From af6b146f9dd4389670d9846634a4c3e178a5fcd6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AkiraFukushima
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 16:39:40 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] New translations translation.json (Scottish Gaelic)
src/config/locales/gd/translation.json | 738 ++++++++++++-------------
1 file changed, 369 insertions(+), 369 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/config/locales/gd/translation.json b/src/config/locales/gd/translation.json
index 92744b1c..bdb569c6 100644
--- a/src/config/locales/gd/translation.json
+++ b/src/config/locales/gd/translation.json
@@ -2,253 +2,253 @@
"main_menu": {
"application": {
"name": "Whalebird",
- "about": "About Whalebird",
- "preferences": "Preferences...",
- "services": "Services",
- "hide": "Hide Whalebird",
- "hide_others": "Hide Others",
- "show_all": "Show All",
- "open": "Open Window",
- "quit": "Quit"
+ "about": "Mu Whalebird",
+ "preferences": "Roghainnean…",
+ "services": "Seirbheisean",
+ "hide": "Cuir Whalebird am falach",
+ "hide_others": "Cuir càch am falach",
+ "show_all": "Seall na h-uile",
+ "open": "Fosgail ann an uinneag",
+ "quit": "Fàg an-seo"
"toot": {
- "name": "Toot",
- "new": "New Toot"
+ "name": "Postaich",
+ "new": "Post ùr"
"edit": {
- "name": "Edit",
- "undo": "Undo",
- "redo": "Redo",
- "cut": "Cut",
- "copy": "Copy",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "select_all": "Select All"
+ "name": "Deasaich",
+ "undo": "Neo-dhèan",
+ "redo": "Ath-dhèan",
+ "cut": "Geàrr às",
+ "copy": "Dèan lethbhreac",
+ "paste": "Cuir ann",
+ "select_all": "Tagh na h-uile"
"view": {
- "name": "View",
- "toggle_full_screen": "Toggle Full Screen"
+ "name": "Seall",
+ "toggle_full_screen": "Toglaich an làn-sgrìn"
"window": {
- "always_show_menu_bar": "Always Show Menu Bar",
- "name": "Window",
- "close": "Close Window",
- "open": "Open Window",
- "minimize": "Minimize",
- "jump_to": "Jump to"
+ "always_show_menu_bar": "Seall bàr a’ chlàir-thaice an-còmhnaidh",
+ "name": "Uinneag",
+ "close": "Dùin an uinneag",
+ "open": "Fosgail ann an uinneag",
+ "minimize": "Fìor-lùghdaich",
+ "jump_to": "Leum gu"
"global_header": {
- "add_new_account": "Add new account"
+ "add_new_account": "Cuir cunntas ùr ris"
"side_menu": {
- "profile": "Profile",
- "show_profile": "Show profile",
- "edit_profile": "Edit profile",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "collapse": "Collapse",
- "expand": "Expand",
- "home": "Home",
- "notification": "Notification",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "direct": "Direct messages",
- "follow_requests": "Follow Requests",
- "favourite": "Favourite",
- "bookmark": "Bookmark",
- "local": "Local timeline",
- "public": "Public timeline",
- "hashtag": "Hashtag",
- "search": "Search",
- "lists": "Lists"
+ "profile": "Pròifil",
+ "show_profile": "Seall a’ phròifil",
+ "edit_profile": "Deasaich a’ phròifil",
+ "settings": "Roghainnean",
+ "collapse": "Co-theannaich",
+ "expand": "Leudaich",
+ "home": "Dachaigh",
+ "notification": "Brathan",
+ "mention": "Iomraidhean",
+ "direct": "Teachdaireachdan dìreach",
+ "follow_requests": "Iarrtasan leantainn",
+ "favourite": "Annsachdan",
+ "bookmark": "Comharran-lìn",
+ "local": "Loidhne-ama ionadail",
+ "public": "Loidhne-ama phoblach",
+ "hashtag": "Tagaichean hais",
+ "search": "Lorg",
+ "lists": "Liostaichean"
"header_menu": {
- "home": "Home",
- "notification": "Notification",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "favourite": "Favourite",
- "bookmark": "Bookmark",
- "follow_requests": "Follow Requests",
- "direct_messages": "Direct Messages",
- "local": "Local timeline",
- "public": "Public timeline",
- "hashtag": "Hashtag",
- "search": "Search",
- "lists": "Lists",
- "members": "Members",
+ "home": "Dachaigh",
+ "notification": "Brathan",
+ "mention": "Iomraidhean",
+ "favourite": "Annsachdan",
+ "bookmark": "Comharran-lìn",
+ "follow_requests": "Iarrtasan leantainn",
+ "direct_messages": "Teachdaireachdan dìreach",
+ "local": "Loidhne-ama ionadail",
+ "public": "Loidhne-ama phoblach",
+ "hashtag": "Tagaichean hais",
+ "search": "Lorg",
+ "lists": "Liostaichean",
+ "members": "Buill",
"option": {
- "title": "Option",
- "show_reblogs": "Show reblogs",
- "show_replies": "Show replies",
- "apply": "Apply"
+ "title": "Roghainnean",
+ "show_reblogs": "Seall na brosnachaidhean",
+ "show_replies": "Seall na freagairtean",
+ "apply": "Cuir an sàs"
- "new_toot": "Toot",
- "reload": "Reload",
- "settings": "Settings"
+ "new_toot": "Postaich",
+ "reload": "Ath-luchdaich",
+ "settings": "Roghainnean"
"settings": {
- "title": "Settings",
+ "title": "Roghainnean",
"general": {
- "title": "General",
+ "title": "Coitcheann",
"toot": {
- "title": "Toot",
+ "title": "Postaichean",
"visibility": {
- "description": "Customize default visibility of toot",
- "notice": "This setting applies to only new toots, replies follow visibility of original toots",
- "public": "Public",
- "unlisted": "Unlisted",
- "private": "Private",
- "direct": "Direct"
+ "description": "Gnàthaich faicsinneachd thùsail nam postaichean",
+ "notice": "Cha bhi an roghainn seo an sàs ach air postaichean ùra ⁊ cleachdaidh freagairtean faicsinneachd nam postaichean tùsail",
+ "public": "Poblach",
+ "unlisted": "Falaichte o liostaichean",
+ "private": "Prìobhaideach",
+ "direct": "Dìreach"
"sensitive": {
- "description": "Mark media as sensitive by default"
+ "description": "Cuir comharra gu bheil meadhanan frionasach mar bhun-roghainn"
"timeline": {
- "title": "Timeline",
+ "title": "Loidhne-ama",
"unread_notification": {
- "title": "Unread Notification",
- "description": "Customize unread notifications for each timeline.",
- "direct": "Direct Messages",
- "local": "Local Timeline",
- "public": "Public Timeline"
+ "title": "Brathan nach deach a leughadh",
+ "description": "Gnàthaich na brathan nach deach a leughadh do gach loidhne-ama.",
+ "direct": "Teachdaireachdan dìreach",
+ "local": "Loidhne-ama ionadail",
+ "public": "Loidhne-ama phoblach"
"filters": {
- "title": "Filters",
+ "title": "Criathragan",
"form": {
- "phrase": "Keyword or phrase",
- "expire": "Expire after",
- "context": "Filter contexts",
- "irreversible": "Drop instead of hide",
- "whole_word": "Whole word",
- "submit": "Submit",
- "cancel": "Cancel"
+ "phrase": "Facal no abairt-luirg",
+ "expire": "Thig e gu crìoch às dèidh",
+ "context": "Co-theacsaichean na criathraige",
+ "irreversible": "Leig seachad seach falach",
+ "whole_word": "Facal slàn",
+ "submit": "Cuir a-null",
+ "cancel": "Sguir dheth"
"expires": {
- "never": "Never",
- "30_minutes": "30 minutes",
- "1_hour": "1 hour",
- "6_hours": "6 hours",
- "12_hours": "12 hours",
- "1_day": "1 day",
- "1_week": "1 week"
+ "never": "Buan",
+ "30_minutes": "Leth-uair a thìde",
+ "1_hour": "Uair a thìde",
+ "6_hours": "6 uairean a thìde",
+ "12_hours": "12 uair a thìde",
+ "1_day": "Latha",
+ "1_week": "Seachdain"
"new": {
- "title": "New"
+ "title": "Ùr"
"edit": {
- "title": "Edit"
+ "title": "Deasaich"
"delete": {
- "title": "Delete",
- "confirm": "Are you sure to delete this filter?",
- "confirm_ok": "Delete",
- "confirm_cancel": "Cancel"
+ "title": "Sguab às",
+ "confirm": "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson a’ chriathrag seo a sguabadh às?",
+ "confirm_ok": "Sguab às",
+ "confirm_cancel": "Sguir dheth"
"preferences": {
- "title": "Preferences",
+ "title": "Roghainnean",
"general": {
- "title": "General",
+ "title": "Coitcheann",
"sounds": {
- "title": "Sounds",
- "description": "Please set feedback sounds.",
- "fav_rb": "When you favorite or boost the toot",
- "toot": "When you post toot"
+ "title": "Fuaimean",
+ "description": "Suidhich fuaimean freagairte.",
+ "fav_rb": "Nuair chruthaicheas tu annsachd no brosnachadh puist",
+ "toot": "Nuair a chruthaicheas tu post"
"timeline": {
- "title": "Timeline",
- "description": "Customize view in your timelines.",
- "cw": "Always ignore contents warnings",
- "nsfw": "Always ignore NSFW of medias",
- "hideAllAttachments": "Hide all medias",
- "useMarker": "Load timeline from the last reading position",
- "useMarkerNotice": "This feature only supports home and notifications"
+ "title": "Loidhne-ama",
+ "description": "Gnàthaich an sealladh air na loidhnichean-ama agad.",
+ "cw": "Leig seachad rabhaidhean susbainte an-còmhnaidh",
+ "nsfw": "Leig seachad rabhadh inbhich air meadhanan an-còmhnaidh",
+ "hideAllAttachments": "Cuir a h-uile meadhan am falach",
+ "useMarker": "Luchdaich an loidhne-ama on ionad-leughaidh mu dheireadh",
+ "useMarkerNotice": "Cha chuir an gleus seo taic ach ris an dachaigh ’s na brathan"
"other": {
- "title": "Other options",
- "launch": "Launch app on login"
+ "title": "Roghainnean eile",
+ "launch": "Cuir an aplacaid gu dol leis a’ chlàradh a-steach"
"appearance": {
- "title": "Appearance",
- "theme_color": "Theme color",
+ "title": "Coltas",
+ "theme_color": "Dath an ùrlair",
"theme": {
- "light": "Light",
- "dark": "Dark",
- "solarized_light": "SolarizedLight",
- "solarized_dark": "SolarizedDark",
- "kimbie_dark": "KimbieDark",
- "custom": "Custom"
+ "light": "Soilleir",
+ "dark": "Dorcha",
+ "solarized_light": "Grianach soilleir",
+ "solarized_dark": "Grianach dorcha",
+ "kimbie_dark": "Kimbie Dorcha",
+ "custom": "Gnàthaichte"
"custom_theme": {
- "background_color": "Base background",
- "selected_background_color": "Focused background",
- "global_header_color": "Account menu",
- "side_menu_color": "Side menu",
- "primary_color": "Primary font",
- "regular_color": "Regular font",
- "secondary_color": "Secondary font",
- "border_color": "Border",
- "header_menu_color": "Header menu",
- "wrapper_mask_color": "Modal wrapper"
+ "background_color": "An cùlaibh bunaiteach",
+ "selected_background_color": "An cùlaibh fòcasaichte",
+ "global_header_color": "Clàr-taice a’ chunntais",
+ "side_menu_color": "Clàr-taice an taoibh",
+ "primary_color": "Am prìomh chruth-chlò",
+ "regular_color": "An cruth-clò àbhaisteach",
+ "secondary_color": "An cruth-clò dàrnach",
+ "border_color": "Iomallan",
+ "header_menu_color": "Clàr-taice a’ bhanna-chinn",
+ "wrapper_mask_color": "Paisgear nan còmhraidhean mòdach"
- "font_size": "Font size",
- "font_family": "Font family",
- "toot_padding": "Padding around toots",
+ "font_size": "Meud a’ chrutha-chlò",
+ "font_family": "Teaghlach a’ chrutha-chlò",
+ "toot_padding": "Am padadh timcheall air na postaichean",
"display_style": {
- "title": "Display style of username",
- "display_name_and_username": "Display name and username",
- "display_name": "Display name",
- "username": "Username"
+ "title": "Stoidhle taisbeanaidh an ainm-chleachdaiche",
+ "display_name_and_username": "Ainm-taisbeanaidh ’s ainm-cleachdaiche",
+ "display_name": "Ainm-taisbeanaidh",
+ "username": "Ainm-cleachdaiche"
"time_format": {
- "title": "Time format",
- "absolute": "Absolute",
- "relative": "Relative"
+ "title": "Fòrmat an ama",
+ "absolute": "Absaloideach",
+ "relative": "Dàimheach"
"notification": {
- "title": "Notification",
+ "title": "Brathan",
"enable": {
- "description": "Please set notification events.",
- "reply": "Notify me when I receive a reply",
- "reblog": "Notify me when I receive a reblog",
- "favourite": "Notify me when I receive a favourite",
- "follow": "Notify me when I receive a follow",
- "reaction": "Notify me when I receive a emoji reaction",
- "follow_request": "Notify me when I receive a follow request",
- "status": "Notify me when I receive a status notification",
- "poll_vote": "Notify me when I receive a vote of poll",
- "poll_expired": "Notify me when I receive a poll expired event"
+ "description": "Suidhich tachartasan nam brathan.",
+ "reply": "Thoir brath dhomh nuair a gheibh mi freagairt",
+ "reblog": "Thoir brath dhomh nuair a gheibh mi brosnachadh",
+ "favourite": "Thoir brath dhomh nuair a gheibh mi annsachd",
+ "follow": "Thoir brath dhomh nuair a gheibh mi leantainn",
+ "reaction": "Thoir brath dhomh nuair a gheibh mi freagairt Emoji",
+ "follow_request": "Thoir brath dhomh nuair a gheibh mi iarrtas leantainn",
+ "status": "Thoir brath dhomh nuair a gheibh mi brath puist",
+ "poll_vote": "Thoir brath dhomh nuair a gheibh mi bhòt cunntais-bheachd",
+ "poll_expired": "Thoir brath dhomh nuair a thig cunntas-bheachd gu crìoch"
"account": {
- "title": "Account",
- "connected": "Connected Account",
- "username": "Username",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "association": "Association",
- "order": "Order",
- "remove_association": "Remove association",
- "remove_all_associations": "Remove all associations",
- "confirm": "Confirm",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "confirm_message": "Are you sure to remove all associations?"
+ "title": "Cunntas",
+ "connected": "Cunntas ceangailte",
+ "username": "Ainm-cleachdaiche",
+ "domain": "Àrainn",
+ "association": "Co-cheangal",
+ "order": "Òrdugh",
+ "remove_association": "Thoir air falbh an co-cheangal",
+ "remove_all_associations": "Thoir air falbh a h-uile co-cheangal",
+ "confirm": "Dearbh",
+ "cancel": "Sguir dheth",
+ "confirm_message": "A bheil thu airson a h-uile co-cheangal a thoirt air falbh?"
"network": {
- "title": "Network",
+ "title": "Lìonra",
"proxy": {
- "title": "Proxy Configuration",
- "no": "No proxy",
- "system": "Use system proxy",
- "manual": "Manual proxy configuration",
- "protocol": "Protocol",
- "host": "Proxy host",
- "port": "Proxy port",
- "username": "Proxy username",
- "password": "Proxy password",
+ "title": "Rèiteachadh a’ phrogsaidh",
+ "no": "Gun phrosgsaidh",
+ "system": "Cleachd progsaidh an t-siostaim",
+ "manual": "Rèiteachadh progsaidh a làimh",
+ "protocol": "Pròtacal",
+ "host": "Òstair a’ phrogsaidh",
+ "port": "Port a’ phrogsaidh",
+ "username": "Ainm-cleachdaiche a’ phrogsaidh",
+ "password": "Facal-faire a’ phrogsaidh",
"protocol_list": {
"http": "http",
"https": "https",
@@ -258,285 +258,285 @@
"socks5h": "socks5h"
- "save": "Save"
+ "save": "Sàbhail"
"language": {
- "title": "Language",
+ "title": "Cànan",
"language": {
- "title": "Language",
- "description": "Choose the language you would like to use with Whalebird."
+ "title": "Cànan",
+ "description": "Tagh an cànan a bu toigh leat cleachdadh le Whalebird."
"spellchecker": {
- "title": "Spellcheck",
- "enabled": "Enable spellchecker"
+ "title": "Dearbhair-litreachaidh",
+ "enabled": "Cuir an dearbhair-litreachaidh an comas"
"modals": {
"new_toot": {
- "title": "New Toot",
- "cw": "Write your warning here",
- "status": "What is on your mind?",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "toot": "Toot",
- "close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to discard this toot?",
- "close_confirm_ok": "Discard",
- "close_confirm_cancel": "Continue Editing",
- "description": "Describe for the visually impaired",
+ "title": "Post ùr",
+ "cw": "Sgrìobh an rabhadh agad an-seo",
+ "status": "Dè tha air d’ aire?",
+ "cancel": "Sguir dheth",
+ "toot": "Postaich",
+ "close_confirm": "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am post seo a thilgeil air falbh?",
+ "close_confirm_ok": "Tilg air falbh",
+ "close_confirm_cancel": "Lean air an deasachadh",
+ "description": "Mìnich e dhan fheadhainn le cion-lèirsinne",
"footer": {
- "add_image": "Add images",
- "poll": "Add a poll",
- "change_visibility": "Change visibility",
- "change_sensitive": "Change sensitive",
- "add_cw": "Add content warning",
- "pined_hashtag": "Pin the hashtag"
+ "add_image": "Cuir dealbhan ris",
+ "poll": "Cuir cunntas-bheachd ris",
+ "change_visibility": "Atharraich an fhaicsinneachd",
+ "change_sensitive": "Atharraich a bheil e frionasach",
+ "add_cw": "Cuir rabhadh susbainte ris",
+ "pined_hashtag": "Prìnich an taga hais"
"poll": {
- "add_choice": "Add a choice",
+ "add_choice": "Cuir roghainn ris",
"expires": {
- "5_minutes": "5 minutes",
- "30_minutes": "30 minutes",
- "1_hour": "1 hour",
- "6_hours": "6 hours",
- "1_day": "1 day",
- "3_days": "3 days",
- "7_days": "7 days"
+ "5_minutes": "5 mionaidean",
+ "30_minutes": "Leth-uair a thìde",
+ "1_hour": "Uair a thìde",
+ "6_hours": "6 uairean a thìde",
+ "1_day": "Latha",
+ "3_days": "3 làithean",
+ "7_days": "Seachdain"
"jump": {
- "jump_to": "Jump to..."
+ "jump_to": "Leum gu…"
"add_list_member": {
- "title": "Add Member to List",
- "account_name": "Account name"
+ "title": "Cuir ball ris an liosta",
+ "account_name": "Ainm a’ chunntais"
"list_membership": {
- "title": "List Memberships"
+ "title": "Ballrachdan liosta"
"mute_confirm": {
- "title": "Are you sure you want to mute?",
- "body": "Hide notification from this user?",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "ok": "Mute"
+ "title": "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson a mhùchadh?",
+ "body": "A bheil thu airson na brathan on chleachdaiche seo fhalach?",
+ "cancel": "Sguir dheth",
+ "ok": "Mùch"
"shortcut": {
- "title": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "ctrl_number": "Switch accounts",
- "ctrl_k": "Jump to other timelines",
- "ctrl_n": "Open the new toot modal",
- "ctrl_enter": "Post the toot",
- "ctrl_r": "Reload current timeline",
- "j": "Select the next toot",
- "k": "Select the previous toot",
- "h": "Switch focus to the left column",
- "l": "Switch focus to the right column",
- "r": "Reply to the toot",
- "b": "Reblog the toot",
- "f": "Favourite the toot",
- "o": "Open details of the toot",
- "p": "Open account profile of the toot",
- "i": "Open the images",
- "x": "Show/hide CW and NSFW",
- "?": "Show this help",
- "esc": "Close current page"
+ "title": "Ath-ghoiridean a’ mheur-chlàir",
+ "ctrl_number": "Thoir leum gu cunntas eile",
+ "ctrl_k": "Thoir leum gu loidhne-ama eile",
+ "ctrl_n": "Fosgail còmhradh a’ phuist ùir",
+ "ctrl_enter": "Postaich",
+ "ctrl_r": "Ath-luchdaich an loidhne-ama làithreach",
+ "j": "Tagh an t-ath-phost",
+ "k": "Tagh am post roimhe",
+ "h": "Cuir am fòcas air a’ cholbh taobh clì",
+ "l": "Cuir am fòcas air a’ cholbh taobh deas",
+ "r": "Freagair dhan phost",
+ "b": "Brosnaich am post",
+ "f": "Cuir am post ris na h-annsachdan",
+ "o": "Fosgail mion-fhiosrachadh a’ phuist",
+ "p": "Fosgail pròifil cunntas a’ phuist",
+ "i": "Fosgail na dealbhan",
+ "x": "Seall/Falaich rabhadh susbainte ’s inbhich",
+ "?": "Seall a’ chobhair seo",
+ "esc": "Dùin an duilleag làithreach"
"report": {
- "title": "Reporting this user",
- "comment": "Additional comments",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "ok": "Report"
+ "title": "A’ dèanamh gearan mun chleachdaiche seo",
+ "comment": "Beachdan a bharrachd",
+ "cancel": "Sguir dheth",
+ "ok": "Dèan gearan"
"cards": {
"toot": {
- "show_more": "Show more",
- "hide": "Hide",
- "sensitive": "Show sensitive content",
- "view_toot_detail": "View Toot Detail",
- "open_in_browser": "Open in Browser",
- "copy_link_to_toot": "Copy Link to Toot",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "block": "Block",
- "report": "Report",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "via": "via {{application}}",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "reblog": "Reblog",
- "fav": "Favourite",
- "detail": "Toot details",
- "bookmark": "Bookmark",
- "pinned": "Pinned toot",
+ "show_more": "Seall barrachd dheth",
+ "hide": "Cuir am falach",
+ "sensitive": "Seall an t-susbaint fhrionasach",
+ "view_toot_detail": "Seall mion-fhiosrachaidh a’ phuist",
+ "open_in_browser": "Fosgail ann am brabhsair",
+ "copy_link_to_toot": "Dèan lethbhreac dhen cheangal dhan phost",
+ "mute": "Mùch",
+ "block": "Bac",
+ "report": "Dèan gearan",
+ "delete": "Sguab às",
+ "via": "le {{application}}",
+ "reply": "Freagair",
+ "reblog": "Brosnaich",
+ "fav": "Cuir ris na h-annsachdan",
+ "detail": "Mion-fhiosrachadh a’ phuist",
+ "bookmark": "Cuir ris na comharran-lìn",
+ "pinned": "Post prìnichte",
"poll": {
- "vote": "Vote",
- "votes_count": "votes",
- "until": "until {{datetime}}",
- "left": "{{datetime}} left",
- "refresh": "Refresh"
+ "vote": "Cuir bhòt",
+ "votes_count": "bhòt(aichean)",
+ "until": "gu ruige {{datetime}}",
+ "left": "Tha {{datetime}} air fhàgail",
+ "refresh": "Ath-nuadhaich"
"side_bar": {
"account_profile": {
- "follows_you": "Follows you",
- "doesnt_follow_you": "Doesn't follow you",
- "detail": "Detail",
- "follow": "Follow this user",
- "unfollow": "Unfollow this user",
- "subscribe": "Subscribe this user",
- "unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe this user",
- "follow_requested": "Follow requested",
- "open_in_browser": "Open in Browser",
- "manage_list_memberships": "Manage List Memberships",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "unmute": "Unmute",
- "unblock": "Unblock",
- "block": "Block",
- "toots": "Toots",
- "follows": "Follows",
- "followers": "Followers"
+ "follows_you": "’Gad leantainn",
+ "doesnt_follow_you": "Gun leantainn ort",
+ "detail": "Mion-fhiosrachadh",
+ "follow": "Lean air a’ chleachdaiche seo",
+ "unfollow": "Na lean air a’ chleachdaiche seo tuilleadh",
+ "subscribe": "Fo-sgrìobh dhan chleachdaiche seo",
+ "unsubscribe": "Na fo-sgrìobh dhan chleachdaiche seo tuilleadh",
+ "follow_requested": "Iarrar leantainn orm",
+ "open_in_browser": "Fosgail ann am brabhsair",
+ "manage_list_memberships": "Stiùir ballrachdan liosta",
+ "mute": "Mùch",
+ "unmute": "Dì-mhùch",
+ "unblock": "Dì-bhac",
+ "block": "Bac",
+ "toots": "Postaichean",
+ "follows": "A’ leantainn air",
+ "followers": "Luchd-leantainn"
"follow_requests": {
- "accept": "Accept",
- "reject": "Reject"
+ "accept": "Gabh ris",
+ "reject": "Diùlt"
"hashtag": {
- "tag_name": "Tag name",
- "delete_tag": "Delete tag",
- "save_tag": "Save tag"
+ "tag_name": "Ainm an taga",
+ "delete_tag": "Sguab às an taga",
+ "save_tag": "Sàbhail an taga"
"search": {
- "search": "Search",
- "account": "Account",
- "tag": "Hashtag",
- "keyword": "keyword",
- "toot": "Toot"
+ "search": "Lorg",
+ "account": "Cunntas",
+ "tag": "Taga hais",
+ "keyword": "facal-luirg",
+ "toot": "Postaich"
"lists": {
"index": {
- "new_list": "New List",
- "edit": "Edit",
+ "new_list": "Liosta ùr",
+ "edit": "Deasaich",
"delete": {
"confirm": {
- "title": "Confirm",
- "message": "This operation can not be undone, this list will be permanently deleted",
- "ok": "Delete",
- "cancel": "Cancel"
+ "title": "Dearbh",
+ "message": "Cha ghabh seo a neo-dhèanamh is thèid an liosta seo a sguabadh às gu buan",
+ "ok": "Sguab às",
+ "cancel": "Sguir dheth"
"login": {
- "domain_name_label": "First, let's log in to a Mastodon server. Please enter a server domain name.",
- "proxy_info": "If you want to use proxy server, please setup your proxy in",
- "proxy_here": " here",
- "search": "Search",
- "login": "Login"
+ "domain_name_label": "Nì sinn clàradh a-steach air frithealaiche Mastodon an toiseach. Cuir a-steach ainm àrainne an fhrithealaiche.",
+ "proxy_info": "Ma tha thu airson frithealaiche progsaidh a chleachdadh, suidhich am progsaidh agad an-seo:",
+ "proxy_here": " an-seo",
+ "search": "Lorg",
+ "login": "Clàraich a-steach"
"authorize": {
- "manually_1": "An authorization page has opened in your browser.",
- "manually_2": "If it has not opened, please go to the following URL manually.",
- "code_label": "Please paste the authorization code from your browser:",
- "misskey_label": "Please submit after you authorize in your browser.",
- "submit": "Submit"
+ "manually_1": "Chaidh duilleag ùghdarrachaidh fhosgladh sa bhrabhsair agad.",
+ "manually_2": "Mura deach a fosgladh, tadhail air an URL seo a làimh.",
+ "code_label": "Cuir a-steach an còd ùghdarrachaidh on bhrabhsair agad:",
+ "misskey_label": "Cuir a-null e nuair a bhios tu air ùghdarrachadh sa bhrabhsair agad.",
+ "submit": "Cuir a-null"
"receive_drop": {
- "drop_message": "Drop to Upload to Mastodon"
+ "drop_message": "Leig às gus a luchdadh suas gu Mastodon"
"message": {
- "account_load_error": "Failed to load accounts",
- "account_remove_error": "Failed to remove the account",
- "preferences_load_error": "Failed to load preferences",
- "timeline_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch timeline",
- "notification_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch notification",
- "favourite_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch favorite",
- "follow_request_accept_error": "Failed to accept the request",
- "follow_request_reject_error": "failed to reject the request",
- "start_streaming_error": "Failed to start streaming",
- "start_all_streamings_error": "Failed to start streaming of {{domain}}",
- "attach_error": "Could not attach the file",
- "authorize_duplicate_error": "Can not login the same account of the same domain",
- "authorize_error": "Failed to authorize",
- "followers_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch followers",
- "follows_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch follows",
- "toot_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch the toot detail",
- "follow_error": "Failed to follow the user",
- "unfollow_error": "Failed to unfollow the user",
- "subscribe_error": "Failed to subscribe the user",
- "unsubscribe_error": "Failed to unsubscribe the user",
- "lists_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch lists",
- "list_create_error": "Failed to create a list",
- "members_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch members",
- "remove_user_error": "Failed to remove the user",
- "find_account_error": "Account not found",
- "reblog_error": "Failed to reblog",
- "unreblog_error": "Failed to unreblog",
- "favourite_error": "Failed to favourite",
- "unfavourite_error": "Failed to unfavourite",
- "bookmark_error": "Failed to bookmark",
- "unbookmark_error": "Failed to remove bookmark",
- "delete_error": "Failed to delete the toot",
- "search_error": "Failed to search",
- "toot_error": "Failed to toot",
- "update_list_memberships_error": "Failed to update the list memberships",
- "add_user_error": "Failed to add user",
- "authorize_url_error": "Failed to get authorize url",
- "domain_confirmed": "{{domain}} is confirmed, please login",
- "domain_doesnt_exist": "Failed to connect {{domain}}, make sure the server URL",
- "loading": "Loading...",
- "language_not_support_spellchecker_error": "This language is not supported by Spellchecker",
- "update_filter_error": "Failed to update the filter",
- "create_filter_error": "Failed to create the filter"
+ "account_load_error": "Dh’fhàillig le luchdadh nan cunntasan",
+ "account_remove_error": "Cha deach leinn an cunntas a thoirt air falbh",
+ "preferences_load_error": "Dh’fhàillig le luchdadh nan roghainnean",
+ "timeline_fetch_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an loidhne-ama fhaighinn",
+ "notification_fetch_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am brath fhaighinn",
+ "favourite_fetch_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an annsachd fhaighinn",
+ "follow_request_accept_error": "Dh'fhàillig le gabhail ris an t-iarrtas",
+ "follow_request_reject_error": "Dh’fhàillig le diùltadh an iarrtais",
+ "start_streaming_error": "Cha deach leinn tòiseachadh air an t-sruthadh",
+ "start_all_streamings_error": "Cha deach leinn tòiseachadh air sruthadh {{domain}}",
+ "attach_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am faidhle a cheangal ris",
+ "authorize_duplicate_error": "Chan urrainn dhuinn clàradh a-steach dhan aon chunntas dhen aon àrainn",
+ "authorize_error": "Dh’fhàillig leis an ùghdarrachadh",
+ "followers_fetch_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an luchd-leantainn fhaighinn",
+ "follows_fetch_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn fiosrachadh do leantainn fhaighinn",
+ "toot_fetch_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn mion-fhiosrachadh a’ phuist fhaighinn",
+ "follow_error": "Dh’fhàillig le leantainn air a’ chleachdaiche",
+ "unfollow_error": "Dh’fhàillig le sgur de leantainn air a’ chleachdaiche",
+ "subscribe_error": "Dh’fhàillig leis an fho-sgrìobhadh air a’ chleachdaiche",
+ "unsubscribe_error": "Cha deach leinn crìoch a chur air an fho-sgrìobhadh air a’ chleachdaiche",
+ "lists_fetch_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn na liostaichean fhaighinn",
+ "list_create_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn liosta a chruthachadh",
+ "members_fetch_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn na buill fhaighinn",
+ "remove_user_error": "Cha deach leinn an cleachdaiche a thoirt air falbh",
+ "find_account_error": "Cha deach an cunntas a lorg",
+ "reblog_error": "Cha deach leis a’ bhrosnachadh",
+ "unreblog_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am brosnachadh a thoirt air falbh",
+ "favourite_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn a chur ris na h-annsachdan",
+ "unfavourite_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn a thoirt air falbh o na h-annsachdan",
+ "bookmark_error": "Chaidh a chur ris na comharran-lìn",
+ "unbookmark_error": "Cha deach leinn an comharra-lìn a thoirt air falbh",
+ "delete_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am post a sguabadh às",
+ "search_error": "Dh’fhàillig leis an lorg",
+ "toot_error": "Dh’fhàillig leis a’ phostadh",
+ "update_list_memberships_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn na ballrachdan liosta ùrachadh",
+ "add_user_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an cleachdaiche a chur ris",
+ "authorize_url_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an t-URL ùghdarrachaidh fhaighinn",
+ "domain_confirmed": "Chaidh {{domain}} a dhearbhadh, clàraich a-steach a-nis",
+ "domain_doesnt_exist": "Cha deach leinn ceangal a dhèanamh le {{domain}}, dearbh URL an fhrithealaiche",
+ "loading": "’Ga luchdadh…",
+ "language_not_support_spellchecker_error": "Cha chuir an dearbhair-litreachaidh taic ris a’ chànan seo",
+ "update_filter_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn a’ chriathrag ùrachadh",
+ "create_filter_error": "Dh’fhàillig le cruthachadh na criathraige"
"validation": {
"login": {
- "require_domain_name": "A domain name is required",
- "domain_format": "Please only enter the domain name"
+ "require_domain_name": "Tha feum air ainm àrainne",
+ "domain_format": "Na cuir a-steach ach ainm na h-àrainne"
"new_toot": {
- "toot_length": "Toot length should be {{min}} to {{max}}",
- "attach_length": "You can only attach up to {{max}} images",
- "attach_image": "You can only attach images or videos",
- "poll_invalid": "Invalid poll choices"
+ "toot_length": "Bu chòir dhan phost a bhith eadar {{min}} is {{max}} a dh’fhaid",
+ "attach_length": "Chan urrainn dhut barrachd air {{max}} dealbh(an) a cheangal ris",
+ "attach_image": "Chan urrainn dhut ach dealbhan no videothan a cheangal ris",
+ "poll_invalid": "Roghainnean mì-dhligheach sa chunntas-bheachd"
"notification": {
"favourite": {
- "title": "Favourite",
- "body": "{{username}} favourited your status"
+ "title": "Annsachd",
+ "body": "Is annsa le {{username}} am post agad"
"follow": {
- "title": "Follow",
- "body": "{{username}} is now following you"
+ "title": "Leantainn ort",
+ "body": "Tha {{username}} a’ leantainn ort a-nis"
"follow_request": {
- "title": "FollowRequest",
- "body": "Receive a follow request from {{username}}"
+ "title": "Iarrtas leantainn",
+ "body": "Fhuair thu iarrtas leantainn o {{username}}"
"reblog": {
- "title": "Reblog",
- "body": "{{username}} boosted your status"
+ "title": "Brosnachadh",
+ "body": "Bhrosnaich {{username}} am post agad"
"quote": {
- "title": "Quote",
- "body": "{{username}} quoted your status"
+ "title": "Iomradh",
+ "body": "Thug {{username}} iomradh air a’ phost agad"
"reaction": {
- "title": "Reaction",
- "body": "{{username}} reacted your status"
+ "title": "Freagairt",
+ "body": "Fhreagair {{username}} dhan phost agad"
"status": {
- "title": "Status",
- "body": "{{username}} just posted"
+ "title": "Post",
+ "body": "Tha {{username}} air rud a phostadh"
"poll_vote": {
- "title": "PollVote",
- "body": "{{username}} voted your poll"
+ "title": "Bhòt cunntais-bheachd",
+ "body": "Cuir {{username}} bhòt ris a’ chunntas-bheachd agad"
"poll_expired": {
- "title": "PollExpired",
- "body": "{{username}}'s poll is expired"
+ "title": "Crìoch cunntais-bheachd",
+ "body": "Thàinig an cunntas-bheachd aig {{username}} gu crìoch"