refs #2500 Execute streamings always

This commit is contained in:
AkiraFukushima 2023-01-01 22:45:07 +09:00
parent 30cb45d967
commit 30fddef463
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B6E51BAC4DE1A957
6 changed files with 173 additions and 294 deletions

View File

@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ import {
} from 'electron'
import crypto from 'crypto'
@ -25,13 +25,18 @@ import path from 'path'
import ContextMenu from 'electron-context-menu'
import { initSplashScreen, Config } from '@trodi/electron-splashscreen'
import openAboutWindow from 'about-window'
import generator, { Entity, detector, NotificationType, OAuth } from 'megalodon'
import sanitizeHtml from 'sanitize-html'
import generator, { detector, OAuth, NotificationType, Entity } from 'megalodon'
import AutoLaunch from 'auto-launch'
import minimist from 'minimist'
import sanitizeHtml from 'sanitize-html'
import { backwardAccount, forwardAccount, getAccount, insertAccount, listAccounts, removeAccount, removeAllAccounts } from './account'
// import { StreamingURL, UserStreaming, DirectStreaming, LocalStreaming, PublicStreaming, ListStreaming, TagStreaming } from './websocket'
// db
import { backwardAccount, forwardAccount, getAccount, insertAccount, listAccounts, removeAccount, removeAllAccounts } from './db/account'
import { insertTag, listTags, removeTag } from './db/hashtags'
import { createOrUpdateSetting, getSetting } from './db/setting'
import { insertServer } from './db/server'
import { DirectStreaming, LocalStreaming, PublicStreaming, StreamingURL, UserStreaming } from './websocket'
import Preferences from './preferences'
import Fonts from './fonts'
import i18next from '~/src/config/i18n'
@ -39,18 +44,14 @@ import { i18n as I18n } from 'i18next'
import Language, { LanguageType } from '../constants/language'
import { LocalAccount } from '~/src/types/localAccount'
import { LocalTag } from '~/src/types/localTag'
import { Notify } from '~/src/types/notify'
// import { StreamingError } from '~/src/errors/streamingError'
import { Proxy } from '~/src/types/proxy'
import ProxyConfiguration from './proxy'
import { Menu as MenuPreferences } from '~/src/types/preference'
import { General as GeneralPreferences } from '~/src/types/preference'
import newDB from './database'
import { Setting } from '~/src/types/setting'
import { insertServer } from './server'
import { LocalServer } from '~src/types/localServer'
import { insertTag, listTags, removeTag } from './hashtags'
import { createOrUpdateSetting, getSetting } from './settings'
import { LocalServer } from '~/src/types/localServer'
import { Notify } from '~/src/types/notify'
* Context menu
@ -392,7 +393,15 @@ Options
// Do not lower the rendering priority of Chromium when background
app.on('ready', createWindow)
app.on('ready', async () => {
const accounts = await listAccounts(db)
const preferences = new Preferences(preferencesDBPath)
startUserStreamings(accounts, proxyConfiguration, preferences)
startDirectStreamings(accounts, proxyConfiguration)
startLocalStreamings(accounts, proxyConfiguration)
startPublicStreamings(accounts, proxyConfiguration)
app.on('window-all-closed', () => {
// this action is called when user click the close button.
@ -511,8 +520,6 @@ ipcMain.handle('remove-account', async (_: IpcMainInvokeEvent, id: number) => {
if (process.platform !== 'darwin' && tray !== null) {
tray.setContextMenu(TrayMenu(accountsChange, i18next))
// TODO: stopUserStreaming(accountId)
ipcMain.handle('forward-account', async (_: IpcMainInvokeEvent, acct: LocalAccount) => {
@ -562,252 +569,6 @@ ipcMain.on('reset-badge', () => {
// // user streaming
// const userStreamings: { [key: string]: UserStreaming | null } = {}
// ipcMain.on('start-all-user-streamings', (event: IpcMainEvent, accounts: Array<string>) => {
// id => {
// const acct = await accountRepo.getAccount(id)
// try {
// // Stop old user streaming
// if (userStreamings[id]) {
// userStreamings[id]!.stop()
// userStreamings[id] = null
// }
// const proxy = await proxyConfiguration.forMastodon()
// const sns = await detector(acct.baseURL, proxy)
// const url = await StreamingURL(sns, acct, proxy)
// userStreamings[id] = new UserStreaming(sns, acct, url, proxy)
// userStreamings[id]!.start(
// async (update: Entity.Status) => {
// if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
// event.sender.send(`update-start-all-user-streamings-${id}`, update)
// }
// // Cache hashtag
// tag => {
// await hashtagCache.insertHashtag( => console.error(err))
// })
// // Cache account
// await accountCache.insertAccount(id, update.account.acct).catch(err => console.error(err))
// },
// async (notification: Entity.Notification) => {
// await publishNotification(notification, event, id)
// // In macOS and Windows, sometimes window is closed (not quit).
// // But streamings are always running.
// // When window is closed, we can not send event to webContents; because it is already destroyed.
// // So we have to guard it.
// if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
// // To update notification timeline
// event.sender.send(`notification-start-all-user-streamings-${id}`, notification)
// // Does not exist a endpoint for only mention. And mention is a part of notification.
// // So we have to get mention from notification.
// if (notification.type === 'mention') {
// event.sender.send(`mention-start-all-user-streamings-${id}`, notification)
// }
// }
// },
// (statusId: string) => {
// if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
// event.sender.send(`delete-start-all-user-streamings-${id}`, statusId)
// }
// },
// (err: Error) => {
// log.error(err)
// // In macOS, sometimes window is closed (not quit).
// // When window is closed, we can not send event to webContents; because it is destroyed.
// // So we have to guard it.
// if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
// event.sender.send('error-start-all-user-streamings', err)
// }
// }
// )
// // Generate notifications received while the app was not running
// const client = generator(sns, acct.baseURL, acct.accessToken, 'Whalebird', proxy)
// const marker = await getMarker(client, id)
// if (marker !== null) {
// const unreadResponse = await client.getNotifications({ min_id: marker.last_read_id })
// notification => {
// await publishNotification(notification, event, id)
// })
// }
// } catch (err: any) {
// log.error(err)
// const streamingError = new StreamingError(err.message, acct.domain)
// if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
// event.sender.send('error-start-all-user-streamings', streamingError)
// }
// }
// })
// })
// ipcMain.on('stop-all-user-streamings', () => {
// Object.keys(userStreamings).forEach((key: string) => {
// if (userStreamings[key]) {
// userStreamings[key]!.stop()
// userStreamings[key] = null
// }
// })
// })
// /**
// * Stop an user streaming in all user streamings.
// * @param id specified user id in nedb.
// */
// const stopUserStreaming = (id: string) => {
// Object.keys(userStreamings).forEach((key: string) => {
// if (key === id && userStreamings[id]) {
// userStreamings[id]!.stop()
// userStreamings[id] = null
// }
// })
// }
// let directMessagesStreaming: DirectStreaming | null = null
// ipcMain.on('start-directmessages-streaming', async (event: IpcMainEvent, id: string) => {
// try {
// const acct = await accountRepo.getAccount(id)
// // Stop old directmessages streaming
// if (directMessagesStreaming !== null) {
// directMessagesStreaming.stop()
// directMessagesStreaming = null
// }
// const proxy = await proxyConfiguration.forMastodon()
// const sns = await detector(acct.baseURL, proxy)
// const url = await StreamingURL(sns, acct, proxy)
// directMessagesStreaming = new DirectStreaming(sns, acct, url, proxy)
// directMessagesStreaming.start(
// (update: Entity.Status) => {
// if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
// event.sender.send('update-start-directmessages-streaming', update)
// }
// },
// (id: string) => {
// if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
// event.sender.send('delete-start-directmessages-streaming', id)
// }
// },
// (err: Error) => {
// log.error(err)
// if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
// event.sender.send('error-start-directmessages-streaming', err)
// }
// }
// )
// } catch (err) {
// log.error(err)
// if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
// event.sender.send('error-start-directmessages-streaming', err)
// }
// }
// })
// ipcMain.on('stop-directmessages-streaming', () => {
// if (directMessagesStreaming !== null) {
// directMessagesStreaming.stop()
// directMessagesStreaming = null
// }
// })
// let localStreaming: LocalStreaming | null = null
// ipcMain.on('start-local-streaming', async (event: IpcMainEvent, id: string) => {
// try {
// const acct = await accountRepo.getAccount(id)
// // Stop old local streaming
// if (localStreaming !== null) {
// localStreaming.stop()
// localStreaming = null
// }
// const proxy = await proxyConfiguration.forMastodon()
// const sns = await detector(acct.baseURL, proxy)
// const url = await StreamingURL(sns, acct, proxy)
// localStreaming = new LocalStreaming(sns, acct, url, proxy)
// localStreaming.start(
// (update: Entity.Status) => {
// if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
// event.sender.send('update-start-local-streaming', update)
// }
// },
// (id: string) => {
// if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
// event.sender.send('delete-start-local-streaming', id)
// }
// },
// (err: Error) => {
// log.error(err)
// if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
// event.sender.send('error-start-local-streaming', err)
// }
// }
// )
// } catch (err) {
// log.error(err)
// if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
// event.sender.send('error-start-local-streaming', err)
// }
// }
// })
// ipcMain.on('stop-local-streaming', () => {
// if (localStreaming !== null) {
// localStreaming.stop()
// localStreaming = null
// }
// })
// let publicStreaming: PublicStreaming | null = null
// ipcMain.on('start-public-streaming', async (event: IpcMainEvent, id: string) => {
// try {
// const acct = await accountRepo.getAccount(id)
// // Stop old public streaming
// if (publicStreaming !== null) {
// publicStreaming.stop()
// publicStreaming = null
// }
// const proxy = await proxyConfiguration.forMastodon()
// const sns = await detector(acct.baseURL, proxy)
// const url = await StreamingURL(sns, acct, proxy)
// publicStreaming = new PublicStreaming(sns, acct, url, proxy)
// publicStreaming.start(
// (update: Entity.Status) => {
// if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
// event.sender.send('update-start-public-streaming', update)
// }
// },
// (id: string) => {
// if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
// event.sender.send('delete-start-public-streaming', id)
// }
// },
// (err: Error) => {
// log.error(err)
// if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
// event.sender.send('error-start-public-streaming', err)
// }
// }
// )
// } catch (err) {
// log.error(err)
// if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
// event.sender.send('error-start-public-streaming', err)
// }
// }
// })
// ipcMain.on('stop-public-streaming', () => {
// if (publicStreaming !== null) {
// publicStreaming.stop()
// publicStreaming = null
// }
// })
// let listStreaming: ListStreaming | null = null
// type ListStreamingOpts = {
@ -1408,6 +1169,7 @@ const TrayMenu = (accountsChange: Array<MenuItemConstructorOptions>, i18n: I18n)
label: i18n.t('main_menu.application.quit'),
click: () => {
@ -1440,15 +1202,148 @@ async function reopenWindow() {
const publishNotification = async (notification: Entity.Notification, event: IpcMainEvent | IpcMainInvokeEvent, id: string) => {
const preferences = new Preferences(preferencesDBPath)
const decodeLanguage = (lang: string): LanguageType => {
const l = Object.keys(Language).find(k => Language[k].key === lang)
if (l === undefined) {
return Language.en
} else {
return Language[l]
// Streamings
let userStreamings: { [key: number]: UserStreaming } = []
let directStreamings: { [key: number]: DirectStreaming } = []
let localStreamings: { [key: number]: DirectStreaming } = []
let publicStreamings: { [key: number]: DirectStreaming } = []
const stopAllStreamings = () => {
Object.keys(userStreamings).forEach((key: string) => {
Object.keys(directStreamings).forEach((key: string) => {
Object.keys(localStreamings).forEach((key: string) => [localStreamings[parseInt(key)].stop()])
Object.keys(publicStreamings).forEach((key: string) => {
const startUserStreamings = async (
accounts: Array<[LocalAccount, LocalServer]>,
proxyConfiguration: ProxyConfiguration,
preferences: Preferences
) => {
const proxy = await proxyConfiguration.forMastodon()
accounts.forEach(async ([account, server]) => {
const url = await StreamingURL(server.sns, account, server, proxy)
userStreamings[] = new UserStreaming(server.sns, account, url, proxy)
async (update: Entity.Status) => {
if (!mainWindow?.webContents.isDestroyed()) {
mainWindow?.webContents.send(`update-user-streamings-${}`, update)
async (notification: Entity.Notification) => {
await publishNotification(notification,, preferences)
if (!mainWindow?.webContents.isDestroyed()) {
mainWindow?.webContents.send(`notification-user-streamings-${}`, notification)
(statusId: string) => {
if (!mainWindow?.webContents.isDestroyed()) {
mainWindow?.webContents.send(`delete-user-streamings-${}`, statusId)
(err: Error) => {
return userStreamings
const startDirectStreamings = async (accounts: Array<[LocalAccount, LocalServer]>, proxyConfiguration: ProxyConfiguration) => {
const proxy = await proxyConfiguration.forMastodon()
accounts.forEach(async ([account, server]) => {
const url = await StreamingURL(server.sns, account, server, proxy)
directStreamings[] = new DirectStreaming(server.sns, account, url, proxy)
(update: Entity.Status) => {
if (!mainWindow?.webContents.isDestroyed()) {
mainWindow?.webContents.send(`update-direct-streamings-${}`, update)
(id: string) => {
if (!mainWindow?.webContents.isDestroyed()) {
mainWindow?.webContents.send(`delete-direct-streamings-${}`, id)
(err: Error) => {
const startLocalStreamings = async (accounts: Array<[LocalAccount, LocalServer]>, proxyConfiguration: ProxyConfiguration) => {
const proxy = await proxyConfiguration.forMastodon()
accounts.forEach(async ([account, server]) => {
const url = await StreamingURL(server.sns, account, server, proxy)
localStreamings[] = new LocalStreaming(server.sns, account, url, proxy)
(update: Entity.Status) => {
if (!mainWindow?.webContents.isDestroyed()) {
mainWindow?.webContents.send(`update-local-streamings-${}`, update)
(id: string) => {
if (!mainWindow?.webContents.isDestroyed()) {
mainWindow?.webContents.send(`delete-local-streamings-${}`, id)
(err: Error) => {
const startPublicStreamings = async (accounts: Array<[LocalAccount, LocalServer]>, proxyConfiguration: ProxyConfiguration) => {
const proxy = await proxyConfiguration.forMastodon()
accounts.forEach(async ([account, server]) => {
const url = await StreamingURL(server.sns, account, server, proxy)
publicStreamings[] = new PublicStreaming(server.sns, account, url, proxy)
(update: Entity.Status) => {
if (!mainWindow?.webContents.isDestroyed()) {
mainWindow?.webContents.send(`update-public-streamings-${}`, update)
(id: string) => {
if (!mainWindow?.webContents.isDestroyed()) {
mainWindow?.webContents.send(`delete-public-streamings-${}`, id)
(err: Error) => {
const publishNotification = async (notification: Entity.Notification, accountId: number, preferences: Preferences) => {
const conf = await preferences.load()
const options = createNotification(notification, conf.notification.notify)
if (options !== null) {
const notify = new Notification(options)
notify.on('click', _ => {
if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
event.sender.send('open-notification-tab', id)
if (!mainWindow?.webContents.isDestroyed()) {
mainWindow?.webContents.send('open-notification-tab', accountId)
@ -1565,12 +1460,3 @@ const username = (account: Entity.Account): string => {
return account.username
const decodeLanguage = (lang: string): LanguageType => {
const l = Object.keys(Language).find(k => Language[k].key === lang)
if (l === undefined) {
return Language.en
} else {
return Language[l]

View File

@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ const actions: ActionTree<TimelineSpaceState, RootState> = {
throw new Error('Account is not set')
win.ipcRenderer.on(`update-start-all-user-streamings-${state.account!.id}`, (_, update: Entity.Status) => {
win.ipcRenderer.on(`update-user-streamings-${state.account!.id}`, (_, update: Entity.Status) => {
commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Home/appendTimeline', update, { root: true })
// Sometimes archive old statuses
if (rootState.TimelineSpace.Contents.Home.heading && Math.random() > 0.8) {
@ -243,59 +243,52 @@ const actions: ActionTree<TimelineSpaceState, RootState> = {
commit('TimelineSpace/SideMenu/changeUnreadHomeTimeline', true, { root: true })
win.ipcRenderer.on(`notification-start-all-user-streamings-${state.account!.id}`, (_, notification: Entity.Notification) => {
win.ipcRenderer.on(`notification-user-streamings-${state.account!.id}`, (_, notification: Entity.Notification) => {
commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Notifications/appendNotifications', notification, { root: true })
if (rootState.TimelineSpace.Contents.Notifications.heading && Math.random() > 0.8) {
commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Notifications/archiveNotifications', null, { root: true })
commit('TimelineSpace/SideMenu/changeUnreadNotifications', true, { root: true })
win.ipcRenderer.on(`mention-start-all-user-streamings-${state.account!.id}`, (_, mention: Entity.Notification) => {
commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Mentions/appendMentions', mention, { root: true })
if (rootState.TimelineSpace.Contents.Mentions.heading && Math.random() > 0.8) {
commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Mentions/archiveMentions', null, { root: true })
commit('TimelineSpace/SideMenu/changeUnreadMentions', true, { root: true })
win.ipcRenderer.on(`delete-start-all-user-streamings-${state.account!.id}`, (_, id: string) => {
win.ipcRenderer.on(`delete-user-streamings-${state.account!.id}`, (_, id: string) => {
commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Home/deleteToot', id, { root: true })
commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Notifications/deleteToot', id, { root: true })
commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Mentions/deleteToot', id, { root: true })
[ACTION_TYPES.BIND_LOCAL_STREAMING]: ({ commit, rootState }) => {
win.ipcRenderer.on('update-start-local-streaming', (_, update: Entity.Status) => {
[ACTION_TYPES.BIND_LOCAL_STREAMING]: ({ commit, rootState, state }) => {
win.ipcRenderer.on(`update-local-streamings-${state.account!.id}`, (_, update: Entity.Status) => {
commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Local/appendTimeline', update, { root: true })
if (rootState.TimelineSpace.Contents.Local.heading && Math.random() > 0.8) {
commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Local/archiveTimeline', {}, { root: true })
commit('TimelineSpace/SideMenu/changeUnreadLocalTimeline', true, { root: true })
win.ipcRenderer.on('delete-start-local-streaming', (_, id: string) => {
win.ipcRenderer.on(`delete-local-streamings-${state.account!.id}`, (_, id: string) => {
commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Local/deleteToot', id, { root: true })
[ACTION_TYPES.BIND_PUBLIC_STREAMING]: ({ commit, rootState }) => {
win.ipcRenderer.on('update-start-public-streaming', (_, update: Entity.Status) => {
[ACTION_TYPES.BIND_PUBLIC_STREAMING]: ({ commit, rootState, state }) => {
win.ipcRenderer.on(`update-public-streamings-${state.account!.id}`, (_, update: Entity.Status) => {
commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Public/appendTimeline', update, { root: true })
if (rootState.TimelineSpace.Contents.Public.heading && Math.random() > 0.8) {
commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Public/archiveTimeline', {}, { root: true })
commit('TimelineSpace/SideMenu/changeUnreadPublicTimeline', true, { root: true })
win.ipcRenderer.on('delete-start-public-streaming', (_, id: string) => {
win.ipcRenderer.on(`delete-public-streamings-${state.account!.id}`, (_, id: string) => {
commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/Public/deleteToot', id, { root: true })
win.ipcRenderer.on('update-start-directmessages-streaming', (_, update: Entity.Status) => {
[ACTION_TYPES.BIND_DIRECT_MESSAGES_STREAMING]: ({ commit, rootState, state }) => {
win.ipcRenderer.on(`update-direct-streamings-${state.account!.id}`, (_, update: Entity.Status) => {
commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/DirectMessages/appendTimeline', update, { root: true })
if (rootState.TimelineSpace.Contents.DirectMessages.heading && Math.random() > 0.8) {
commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/DirectMessages/archiveTimeline', {}, { root: true })
commit('TimelineSpace/SideMenu/changeUnreadDirectMessagesTimeline', true, { root: true })
win.ipcRenderer.on('delete-start-directmessages-streaming', (_, id: string) => {
win.ipcRenderer.on(`delete-direct-streamings-${state.account!.id}`, (_, id: string) => {
commit('TimelineSpace/Contents/DirectMessages/deleteToot', id, { root: true })