@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "Rozbalit",
"home": "Domů",
"notification": "Oznámení",
"mention": "Zmínka",
"direct": "Soukromé zprávy",
"follow_requests": "Žádosti o sledování",
"favourite": "Oblíbené",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "Domů",
"notification": "Oznámení",
"mention": "Zmínka",
"favourite": "Oblíbené",
"bookmark": "Záložka",
"follow_requests": "Follow Requests",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch timeline",
"notification_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch notification",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch favorite",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Failed to accept the request",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Failed to reject the request",
"start_streaming_error": "Failed to start streaming",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Failed to start streaming of {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "Could not attach the file",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Can not login the same account of the same domain",
"authorize_error": "Failed to authorize",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "Ausklappen",
"home": "Start",
"notification": "Benachrichtigung",
"mention": "Erwähnung",
"direct": "Direktnachrichten",
"follow_requests": "Follower-Anfragen",
"favourite": "Favorit",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "Start",
"notification": "Benachrichtigung",
"mention": "Erwähnung",
"favourite": "Favorit",
"bookmark": "Lesezeichen",
"follow_requests": "Follower-Anfragen",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "Timeline konnte nicht abgerufen werden",
"notification_fetch_error": "Benachrichtigung konnte nicht abgerufen werden",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Favorit konnte nicht abgerufen werden",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Anfrage konnte nicht angenommen werden",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Ablehnung der geteilten Anfrage fehlgeschlagen",
"start_streaming_error": "Streaming konnte nicht gestartet werden",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Fehler beim Starten des Streamings von {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "Kontte Datei nicht anhängen",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Kann nicht das gleiche Konto der gleichen Domain einloggen",
"authorize_error": "Autorisierung fehlgeschlagen",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "Expandir",
"home": "Inicio",
"notification": "Notificación",
"mention": "Mención",
"direct": "Mensajes directos",
"follow_requests": "Solicitudes de seguimiento",
"favourite": "Favorito",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "Inicio",
"notification": "Notificación",
"mention": "Mención",
"favourite": "Favorito",
"bookmark": "Favorito",
"follow_requests": "Solicitudes de seguimiento",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "Error al obtener la línea de tiempo",
"notification_fetch_error": "Error al obtener la notificación",
"favourite_fetch_error": "No se ha podido obtener el favorecido",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Error al aceptar la solicitud",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Failed to reject the request",
"start_streaming_error": "Error al iniciar la transmisión",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Error al iniciar la transmisión de {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "No se pudo adjuntar el archivo",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "No se puede iniciar sesión en la misma cuenta del mismo dominio",
"authorize_error": "Error al autorizar",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "Hedatu",
"home": "Hasiera",
"notification": "Jakinarazpenak",
"mention": "Aipamenak",
"direct": "Mezu zuzenak",
"follow_requests": "Jarraipen-eskaerak",
"favourite": "Gogokoak",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "Hasiera",
"notification": "Jakinarazpenak",
"mention": "Aipamenak",
"favourite": "Gogokoak",
"bookmark": "Laster-markak",
"follow_requests": "Jarraipen-eskaerak",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "Denbora-lerroa eskuratzeak huts egin du",
"notification_fetch_error": "Jakinarazpenak eskuratzeak huts egin du",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Gogokoak eskuratzeak huts egin du",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Eskaera onartzeak huts egin du",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Eskaera baztertzeak huts egin du",
"start_streaming_error": "Transmisioa hasteak huts egin du",
"start_all_streamings_error": "{{domain}}(r)en transmisioa hasteak huts egin du",
"attach_error": "Ezin izan da fitxategia erantsi",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Ezin da kontu bera birritan gehitu",
"authorize_error": "Baimentzeak huts egin du",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "Expand",
"home": "Home",
"notification": "Notification",
"mention": "Mention",
"direct": "Direct messages",
"follow_requests": "Follow Requests",
"favourite": "Favourite",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "Home",
"notification": "Notification",
"mention": "Mention",
"favourite": "Favourite",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"follow_requests": "Follow Requests",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch timeline",
"notification_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch notification",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch favorite",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Failed to accept the request",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Failed to reject the request",
"start_streaming_error": "Failed to start streaming",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Failed to start streaming of {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "Could not attach the file",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Can not login the same account of the same domain",
"authorize_error": "Failed to authorize",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "Développer",
"home": "Accueil",
"notification": "Notifications",
"mention": "Mention",
"direct": "Messages directs",
"follow_requests": "Demandes d’abonnement",
"favourite": "Favoris",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "Accueil",
"notification": "Notifications",
"mention": "Mention",
"favourite": "Favoris",
"bookmark": "Favori",
"follow_requests": "Demandes d’abonnement",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "Erreur au chargement du fil public",
"notification_fetch_error": "Erreur au chargement des notifications",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Erreur au chargement des favoris",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Impossible d'accepter la demande",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Failed to reject the request",
"start_streaming_error": "Erreur au démarrage du flux",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Impossible de démarrer la diffusion de {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "Impossible de joindre le fichier",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Vous êtes déjà connecté avec le même compte sur le même domaine.",
"authorize_error": "Erreur à l'autoristation",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "Leudaich",
"home": "Dachaigh",
"notification": "Brathan",
"mention": "Iomraidhean",
"direct": "Teachdaireachdan dìreach",
"follow_requests": "Iarrtasan leantainn",
"favourite": "Annsachdan",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "Dachaigh",
"notification": "Brathan",
"mention": "Iomraidhean",
"favourite": "Annsachdan",
"bookmark": "Comharran-lìn",
"follow_requests": "Iarrtasan leantainn",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an loidhne-ama fhaighinn",
"notification_fetch_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am brath fhaighinn",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an annsachd fhaighinn",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Dh'fhàillig le gabhail ris an t-iarrtas",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Dh’fhàillig le diùltadh an iarrtais",
"start_streaming_error": "Cha deach leinn tòiseachadh air an t-sruthadh",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Cha deach leinn tòiseachadh air sruthadh {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am faidhle a cheangal ris",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Chan urrainn dhuinn clàradh a-steach dhan aon chunntas dhen aon àrainn",
"authorize_error": "Dh’fhàillig leis an ùghdarrachadh",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "Expand",
"home": "Home",
"notification": "Notification",
"mention": "Mention",
"direct": "Direct messages",
"follow_requests": "Follow Requests",
"favourite": "Favourite",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "Home",
"notification": "Notification",
"mention": "Mention",
"favourite": "Favourite",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"follow_requests": "Follow Requests",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch timeline",
"notification_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch notification",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch favorite",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Failed to accept the request",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Failed to reject the request",
"start_streaming_error": "Failed to start streaming",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Failed to start streaming of {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "Could not attach the file",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Can not login the same account of the same domain",
"authorize_error": "Failed to authorize",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "Perluas",
"home": "Beranda",
"notification": "Pemberitahuan",
"mention": "Sebutan",
"direct": "Pesan langsung",
"follow_requests": "Permintaan Mengikuti",
"favourite": "Favorit",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "Beranda",
"notification": "Pemberitahuan",
"mention": "Sebutan",
"favourite": "Favorit",
"bookmark": "Markah",
"follow_requests": "Permintaan Mengikuti",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "Gagal memuat linimasa",
"notification_fetch_error": "Gagal memuat pemberitahuan",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Gagal memuat favorit",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Gagal menerima permintaan mengikuti",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Gagal menolak permintaan mengikuti",
"start_streaming_error": "Gagal memulai streaming",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Gagal memuat streaming {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "Tidak dapat melampirkan berkas",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Tidak dapat masuk di akun yang sama dari domain yang sama",
"authorize_error": "Gagal otorisasi",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "Fletta út",
"home": "Heim",
"notification": "Tilkynningar",
"mention": "Minnst á",
"direct": "Bein skilaboð",
"follow_requests": "Fylgjendabeiðnir",
"favourite": "Eftirlæti",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "Heim",
"notification": "Tilkynningar",
"mention": "Minnst á",
"favourite": "Eftirlæti",
"bookmark": "Bókamerki",
"follow_requests": "Fylgjendabeiðnir",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "Mistókst að sækja tímalínu",
"notification_fetch_error": "Mistókst að sækja tilkynningar",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Mistókst að sækja eftirlæti",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Mistókst að samþykkja beiðnina",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Mistókst að hafna beiðninni",
"start_streaming_error": "Mistókst að ræsa streymi",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Mistókst að ræsa streymi á {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "Gat ekki hengt við skrána",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Get ekki skráð inn sama aðgang af sama léni",
"authorize_error": "Tókst ekki að auðkenna",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "Espandi",
"home": "Pagina Iniziale",
"notification": "Notifiche",
"mention": "Citazione",
"direct": "Messaggi diretti",
"follow_requests": "Richieste di seguirti",
"favourite": "Preferiti",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "Pagina Iniziale",
"notification": "Notifiche",
"mention": "Citazione",
"favourite": "Preferiti",
"bookmark": "Segnalibro",
"follow_requests": "Richieste di seguirti",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "Impossibile recuperare la cronologia",
"notification_fetch_error": "Impossibile recuperare le notifiche",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Impossibile recuperare i preferiti",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Impossibile accettare la richiesta",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Impossibile rifiutare la richiesta",
"start_streaming_error": "Impossibile avviare lo streaming",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Impossibile avviare lo streaming di {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "Non è stato possibile allegare il file",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Non è possibile accedere allo stesso account dello stesso dominio",
"authorize_error": "Autorizzazione fallita",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "拡大",
"home": "ホーム",
"notification": "通知",
"mention": "返信",
"direct": "DM",
"follow_requests": "フォロー申請",
"favourite": "お気に入り",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "ホーム",
"notification": "通知",
"mention": "返信",
"favourite": "お気に入り",
"bookmark": "ブックマーク",
"follow_requests": "フォロー申請",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "タイムラインの読み込みに失敗しました",
"notification_fetch_error": "通知の読み込みに失敗しました",
"favourite_fetch_error": "お気に入りの読み込みに失敗しました",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "フォロー申請の承認に失敗しました",
"follow_request_reject_error": "フォロー申請の却下に失敗しました",
"start_streaming_error": "ストリーミングを開始できませんでした",
"start_all_streamings_error": "{{domain}} のストリーミングを開始できませんでした",
"attach_error": "ファイルを添付できませんでした",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "同一ドメイン同一アカウントではログインできません",
"authorize_error": "認証に失敗しました",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "펼치기",
"home": "홈",
"notification": "알림",
"mention": "Mention",
"direct": "메세지",
"follow_requests": "Follow Requests",
"favourite": "즐겨찾기",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "홈",
"notification": "알림",
"mention": "Mention",
"favourite": "즐겨찾기",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"follow_requests": "Follow Requests",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "타임라인을 가져올 수 없습니다",
"notification_fetch_error": "알림을 가져올 수 없습니다",
"favourite_fetch_error": "즐겨찾기를 가져올 수 없습니다",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Failed to accept the request",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Failed to reject the request",
"start_streaming_error": "스트리밍을 시작할 수 없습니다",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Failed to start streaming of {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "파일을 첨부할 수 없습니다",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "같은 도메인의 같은 계정을 중복 등록할 수 없습니다",
"authorize_error": "인증에 실패했습니다",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "Utvid",
"home": "Hjem",
"notification": "Varsling",
"mention": "Nevnelse",
"direct": "Direktemeldinger",
"follow_requests": "Følgerforespørsler",
"favourite": "Favoritt",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "Hjem",
"notification": "Varsling",
"mention": "Nevnelse",
"favourite": "Favoritt",
"bookmark": "Bokmerke",
"follow_requests": "Følgerforespørsler",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch timeline",
"notification_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch notification",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch favorite",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Failed to accept the request",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Failed to reject the request",
"start_streaming_error": "Failed to start streaming",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Failed to start streaming of {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "Could not attach the file",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Can not login the same account of the same domain",
"authorize_error": "Failed to authorize",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "Rozszerzać",
"home": "Strona główna",
"notification": "Powiadomienia",
"mention": "Wspomnij",
"direct": "Bezpośrednie wiadomości",
"follow_requests": "Follow Requests",
"favourite": "Ulubione",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "Strona główna",
"notification": "Powiadomienia",
"mention": "Wspomnij",
"favourite": "Ulubione",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"follow_requests": "Follow Requests",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "Nie udało się załadować osi czasu",
"notification_fetch_error": "Nie udało się załadować powiadomień",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Nie udało się załadować ulubionych",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Failed to accept the request",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Failed to reject the request",
"start_streaming_error": "Nie udało się rozpocząć strumieniowania",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Failed to start streaming of {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "Nie udało się załączyć pliku",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Nie możesz zalogować się na to samo konto na tej samej instancji",
"authorize_error": "Uwierzytelnienie nie powiodło się",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "Expand",
"home": "Home",
"notification": "Notification",
"mention": "Mention",
"direct": "Direct messages",
"follow_requests": "Follow Requests",
"favourite": "Favourite",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "Home",
"notification": "Notification",
"mention": "Mention",
"favourite": "Favourite",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"follow_requests": "Follow Requests",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch timeline",
"notification_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch notification",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch favorite",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Failed to accept the request",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Failed to reject the request",
"start_streaming_error": "Failed to start streaming",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Failed to start streaming of {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "Could not attach the file",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Can not login the same account of the same domain",
"authorize_error": "Failed to authorize",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "Развернуть",
"home": "Главная",
"notification": "Уведомления",
"mention": "Упоминания",
"direct": "Личные сообщения",
"follow_requests": "Запросы на подписку",
"favourite": "Избранное",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "Главная",
"notification": "Уведомления",
"mention": "Упоминания",
"favourite": "Избранное",
"bookmark": "Закладка",
"follow_requests": "Запросы на подписку",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "Не удалось загрузить ленту времени",
"notification_fetch_error": "Не удалось получить уведомление",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Не удалось получить избранное",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Не удалось принять запрос",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Не удалось отклонить запрос",
"start_streaming_error": "Не удалось запустить трансляцию",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Не удалось начать трансляцию из {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "Не удалось прикрепить файл",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Не могу войти в один и тот же аккаунт одного домена",
"authorize_error": "Не удалось авторизовать",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "Expand",
"home": "මුල",
"notification": "දැනුම්දීම",
"mention": "Mention",
"direct": "Direct messages",
"follow_requests": "Follow Requests",
"favourite": "ප්රියතම",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "මුල",
"notification": "දැනුම්දීම",
"mention": "Mention",
"favourite": "ප්රියතම",
"bookmark": "පොත්යොමුව",
"follow_requests": "Follow Requests",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch timeline",
"notification_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch notification",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch favorite",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Failed to accept the request",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Failed to reject the request",
"start_streaming_error": "Failed to start streaming",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Failed to start streaming of {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "Could not attach the file",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Can not login the same account of the same domain",
"authorize_error": "Failed to authorize",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "Expand",
"home": "Home",
"notification": "Notification",
"mention": "Mention",
"direct": "Direct messages",
"follow_requests": "Follow Requests",
"favourite": "Favourite",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "Home",
"notification": "Notification",
"mention": "Mention",
"favourite": "Favourite",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"follow_requests": "Follow Requests",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch timeline",
"notification_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch notification",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch favorite",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Failed to accept the request",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Failed to reject the request",
"start_streaming_error": "Failed to start streaming",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Failed to start streaming of {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "Could not attach the file",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Can not login the same account of the same domain",
"authorize_error": "Failed to authorize",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "Semɣer",
"home": "Asnubg",
"notification": "Tineɣmisin",
"mention": "Mention",
"direct": "Tuzinin tusridin",
"follow_requests": "Tutrawin n uḍfaṛ",
"favourite": "Tismal",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "Asenubeg",
"notification": "Tineɣmisin",
"mention": "Mention",
"favourite": "Tismal",
"bookmark": "Asɣal",
"follow_requests": "Tutrawin n uḍfaṛ",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch timeline",
"notification_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch notification",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch favorite",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Azgel n udggi n tutrawin",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Failed to reject the request",
"start_streaming_error": "Failed to start streaming",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Failed to start streaming of {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "Could not attach the file",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Ur tzmmared ad kcemd s imiḍanen imsasan g igran imsasan",
"authorize_error": "Azgel g usureg",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "展开",
"home": "主页",
"notification": "通知",
"mention": "提到我的",
"direct": "私信",
"follow_requests": "关注请求",
"favourite": "收藏的内容",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "主页",
"notification": "通知",
"mention": "提到我的",
"favourite": "收藏的内容",
"bookmark": "书签",
"follow_requests": "关注请求",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "获取时间线失败",
"notification_fetch_error": "获取通知失败",
"favourite_fetch_error": "获取收藏失败",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "接受请求失败",
"follow_request_reject_error": "拒绝请求失败",
"start_streaming_error": "打开流媒体失败",
"start_all_streamings_error": "打开 {{domain}} 的流媒体失败",
"attach_error": "附加文件失败",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "不能重复登录同一域名的同一帐户",
"authorize_error": "认证失败",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"expand": "展開",
"home": "首頁",
"notification": "通知",
"mention": "提及",
"direct": "私訊",
"follow_requests": "跟隨請求",
"favourite": "最愛",
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
"header_menu": {
"home": "首頁",
"notification": "通知",
"mention": "提及",
"favourite": "最愛",
"bookmark": "書籤",
"follow_requests": "跟隨請求",
@ -463,10 +461,9 @@
"timeline_fetch_error": "無法載入時間軸",
"notification_fetch_error": "無法載入通知",
"favourite_fetch_error": "無法載入最愛",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "無法接受請求",
"follow_request_reject_error": "無法拒絕請求",
"start_streaming_error": "無法開始串流",
"start_all_streamings_error": "無法開始 {{domain}} 之串流",
"attach_error": "無法附加檔案",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "無法以相同帳號登入同一網域",
"authorize_error": "授權失敗",
Reference in New Issue