Academics on Mastodon ![Awesome](
This repository contains a collection of various lists of academics on Mastodon. These lists are curated by many awesome folks across various disciplines, so make sure to give them kudos as well! We expect the lists to be generated with the consent from the accounts listed. If lists are generated without consent, please let us know, so we can drop them.
Curated Account Lists
The following are curated lists of academic accounts on Mastodon, sorted by discipline. If you would like to start your own group, head over to the original repository, fork it, adapt it, and publish it. Then, make sure to add your list here by proposing a pull request!
- Archaeology (Form to add yourself)
- Asian Studies (Google Spreadsheet) (Form to add yourself)
- Astrophysics
- Bioinformatics
- Book History (BookHistodons) (Google Spreadsheet; Form to add yourself)
- Communication and Media Studies (Google Doc)
- Digital Humanities (Google Spreadsheet; Form to add yourself)
- Genealogy (Google Spreadsheet) (Form to add yourself)
- Geography
- History and Philosophy of Science
- History (Google Spreadsheet)
- Information Security (Google Spreadsheet) (Form to add yourself)
- Journalism (Google Spreadsheet)
- Law (Google Spreadsheet; Form to add yourself)
- Literary Studies (Google Spreadsheet)
- Medieval History (Medievodons) (Google Spreadsheet; Form to add yourself)
- Neuroscience
- Philosophers and Philosophy Teachers
- Political Scientists
- Psychology
- Qualitative Researchers (Google Spreadsheet) (Form to add yourself)
- Religion (Google Spreadsheet)
- Science and Technology Studies
- Sociology
- Technology Law & Policy (Spreadsheet)
There are also a few groups over on Mastodon that you can use to connect to fellow academics.
- (general chat about academic life)
- (academic working conditions)
- (cognitive psychology)
Contributions welcome! Feel free to add academic lists or new groups and submit a PR! Just make sure your additions are on topic. Feel free to reach out to us: and