a/src/config/locales/id/translation.json +++ b/src/config/locales/id/translation.json @@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ "status": "What is on your mind?", "cancel": "Cancel", "toot": "Toot", - "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to cancel the new toot?", - "close_confirm_ok": "OK", - "close_confirm_cancel": "Cancel", + "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to discard this toot?", + "close_confirm_ok": "Discard", + "close_confirm_cancel": "Continue Editing", "description": "Describe for the visually impaired", "footer": { "add_image": "Add images", diff --git a/src/config/locales/it/translation.json b/src/config/locales/it/translation.json index 2217e900..836e53b0 100644 --- a/src/config/locales/it/translation.json +++ b/src/config/locales/it/translation.json @@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ "status": "Cosa ti passa per la testa?", "cancel": "Annulla", "toot": "Post", - "close_confirm": "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare il nuovo post?", - "close_confirm_ok": "OK", - "close_confirm_cancel": "Annulla", + "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to discard this toot?", + "close_confirm_ok": "Discard", + "close_confirm_cancel": "Continue Editing", "description": "Descrivi per i non vedenti", "footer": { "add_image": "Aggiungi immagini", diff --git a/src/config/locales/ja/translation.json b/src/config/locales/ja/translation.json index d2e4f037..08ec77d7 100644 --- a/src/config/locales/ja/translation.json +++ b/src/config/locales/ja/translation.json @@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ "status": "今なにしてる?", "cancel": "キャンセル", "toot": "トゥート!", - "close_confirm": "本当に閉じますか?", - "close_confirm_ok": "閉じる", - "close_confirm_cancel": "キャンセル", + "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to discard this toot?", + "close_confirm_ok": "Discard", + "close_confirm_cancel": "Continue Editing", "description": "メディアの説明を追加", "footer": { "add_image": "画像を添付", diff --git a/src/config/locales/ko/translation.json b/src/config/locales/ko/translation.json index d990f9d9..ff602f9c 100644 --- a/src/config/locales/ko/translation.json +++ b/src/config/locales/ko/translation.json @@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ "status": "무슨 생각을 하고 있나요?", "cancel": "취소", "toot": "툿", - "close_confirm": "툿 작성을 그만둘까요?", - "close_confirm_ok": "예", - "close_confirm_cancel": "취소", + "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to discard this toot?", + "close_confirm_ok": "Discard", + "close_confirm_cancel": "Continue Editing", "description": "시각장애인을 위한 설명", "footer": { "add_image": "이미지 추가", diff --git a/src/config/locales/no/translation.json b/src/config/locales/no/translation.json index 7c10451f..eb552522 100644 --- a/src/config/locales/no/translation.json +++ b/src/config/locales/no/translation.json @@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ "status": "What is on your mind?", "cancel": "Cancel", "toot": "Toot", - "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to cancel the new toot?", - "close_confirm_ok": "OK", - "close_confirm_cancel": "Cancel", + "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to discard this toot?", + "close_confirm_ok": "Discard", + "close_confirm_cancel": "Continue Editing", "description": "Describe for the visually impaired", "footer": { "add_image": "Add images", diff --git a/src/config/locales/pl/translation.json b/src/config/locales/pl/translation.json index a9d01367..115ea3d6 100644 --- a/src/config/locales/pl/translation.json +++ b/src/config/locales/pl/translation.json @@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ "status": "Co Ci chodzi po głowie?", "cancel": "Anuluj", "toot": "Wyślij", - "close_confirm": "Czy na pewno chcesz porzucić tworzenie wpisu?", - "close_confirm_ok": "OK", - "close_confirm_cancel": "Anuluj", + "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to discard this toot?", + "close_confirm_ok": "Discard", + "close_confirm_cancel": "Continue Editing", "description": "Wprowadź opis dla niewidomych i niedowidzących", "footer": { "add_image": "Dodaj obraz", diff --git a/src/config/locales/pt_pt/translation.json b/src/config/locales/pt_pt/translation.json index b621edbd..ab98b0e3 100644 --- a/src/config/locales/pt_pt/translation.json +++ b/src/config/locales/pt_pt/translation.json @@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ "status": "What is on your mind?", "cancel": "Cancel", "toot": "Toot", - "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to cancel the new toot?", - "close_confirm_ok": "OK", - "close_confirm_cancel": "Cancel", + "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to discard this toot?", + "close_confirm_ok": "Discard", + "close_confirm_cancel": "Continue Editing", "description": "Describe for the visually impaired", "footer": { "add_image": "Add images", diff --git a/src/config/locales/ru/translation.json b/src/config/locales/ru/translation.json index d8b86af0..ba0be877 100644 --- a/src/config/locales/ru/translation.json +++ b/src/config/locales/ru/translation.json @@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ "status": "О чём вы думаете?", "cancel": "Отменить", "toot": "Запостить", - "close_confirm": "Вы уверены, что хотите отменить пост?", - "close_confirm_ok": "OK", - "close_confirm_cancel": "Отменить", + "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to discard this toot?", + "close_confirm_ok": "Discard", + "close_confirm_cancel": "Continue Editing", "description": "Опишите для слабовидящих", "footer": { "add_image": "Добавить изображения", diff --git a/src/config/locales/si/translation.json b/src/config/locales/si/translation.json index 60077404..efecf333 100644 --- a/src/config/locales/si/translation.json +++ b/src/config/locales/si/translation.json @@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ "status": "What is on your mind?", "cancel": "Cancel", "toot": "Toot", - "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to cancel the new toot?", - "close_confirm_ok": "OK", - "close_confirm_cancel": "Cancel", + "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to discard this toot?", + "close_confirm_ok": "Discard", + "close_confirm_cancel": "Continue Editing", "description": "Describe for the visually impaired", "footer": { "add_image": "Add images", diff --git a/src/config/locales/sv_se/translation.json b/src/config/locales/sv_se/translation.json index b621edbd..ab98b0e3 100644 --- a/src/config/locales/sv_se/translation.json +++ b/src/config/locales/sv_se/translation.json @@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ "status": "What is on your mind?", "cancel": "Cancel", "toot": "Toot", - "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to cancel the new toot?", - "close_confirm_ok": "OK", - "close_confirm_cancel": "Cancel", + "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to discard this toot?", + "close_confirm_ok": "Discard", + "close_confirm_cancel": "Continue Editing", "description": "Describe for the visually impaired", "footer": { "add_image": "Add images", diff --git a/src/config/locales/tzm/translation.json b/src/config/locales/tzm/translation.json index 26a3fb88..eb36abe3 100644 --- a/src/config/locales/tzm/translation.json +++ b/src/config/locales/tzm/translation.json @@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ "status": "Ma'yd illan g ixef-nnek?", "cancel": "Sser", "toot": "Ansaɣ", - "close_confirm": "Is nit txsed ad tssred Ansaɣ Amaynu?", - "close_confirm_ok": "WAX", - "close_confirm_cancel": "Sser", + "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to discard this toot?", + "close_confirm_ok": "Discard", + "close_confirm_cancel": "Continue Editing", "description": "Describe for the visually impaired", "footer": { "add_image": "Rnu yat n twlafet", diff --git a/src/config/locales/zh_cn/translation.json b/src/config/locales/zh_cn/translation.json index 2d2a6045..5020b414 100644 --- a/src/config/locales/zh_cn/translation.json +++ b/src/config/locales/zh_cn/translation.json @@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ "status": "在想啥?", "cancel": "取消", "toot": "嘟嘟!", - "close_confirm": "确定取消发嘟吗?", - "close_confirm_ok": "确定", - "close_confirm_cancel": "取消", + "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to discard this toot?", + "close_confirm_ok": "Discard", + "close_confirm_cancel": "Continue Editing", "description": "为视觉障碍人士提供描述", "footer": { "add_image": "上传图片", diff --git a/src/config/locales/zh_tw/translation.json b/src/config/locales/zh_tw/translation.json index 232393c9..aadd6e3f 100644 --- a/src/config/locales/zh_tw/translation.json +++ b/src/config/locales/zh_tw/translation.json @@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ "status": "正在想些什麼嗎?", "cancel": "取消", "toot": "嘟文", - "close_confirm": "您確定要取消這個新嘟文嗎?", - "close_confirm_ok": "OK", - "close_confirm_cancel": "取消", + "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to discard this toot?", + "close_confirm_ok": "Discard", + "close_confirm_cancel": "Continue Editing", "description": "為視障人士增加文字說明", "footer": { "add_image": "新增圖片",