Merge pull request #3936 from h3poteto/l10n_master

New Crowdin updates
This commit is contained in:
AkiraFukushima 2022-12-22 22:44:20 +09:00 committed by GitHub
commit 8c42b63673
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 232 additions and 232 deletions

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"quit": "Itxi"
"toot": {
"name": "Toot",
"name": "Tuta",
"new": "Tut berria"
"edit": {
@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
"select_all": "Hautatu guztia"
"view": {
"name": "View",
"toggle_full_screen": "Aldatu pantaila osora"
"name": "Ikusi",
"toggle_full_screen": "Pantaila osoa bai/ez"
"window": {
"always_show_menu_bar": "Erakutsi beti menu barra",
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"close": "Itxi leihoa",
"open": "Ireki leihoa",
"minimize": "Minimizatu",
"jump_to": "Jump to"
"jump_to": "Joan hona"
"global_header": {
@ -46,86 +46,86 @@
"show_profile": "Erakutsi profila",
"edit_profile": "Editatu profila",
"settings": "Ezarpenak",
"collapse": "Collapse",
"expand": "Expand",
"collapse": "Tolestu",
"expand": "Hedatu",
"home": "Hasiera",
"notification": "Jakinarazpena",
"mention": "Mention",
"notification": "Jakinarazpenak",
"mention": "Aipamenak",
"direct": "Mezu zuzenak",
"follow_requests": "Jarraipen-eskaerak",
"favourite": "Favourite",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"favourite": "Gogokoak",
"bookmark": "Laster-markak",
"local": "Denbora-lerro lokala",
"public": "Denbora-lerro publikoa",
"hashtag": "Traola",
"search": "Search",
"hashtag": "Traolak",
"search": "Bilaketa",
"lists": "Zerrendak"
"header_menu": {
"home": "Hasiera",
"notification": "Jakinarazpena",
"mention": "Mention",
"favourite": "Favourite",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"follow_requests": "Follow Requests",
"direct_messages": "Direct Messages",
"local": "Local timeline",
"public": "Public timeline",
"hashtag": "Hashtag",
"search": "Search",
"lists": "Lists",
"members": "Members",
"notification": "Jakinarazpenak",
"mention": "Aipamenak",
"favourite": "Gogokoak",
"bookmark": "Laster-markak",
"follow_requests": "Jarraipen-eskaerak",
"direct_messages": "Mezu zuzenak",
"local": "Denbora-lerro lokala",
"public": "Denbora-lerro publikoa",
"hashtag": "Traolak",
"search": "Bilaketa",
"lists": "Zerrendak",
"members": "Kideak",
"option": {
"title": "Option",
"show_reblogs": "Show reblogs",
"show_replies": "Show replies",
"apply": "Apply"
"title": "Aukerak",
"show_reblogs": "Erakutsi bultzadak",
"show_replies": "Erakutsi erantzunak",
"apply": "Ezarri"
"new_toot": "Toot",
"reload": "Reload",
"settings": "Settings"
"new_toot": "Bidali",
"reload": "Birkargatu",
"settings": "Ezarpenak"
"settings": {
"title": "Settings",
"title": "Ezarpenak",
"general": {
"title": "General",
"title": "Orokorra",
"toot": {
"title": "Toot",
"title": "Tutak",
"visibility": {
"description": "Customize default visibility of toot",
"notice": "This setting applies to only new toots, replies follow visibility of original toots",
"public": "Public",
"unlisted": "Unlisted",
"private": "Private",
"direct": "Direct"
"description": "Ezarri tuten defektuzko ikusgaitasuna",
"notice": "Ezarpen honek tut berriei eragiten die soilik; erantzunek jatorrizko tutaren ikusgaitasuna izango dute",
"public": "Publikoa",
"unlisted": "Zerrendatu gabea",
"private": "Jarraitzaileak soilik",
"direct": "Aipatutako jendea soilik"
"sensitive": {
"description": "Mark media as sensitive by default"
"description": "Markatu edukia hunkigarri gisa, defektuz"
"timeline": {
"title": "Timeline",
"title": "Denbora-lerroa",
"unread_notification": {
"title": "Unread Notification",
"description": "Customize unread notifications for each timeline.",
"direct": "Direct Messages",
"local": "Local Timeline",
"public": "Public Timeline"
"title": "Irakurri gabeko jakinarazpenak",
"description": "Pertsonalizatu irakurri gabeko jakinarazpenak denbora-lerro bakoitzarentzat.",
"direct": "Mezu zuzenak",
"local": "Denbora-lerro lokala",
"public": "Denbora-lerro publikoa"
"use_marker": {
"title": "Load the timeline from the last reading position",
"home": "Home",
"notifications": "Notifications"
"title": "Kargatu denbora-lerroa irakurritako azken kokapenetik",
"home": "Hasiera",
"notifications": "Jakinarazpenak"
"filters": {
"title": "Filters",
"title": "Iragazkiak",
"form": {
"phrase": "Keyword or phrase",
"expire": "Expire after",
"context": "Filter contexts",
"irreversible": "Drop instead of hide",
"phrase": "Hitz-gakoa edo esaldia",
"expire": "Iraungitze-data",
"context": "Iragazkien testuinguruak",
"irreversible": "Desagerrarazi ezkutatu beharrean",
"whole_word": "Hitz osoa",
"submit": "Bidali",
"cancel": "Utzi"
@ -148,8 +148,8 @@
"delete": {
"title": "Ezabatu",
"confirm": "Ziur iragazki hau ezabatu nahi duzula?",
"confirm_ok": "Ezabatu",
"confirm_cancel": "Utzi"
"confirm_ok": "Bai, ezabatu",
"confirm_cancel": "Ez, utzi"
@ -159,20 +159,20 @@
"title": "Orokorra",
"sounds": {
"title": "Soinuak",
"description": "Please set feedback sounds.",
"fav_rb": "Tut bat gogoko egin edo bultzatzerakoan",
"toot": "Tut bat publikatzerakoan"
"description": "Ezarri berrelikadura soinuak.",
"fav_rb": "Tut bat gogoko egiten edo bultzatzen duzunean",
"toot": "Tut bat publikatzen duzunean"
"timeline": {
"title": "Denbora-lerroa",
"description": "Customize view in your timelines.",
"cw": "Always expand posts marked with contents warnings",
"nsfw": "Always show all media",
"hideAllAttachments": "Always hide all media"
"description": "Pertsonalizatu ikuspegia zure denbora-lerroetan.",
"cw": "Hedatu beti edukiaren abisua duten publikazioak",
"nsfw": "Erakutsi beti multimedia guztia",
"hideAllAttachments": "Ezkutatu beti multimedia guztia"
"other": {
"title": "Beste aukera batzuk",
"launch": "Abiarazi aplikazioa saioa hasterakoan"
"launch": "Abiarazi aplikazioa ordenagailuarekin bat"
"reset": {
"button": "Berrezarri hobespenak"
@ -180,70 +180,70 @@
"appearance": {
"title": "Itxura",
"theme_color": "Theme color",
"theme_color": "Gaiaren kolorea",
"theme": {
"system": "Sistemak darabilena",
"light": "Argia",
"dark": "Iluna",
"solarized_light": "SolarizedLight",
"solarized_dark": "SolarizedDark",
"kimbie_dark": "KimbieDark",
"solarized_light": "Horixka",
"solarized_dark": "Urdinxka",
"kimbie_dark": "Marroixka",
"custom": "Pertsonalizatua"
"custom_theme": {
"background_color": "Base background",
"selected_background_color": "Focused background",
"global_header_color": "Account menu",
"side_menu_color": "Side menu",
"primary_color": "Primary font",
"regular_color": "Regular font",
"secondary_color": "Secondary font",
"background_color": "Hondoa",
"selected_background_color": "Fokatuta dagoen hondoa",
"global_header_color": "Kontuaren menua",
"side_menu_color": "Alboko menua",
"primary_color": "Letra-tipo nagusia",
"regular_color": "Letra-tipo arrunta",
"secondary_color": "Bigarren mailako letra-tipoa",
"border_color": "Ertza",
"header_menu_color": "Header menu",
"wrapper_mask_color": "Modal wrapper"
"header_menu_color": "Goiburuko menua",
"wrapper_mask_color": "Profilen goiburuko geruzaren kolorea"
"font_size": "Font size",
"font_family": "Font family",
"toot_padding": "Padding around toots",
"font_size": "Letraren tamaina",
"font_family": "Letra-tipoaren familia",
"toot_padding": "Tuten arteko paddinga",
"display_style": {
"title": "Display style of username",
"display_name_and_username": "Display name and username",
"display_name": "Display name",
"username": "Username"
"title": "Erabiltzaile-izenak erakusteko aukerak",
"display_name_and_username": "Izena eta erabiltzaile-izena",
"display_name": "Izena soilik",
"username": "Erabiltzaile-izena soilik"
"time_format": {
"title": "Time format",
"absolute": "Absolute",
"relative": "Relative"
"title": "Orduaren formatua",
"absolute": "Absolutua",
"relative": "Erlatiboa"
"notification": {
"title": "Notification",
"title": "Jakinarazpenak",
"enable": {
"description": "Please set notification events.",
"reply": "Notify me when I receive a reply",
"reblog": "Notify me when I receive a reblog",
"favourite": "Notify me when I receive a favourite",
"follow": "Notify me when I receive a follow",
"reaction": "Notify me when I receive a emoji reaction",
"follow_request": "Notify me when I receive a follow request",
"status": "Notify me when I receive a status notification",
"poll_vote": "Notify me when I receive a vote of poll",
"poll_expired": "Notify me when I receive a poll expired event"
"description": "Ezarri jakinarazpen egoerak.",
"reply": "Jakinarazi nire mezuei erantzuten dietenean",
"reblog": "Jakinarazi nire mezuak bultzatzen dituztenean",
"favourite": "Jakinarazi nire mezuak gogoko egiten dituztenean",
"follow": "Jakinarazi jarraitzen didatenean",
"reaction": "Jakinarazi emoji-erreakzioak jasotzen ditudanean",
"follow_request": "Jakinarazi jarraipen-eskaerak bidaltzen dizkidatenean",
"status": "Jakinarazi egoera baten jakinarazpena jasotzen dudanean",
"poll_vote": "Jakinarazi nire inkestek botoak jasotzen dituztenean",
"poll_expired": "Jakinarazi parte hartu dudan inkestak amaitzen direnean"
"account": {
"title": "Account",
"connected": "Connected Account",
"username": "Username",
"domain": "Domain",
"association": "Association",
"order": "Order",
"remove_association": "Remove association",
"remove_all_associations": "Remove all associations",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm_message": "Are you sure to remove all associations?"
"title": "Kontua",
"connected": "Konektaturiko kontuak",
"username": "Erabiltzaile-izena",
"domain": "Domeinua",
"association": "Asoziazioa",
"order": "Ordena",
"remove_association": "Kendu asoziazioa",
"remove_all_associations": "Kendu asoziazio guztiak",
"confirm": "Baieztatu",
"cancel": "Utzi",
"confirm_message": "Ziur zaude asoziazio guztiak kendu nahi dituzula?"
"network": {
"title": "Sarea",
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
"title": "Proxy ezarpenak",
"no": "Proxyrik ez",
"system": "Erabili sistemaren proxya",
"manual": "Eskoz konfiguratu proxya",
"manual": "Eskuzko proxy konfigurazioa",
"protocol": "Protokoloa",
"host": "Proxy ostalaria",
"port": "Proxy ataka",
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
"title": "Hizkuntza",
"language": {
"title": "Hizkuntza",
"description": "Aukeratu Whalebirden hizkuntza."
"description": "Aukeratu Whalebirdek erabiltzea nahi duzun hizkuntza."
"spellchecker": {
"title": "Ortografia-egiaztatzea",
@ -283,20 +283,20 @@
"modals": {
"new_toot": {
"title": "Tut berria",
"cw": "Write your warning here",
"cw": "Idatzi abisua hemen",
"status": "Zer duzu buruan?",
"cancel": "Utzi",
"toot": "Toot",
"toot": "Bidali",
"close_confirm": "Ziur zaude zirriborro hau baztertu nahi duzula?",
"close_confirm_ok": "Baztertu",
"close_confirm_cancel": "Jarraitu editatzen",
"close_confirm_ok": "Bai, baztertu",
"close_confirm_cancel": "Ez, jarraitu editatzen",
"description": "Deskribatu ikusmen urritasuna dutenentzat",
"footer": {
"add_image": "Gehitu irudiak",
"poll": "Gehitu inkesta",
"change_visibility": "Aldatu ikusgaitasuna",
"change_sensitive": "Change sensitive",
"add_cw": "Add content warning",
"change_sensitive": "Aldatu hunkigarritasuna",
"add_cw": "Gehitu edukiari buruzko oharra",
"pined_hashtag": "Finkatu traola"
"poll": {
@ -313,73 +313,73 @@
"jump": {
"jump_to": "Jump to..."
"jump_to": "Joan hona…"
"add_list_member": {
"title": "Gehitu kidea zerrendara",
"account_name": "Kontuaren izena"
"list_membership": {
"title": "List Memberships"
"title": "Zerrendaren kideak"
"mute_confirm": {
"title": "Are you sure you want to mute?",
"body": "Hide notification from this user?",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"ok": "Mute"
"title": "Ziur zaude mututu nahi duzula?",
"body": "Erabiltzaile honen jakinarazpenak ezkutatu?",
"cancel": "Ez, utzi",
"ok": "Bai, mututu"
"shortcut": {
"title": "Keyboard shortcuts",
"ctrl_number": "Switch accounts",
"ctrl_k": "Jump to other timelines",
"ctrl_n": "Open the new toot modal",
"ctrl_enter": "Post the toot",
"ctrl_r": "Reload current timeline",
"j": "Select the next toot",
"k": "Select the previous toot",
"h": "Switch focus to the left column",
"l": "Switch focus to the right column",
"r": "Reply to the toot",
"b": "Reblog the toot",
"f": "Favourite the toot",
"o": "Open details of the toot",
"p": "Open account profile of the toot",
"i": "Open the images",
"x": "Show/hide CW and NSFW",
"?": "Show this help",
"esc": "Close current page"
"title": "Teklatuaren lasterbideak",
"ctrl_number": "Aldatu kontuak",
"ctrl_k": "Egin jauzi beste denbora-lerro batzuetara",
"ctrl_n": "Ireki tuta idazteko leihoa",
"ctrl_enter": "Bidali tuta",
"ctrl_r": "Birkargatu oraingo denbora-lerroa",
"j": "Hautatu hurrengo tuta",
"k": "Hautatu aurreko tuta",
"h": "Aldatu fokua ezkerreko zutabera",
"l": "Aldatu fokua eskumako zutabera",
"r": "Erantzun tutari",
"b": "Bultzatu tuta",
"f": "Egin gogoko tuta",
"o": "Ireki tutaren xehetasunak",
"p": "Ireki tutaren kontuaren profila",
"i": "Ireki irudiak",
"x": "Erakutsi / ezkutatu lanerako desegokiak (NSFW) eta abisua duten publikazioak",
"?": "Erakutsi laguntza",
"esc": "Itxi oraingo orria"
"report": {
"title": "Reporting this user",
"comment": "Additional comments",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"ok": "Report"
"title": "Salaketa",
"comment": "Iruzkin gehigarriak",
"cancel": "Utzi",
"ok": "Salatu"
"cards": {
"toot": {
"show_more": "Show more",
"hide": "Hide",
"sensitive": "Show sensitive content",
"view_toot_detail": "View Toot Detail",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser",
"copy_link_to_toot": "Copy Link to Toot",
"mute": "Mute",
"block": "Block",
"report": "Report",
"delete": "Delete",
"via": "via {{application}}",
"reply": "Reply",
"reblog": "Reblog",
"fav": "Favourite",
"show_more": "Erakutsi gehiago",
"hide": "Ezkutatu",
"sensitive": "Erakutsi eduki hunkigarria",
"view_toot_detail": "Ikusi tutaren xehetasunak",
"open_in_browser": "Ireki nabigatzailean",
"copy_link_to_toot": "Kopiatu tutaren esteka",
"mute": "Mututu",
"block": "Blokeatu",
"report": "Salatu",
"delete": "Ezabatu",
"via": "{{application}}(e)n bidez",
"reply": "Erantzun",
"reblog": "Bultzatu",
"fav": "Egin gogoko",
"detail": "Tutaren xehetasunak",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"bookmark": "Jarri laster-marka",
"pinned": "Finkatutako tuta",
"poll": {
"vote": "Vote",
"votes_count": "votes",
"vote": "Bozkatu",
"votes_count": "boto",
"until": "{{datetime}} arte",
"left": "{{datetime}} left",
"left": "epemuga: {{datetime}}",
"refresh": "Freskatu"
@ -391,21 +391,21 @@
"account_profile": {
"follows_you": "Jarraitzen zaitu",
"doesnt_follow_you": "Ez zaitu jarraitzen",
"detail": "Xehetasuna",
"follow": "Jarraitu erabiltzailea",
"unfollow": "Utzi erabiltzailea jarraitzeari",
"subscribe": "Harpidetu erabiltzaileari",
"unsubscribe": "Utzi erabiltzailearen harpidetza",
"detail": "Xehetasunak",
"follow": "Jarraitu",
"unfollow": "Utzi jarraitzeari",
"subscribe": "Harpidetu",
"unsubscribe": "Utzi harpidetza",
"follow_requested": "Eskaera bidalita",
"open_in_browser": "Ireki nabigatzailean",
"manage_list_memberships": "Manage List Memberships",
"manage_list_memberships": "Kudeatu zerrendaren kideak",
"mute": "Mututu",
"unmute": "Utzi mututzeari",
"unblock": "Utzi blokeatzeari",
"block": "Blokeatu",
"toots": "Tutak",
"follows": "Follows",
"followers": "Jarraitzaileak"
"follows": "Jarraitzen",
"followers": "Jarraitzaile"
"follow_requests": {
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@
"account": "Kontua",
"tag": "Traola",
"keyword": "hitz-gakoa",
"toot": "Toot"
"toot": "Tuta"
"lists": {
"index": {
@ -432,8 +432,8 @@
"confirm": {
"title": "Baieztatu",
"message": "Eragiketa hau ezin da desegin; zerrenda betiko ezabatuko da",
"ok": "Ezabatu",
"cancel": "Utzi"
"ok": "Bai, ezabatu",
"cancel": "Ez, utzi"
@ -447,58 +447,58 @@
"authorize": {
"manually_1": "Baimena emateko leiho berri bat ireki da nabigatzailean.",
"manually_2": "If it has not opened, please go to the following URL manually.",
"code_label": "Please paste the authorization code from your browser:",
"misskey_label": "Please submit after you authorize in your browser.",
"submit": "Submit"
"manually_2": "Automatikoki ireki ez bada, joan ondorengo helbidera.",
"code_label": "Itsatsi nabigatzailean agertu den kodea hemen:",
"misskey_label": "Bidali nabigatzailean baimena eman ondoren.",
"submit": "Bidali"
"receive_drop": {
"drop_message": "Drop to Upload to Mastodon"
"drop_message": "Bertan behera utzi Mastodonerako igoerak"
"message": {
"account_load_error": "Failed to load accounts",
"account_remove_error": "Failed to remove the account",
"preferences_load_error": "Failed to load preferences",
"timeline_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch timeline",
"notification_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch notification",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch favorite",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Failed to accept the request",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Failed to reject the request",
"start_streaming_error": "Failed to start streaming",
"start_all_streamings_error": "Failed to start streaming of {{domain}}",
"attach_error": "Could not attach the file",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Can not login the same account of the same domain",
"authorize_error": "Failed to authorize",
"followers_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch followers",
"follows_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch follows",
"toot_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch the toot detail",
"follow_error": "Failed to follow the user",
"unfollow_error": "Failed to unfollow the user",
"subscribe_error": "Failed to subscribe the user",
"unsubscribe_error": "Failed to unsubscribe the user",
"lists_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch lists",
"list_create_error": "Failed to create a list",
"members_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch members",
"remove_user_error": "Failed to remove the user",
"find_account_error": "Account not found",
"reblog_error": "Failed to reblog",
"unreblog_error": "Failed to unreblog",
"favourite_error": "Failed to favourite",
"unfavourite_error": "Failed to unfavourite",
"bookmark_error": "Failed to bookmark",
"unbookmark_error": "Failed to remove bookmark",
"delete_error": "Failed to delete the toot",
"account_load_error": "Kontuak kargatzeak huts egin du",
"account_remove_error": "Kontua ezabatzeak huts egin du",
"preferences_load_error": "Hobespenak kargatzeak huts egin du",
"timeline_fetch_error": "Denbora-lerroa eskuratzeak huts egin du",
"notification_fetch_error": "Jakinarazpenak eskuratzeak huts egin du",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Gogokoak eskuratzeak huts egin du",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Eskaera onartzeak huts egin du",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Eskaera baztertzeak huts egin du",
"start_streaming_error": "Transmisioa hasteak huts egin du",
"start_all_streamings_error": "{{domain}}(r)en transmisioa hasteak huts egin du",
"attach_error": "Ezin izan da fitxategia erantsi",
"authorize_duplicate_error": "Ezin da kontu bera birritan gehitu",
"authorize_error": "Baimentzeak huts egin du",
"followers_fetch_error": "Jarraitzaileak eskuratzeak huts egin du",
"follows_fetch_error": "Jarraitzen dituenak eskuratzeak huts egin du",
"toot_fetch_error": "Tutaren xehetasunak eskuratzeak huts egin du",
"follow_error": "Erabiltzailea jarraitzeak huts egin du",
"unfollow_error": "Erabiltzailea jarraitzeari uzteak huts egin du",
"subscribe_error": "Erabiltzailera harpidetzeak huts egin du",
"unsubscribe_error": "Erabiltzailearen harpidetza uzteak huts egin du",
"lists_fetch_error": "Zerrendak eskuratzeak huts egin du",
"list_create_error": "Zerrenda sortzeak huts egin du",
"members_fetch_error": "Kideak eskuratzeak huts egin du",
"remove_user_error": "Erabiltzailea kentzeak huts egin du",
"find_account_error": "Ez da kontua aurkitu",
"reblog_error": "Bultzada emateak huts egin du",
"unreblog_error": "Bultzada kentzeak huts egin du",
"favourite_error": "Gogoko egiteak huts egin du",
"unfavourite_error": "Gogokoetatik kentzeak huts egin du",
"bookmark_error": "Laster-marka jartzeak huts egin du",
"unbookmark_error": "Laster-marka kentzeak huts egin du",
"delete_error": "Tuta ezabatzeak huts egin du",
"search_error": "Bilaketak huts egin du",
"toot_error": "Tuta publikatzeak huts egin du",
"update_list_memberships_error": "Ezin izan dira zerrendaren kideak eguneratu",
"add_user_error": "Ezin izan da erabiltzailea gehitu",
"authorize_url_error": "Ezin izan da baimentzeko URLa eskuratu",
"update_list_memberships_error": "Zerrendaren kideen eguneratzeak huts egin du",
"add_user_error": "Erabiltzailea gehitzeak huts egin du",
"authorize_url_error": "Baimentzeko URLa eskuratzeak huts egin du",
"domain_confirmed": "{{domain}} domeinua baieztatu da; hasi saioa",
"domain_doesnt_exist": "Ezin izan da {{domain}}(e)ra konektatu; egiaztatu zerbitzariaren helbidea",
"domain_doesnt_exist": "{{domain}}(e)ra konektatzeak huts egin du; egiaztatu zerbitzariaren helbidea",
"loading": "Kargatzen…",
"language_not_support_spellchecker_error": "Ortografia-egiaztatzailea ezin da hizkuntza honekin erabili",
"update_filter_error": "Ezin izan da bahea eguneratu",
"create_filter_error": "Ezin izan da bahea sortu"
"update_filter_error": "Iragazkiaren eguneraketak huts egin du",
"create_filter_error": "Iragazkiaren sorrerak huts egin du"
"validation": {
"login": {
@ -507,15 +507,15 @@
"new_toot": {
"toot_length": "Tutaren luzera {{min}} eta {{max}} artekoa izan behar da",
"attach_length": "{{max}} irudi soilik atxiki ditzakezu",
"attach_length_plural": "{{max}} irudi soilik atxiki ditzakezu",
"attach_image": "Irudiak edo bideoak soilik atxiki ditzakezu",
"poll_invalid": "Inkestaren aukerak ez dira baliogarriak"
"attach_length": "Irudi bakar {{max}} erantsi dezakezu",
"attach_length_plural": "{{max}} irudi soilik erantsi ditzakezu",
"attach_image": "Irudiak edo bideoak soilik erantsi ditzakezu",
"poll_invalid": "Inkestaren aukerek ez dute balio"
"notification": {
"favourite": {
"title": "Favourite",
"title": "Egin gogoko",
"body": "{{username}}(e)k gogoko du zure egoera"
"follow": {
@ -523,31 +523,31 @@
"body": "{{username}} jarraitzen hasi zaizu"
"follow_request": {
"title": "FollowRequest",
"body": "{{username}}(e)k jarraitzeko eskaera egin du"
"title": "Jarraipen-eskaera",
"body": "{{username}}(e)k jarraitzeko eskaera egin dizu"
"reblog": {
"title": "Bultzatu",
"title": "Bultzada",
"body": "{{username}}(e)k zure egoera bultzatu du"
"quote": {
"title": "Aipatu",
"title": "Aipua",
"body": "{{username}}(e)k zure egoera aipatu du"
"reaction": {
"title": "Reaction",
"body": "{{username}} reacted your status"
"title": "Erreakzioa",
"body": "{{username}}(e)k zure egoerari erreakzionatu du"
"status": {
"title": "Egoera",
"body": "{{username}}(e)k publikatu berri du"
"poll_vote": {
"title": "PollVote",
"title": "Bozketa",
"body": "{{username}}(e)k zure inkestan botoa eman du"
"poll_expired": {
"title": "PollExpired",
"title": "Bozketaren amaiera",
"body": "{{username}}(r)en inkesta amaitu da"